I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1124: I have to add another pair of bowls and chopsticks

"Thank you, do you like this song?" Deng Qi asked the audience loudly.


The audience echoed, shouting more and singing again.

Deng Qi, who originally wanted to refuse, found that there were too many people shouting and couldn't overwhelm him.

The audience seemed to have an attitude of not stopping to sing again.

"Can you sing it again?" Deng Qi quietly removed the microphone and asked when he approached Jiang Siming.

"No problem, according to you." Jiang Siming agreed generously.

Deng Qi smiled sweetly, his unique goldfish mouth raised an uncontrollable happy smile.

"Okay, just listen to you! Let's sing it again~"

Deng Qi spoke, and the audience suddenly stopped making noise. It was too real.

The same melody sounded, and the two sang the song "A Side by Side" again.

Deng Qi's same dance, the same hug at the end of the song, the same turning off the lights, the same... stepping up again...

The two even sang "A Bridge of Fate" together at the end, which made the audience addicted.

The concert ended with good reviews, and the audience did not forget their happy comment when they left: the tickets are too worthwhile! Go back and tell XXX that they must be envious, hahaha.

The video of Deng Qi's Shanghai concert was quickly posted on the Internet, and it was praised by netizens for being Deng Qi's most successful concert.

Regardless of Jiang Siming's appearance and the new song, or Deng Qi's own state, it was the best time.

Many viewers who did not buy tickets were tearful and regretted not hitting the wall with their heads.

At the end of the concert, Deng Qi had changed back to his original cool clothes, waited until he had his cap buttoned on his sweater hat, and appeared with Jiang Siming at an inconspicuous barbecue stall in a Shanghai night market.

No one wants to get two popular singers, who will sneak up to the supper to eat in the middle of the night.

"Well, it's delicious! I haven't eaten barbecue in years."

Deng Qi's cheeks are bulging with small meat skewers in his mouth.

Jiang Siming asked with a smile: "Why don't you like to eat?"

"I am afraid of getting fat, and eating this is not good for my throat, so I dare not eat it."

After Deng Qi finished speaking, Jiang Siming remembered that Deng Qi seemed to be a lot fatter for a while, and he couldn't wear leather pants (covering his face).

"Have you taken my company's detox pill?" Jiang Siming asked.

Deng Qi nodded and said, "I have eaten it, but it's hard to buy, but after eating it is really useful. Do you think my skin has improved a lot recently?"

Jiang Siming nodded, not to mention that Deng Qi is much more beautiful than before. It turned out to be the credit of his Fuxi products.

"Detox pills also have a slight weight loss effect. Although not many, your physique is not easy to get fat. As long as you don't overeating, you will never get fat if you eat a little bit."

Jiang Siming explained.

"Really? Don't lie to me. If I get fat, you will be responsible."

After Deng Qi finished speaking, his face blushed. This was very ambiguous.

"Okay, as long as you get fat and no one wants you, come to me." Jiang Siming did not refuse.

Deng Qi's eyes suddenly turned into crescent shapes and he ate happily.

The two skewered on the street, and they left together after they were full.

Jiang Siming sent Deng Qi back to the hotel and went home to sleep.

Along the way, Deng Qi suddenly fell silent and stopped talking. He lowered his head and looked at his toes, walking slowly step by step.

Deng Qi finally spoke up until the door of Jiang Siming's Fuding Hotel.

"Boss... tell you something..."

Jiang Siming said happily, "I've called the boss, and what can I say? Wouldn't you ask me to pay you?"

Deng Qi gave him a small white look, then quickly lowered his head, his mouth was stubborn, and he was quietly nervous.

"On the stage today, I... kissed you, what do you... think?"

Without even thinking about it, Jiang Siming replied, "How else can I look at it? A big loss."

The expression on Deng Qi's face suddenly became flustered. She thought that Jiang Siming disliked her and didn't attack her because he endured it in front of so many audiences.

The little goldfish almost cried.

But the next sentence caught her off guard.

"If you lose a lot, you always take advantage, and I have to take it too."

After speaking, Jiang Siming held Deng Qi's face with both hands, and squeezed it badly, squeezing her little goldfish mouth completely.

Jiang Siming lowered his head again, and popped on it.

Deng Qi's brain suddenly burst into several question marks: Can you kiss me like this?

Deng Qi's mood was like a roller coaster. He thought that Jiang Siming had rejected him, but he didn't expect a big change of 360 degrees.

The two of them completed Jiang's counterattack just under the street lights in the park not far from the hotel.

It may also be because he had eaten too many kidneys and oysters just now, and Jiang Siming did not hold back his willpower to no longer find sisters at home.

Pulling Deng Qi into his hotel...

At dawn the next day, Jiang Siming opened his eyes, but Yi Ren had disappeared in his presidential suite.

Only the red evidence left proves what happened last night.

There are also some numbing WeChat messages sent from the bottom of the heart on the phone.

Jiang Siming got up and stretched, smiling bitterly, "It's over, I need another pair of chopsticks at home."

As soon as he got home, Jiang Siming explained the matter.

He didn't want to hide from his wives, so he was more generous and said that he found a woman outside. How about it?

The girls were used to it for a long time, but it was strange that Jiang Siming had only found them new sisters after so long.

In the past, two or three were added a month. This time Deng Qi joined at least two or three months later.

Sure enough, the company is too busy and my husband is too busy to find sisters for them. My husband has worked hard~

Tell me where to find these wives.

In the evening, Jiang Siming finally started broadcasting after a long absence.

But as soon as the broadcast started, many fans were shouting one thing.

That was the previous Weibo night voting.

Jiang Siming still tops the list, with more than 30 billion votes like a giant mountain, no one can surpass.

But the ranking behind is not what Jiang Siming imagined.

Before, he moved all the e-sports players, but now, the second place was originally a proud position of Jane.

But Wang Bo was squeezed down.

Wang Bo's votes have reached more than 300 million votes, and Jane Pride's votes have just reached 300 million.

You know, Jian proud not only has the extra support of Jiang Siming's fans, but also the support of countless LOL fans.

In this way, Wang Bo was squeezed down.

"Oh, it's really amazing, how did this person get his ticket?" Jiang Siming felt very strange.

Looking at the number of Weibo fans of the two, Jane has more than 4 million fans.

Wang Bo has more than 30 million fans.

It is ironic that a Weibo owner with more than 30 million Weibo and a Weibo owner with more than 4 million are on a par.

The moisture inside is self-evident.

Some fans told Jiang Siming that some people now spend money to swipe their tickets.

Although it is difficult to use money for the ticket this time, the price is still okay, which is equivalent to one ticket per ticket.

All of them were made by Wang Bo's fans in the rice circle. They must fight for second place.

Jiang Siming is happy, do you use money to swipe the ticket? He wanted to see how rich these rice circle kids are...


[Author's digression]: Fifth more! Add more +2! Not bad, isn't the sake pretty good too?

Hey, don't forget to vote, vote, vote, vote, and talk about important things three times.

At this time, don’t be whoring for nothing~ After this period, it’s not too late to be whoring for nothing~~~

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