I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1003: So dirty and good picture

"Mr. Jiang, you are misunderstood. How could I throw the pot to him? It was all made up by netizens indiscriminately.

Seeing the eldest son and the eldest son of the world, Sa Anchor, who dared to say anything and was not afraid of anything, screamed. He Jiu and they all laughed aside for their misfortune.

Calling you Tiantianpi, telling you to pretend to beep, now why don’t you continue to pretend in front of Jiang Siming?

When I first recorded the show with Mr. Ma, Mr. Ma was talking next to him, but Ms. Sa had to endure to laugh.

Now Jiang Siming even has more money than President Ma, so you dare not say anything.

Jiang Siming also teased him and said with a smile: "I'm making a joke with you, just ask, let the detective."

"Good~" Host Sa re-entered the role after hearing this, and asked Jiang Siming seriously: "Do you know what happened to your company?"

"I know that in a ground aviation accident, the plane hit the shuttle bus after landing, resulting in the death of the shuttle bus driver."

Jiang Siming answered Mr. Sa's questions skillfully.

"Then what were you doing?"

"I'm on this flight."

"Oh, did you take this flight?"


"Why are you taking this flight? For what purpose or simply traveling or going home or something."

"It's not easy to say, but I did take this flight out of my own pocket."

"But as a company executive, you can take a free flight, right?" Host Sa asked suspiciously.

Jiang Siming said angrily: "I know, but I don't, I have to pay."

Sa host: "..."

Is it always tiring to talk to rich people?

The last one is not interested in money, this one is free, I know, but I just want to pay.

Everyone covered their mouths with joy.

Everyone is sitting in the conference room for now.

Host Sa briefly sorted out today's characters.

"Foster He is today's co-pilot, Xiao Bai is today's flight attendant, Guigui is today's maintenance man, Wang Ou is today's flight attendant, and Jiang is always today's passenger."

"But does everyone think that today is just an aviation accident? No, besides this accident, there is another major event, that is, Captain Zhen died in an accident, beside the shuttle bus, so today's accident also involved another murder. "

"Who can tell me the details of the flight accident today?"

After host Sa’s question, Hejiu began to introduce: "Our flight today took off from Malanshan Airport at 10 am and landed at Gaoqiao Airport at 11:30. After taking off, we received a notice from the tower that the weather today is not Okay, we need to return. We returned to Malanshan Airport at 11 o'clock."

This kind of long storytelling is more difficult for other guests, and professionals like Mr. He have to come.

"Then we were forced to return. When we returned, I wanted to show you a kisslanding (super soft landing), which is the most perfect soft landing, so that everyone can feel my technology, and then I..."

"Wait, you said that you are the co-pilot. The chief pilot is generally responsible for the flight of the aircraft. The co-pilot is only in coordination. Unless the captain has special circumstances, what happened at that time and why did you operate it?"

Host Sa caught a key point and interrupted He Jiu's narration.

He Jiu paused for a while, maybe he didn't expect Anchor Sa to ask this suddenly, but he immediately responded with a quick response.

"Because he values ​​me."


Everyone has the urge to eat rice, and the black question mark face.

Jiang Siming smiled and said: "The captain is in charge of landing, and he is in charge of Captain Kiss, or Kisslanding for short."

The two girls both laughed with ‘corrupt girls’, which was so dirty and visual.

He Jiu's expression twitched. He wanted to fight back but didn't know what to say, so he could only continue to describe.

"As a result, when we landed, we felt violent friction between the abdomen of the aircraft and the ground, and the speed of the aircraft could not be controlled, so we ran into the shuttle bus."

"Because of this accident, the airport required all of our relevant personnel to stay here. So I was sleeping in the lounge at the time. When I arrived, I learned that Captain Zhen was also dead.

He Jiu narrated the story completely, which made people listen to it with beginnings and ends without any clutter.

"Stewardess Ou, do you have anything to add?" Host Sa asked Wang Ou.

"Yes, before landing today, Captain Zhen did a very strange thing. He released a broadcast to prepare us to hold our heads and take a deep breath to meet the impact. This is before the plane has landed."

Wang Ou's words made everyone a little bit suspicious. Did Captain Zhen know in advance that the plane was about to have an accident?

"But where were you after landing?"

"Waiting for investigation at the coffee shop."

"Why are you not with Captain Zhen, he is your husband."

"I went to him once, but he is no longer in the lounge, so I will go back to the coffee shop."

"Do you have a relationship problem? A plastic couple?"

"You need to take care of it!" Wang Omei gave a blank stare, then turned his head very special, and gave Jiang Siming a deep look.

This action was naturally caught by everyone, and everyone was suspicious. Is there any relationship between the two people?

Next, Xiaobai and the maintenance man talked about what they did after landing.

There is nothing wrong with Ghost Maintenance.

But Xiaobai said that he had left the scene once because of personal affairs at the time, but he didn't say what he was going to do, but only talked about personal affairs.

After everyone's narration, Affiliate Sa did not get any effective evidence. After all, at the beginning, they must have been confused, and they need to continue to sort out and find evidence.

"Okay, we will be divided into two groups for evidence search. Who of you is in the same group as this detective?" Host Sa asked.

But the trouble is that no one raised their hands.

"I want to go with Daxia Jiang!"

"me too!"

Ghost Maintenance and Stewardess Ou said in unison.

"What, I can't compare to executive Jiang?"

"Nothing compares to X2"

The two women responded tacitly together.

Host Sa can only feel angina with her chest.

Forget it, this detective doesn't have general knowledge with them.

In the end, the host Sa was in a group with Hejiu and Xiaobai, and Jiang Siming was in a group with Ghost Maintenance and Stewardess Ou.

Jiang Siming and his group searched first.

At the evidence scene, all three of them began to look for favorable evidence everywhere.

Each evidence scene is the place where the people involved in the murder case lived or lived.

The program team will deliberately place a lot of confusing evidence and hide the real evidence deeply.

If you don't find it, you will probably miss the most direct evidence.

It was the first time Jiang Siming played this kind of evidence-searching game, but he had seen Ming Detective, so he understood all the procedures.

Looking for evidence, I must go to the corpse for the first time.

The two girls think so too.

"Stewardess Ou, this is your husband, why don't you show any expression at all?"

Jiang Siming teased.

"What I call sadness is more than death." Wang Ou resolved it witty.


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