107 – Master (1)

The first to move the dagger.

Pouring out the skills of a transcendentalist, he moved to cut her down in one fell swoop.

The first attack landed well.

To be precise, an artifact that was nothing short of her extra life blocked the attack instead.

This is what I expected.

It’s dangerous if the Demon King, who is virtually bare-body, wanders around without any preparation.

There must be at least a Guardian Artifact.

and attack a second time.

I don’t know how many artifacts are protecting her body, but I wonder if they will break through someday.



This time, the second artifact explodes.

The Demon King shouted and took a step backwards, but even then it was not enough.

Still more Guardian Artifacts were surrounding her.

“It’s just a few replacement artifacts attached.”

After muttering so briefly, he started attacking again.

You shouldn’t stop pouring even for a second.

With every little bit of time passing, I feel the vitality that fuels my body’s omnipotence drastically diminish.

It’s time to pour everything out.

If I don’t, I might collapse before then.

In a matter of seconds, more than ten of the artifacts she was wearing were consumed.

Considering that it is an artifact that blocks even attacks that have reached transcendence, a large amount of the mansion has been blown away in that short amount of time.



When her shield was broken 20 times in total, I saw the demon king’s expression and realized that it was the last time.

I thought maybe.

Can I kill the Demon King here?

As long as you do that, everything is fine.

My whole body is full of excitement.

Prepare a blow to finish her off.

no, not ready

Accelerated calculations were performed to the point where the brains were boiling, and they gathered in one hand with a blow that would cut off the defenseless demon lord’s breath.

If the bad relationship with you can end with this.

satisfied with this

Compress the black magic.

The demonic energy that occupied a single space was compressed to become a plane, and the plane was crumpled and crumpled to form a point.

If it explodes here, it could completely overturn the land around it, but I’ll aim for her life with this.

The composition of the dots became the power to swallow the surrounding air.

No, even the light was swallowed up.

The emptiness of not being able to see anything is realized in my hand.

It went through everything like light.

Nothing can stop it.

Where this point has passed, nothing remains.

Air, space, or even time.

There was not even a transcendentalist to respond to the black light that went very short.

no, there will be one

But he can come… .


I thought you couldn’t come.

[I never thought things would turn out like this.]

The Demon King, who I thought would be in the castle, appeared here.

Teleportation? jump? Teleport?

It was a bizarre way of moving that could not be explained by anything.

“How did you come here?”

[This is part of the soul. I’m not the real me.]

It wasn’t a move.

The King of Death split off a part of himself and planted it in the Demon King, so that he could immediately appear in an emergency.

The demon king put a hero on the other side of the scale to deal with the weak point as much as possible.

So, can I kill her?

No matter how much it appeared before me was only a part of the Death King, it was a monster created by burning the Death King’s soul.

As much as this device could not be used again, as much as the spirit of the King of Death evaporated, the power that could come out of it was absolutely unusual.

It’s true that I can’t win even more if I’ve consumed most of my strength in the previous blow.

“…That’s it.”

I let out a breath.

I exhaled, and blood flowed from my mouth.

No matter what I do, I am dying naturally.

Because it transcended all potential and drew out all life force.

The Death King looked at the hand that blocked the black light I had just shot.

It was tattered, as if it had been mercilessly sharpened with cogs.

[I will seal it. Do nothing in it, and be locked up forever.]

When the Death King moves, I feel helpless and stiff.

I was being sealed, and I’m stuck here.

If there is one income earned, it is that part of the spirit of the king of the dead was made useless again.

If given this chance again, I could have killed the demon king.

Similarly, since the soul of the Death King was consumed, the original Death King also suffered a loss.

Since the device that can be retrieved after the demon king transcended was used as it was, the demon king would become weak as much as a part of his soul was blown away.

But I didn’t feel anything about this gain.

It was just sad.

Because it didn’t do any harm to her.

I wanted to use it to compensate for the wounds that Vero suffered, but only this result remained.

