I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1062: Weibo Night Person of the Year!

The next day, after the wives in the family woke up, they found a beautiful fox in the house. They were all very surprised.

Jiang Siming explained that the fox sneaked in last night by chance, so he kept it as a pet.

No matter what he said, the wives would not doubt it.

Ari was shocked by the number of mistresses in the family. She thought there was only one mistress, but it looks good when she got up today, so many!

Damn, scumbag!

Jiang Siming didn't know what Ari was thinking, but the kindness and love of the hostesses quickly made Ari put his guard on them.

However, Ah Li still can't get close to humans like Ah Nu. He is still arrogant and at most only allows female protagonists to touch him.

As for holding it, only Jiang Siming has this privilege for the time being.

"Onixan~ What does Ari eat?"

Ishihara Rimi likes Ahri the most, because they are full of fox legends in Japan.

Therefore, since I was young, I am most interested in foxes.

"I know this. It's not picky eaters. It's about the same as A-Yan. You can eat everything except cat food."

Jiang Siming tried it yesterday. Ari is not interested in cat food. He probably knows that A-Nan eats this food, so he is determined not to touch it.

But if you feed it meat and vegetables, it is willing to eat it, and the cooked ones are preferred.

"Oh oh, then I will go to the kitchen to make breakfast now, and we will cook more of Ari's in the future~"

After Ahri entered the house, he had eaten the love given to him by the hostess, licking his mouth with satisfaction, and then rubbed his tail on each hostess's leg one by one to express his gratitude.

After that, he went back to the garden and stayed. Ah Li has such a character. He likes to be quiet. He only appears when he is eating.

It was the same for the next few days, and the hostess also understood Ari's character and habits, and didn't bother him much.

And he made a great nest for it and set it up in the garden, which Ari liked very much.

There is a new member in the family, who is still a fox, which makes the family life more colorful.

In the past few days, Jiang Siming went to the dungeon every night, and every time he went, he would lead the Xuan Jia army to attack Yuan Shu's territory.

So far, half of his territory has been destroyed, and Yuan Shu's "pseudo emperor" days are coming to an end.

Today Jiang Siming did not go to the copy for the time being, but chose to play the game live at home.

"My job" has been lost for several days. If you stop playing games, it is estimated that many football fans will start to show hope again.

I thought Jiang Siming didn't like games but football instead.

Although Jiang Siming said publicly that he would not participate in the Football Association and the National Football Association, the people of the Football Association still did not give up.

I went to Yinghuan Building to find Jiang Siming three times. The first two times Jiang Siming was quite polite and couldn't say anything.

But for the third time, Jiang Siming directly told the security guard not to let them in. I don't know how to pay them back.

In addition to these, the latest episode of RM is also on the air in Korea, which is the one in which Jiang Siming participated.

After the broadcast, Jiang Siming became even more popular in Korea, with countless fans.

And Jiang Siming also discovered that he didn't know how to do it, and the fans seemed to be increasing.

Once in Madrid, Jiang Lan told him that his Weibo followers have soared by 40 million!

It only rose by 20 million during the Men's Basketball World Cup, when he won the championship.

This is just a Champions League game, but it has gained 40 million fans.

It can be seen that football is indeed the number one sport.

He now has a scary number of followers on Weibo.

[Follow]: 15 (here refers to this number following other people)

[Fans]: 87755930 (here refers to other people's attention to this number)

【Weibo】: 30 entries

Jiang Lan is now in charge of this Weibo, but she is only responsible for occasionally posting Weibo for Jiang Siming, daily or game events.

Fans grew by himself. Weibo, which originally had only more than 40 million, soared to more than 80 million. With the addition of domestic RM fans, his number of fans was almost over 100 million.

Hua Xia only has Mr. He alone and has a fan exceeding 100 million. It hasn't been a few months since Jiang Siming opened Weibo, and he is catching up.

Currently Jiang Siming's Weibo fans rank 9th.

It just so happened that Sina was in the event of Weibo Night, and voted for the best character of the year.

With 2.6 billion votes, Jiang Siming firmly occupies the first place in the annual figure.

The ranking is as follows:

NO.1: Jiang Siming, the current number of votes: 2611457841

NO.2: Wang Bo, the current number of votes: 15445724

NO.3: Xiao Zhan, the current number of votes: 9114572

NO.4: Zhu Long, the current number of votes: 8441666


Except for Jiang Siming's 2.6 billion votes, the others are some of the meat stars of the current hit drama.

The reason why Jiang Siming's votes are so high is because of his huge number of fans, and the rule of Weibo Night is that everyone can cast ten votes every day.

Until the end of the event, it is normal for Jiang Siming's fans to vote every day, with so many votes.

However, with the exception of his e-sports player, the rankings behind are all fans.

To be reasonable, the votes below are basically those of the voter in the rice circle.

Fanquan is the fan group. The fan group is called ‘fan’, and the circle they form is called Fanquan.

Fan circle is similar to the previous star chasing group, but now the fan group is more useful.

Fan circle is the fan economy, buying peripherals for idols, renting advertising space and voting, etc.

People who are keen on the meal circle are basically teenagers or students.

Voting for fans is basically the only person who is so passionate and hardworking.

Of course, this is not derogatory. Everyone did it when they were young.

The fans of the old drama bones are the post-90s or even the post-80s 70s. Everyone has a job and a career, and they are not as crazy as they used to be.

This also led to the fact that many first-line stars did not appear on it, because fans are busy with their lives and have no time to take care of them.

At the beginning, when the post-90s generation was still young, there were no seats for Hu Ge, Principal Gu, Yanzu and others in the voting.

It's a pity, their fans have grown up and they are all old.

This new thing is still the most useful for young people.

In this regard, Jiang Siming is still the first, which is enough to show how huge his fan base is.

But if you say that people in your restaurant circle vote, you will vote, and your idol will be ranked.

But there are always some brain-deads in the rice circle, of course, just a case.

Come out and scream.

Not long after the launch of the Weibo Night event recently, a Weibo from a well-known artist in the fan circle’s top fan blogger posted an unpleasant message.

She claims that the idol she supports is the best, and she despises other stars, let alone e-sports.

Because Jiang Siming has always claimed that she is an e-sports player rather than a star, and has robbed her idol first.

So she directly fired the map gun, saying that Jiang Siming's votes were all cast by fans from other quarters.

If he was just a fan of e-sports, he would not even be able to enter the rankings.

The implication is that e-sports players are not equipped with rankings and do not rank.

This remark was also supported by many fans in the fan circle, and it happened that Jiang Siming also saw it.

So besides playing games today, he still has something to do...

[Author's digression]: The third more has been passed~ Dear friends, look at the sake of your hard work during the period of sake, vote for the silver ticket, the higher the silver ticket ranking, the more rewards for the sake. Rice~

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