I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1118: Often...

And after Xu Shu finished speaking, Guo Jia stood up again, the name of a ghost is not a boast.

On the list of counsellors, especially in the military field, Guo Jia recognizes the second, and no one dares to recognize the first.

It's a pity that Guo Jia hiccuped too early, and Zhuge Liang didn't do anything until he died.

Otherwise, if Guo Jia is alive, it is really hard to say whether Zhuge Liang is the world's first military division.

Although there is no guarantee that Guo Jia will surpass Zhuge Liang, the two are at least evenly matched.

Guo Jia added: "Yuanzhi's move can solve the siege of Gongsun Zan, but it will not benefit our army much. It is better to add a sum to Yuanzhi's strategy."

After Guo Jia finished speaking, he came to the military map in the chamber and pointed to the Hanzhong site: "Changan is only a hundred miles away from Hanzhong. If we can take the opportunity to win Hanzhong, my lord will have Yuzhou in the east, and advance in the south, and in the north. Wouldn’t it be fun to jump together, look at things together, end to end?"

The counsellors all looked at Hanzhong, and after a little consideration, they all brightened.

Yes, if Hanzhong can take it, they will have the greatest military initiative.

"Hanzhong is easy to defend and difficult to attack. We discussed it before, but now Feng Xiao says he wants to take it, how to take it?" Jiang Siming asked.

Guo Jia smiled confidently and said: "This time is not the other time. Although Zhang Lu has some abilities, he is too pedantic and content with the status quo. Otherwise, he will play a role in such a good site in Hanzhong, but he does not want to make progress. The tortoise is in Hanzhong."

"Furthermore, Zhang Lu transferred a new counselor six months ago, named Yang Song. This person has a very greedy personality, but Zhang Lu let him go and regard him as a military adviser."

Guo Jia paused, and then said: "Xia Xia believes that it is the best time to take Hanzhong now. First, the lord can send a man who can speak and behave to persuade Zhang Lu, and second, the other side will secretly send someone to bribe Yang Song. "

"If you can directly persuade Zhang Lu to surrender, it would be great. If Zhang Lu doesn't listen, you can let Yang Song open the gate of Hanzhong, and our army will come to the city again! It happened that our army was sent to the north, and Zhang Lu never expected that we would do anything against him. In this way, Hanzhong must be my lord!"

This general explanation stunned everyone.

Even Jiang Siming couldn't help applauding. Although he had a high IQ, he was not good at strategy.

Such matters have to be left to professionals.

Guo Jia is obviously a professional among professionals.

In just a few words, I think about the strategy.

"Why should I persuade Zhang Lu?" Jiang Siming asked.

Xun Yu smiled and said: "I recommend Xiaozhi. His eloquence is as brilliant as Chen Qun's writing style. He is like a galaxy, and Xiaozhi is originally from Hanzhong, so he can't go there."

Everyone also agrees.

But Fazheng himself stood up and said, "Lord, I had been an official under Zhang Lu for a year before he came down. It would be inconvenient to go."

Fa was afraid that Jiang Siming would suspect that he would surrender to the old master, after all, he used to be under Zhang Lu.

He was afraid that Jiang Siming would be suspicious.

But Jiang Siming laughed and said, "What about this, the truth is that you always use people without doubt, you don’t need to be suspicious, you are filial and straightforward, you just go, no matter what the result is, the truth will not blame you, let alone Will jealous of you."

After listening to the Fa Zheng, he was deeply moved, changed his words decisively, and accepted the difficult task of persuading Zhang Lu.

The plan has been worked out, and the next step is to arrange it.

Gao Lan and Zhang Chen each led an army, one attacking Xuchang and one attacking Bingzhou.

Chang'an, which hasn't moved for a long time, is finally about to move.

Jiang Siming remained in Chang'an and did not move.

But his Xuan Jia army was already ready at any time.

But for the time being, we still need to wait for the Fazheng to lobby and wait for Yang Song to be bribed.

