The Evil God Cult is an evil organization that rose up with the advent of the game a hundred years ago.

Back then, they were capable of committing all kinds of evil, using their powerful strength to do evil.

When they were at their most powerful, they covered the entire Chinese territory.

It can be said to be a paradise for criminals.

But the good times did not last long, and evil could never defeat justice.

After a slight victory in the foreign war, the ten emperor-level masters joined forces to liquidate the Evil God Cult.

At that time, in order to completely eliminate this cancer, China, after several years of casting a net, finally found the nest of the Evil God Cult.

Ten emperor-level masters collectively went out, vowing to eradicate this Evil God Cult!

However, a man wearing a black dragon mask rescued many core members from the siege of the ten emperor-level masters.......

It is said that the battle caused a city to become history.

Until now, many textbooks still record that battle - the Battle of Guangming City!

Historically, this battle ended with the great defeat of the Evil God Cult.

In fact, after this battle, the Evil God Cult did become much quieter. As a result, the world has begun to forget the horror of the Evil God Cult.

But in fact, only the top leaders know clearly.

The core strength of the Evil God Cult has not suffered any losses.

Black Dragon closed his eyes and recalled the past.

In front of him, the remaining eleven elders had gathered together.

But no one dared to disturb his rest.

Because, here he is the sky.

I don’t know how long it took, Black Dragon slowly opened his eyes.

He glanced at the eleven people present lightly, and said:

"In the battle more than 20 years ago, the world only knew about the Green-faced Elder, but did not know about the existence of our Black-faced Elder. This is a good thing, but also a bad thing."

"now......Time has passed, it's time to take action again"

"Now, I will assign everyone's tasks. Fox, Pheasant, you two will lead the team to attack the secret realm, and you will definitely catch all these freshmen in one fell swoop."The

Green-faced Fox and the Green-faced Pheasant nodded and said,"I obey your orders."

Even though they are the weakest Green-faced Elders, they are also genuine general-level professional teachers.

It can be said that it is easy to deal with those little bastards whose average level is only that of a soldier-level professional teacher.

Seeing the two nod, Black Dragon did not say anything.

Instead, he looked at the Yaksha and the Demon Ape on the side and said,"Leave Qin Tianfu to me. Your two targets are Qiu Kaige, Qin Tianzhu, and the two vice presidents Ye Yanhu and Ke Buye."

Yaksha:"No problem, I won't let them go to the secret realm for rescue."

Demon Ape:"Don't worry, big brother, even if the two of us die, we won't let them go!"

Although Yaksha is a woman, her strength is second only to Black Dragon. She is a king-level professional teacher close to the emperor level.

The strength of the Demon Ape is similar to that of Yaksha, but slightly weaker.

These two people are more than enough to stop Qiu Kaige, Qin Tianzhu, Ye Yanhu, and Ke Buye.

The purpose of this time is to delay the rescue team.

Then the Demon Fox and the Mountain Chicken will enter the secret realm to kill those geniuses.

Seeing that the two agreed.

Black Dragon picked up the teacup and took a sip of tea, his eyes turned to the remaining three black-faced elders and said:"Moon Rabbit, Evil Wolf, Horned Lizard, your three tasks are also very important. At that time, I will take action to seal off the entire secret realm and set up a formation there. According to the formation, the three of you need to guard the seven deans leading the teams from other universities. Is there a problem?"

Moon Rabbit:"Hehe, with your formation, boss, let alone seven Venerable-level powerhouses, even if there are three more to make it a whole, the three of us can easily defend it."

Evil Wolf:"People don't know that you are a master-level formation master. Even the old thief Qin Tianfu cannot break your formation easily, let alone several respected professional masters.""

Horned Lizard:"Yes, this time our Evil God Cult will go all out, and we must let them see how powerful we are!!"

Black Dragon nodded.

The three of them are all black-faced elders, and each of them is a respected professional master.

It is difficult to stop the seven vice-presidents alone.

But as long as they have the assistance of their own formation, there should be no big problem.

After the black-faced elders made the arrangements, the black dragon turned his gaze to the last four green-faced elders:"The task of the four of you is to lead your men to attack in various directions of Tianfu City. At least make sure that those people in the Security Bureau have no time to meddle in other people's business. Can you do it?"


The four nodded. Their strength was not very strong.

But they were also professional divisions of the general level at around level 70.

With the four of them wreaking havoc in Tianfu City, the guards and other troops would definitely not let it go.

After all,......There is also an important place called Tianfu Tower in the city.

After arranging everything, Heilong rubbed his temples and said in a deep voice:"This time, we can only succeed and not fail. The consequences of failure are......I think you all understand it, right


"Now that everything is clear, let's adjourn."

The Black Dragon stood up and took the black-faced elders away, leaving the green-faced elders trembling.

The words just now seemed to be spoken to everyone.

But they all knew in their hearts......The Black Face has not been replaced for decades, and the Green Face rarely lives for more than ten years.

Unless you are promoted to the Venerable level, you will always be just a chess piece that can be replaced at any time.......

Big Bird's Nest.

Everyone here didn't know that a shocking conspiracy against them had been formed.

Even Qin Tianfu didn't notice it. At this time, he was looking at Wu Dalang with admiration.

Putting aside the competition between universities, this kid is indeed a rare talent. As the descendants of the same emperor level, why is his son only SS-level potential?

And Wu Ziqi's son is such a genius?

Thinking about it, Qin Tianfu became more and more unhappy.

He raised his fist and hit Qin Tianzhu on the side.

(○ `ー´)○☆)゚o゚/

Qiu Kaige:"......"

"Dad! What are you doing?"

Qin Tianzhu covered his head in pain and looked at Qin Tianfu in confusion.

"It’s nothing. I’m no match for Wu Ziqi. Even if I gave birth to a son, I’m no match for him. I get angry when I think of this!!"

Qin Tianfu sighed to the sky:"If I had known you were so useless, I should have shot you against the wall!"

Qiu Kaige:"......"

Qin Tianzhu:"......"

Look at this!!

Is this human language?

I can’t do it, it’s because of your genes!!

You can’t beat Wu Ziqi, so you blame me?(ꐦಠ ಠ)

But Qin Tianzhu didn't dare to say anything, because his father, an old naughty boy, could do anything.

If he fought back now, he might take off his pants and spank him in front of 300,000 viewers and many cameras.......

When he thought of this, the mayor of the city could only mutter in grievance:

"Yeah, yeah, I'm trash......."...... ps: There are professional division levels including soldier, soldier, general, commander, master, king and emperor, starting from level 1 and one level every 20 levels.

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