I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1018: Do good things and don't like to leave a name

"Didn't you say it was the first time to steal money?" Jiang Siming asked with a smile.

The girl was once again ‘betrayed’ by the little girl’s innocence, but she had to confess.

"I admit I lied to you. It's not the first time I stole money, but it's true that we want to save people. If you don't believe me, I can take you to the hospital."

Under Jiang Siming's question, the girl finally said everything.

It turned out that the girl’s parents were the director of an orphanage in Shanghai, but the parents fell ill and died, leaving an orphanage for the girl to take care of.

The girl thought about seeking ZF relief, but the relief was barely enough for the orphanage to function normally.

There was a little girl in the hospital who was seriously ill and needed a lot of money. The girl went around asking for help, but the money she raised was still in vain.

In the end, he had no choice but to embark on the path of crime.

"As long as Yueyue's disease is cured, we will never steal money again,"

Girl like Jiang Siming promised.

"So let you go this time, are you still stealing money?" Jiang Siming stared.

The girl shrank her neck and said, "What can I do without stealing money?"

Jiang Siming sighed, found a business card from his wallet and handed it to the girl.

"Take the seriously ill child to this hospital, and when you go, you will ask Dean Zhang and she will help you."

The girl took the business card in confusion. It was the card of Zhang Changlan, Dean of Heng'ai Hospital. Jiang Siming saw Zhang Changlan for the first time and almost forgot it in her wallet.

"Are you the head of the hospital?"

Jiang Siming's face turned dark, and he said with no good air: "Did you see the gender on the card, female."

"The director of the hospital knows me very well, so I'll know when I go."

The girl was dubious, but now there is only this way.

"What is your name? If Yueyue's disease can be cured, I will definitely repay you in the future."

"Lei Feng."

"You are so old-fashioned, what about cheating children?"

"I never like to leave a name for good deeds, so hurry up, otherwise I'll regret it." Jiang Siming left her hand, and Jenna was about to arrive in a while, and he had no time to spend here.

The girl was really a little scared when she heard Jiang Siming said she regretted it, so she hurriedly pulled the little girl to leave.

Jiang Siming stopped her again.

"What's wrong? You won't really regret it?" the girl warned.

Jiang Siming was speechless, and silently took out all the cash in his wallet, only a few thousand yuan.

He handed her the cash and said: "If you have no money, take these to the top, and quickly go to Heng Ai to find someone. Don't steal money in the future. Who will be taken care of by the children in your orphanage."

The girl took the wad of money by mistake for two seconds in a daze.

"I know, I will never steal again." The girl collected the money, and a touch of emotion flashed in her eyes.

"Big brother, thank you, Xiao Guoer will definitely repay you when he grows up." The little girl also thanked Jiang Siming.

Jiang Siming really liked this well-behaved, sensible and cute little girl. He squeezed her little face and said, "Okay, just wait for you to repay me later, OK?"

"Yeah!" The little girl nodded vigorously.

Jiang Siming stopped staying, turned around and left.

The girl looked at Jiang Siming's leaving back, and muttered: "Why look familiar, just can't remember who it is..."

"Who is Yu Fei sister?"

"It's okay, let's go back to the hospital quickly."

"Do you give Xiao Yueyue money for treatment?"

"No, we are transferred to Yueyue!"


After a little farce, Jiang Siming left the matter behind his head, and hadn't forgotten to call Zhang Changlan to inform him in advance.

Before long, Jenna's figure really appeared at the airport.

After seeing Jiang Siming, Lin Zhenna flew into Jiang Siming's arms like a baby bird returning home.

"Ouba~ I miss you~"

Lin Zhenna acted like a baby with Jiang Siming in a Chinese accent that had improved a lot.

Jiang Siming petted her head and said with a smile: "I miss you too. I'm here this time, so don't you want to leave?"

"Um~ I won't leave, I will live in China in the future." Lin Zhenna smiled, sweet and happy.

"By the way, Sister Zhixiao said that she will also come to China in a while."

"Really, that's great, aren't you three sisters together again?" Jiang Siming was naturally happy when he heard this.

Lin Zhenna smiled embarrassedly and said: "Sister Zhixiao seems to say that their RM is coming to China to record a program, so they can stay in China for a few days. I don't know the specific time. It depends on the company's arrangements."

"Okay, tell her to wait for her, go, go home, and meet your sisters and sisters."

Jiang Siming smiled and hugged Lin Zhenna's surprisingly elastic waist, still a familiar touch, and he couldn't bear to let go.

Lin Zhenna started to panic when she heard that she was going to see the "sister". After all, she hadn't seen it.

I heard from Yoona, there are many sisters...

Bringing Lin Zhenna back to the manor, the girls in the family welcomed this new sister who had already been known.

She exclaimed at Jenna's face and figure, but it wasn't that they had a bad figure.

It's just that the ratio of Lin Zhenna's appearance to her figure is too perfect, no wonder she was selected for the most beautiful magazine.

In less than a day, Lin Zhenna joined the big family. The eldest sister was short and the eldest sister was happier than anyone else.

At first, Yoona thought that Jenna would be a little strange when she first came, but she didn't expect to worry about it...

At night, everyone knows everything.

Lin Zhenna, who hadn't seen each other for a long time, was tossed by Jiang Siming, and finally fell asleep.

And Jiang Siming did not go to find other wives to disturb them sleep, but closed his eyes and waited for the arrival of the new copy.

"The random dungeon world is about to open, 5, 4, 3... successfully opened!"

"Random dungeon world: historical..."Three Kingdoms World", you can choose your identity to enter at any time."

I go!

Jiang Siming didn't expect this copy to span such a large span, and the zombie world in front of it would become the Three Kingdoms now.

At the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, it was divided into three countries.

The story of the Three Kingdoms, it is estimated that anyone in China has heard a little.

However, it is also good to go to the Three Kingdoms to see those celebrities who have been through the ages.

Besides, as long as it is not the kind of fantasy copy that is beyond his control.

What is he afraid of in the Three Kingdoms? Is it possible to be afraid that Lu Bu would kill him with a halberd?

Jiang Siming jumped to the identity to choose a piece.

"[Refugees][Soldiers][Scribes][Random Nobles]"

With four identities, Jiang Siming is a little interested in this random nobleman, so I chose it!

"Choose a random nobleman, random...Congratulations on becoming Cai Yong's closed disciple."

Ok? Is this a noble?

However, Cai Yong's closed disciple can indeed be regarded as famous.

Immediately after Jiang Siming's eyes went dark, the picture turned, and he appeared in an antique house.

In the yard, an old man with white hair sat in front and talked about lectures.

Below is a group of young scribes listening tirelessly.

Jiang Siming was among them.

"Si Ming, why are you distracted?"

The old man noticed Jiang Siming looking around, stopped the lecture, and said dissatisfied.


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