It was Gao Lan and Zhang Yun on the other two sides. Yuan Shao and Cao Cao had to hurriedly retreat to their base camp because of their surrounding Wei and Zhao Zhao.

Gongsun Zan was able to preserve his territory and safety.

To this end, he specially sent his general to **** a large pile of gold and silver and thousands of horses to Jiang Siming as a gift.

"Guo Junshi, when can I see the prime minister? My lord called us to come over to let me thank the prime minister on his behalf."

Gongsun Zan's general Yan Gang asked Guo Jia. He was followed by a young general in white robe. He was eight feet long, with thick eyebrows, big eyes, broad face, and a handsome skin. He was holding a bright white spear and was majestic.

Guo Jia didn't pay attention at first, but smiled and said to Gongsun Zan: "General Yan, don't worry, my lord has gone hunting today and will be back at noon. He also told me to let me entertain General Yan."

"That's good, thank you Army Master Guo." Yan Gang was relieved after hearing this.

Guo Jia saw the young general behind Yan Gang and asked casually, "General Yan, who is this?"

"Oh, this is Captain Lieutenant."

After Yan Gang finished speaking, the young white-robed general took the initiative to stand up, clasped his fist towards Guo Jia and said: "In Xia Chang..."

The young man hadn’t finished speaking, suddenly the world stopped...

Jiang Siming, quit the game, oh no, he quit the copy.

This is not to blame him, it was Zhao Xiaoxiao who woke him up.

He had already seen a sika deer about to shoot a deer with an arrow, thinking that the sika deer protected animals in modern society.

But in this ancient time, no one cares about that, that venison is a good game, hehe.

Zhao Xiaoxiao was awakened just as soon as he took the arrow.

Opening his eyes, Zhao Xiaoxiao looked at him grinningly, holding his hair in his hand and still digging out Jiang Siming's ears.

Jiang Siming was about to grab her hand and patted her Pippi twice angrily.

"Who made you disturb your dad to sleep?"

Zhao Xiaoxiao yelled, "I was kind enough to wake you up, have you forgotten what day is today?"

Jiang Siming was startled, then he patted his thigh.

"Yo! I almost forgot, I have to pick up my sister!"

Jiang Siming almost overslept and forgot about the big event.

My father called him a few days ago, saying that it was his younger sister who was on winter vacation and wanted to come to Shanghai for two days, and by the way, he would buy some New Year goods to go home.

Why did I forget this one.

"Thank you for my little cuteness~" Jiang Siming quickly admitted her mistake and helped her up from her body.

Who would have thought that this girl was still reluctant to get up, but she couldn't get up in his arms.

"Why are you wrong, don't you have any points?"

Zhao Xiaoxiao pouted at Jiang Siming after finishing talking.

Jiang Siming's face turned black and said, "This is the trick your mothers used to me."

"I know, I learned it secretly, what happened~"

Jiang Siming had no choice but to take a sip on her cheek.

Who knew that this girl was still not satisfied, she forced a mouthful on Jiang Siming's mouth, and then bounced off.

"I'm really..." Jiang Siming feels that this girl is now more and more out of his control... Development is also...


[Author's digression]: The third update~ Today is the first day of the silver ticket contest. I believe many friends have stored a lot of silver tickets, please vote for sake~

Let’s do this, don’t rectify the false ones, as long as the eighth silver ticket contest ends.

No matter what ranking the sake gets, ten more chapters will be added!

Of course, the sake has not been saved, and it is obviously impossible to do ten chapters a day, and the quality must be guaranteed.

It's okay, the sake will try to add more changes every day, until the owed ten changes are added.

But I still hope everyone can vote more. Sake really wants a good ranking.

In this way, Sake knows that his hard work has not been in vain, and knows that many book fans are supporting it. This is also Sake's willingness to add more motivation to everyone!

Not much to say, thank you everyone!

Let's not say much today, let's talk about it! Ok! I hope everyone will enjoy it!

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