My body was so stiff that it became difficult to even breathe.

I’m not too worried about the seal.

Because I had a great devil, and the contract wasn’t over yet.

And although it was revealed to some extent, I didn’t want to fully show the monster called the Great Devil to the Demon King.

No matter how dangerous and capricious the existence is, it was right that it was the most powerful tool I could use.

And right before the seal was completed, the Demon King approached me.

She didn’t smile, nor did she have a wrinkled expression.

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Just peace.

I asked if he was satisfied with the fact that one variable was removed, and his expression was peaceful.

“Let me ask you one thing.”


“I showed you everything. I promised you everything. It was an offer that anyone but a hero would pass over.”


“And yet, you made it this way.”

The Demon King is genuinely curious.

Even after doing everything I could to recruit me, I refused everything and ran out, fighting the demon king with all my life.

“Did I hurt your family?”

no. My family would have killed me if I had killed them.

The Demon King has never harmed his family.

“If not, what is the reason, I ask out of curiosity.”

When the demon king asked that, I got the freedom to say something with my mana mouth for a while.

The King of Death saw the Demon King and released only part of the seal.

“Where did your vengeance come from?”

“…I only ask one question.”

I wanted to ask you once.

Because I was very curious.

Conquering mankind, promising peace and eternity for all.

Why did you erase the world?

Why did you destroy the world?

why did you betray me

I was curious.

Even if I know I shouldn’t say it, to the point where I’m asking here.

“Why… did you try to destroy the world?”


The Demon King’s expression hardened.

I nodded as if all my questions had been answered, and turned away without saying anything. Seeing that, I smiled.

I noticed and noticed her behavior.

The demon king had been planning destruction from the beginning.

in the course of the Great War.

At the end of the process of slaughter in which everyone dies and dies, he is not prepared for the destruction of the world.

from the very beginning.

She tried to destroy the world.

I couldn’t keep quiet like that.

The voice I heard in my ear fascinated me.

[For a moment, let me move.]

At the words of the great devil, I regained my freedom of movement for a moment.

That was enough.

I don’t know why he showed such favor, but it’s an opportunity to hurt the demon king.

It draws out all remaining power.

It is a weak power that cannot even reach the demon lord by shooting something with it.

However, he rolls his head to the fullest and finds a way to save the opportunity he barely got.

I saw the dagger in my hand.

I packed my weak demonic energy into my muscles and prepared to throw a dagger.

then shout

“Demon King!”


When I shouted, the demon king naturally turned his head to me, and I threw the dagger straight away.

The dagger that was freed from my hand extended strangely straight.

The dagger reached the demon king without being able to block any transcendental person, even the death king who sealed me.

And the demon king was hit in one eye with it.


A tearing scream was heard.

After that, the sealing proceeded again, and no sound was heard.

All I could see was the demon king suffering from being hit by a dagger in one eye.

satisfied with this

I closed my eyes in the endless drowsiness.


“Gwa, are you okay?”

She had a bandage over one eye.

A throbbing pain constantly stirred her.


She pulls back the executives who try to support her.

No matter how suddenly she is injured, she is a demon lord.

Something that should not lose its dignity.

He sighed and moved on, holding back the pain.

“Let’s go back.”

“Well, then what should that maid do?”

Then, one of the executives shuddered and pointed at the maid who was standing there without seeing anything.

The demon king looked at Vero for a moment, then shook his head as he felt the strange power protecting her.

“Leave it and go.”

Who doesn’t know that it’s a bomb that shouldn’t be touched?

Then, after looking at Argal for a moment, who was sealed in the ice that would not melt forever, he moved on.

Her steps never stopped again.

Only Vero, trembling from the cold, was left there.

“…Is there anyone here?”

she murmured in a voice full of tears.

Vero’s ears were open.

I was listening to what had happened so far.

And I knew that the ending was the worst.

Her hands hovered in the air, but they couldn’t reach anything.

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