I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1134: A-囡 is about to become an adult

Many stars in the entertainment industry have bought the album "Elegance and Popular Appreciation". In the circle, Jiang Siming actually has many fans.

[Weibo big V Hejiu]: My brother A Ming’s album "Elegant and Popular Appreciation" was released, and I didn’t ask him for it, so I didn’t grab it, ah! I regret it! Likes: 1555w+

[Weibo big V Tongya]: @禾久, I grabbed ten of them, hee hee, if you are willing to invite me to dinner, I will give you one. Likes: 988w+

[Weibo Big V Haibo]: This year has been the most memorable year since Xiying has been so long. Under the defeat, it was President Jiang’s song that gave me strength, especially "Night Sky"! Likes: 688w+

[Weibo big V Ouyang Na]: "Hoho! Freshly released, I snapped up the idol album "Elegance and Popular Appreciation". All the songs in it are my favorites, and there are two new songs, which are great!" :512w+

[Weibo Big V Wang Ou]: "Jiangshen has released an album. Although I am a fan of him, I can't stop me from buying his album. Hey, "Respect for Elegance and Vulgarity", awesome!" Likes: 500w+


With so many celebrities backing and free publicity, this album is hard to miss.

All parts of the country are out of stock, and half a million albums have fallen to the ground. There is no wave of waves. Instead, major distributors call to urge them to buy more albums.

This is the best selling album in the past ten years since 2010.

Huayi can only print it urgently and ask the production factory to work overtime, and try to print another one million sets before the new year.

Regarding the hot sale of his album, Jiang Siming, as the protagonist, is busy raising children at home.

Yes, the three children of A-囡, Ari, and Xiangxiang...

Jiang Siming is now surrounded by three little guys and can't go anywhere.

It was to blame when he came out of the alchemy room with a few pills in his hand and played for a while.

Who knows that the smell of the pill first attracted Ari, who pitifully grabbed his trouser legs and wanted to eat the pill.

Then Ah-囡 and Xiangxiang both came.

Jiang Siming couldn't laugh or cry, his pajamas were almost stripped off by them.

Jiang Siming had to hold the pill in one hand with his pants and the other.

"If you want to eat, let go of my pants first." Jiang Siming had to speak with a certain way.

The three little guys understood, and immediately let go.

Jiang Siming was playing tricks and wanted to flee, but he didn't expect them to hug Jiang Siming's thighs immediately, especially Xiangxiang was so heavy that it hung on the legs like a shot.

"Hey, I'm serving you, I can't give it to you."

Jiang Siming knew that he would not be able to go if he didn't give it today, so he could only pick and give them a pill for strengthening the body.

I don’t know if this pill can be eaten or not, will it become a macho...

After the three little guys got the pill, they all swallowed the pill immediately.

The little cheeks of Ari and A-Nan were bulging, and it took a little effort to swallow the pill.

Xiangxiang is powerful. The pill was put in its mouth and there was no movement at all, just like O'Neill's vision of drinking mineral water into an oral liquid.

After the three of them finished the pills, Xiangxiang fell to the ground and fell asleep for the first time.

Jiang Siming thought that there were side effects, so he hurried to see Xiangxiang, only to find that it could not bear the energy of the pill to digest in sleep, so he was relieved.

But Ali and A-Nan did nothing. After taking the pill, they were alive and kicking. The flames behind Ali's tail seemed to be brighter.

Ari's coat color is more snow-white, making people want to wear it even more.

The two little guys looked at Jiang Siming pitifully again, and wanted to ask for two more pills.

"No, I can only eat one, it's useless to pretend to be pitiful."

Jiang Siming said that he could no longer be soft-hearted. Although there are many pills now, they can't be so wasted. It is too extravagant to treat pets as snacks.

Ari and Ah-nan knew that they had not taken the pill, so they gave up. Anyway, they were addicted to eating one.

Jiang Siming went back to the house and rested. Ari went back to the garden, but Ah-Nan followed in. A flutter and entered Jiang Siming's arms, his head rubbed, and the kitten licked Jiang Siming's neck with his tongue.

It tickles Jiang Siming and smiles.

"Don't come to this set, you are almost licking the dog for the pill, you know." Jiang Siming scolded with a smile.

A-nan didn't care, and continued to rub Jiang Siming affectionately.

Jiang Siming felt a little strange, so he lowered his head and glanced at her, and suddenly realized that A-Nan's favorability for herself had reached 195!

There are five more...A-囡 can transform into a human form? ?

My goodness.

Jiang Siming said that he was really not ready.

So what kind of Yukawa-winged cat has evolved into Kuro Yukawa, what will it become?

Do you want to become a two-dimensional girl like Ram?

Don't, Ram has already let Lao Jiang run out of time, so many grandma, what are you doing...

Jiang Siming carefully looked at Ah-囡 in his arms, and vaguely saw the shadow of a beautiful cat ear lady...

When it's over, A-囡 may change into a human form at any time.

"Nanny, discuss something with you, when you can transform into human form, can you secretly change, don't be seen by your mothers, I'm afraid they will be scared."

Jiang Siming whispered to A-囡.

Ah Nuan glanced at Jiang Siming blankly, then looked down at herself, as if thinking about something.

Finally raised his head and nodded his kitten's head to agree.

Jiang Siming was relieved when he heard that, at least he would not scare his wives.

There are five points of favorability left, and I am coming soon. The cat ear lady that Jiang Siming just saw in his eyes seems to be... quite beautiful...

"Brother Jiang, is A-Nan in estrus? Why is it so sticky to you."

Jiang Lan came over with the book and was about to read it on the sofa, and noticed the little waves of A-Nan in Jiang Siming's arms~

Jiang Siming coughed twice. It was not in the estrus period, but in the near-transformation period.

"Isn't there any animals that come into heat in winter? They should just want to play with me." Jiang Siming explained.

Jiang Lan didn't have much doubt, as if she had remembered something, and asked, "Brother Jiang, what should I do with them during the New Year, is there anyone at home?"

Jiang Siming smiled and said: "It's okay, take it home, anyway, there are private jets, and it's not a problem to carry them."

"Will Xiangxiang take it home? Will there be any trouble."

After all, it is a national treasure. When you bring it back to Yunnan for the Chinese New Year, it is seen and posted online. It is estimated that it will attract criticism.

"What are you afraid of? I have a certificate and a statement from the Panda Pavilion. I plan to take Xiangxiang out for shopping in the future, Dora Feng."

Jiang Siming said indifferently, Jiang Lan covered her mouth and chuckled, but didn't worry about this matter.

Ah-囡 seems to know that Jiang Siming will take it with him during the Chinese New Year, and is even happier, rolling in Jiang Siming's arms~

Jiang Siming said: awsl...

Xiangxiang slept all afternoon and woke up. After waking up, Xiangxiang was full of energy. If it weren't for Jiang Siming's control, it would be demolished.

There are no side effects, and the physical fitness of the bear has been greatly improved in all aspects.

Jiang Siming wanted to think that the pill could also be used for pets.


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