Aren't they all hiding?

March Seven turned his head dully and looked at the members of the train crew.

He looked at Xing, who should not be hiding....

I looked at Ji Zi again. I couldn't tell for sure!

Ji Zi had a rail gun in her hand....

Who knows if there is a Star Destroyer


The other party's ability to rub the black hole with his hands is already very impressive, but he rarely really uses it. Maybe he has some hidden abilities.

Finally, her eyes fell on Pam.

"You don't have hidden abilities, do you?-...Pam!"

"Pa..."Pam shrank back.

"Well, you probably didn't hide....."

Sanyueqi felt that Pam definitely didn't have much ability.

She was timid most of the time, and...

What can Pam do? She can't get off the train, so how can she fight?

She can't drive the Star Train out and hit people!


"I don't want to fight with the Cloud Cavalry Army, so let's do this..."

Gui Naifen looked at the in-game mirror and spoke again, and her attention was instantly drawn back.

"This companion mission is so interesting! Oops, it's a pity that I didn't do it before!"

"When the Immortal Boat is over, I will look for characters that I am interested in and do some missions with them!"

When Gui Naifen said this,

Jing Liu also proposed other ways to win without fighting the opponent.

"Let's have a competition, and test our swords with the evil creatures that are now scattered all over Luofu Immortal Boat. Let's see whose sword is faster and can kill more people, how about that?"

"What if I win?"Yan Qing asked

"Of course I will accept the loss, be tied up, go to the prison for trial, and let them deal with me."

Jing Liu bluntly stated his own ending, and then continued to speak.

"But if I win, you have to share Blade's whereabouts with me. How about that?"

"Yunqi does not trade official business, and besides, you can't win." Yan Qing shook his head slightly, but agreed to the other party's proposal.

Lose? Sorry, there is no such word in my dictionary!

"I like your confidence. But how can we know who will win before the sword is drawn, right?"

"I'm afraid you have wiped out all the evil creatures here, let's go to another place."

Jing Liu glanced at the whole place, there were almost no evil creatures left, there was no point in fighting here.

With that, he left, Yan Qing followed him quickly, and soon the two of them arrived at a deserted area behind the Industrial and Manufacturing Division!

"Let's start from here"

"This place is full of evil spirits and demons, which is a perfect place to test swordsmanship. Killing evil creatures with a sword does not violate the rules of the Yunqi Army, and it is not a matter of trading official business with me, right?"

Listening to Jingliu's words, Yanqing glanced around.

It was indeed the same as what the other party said. There were so many evil creatures.

If he competed here, it would also suit his fighting style. In this way, the possibility of losing was almost zero!

No, I haven't asked about the way to win or lose yet.

What if it's a competition of who kills less?...

"How to determine the winner?"

"We must go all the way to the end, and no fish can escape. The first one to arrive wins."Jingliu replied

"It's a deal!" Yan Qing agreed immediately.

"You go ahead."

As the other party spoke, Yan Qing simply took a step forward.

Since the other party was so confident, why should he refuse?

"By the way, you won't take this opportunity to run away, will you, big sister?" Yan Qing suddenly stopped and asked

"Jingyuan really taught you a bad lesson..."You're just talking nonsense." Jing Liu shook his head helplessly.

When Yan Qing heard what the other party said, although he was a little surprised why she was so casual when she talked about her master, but at that moment, killing the enemy was the most important thing!

Without saying anything, he rushed directly towards these evil creatures!

"Ah this..."

Jing Yuan was a little shocked when he saw this!

"What does this have to do with me!"

When did he teach Yan Qing these things? He obviously learned them by himself!

"Did you learn it by yourself?"Jing Yuan glanced at Yan Qing.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah..."Yan Qing had no choice but to say yes.

Jing Yuan nodded in satisfaction, and then continued to look at the screen, but no one noticed that his palm had already clenched into a fist and clenched it tightly!

Seeing Master Jingliu appear again, although he was excited,...

The other party had already become a demon, and coupled with the mistakes he had made before...

