I’m Not a Scumbag

Vol 2 Chapter 471: Juntun pot helmet

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At dinner time, Lin Fang sat at the dining table, holding his chin in thought.

He is doubting his decision.

The main course of dinner was fish soup, and several large plates were full, all of which were by-products of Lin Fang's further improvement of his cooking skills.

He also fried two plates of garlic vegetables, intending to help everyone add some vitamins and trace elements.

It should have been a harmonious and warm scene.

The big hair and the black are two, and they just eat the fish and eat the pigs.

"Hey! You two!" Qi Ruizhu wanted to pull the dog's head off these two people, "Can you eat a little more politely? I don't know, I thought we were feeding pigs here!"

"Sister Ruizhu, you can't blame us!" Da Mao couldn't help but scream, "The fish made by the owner is really delicious, sweet and delicious, and it's especially delicious. I can't control myself at all!"

"That's it! That's it! Ha-ah~ ha-ah~" Xiao Hei kept eating as he spoke, "This is the best fish I have ever eaten in my life, I must eat more, even if I die, then It's also a full-fledged ghost!"

"You guys..." Qi Ruizhu couldn't help laughing when she heard these two guys' compliments from the bottom of her heart, "Then you can't do this either! If people see..."

"Forget it, Ruizhu." Lin Fang added a piece of greens and handed it to Qi Ruizhu, "Try this."

"Thank you, Master." Qi Ruizhu happily ate it into her mouth, her eyes lit up, "Hey? It's delicious! Master, how did you stir-fry this vegetable? How do I feel that it is the same as the vegetable I've eaten before? It's not the same, it's very fresh and delicious!"

The most delicious green vegetables are the young leaves.

Freshness is the most important thing.

But in fact, the vegetables that Lin Fang used were just the two baskets of half-dead vegetables that the two brothers, Da Mao and Xiao Hei, exchanged for the money they used as knives.

The ingredients are not the best, but the best ingredients have the taste.

Even more delicious than fried with the best ingredients!

Qi Ruizhu was not familiar with martial arts, so it was difficult for Lin Fang to explain the role of boxing force to her, so he could only explain it with his knowledge of cooking.

"I soaked these vegetables in salt water beforehand. The oil was cooked first and then cooled down. When putting it in the pot, I made sure that each piece of green vegetables could be slightly scalded by the oil temperature, so that the vegetables could be broken and kept fresh and tender. Sprinkle on the A pinch of salt, and chopped garlic before serving, it becomes this fresh and delicious garlic vegetable."

"Master, you are amazing!" Qi Ruizhu could swear that what Lin Fang said was very easy to understand, but she started it herself, not to mention that it was so delicious, even if it was three-point delicious, she couldn't cook it.

Probably, this is the magic power of Lin-level chefs!

"Hmph, don't try to trick me into eating greens!"

"Well, green vegetables are not as delicious as fish!"

Da Mao and Xiao Hei whispered a few words and continued to attack Yu Yu.

But even if they are young people, no matter how delicious sashimi is, it is still delicious and indigestible meat.

If you don’t eat some vegetables to nourish your stomach, it’s easy to fall into a state of wanting to eat and not being able to eat.

After eating for a while, Da Mao couldn't take it anymore.

He looked at the half bowl of rice left in the bowl, and then looked at the green vegetables left in the bowl, hesitated for a moment, and carefully stuffed a piece of green vegetables mixed with rice into his mouth.

The fragrance of green vegetables is very greasy, and for a moment, Da Mao feels that he can eat a few more pieces of fish soup.

When biting open, the green stalks will pop open in the mouth.

While the fragrant and slightly sweet vegetable juice fills the mouth, all the greasy seems to be washed away by the vegetable juice.

Eat meat! Eat meat now!

Da Mao immediately took two more pieces of fish paste into the bowl, and shoved it into his mouth with the rice.

After eating the green leaves, the mouth seems to be particularly eager to enter the fish.

The tenderness and sweetness of the fresh fish also seemed to be sublimated.

Whether it is taste or taste, it is even better.

Perfect match!

Just when Da Mao sighed to himself, he happened to hear Lin Fang speak.

"Actually, it's more delicious to eat fish soup with shredded radish or mixed with cucumber. The store has insufficient ingredients, so everyone will eat some green vegetables."


Is this human?

The fried garlic greens are so delicious, eating a piece of greens will give you a big appetite, and you can't wait to eat a few more pieces of fish. The owner actually said that this is the future!

Da Mao was a little unconvinced, but then he thought about it. With Lin Fang's amazing cooking skills, he felt that it tasted better with shredded radish and mixed cucumber. What kind of fairy taste would that be?

After thinking about it a little more, Da Mao couldn't help drooling.

This thigh is really hugging!

Don't care about other things, the belly is blessed!

