"Bai Yi, I will let you know the price of angering me!"

Although Xu Zidong was angry, he was not arrogant.

Instead, he was very cautious. After all, he had witnessed Bai Yi's terror.

But for this day, he also prepared a solution.

That is, to make Bai Yi dare not approach!!!

The moment the referee signaled the start of the game.

Xu Zidong's whole body burst out with fierce momentum.

A scorching flame quickly spread over his body.

In less than a second, Xu Zidong turned into a fire man.

"WTF......Bro, you really don't have to do that? It's just a fight, why did you get yourself into trouble?\("▔□▔)/"

This operation made Bai Yi stunned.

Xu Zidong's talent is not immune to fire damage.

This means that the flames are also harmful to him.

So Bai Yi didn't know what Xu Zidong was thinking.......

"Humph, this fire shock is an improved skill that will automatically burn the enemies around. Let's see how you dare to pull me over!"Xu Zi laughed coldly, his eyes full of mockery.

This silver skill was specially tailored for him by someone else, to prevent Bai Yi's sudden pulling skill.

As long as there are enemies within a few meters around, it will automatically explode and cause high damage.

Now he wants to see how Bai Yi dares to pull him?


Bai Yi listened to Xu Zidong's words and showed a look of caring for a mentally retarded child. He couldn't help but mutter in his heart:"Is this guy not smart enough?"

Why do I have to pull him to my side?

Is he worthy?

Bai Yi raised his lips and instantly activated [Appearance is reasonable].

Every time I deal with Xu Zidong, this trick is the most effective!

【The judgment is successful, the score is 168745:3564, and the skill takes effect! 】

Look, this is the effect of being handsome.

This is the power of the host!

In the entire judgment range, about 170,000 viewers felt that they were more handsome than Xu Zidong!

People, being handsome still has advantages.

Bai Yi raised a sly smile at the corner of his mouth, hooked his finger at Xu Zidong and said:"Come on, let me see how strong your self-immolation strategy is."

"I see you are still stubborn!"

Xu Zidong's eyes turned cold, and he rushed towards Bai Yi.

If you don't come, I will go!

In his eyes, Bai Yi is just a special person who relies on his skills.

As long as Bai Yi's skills are sealed, then the potential F-level scum is not worth mentioning at all!

Everyone around can see that Xu Zidong's skill has high damage.

Even among the silver skills, it can be regarded as a top-notch one.

If Bai Yi's moves can be sealed, it will inevitably cause great harm to Bai Yi.

Some people who know Bai Yi's record can't help but worry about the referee on the side.

Because they all know that Bai Yi will definitely use the referee to block the knife!

The referee"༼ಢ_ಢ༽......"

The referee on the side almost wanted to cry......

He knew what Bai Yi was going to do.

He couldn't run away, so he could only close his eyes and wait to be summoned by Bai Yi to block the knife.......

He couldn't help but complain in his heart, is it really dangerous to be Bai Yi's referee? ? ?

But the next second, Bai Yi didn't make any move at all. He just let Xu Zidong crash into him!


(((ง’ω’)وthree ง’ω’)ڡ≡


A huge explosion sounded from the No. 35 ring.

Before the smoke cleared, everyone saw a man with a bruised face and nose flying out of the smoke, smashing straight into the protective shield beside him, and fainted completely.

Referee:"(*^წ^*)Am I okay? ?"

"I, Bai, naturally disdain to use the referee to block the knife."

Bai Yi shook the blood on his fist, shook his head handsomely and said,"Hurry up and announce the result of the game."

The referee looked at Bai Yi with disdain, then came to Xu Zidong and checked and said,"Xu Zidong from Magic City University cannot fight, the winner is Bai Yi from Tianfu University, congratulations to Bai Yi for advancing to the second stage!"

"WTF......What on earth just happened?"

"Hen! Xu Zidong rushed towards Bai Yi with his ultimate weapon, and was instantly beaten into a pig's head? ? ?"

"It seems like there are still many secrets about Bai Yi!!"......

The audience was confused.

No one knew how Bai Yi was fine.

Even Qin Tianzhu, who was sitting in the referee's booth, said with a puzzled look on his face:"Even if that skill was Bai Yi's, it's impossible for him to not get hurt at all. How did he do it?""

"I have said that Bai Yi has many trump cards."

Xu Zidong's attributes are not bad. As the third-ranked Magic City University, it also has its own unique features in cultivating students' attribute points.

And according to records, Xu Zidong also broke through the tenth floor of Tianfu Tower.

Basically, these people did this as soon as they came to Tianfu City.

So in terms of attributes, even if they are weaker than Bai Yi, they are not much worse. But the power of this attack just now only burned a few holes in Bai Yi's clothes.......Other than that, there was no other effect.

This made Qin Tianfu curious, and he was thinking about when to find a chance to ask Bai Yi again.

Bai Yi glanced at Xu Zidong lying on the ground, shook his head and said,"This time, you don't think I'm playing tricks on you, do you?"

Xu Zidong:"......"

Bai Yi:"What? Can't you speak?"

Xu Zidong:"......"

Referee:"Well, he fainted."

Bai Yi:"I know."

Referee:"I know, you still say......"

Bai Yi rolled his eyes and said,"Don't you know there's a word called whipping a corpse?ψ(`∇´)ψ" referee:"......"

Bai Yi shook his head in boredom and walked down from the ring.

Just as he was about to return to the rest area, he was blocked by Wu Dalang.

Bai Yi smiled and said,"Why, do you still want to get to know me?"

Wu Dalang pointed to the big screen and smiled slightly,"I'm here to tell you that I'm 2 seconds faster than you."


Bai Yi smiled and raised his eyebrows, and suddenly asked loudly:"My eyesight is not very good, can you tell me how many seconds it took you?"

Bai Yi's words made all the surrounding cameras turn to him.

The ace of Tianfu University and the ace of Tsinghua University are talking.

It will definitely cause an interesting scene. All skills will be turned up to the maximum.

I want to see what these two will say.

Wu Dalang looked around and did not answer immediately.

Instead, he thought about Bai Yi's words over and over in his mind.

After confirming that he was indeed faster than Bai Yi, Wu Dalang grinned and told Bai Yi very proudly:"≖‿≖It took me 3.21 seconds!"

Bai Yi patted Wu Dalang on the shoulder with a comforting look, and then said to the camera:"Everyone heard it, Wu Dalang took 3.21 seconds to enter the sage time, um......You are indeed the fastest man in the country. I, Bai Yi, am ashamed of myself!"

Wu Dalang:"%&#*@!"......

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