I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1035: The beauty of the world is linked to you

The superb singing skills make people feel that Jiang Siming is not singing, but rather like ‘carving’ a work of art with his singing skills.

This feeling can only be found in those very few heavenly kings.

Many fans and professional musicians say that Jiang Siming is a goddess who is delayed by games and business.

If he is buried in the music world with all his heart, within three years, his achievements will be limitless.

It's a pity... he was delayed by games and business.

Emm...but think about other people's achievements in games and business...it seems to be higher than in music.

Besides, people’s freedom is beyond their control.

"It's delicious in the throat

Why do tears occasionally fall

Invite you to take a closer look at the gap in your heart

Tenderness remains in the cracks


The live broadcast room was extremely quiet, and the number of barrage was reduced by more than half.

No one wants to waste energy on the bullet screen, just want to listen to the song, taste, and taste it carefully.

In the Swedish Royal Palace, Princess Nancy was sitting in the garden with other royal members and enjoying afternoon tea.

But the phone on the coffee table suddenly jumped, and a vibration message came.

Nancy took a look, then her beautiful eyes widened, and immediately got up from the chair, the royal snack just on her lips was not fragrant.

"Cousin, brother, sister-in-law, I won't eat anymore, if I have something to do, I will go back first~"

Nancy left after speaking, leaving behind a bunch of family members. Look at me and I look at you.

Nancy returned to her bedroom and quickly turned on her mobile phone. There was an APP from Huaxia Company, Mouyu.

She found this thing after searching over the wall for a long time. After finding it, it took her a long time to find Jiang Siming's live broadcast room.

Nancy knows that Jiang Siming's live broadcast is generally broadcasted more on the platform of his country, but Twitch only broadcasts it occasionally.

That's why she went to find this app.

In his attention column, there is only one attention in room 99999.

At this time, the room is no longer dark, but lit, which means that the other party is broadcasting live.

As soon as Nancy entered, she happened to see Jiang Siming singing, and she stared at the screen reluctantly.

Also connect the phone to the projector in the bedroom and audiophile-level speakers.

Soon, the room was full of Jiang Siming's singing and piano.

Nancy looked at the projector, Jiang Siming played and sang quietly, remembering the first encounter with Jiang Siming in Paris.

Although it is very short, Jiang Siming always keeps a shadow in Nancy's heart, a shadow that can always appear in various occasions and even in dreams.

"Jiang, you may have forgotten me..."

Nancy thought unconfidently.

She doesn't actually know what her feelings for Jiang Siming are, is it love?

She didn't think so, at least not to that extent.

like? It doesn't seem to count.

They never realized that getting along was only an hour or two.

The confused Nancy began to open her portable notebook, which showed the royal family's itinerary for the next year.

And next spring, there is an itinerary that Nancy focused on with a pen.

"On May 5th, most of the royal family members will accompany the king to visit China for diplomacy."

This itinerary was drawn down by Nancy, she had the final say, there is still a long time before that day...

"Jiang, I hope I can see you that day."


On Jiang Siming's side, the voice is still singing.

At this time the chorus part came, stunning the audience.

"At this time, the one who has long loved is on the way

I know she won't appreciate her at dusk

I cross the sea just to embrace you

At this time, Haoyue is the one who loves holding stars

I know she rides the wind and waves to the darkness

I feel the same feeling for your redemption..."

The sudden acceleration of the chorus part, as well as the wonderful rhythm and lyrics, made this song a "new favorite" in everyone's ears.

"Knowing that you can't make you feel

Let the stars add a little rainbow

Let Sakura secretly kiss your forehead

Let the world be beautiful, linked to you..."

After a song is sung, the barrage is covered by the word [good to hear].

The prelude is sad and light, and the chorus is light and refreshing.

The combination of two completely different styles, coupled with such romantic lyrics, is really a treat.

Watching netizens send countless light sticks, as well as snowflake-like gifts, rockets, airplanes, spaceships and so on.

This is also the "scene" that Jiang Siming will have every time he sings a new song.

"Okay, can the younger one step back?" Jiang Siming asked weirdly towards the live broadcast room.

"Get out!"

"Xiao Mingzi can withdraw."

"I got it."

"Comfortable, I can leave you."

"Go pay for the government's food, I have to find the main UP video."

"Wait, I haven't said the title of the song yet."


Jiang Siming replied: "The title of the song is "The Beauty of the World Is Connected with You". That's it. It's so hot~"

After speaking, Jiang Siming shut down the broadcast. Not long after shutting down the broadcast, he walked into his study quietly with Tuantuan.

"What are you doing? Didn't you say you can go to the bedroom to wash the fragrance and wait for me?" Jiang Siming said to the two of them.

The two women's faces were flushed immediately, and they said shyly: "We want to listen to the song just now again."

"No, it's easy to take care of me." Jiang Siming took it for granted and refused.

The two women walked over immediately, holding Jiang Siming's arms on the left and right, and acting like a baby. Brother Obama, his husband or something, called flying.

"Or else, you sing it again, and I'll be dumbfounded for a while..." Tuantuan gave Jiang Siming's'killer's key' in his ear.

When Jiang Siming heard, I'll go, it's very tempting, let's do it!

After singing another happily, the two nizi's careful wishes were fulfilled.

Then, they will make'efforts' to satisfy Jiang Siming's prudent wishes.

This night... long and charming...

The plot is self-sufficient, the plot is brain-edited, self-sufficient, well-fed, Ouye.

A few more days passed, and the days when the new year was approaching were getting closer.

However, at this time, there was a news that excited all the RM fans in China.

All members of RM will come to China to record a program.

RM has been to Huaxia several times before, but it has been two or three years since now.

That was when the domestic runners were on the rise, when runners and RM recorded a show together.

It's a pity that RM is still one of the most popular variety shows in the world for so many years. The runners are basically cool.

This time I came to China, and the recording location was in China Magic Capital!

And RM solemnly dispatched the chief director of the program group to personally come to China to invite Jiang Siming to participate in this recording.

Because it was not only the last time that Jiang Siming helped Ji Hyo against RM on the roadside, he won the love of many Korean audiences.

It's even more because "My Love from the Star" has become popular in Korea recently. Du Minjun, played by Jiang Siming, is a mess among Korean female fans.

As for how hot it is? ?

It is said to be almost equal to the popularity of Hong Kong movie stars in Korea.


[Author's digression]: The update has been completed!

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