Before Xiao Hei had noticed the freshness and deliciousness of the green vegetables, Da Mao only cared about the difficult competition with the fish soup. He ate the green vegetables and a few fish soup.

By the end of dinner, Da Mao ate a big bowl of rice more than Xiao Hei.

Satisfied, Da Mao and Xiao Hei left together.

He took the copper coins that Lin Fang gave him, and was going to take Xiao Hei to take a bath.

These copper dollars are their brothers' wages today.

Big Mao didn't want it, it was Lin Fang who forced it into his hands.

After the two knives were pawned, he didn't get much money back. After paying the money to the vegetable vendor, Da Mao only had a few copper coins left in his hand.

Although the money that Lin Fang handed over to Da Mao was not much, it also solved the urgent needs of the two brothers.

"Brother Mao, we both have similar appetites. Sometimes I can eat half a bowl more than you. What's the matter with you? How can you eat a big bowl more than me?"

"..." Big Mao looked at Xiao Hei who had been thinking about it all the way, "You didn't say a word all the way, just thinking about this question?"

"Ah! That's right!" Xiao Hei took it for granted, "I just don't understand! If you say that eating fish and meat is delicious, our brothers eat the same thing! You eat more, and I will eat more. How can you eat more than me?"

"Then have you noticed that I also ate green vegetables?"

"What's so good about green vegetables? After eating a cup of water, it's not enough to be boring... No! Brother Mao, you mean because of green vegetables?"

"Haha..." Big Mao looked down at Xiao Hei with arrogant eyes, "Of course! It's because of the vegetables!"

"Can't you?" Xiao Hei was still in disbelief, "That's just a plate of ordinary green vegetables!"

"Even if it's just green vegetables, it depends on who's cooking it!" Da Mao smiled slightly, and continued to look down at Xiao Hei, "Our owner is a Lin-level chef! Do you know what Lin-level means? Turning corruption into magic is a great cooking skill. Call it a miracle! Even if it's a handful of dirt, he can make flowers!"

"That's right!" Xiao Hei nodded in agreement, "After that, no matter what the owner frys, I will eat more! Brother Mao, you are so bad, you will tell me after you have finished eating, otherwise I will still be able to eat more. Eat an extra bowl of rice!"

"Fuck you!" Da Mao sneered, "You don't even raise your head when you eat, so you can't see who is to blame?"

"It's your fault!"

"Don't blame me!"

"It's your fault..."


Blink to the second day.

Da Mao was awakened by the sound of cleaning in the bathroom. He looked at each other with a vacant eye, and muttered, he was about to turn over and go back to sleep. Suddenly, he thought of something, and he got up in a rush.

"Brother Mao, what are you doing in such a big way!" Xiao Hei complained, turned over and fell back to sleep, "Sleep a little longer, you can save money for a meal later."

"Get up quickly!" Big Mao slapped Xiao Hei with a slap on his face, his face full of excitement, "Save the meal! We are also working people now, and the boss will take care of the food! Get up and have breakfast!"

"Brother Mao, don't get tired of crooked people, what are you dreaming about..." Xiao Hei patted Da Mao's hand away, wanting to sleep a little longer, and got up with a jolt, "Yes, we have an owner. It's gone!"

"Stop talking nonsense and get dressed!"

"Hey! Hey! Wear it now!"

The two brothers put on their clothes randomly, wiped their faces with the pool water, rushed out of the bathhouse, and went straight to "Lin Kee Douhua Rice".

When Da Mao and Xiao Hei arrived at the store, the time was just right.

Qi Ruizhu was carrying two trays of golden-yellow noodles to the table.

"Sister Ruizhu, I'm coming, I'm coming!" Da Mao took a few steps and rushed over to ask for help. One of them didn't pay attention, and he tripped over the threshold and almost fell.

"Be careful!" Qi Ruizhu flashed angrily and amused, "It doesn't matter if you fall, it's a blessing that you knocked over the Juntun pot helmet that the owner has been busy making for a long time!"

"No, that can't be!" Da Mao Gan smiled and stood firm, looking at Qi Ruizhu's hands curiously, "Sister Ruizhu, you said this is a Juntun pot helmet? What is a Juntun pot helmet?"

"You can understand it as a ghee puff pastry with meat filling." Lin Fang smiled and brought a bowl of egg soup over. "Eat it simple in the morning, and the pot helmet comes with egg soup."

"It's not simple! How can this be called simple?" This time, Da Mao was very attentive, rushing to take the egg soup from Lin Fang's hand, "What's your identity? I don't know how many people are rushing to drink it!"

"Nonsense!" Qi Ruizhu put down the pot helmet, this person doesn't follow the Basic Law when he is flattering, it's too much! "You're exaggerating, you're not sincere!"

