I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1106: My wife is still missing~

Wang Yuan was appointed as the queen by Jiang Siming, of course, before the decision, the remaining hundred officials are still hopeful.

Fu Zhan Mansion.

This is the last palace minister's mansion with a daughter who has not yet come out of the cabinet.

Fushou is also the queen of Liu Xie in history.

However, Jiang Siming found that Fu Shou was completely unlike a normal woman, although he pretended to be quiet when he saw him.

But Jiang Siming could tell from her movements and eyes at a glance, that this is a practicer.

"Fuzhan, has your daughter practiced martial arts?"

Fu Zhan was taken aback when he heard it, and he hurriedly explained: "Yes, Shou'er did learn a bit of martial arts before..."

"Then you still want her to be a queen, do you want to murder your majesty?" Jiang Siming asked with a smile.

Fu Zhan's spirits and gods all flew, and hurriedly knelt to the ground, shouting injustice: "The old minister has absolutely no intention of this, Prime Minister, please give the Prime Minister a lesson!"

Fushou, who had not spoken all the time, got up suddenly, stared at Jiang Siming with big eyes, and scolded: "My father is loyal to your majesty. How could he murder your majesty? I just loved martial arts since I was a child. Don't spit on people."

"Shou'er, be careful!" Fu Zhan hurriedly stopped.

Fushou said in dissatisfaction: "Father, it was originally. This prime minister clearly wronged you. The big deal is that I'm not a queen, so what's the deal?"

Fu Zhan didn't know what to say for a while.

Jiang Siming looked at Fushou with great interest and said, "Do you know who I am? Talking to me like this, do you think your father can protect you?"

Fushou angrily said: "I know you are the prime minister, but if you deliberately want to wrong my father, I will never end Fushou with you!"

"Oh? How do you want to end up with me? Just rely on your three-legged cat skills?" Jiang Siming laughed.

Fu Shou felt that Jiang Siming looked down on her very much, and he immediately froze: "Then you dare to discuss with me!"

"My lord doesn't bother to discuss with a yellow-haired girl, come to me if you want to fight!"

Dian Wei stood up from behind Jiang Siming.

Fushou ignored Jiang Siming and mocked: "Is the dignified prime minister afraid of me, a little girl?"

Jiang Siming is happy. It's really rare. There are many such girls in modern times.

But in ancient times thousands of years ago, it was really rare.

Jiang Siming only remembers Hua Mulan and Sima Yi's wife.

Unexpectedly, the Queen Fu in history also has this kind of personality, hot little pepper.

"Dian Wei, step back." Jiang Siming beckoned, Dian Wei obediently backed away.

"Do you want to learn from me? There must be a bet, right?" Jiang Siming asked.

"Well, the bet is, if I win, you must apologize to my father, and you can no longer embarrass my family."

"Then what if you lose?"

"If I lose, let me deal with it!"

After Fu Shou finished speaking, he set up his fan fist and rushed over to teach Jiang Siming a lesson.

Jiang Siming stood motionless on the spot, letting Fushou's fist hit him.

Fushou saw that Jiang Siming hadn't been hiding, and he was delighted, thinking that Jiang Siming was not prepared, and he would be able to act first.

But in the next second, Fushou flew out with his whole body.

Shocked and afraid that Fu Shou was about to hit the ground, scared her to close her eyes tightly, and said that she would be disfigured if she was incapable.


Fushou found that he seemed to have fallen into a warm arm, and it didn't hurt at all.

When I opened my eyes, I saw Jiang Siming looking down at her condescendingly with a smile.

Fu Shou realized that he was saved by Jiang Siming.

He hurriedly emerged from Jiang Siming's arms.

"Do you want to fight?" Jiang Siming asked her with a smile.

Fushou didn't speak, she was coquettish, but not stupid, where was she Jiang Siming's opponent.

"I lost, you put me in jail! But you can't implicate my Fujia, this matter has nothing to do with them." Fushou dared to act.

How could Fu Zhan see that his daughter was arrested and sent to jail, and he hurriedly came over to apologize to Jiang Siming.

Jiang Siming laughed loudly, patted Fu Zhan on the shoulder, and said: "When did the truth say that he would embarrass your Fu family? Okay, your daughter is really not suitable to be a queen, so I won’t bother you, Dian Wei, go."

After speaking, Jiang Siming turned and left. Fu Zhan let out a sigh of relief, saying that the position of the queen no longer thought about it, and he almost offended the prime minister because of this.

Fushou watched Jiang Siming leave like this, and he was a little stunned. The person he obviously hated had already left. Why did he feel unhappy?

"Shou'er, you must not be so reckless in the future, simply be generous, otherwise my Fu family will usher in a disaster!" Fu Zhan taught.

Fu Shou sullenly agreed, and turned his head back to his yard.


At this point, Jiang Siming, the daughter of all the hundred officials, had read it all, and just when he was about to announce that the queen candidate was Wang Yuan, he realized that he had been in the Three Kingdoms for more than a month.

I slipped away, and my wives thought I was squeezed out.

After exiting the copy, Jiang Siming got up from the bed and stretched out comfortably. It was already ten o'clock in the morning outside.

Oh, it seems to be late...I don't know if there is still breakfast.

When I went downstairs, I found that there was no one at home.

Zhao Xiaoxiao is playing a VR game, and Ah-nan and Ah-ri are sitting on the sofa like bodyguards watching.

The two little pets finally didn't respond as much as they did at the beginning, but at best they could only control the fight.

Xinyi reads in the yard, and she has to stay in school for two years if she succeeds in the postgraduate entrance examination.

Zhirou was practicing piano upstairs, and no one else was there.

Hundred Billion and the Qi family sisters have both gone to work with the group. Yingzi, Liang Tian and Jiang Lan were all fine, so they all went to help.

Ishihara and Lin Yuner went to Huayi to record new songs. Jiang Siming gave each of them a new song yesterday, a Japanese song and a Korean song.

The two took it as a treasure and went to practice singing.

Reba also went to record the last two issues of chicken strips.

With so few people in the family, Jiang Siming felt a little empty.

After eating the breakfast his wives had left for him, Jiang Siming thought for a long time, and finally sighed: "It seems... or there are too few wives..."


After breakfast, Jiang Siming drove to Huayi.

See how my two wives record their songs.

With Jiang Siming's "Mingmian Zhenggong" Lin Yuner, the people of Huayi were so kind to them that they couldn't be more kind.

When Jiang Siming came to the recording studio of the Music Department, the two were in their respective luxurious recording studios and were practicing singing seriously.

The two most luxurious recording studios in the Shanghai Huayi branch were occupied by both of them.

This was a normal thing, but when Jiang Siming passed by, he found that someone was arguing with the person in charge outside the recording room.

"We are going to hit the charts tonight. We need these two recording studios urgently. Can we let them come out?"

"Sorry, didn't you see it? This is our lady boss, do you think you can?"

"Then she, isn't there another one? Hurry up, it's a loss to the company that delayed my ranking!"


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