"I'm really not talking nonsense!" Da Mao followed and put down the egg soup with a serious face, "The owner is a Lin-level chef! You have never been to the main hall of the 'Huaiyang Kitchen Gang', so you don't know the style of a Lin-level chef! I have seen it with my own eyes, and there are a lot of people who say it is delicious even after pouring a bowl of water!"

"!!!" Qi Ruizhu's face was full of surprise, wanting to say Da Mao's nonsense, but couldn't find a reason to refute it for a while.

It is true that what Da Mao said is well-founded, it seems to be true, and it is very convincing.

If it's true, that's all, if it's flattering, this credit will simply throw her out of the eight streets.

In case the owner is photographed comfortably, his status...

For a time, Qi Ruizhu's sense of crisis greatly increased.

She wondered if she could take advantage of the opportunity near the water tower to do something else to consolidate her position.

"What Brother Mao said is true!" Xiao Hei couldn't speak before, but he also winked and ran to get his rice bowl and spoon, and just came back to testify for Big Mao, "I am with Brother Mao. go!"

"The boss made this pot helmet for us, it's like a fairy cake, it's absolutely grand!"

"Okay, stop flattering." Lin Fang interrupted Da Mao's pursuit with a smile, "All sit down to eat!"

The guokui is the authentic Sichuan-style Jundun guokui.

Pay attention to frying first and then roasting, fragrant, crisp, and crisp are the basic operations, the key is to tenderize the slag, and the delicious food can't be stopped!

According to the different fillings, there is also the difference between pork pot Kui and beef pot Kui.

Different fillings have different flavors.

What Lin Fang made today was pork pot helmet.

The biggest difference between Juntun Guokui and other areas is that there must be a frying step.

When the dough is ready, fry both sides to yellow, so that the dough is fully colored, which makes people feel the urge to swallow it in one bite.

Then bake it in the oven to force out the excess oil.

When it comes out of the pot, Juntun Guokui not only retains the unique crispy taste after oiling, but also removes too much oil, so that the Guokui tastes not greasy, eat one for two, and eat two for four.

The matching egg soup is the most traditional way.

The side dishes are green vegetables, mushrooms, fungus, dried silk, and the condiments are onion **** and coriander.

When boiling, pour in a little vinegar and a little sesame oil.

Such a bowl of egg soup is rich in nutrients and tastes salty, fresh, sour and slippery. It is not too refreshing to use with Guo Kui.

Originally, Lin Fang planned to make hot and sour noodles. In Sichuan-style breakfast, Juntun Guokui is paired with hot and sour noodles or fat intestine noodles. This is everyday.

However, considering that the hot and sour powder cannot be bought in half, he needs to use sweet potato flour and noodles to make fresh wet powder, and then beat it into clean water with a slotted spoon to form it, which takes more time, so he gave up.

Delicious food is often more process-oriented and usually takes more time.

Lin Fang could only move this plan back and consider it after making wet powder in advance.


"The owner hasn't eaten yet, why are you panicking?" Qi Ruizhu patted Xiao Hei's outstretched paw with the head of his chopsticks~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Seeing that his hands were still clean, he suppressed the "unclean" complaint. , turned to look at Lin Fang, "Master, you eat first!"

"Eat it, it's the same whoever eats first, it's all family, you're welcome."

"That won't work!" Qi Ruizhu shook his head, "You are the owner, you haven't eaten yet, how can there be a reason for the next person to eat first?"

"Okay, I'll eat it first." Lin Fang brought a bowl of Qi Ruizhu's egg soup in front of him, and put a piece of pot helmet into the bowl, "Let's all start eating."

"Thank you boss!" Qi Ruizhu said crisply, and slapped Xiao Hei's paws open again, "Use chopsticks! If you use your hands again, don't eat it for breakfast today!"

Xiao Hei obediently picked up the chopsticks and held a pot helmet in front of him, trying to change hands, but under Qi Ruizhu's covetousness, he could only bite the bullet and eat with chopsticks.


Once you take a bite, the crispiness is overwhelming!

Taking a sip, the pot helmet that fell into his mouth naturally shattered into countless pieces.

The crispy taste makes the mouth full of fragrant taste, which is simply comfortable and unnecessary.

Finally got breakfast!


For a farmer who eats two meals a day, breakfast is no different from a luxury item.

What's more, such a crisp and delicious breakfast, Xiao Hei took a bite and almost didn't shed a tear.

"This child, eat in such a hurry!" Although Qi Ruizhu was determined to consolidate her position, she couldn't bear it when she saw Xiao Hei was about to cry, "Hurry up and take a sip of soup, don't choke!"

"Thank you, Sister Ruizhu!" Xiao Hei agreed, holding the egg soup and taking a sip carefully.

Going down this egg soup, the sour, salty and tender taste fills the whole mouth.

The little dry mouth brought by the crispy pot helmets was filled at once.

So happy!

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