He was very worried about his master's current situation, and also worried that after seeing the plot of the game, the other party would still choose to come to the Immortal Boat.

Although he was a general of the God of Strategy, it did not mean that he could really cover the sky with one hand!

Not to mention the marshal above his head, or other generals of the Immortal Boat, even the Luofu Immortal Boat was intricate.

If the other party really set foot in the Immortal Boat Luofu, he would probably be targeted by many people....

And now, after hearing Jingliu's emotional complaints,

Jingyuan was sure!

Although the master has not fully recovered, he is no longer a demonic body!

In this case, he can't just sit there and wait for death!

In the game,

Yanqing rushed to the front and fought directly with the evil creatures.

After killing the first few, he turned around and looked at the staircase corridor, and found that Jingliu, who was there just now, had disappeared!

Seeing this, he hurriedly turned around and rushed forward. Sure enough

, not far away, a figure had just finished the battle and was standing there casually....

"When did you run to the front?"Yan Qing ran to the other party and asked

"You are so slow, little brother."Jingliu complained.

Yanqing was stunned, and then saw that the other party had already taken a step forward, so he hurriedly chased after him.

When he arrived at the next position, he found that Jingliu had continued to move forward, and at the feet of the other party, lying around were the corpses of countless evil creatures!

He hurried over and didn't even see how the other party started!

"How is this possible!"Yan Qing couldn't help but exclaimed

"What delayed you this time?" Jing Liu asked.

"Damn it!"

Jingliu raised his foot and walked forward, but the lingering sound surrounded the whole place.

"You have to be good���Strength..."

"Otherwise, even if I give you a star ship, you still can't catch up with me...."

Hearing the other party's words, Yan Qing felt that his blood pressure had soared!

At his age, his blood pressure had risen because of the other party's ridicule, which was enough to show how much stimulation the mirror flow had given him!

He immediately chased forward,

"I haven't had so much fun in a long time...."

Following the other party's steps, he also heard Jing Liu's sigh.

Finally, at the next intersection, Yan Qing caught up with Jing Liu!

The strange thing was that she was not fighting, but standing there.

After standing aside, she found that there was a strong man from the evil creature army standing in front of her! He was called the shape refiner in the secret teachings of the King of Medicine!

"It's been too long since I used my sword, and I almost brought out the evil spirit...."

Jing Liu's voice rang out, and the girl standing beside him didn't look very good! What made

Yan Qing even more surprised was that her tone of voice was a little different, as if...Some crazy meaning

"Come on, little brother, the entertainment is for you."

While speaking, Jing Liu took a step forward, and the evil creatures also noticed their arrival and immediately attacked.

However, Jing Liu did not face the battle as expected, but took a step back, leaving the battlefield to Yan Qing alone.

"I'll give you three moves"

"Draw your sword. It is very rude to keep you waiting."

【Tsk tsk, suddenly I feel pity for these evil creatures. The battle between the two was exchanged for their lives....Evil creature: You are noble and you are great!】

【Fu Xuan: Jing Liu may not know that Yan Qing is a star destroyer. His talent is indeed terrifying. However, Yan Qing still doesn't understand why Jian Shou is Jian Shou.】

【By the way, does Jingyuan act like this in front of Jingliu?】

【I’m afraid Jing Yuan was beaten to death!】

【Yanqing is mainly because he is the disciple's grandson, right? After all, it is said that the grandsons are close to each other.】

【Jingliu is a strict teacher, right? How dare Jingyuan speak carelessly? And Yanqing's words...In addition to being a master, is Jingyuan also an adoptive father?】

【There's something wrong with Jingliu's tone!】

【Portio: Isn't this the time for him to get sick? Is he high from chopping?】

【So it seems that if Jing Liu turned into a demonic body again, was it because of emotions? Excitement? Or obsession?】

【Negative emotions lead to the appearance of the demonic body? This is really possible!】

【Jingliu's tone is getting crazier....】

"Could it be that Jing Liu will transform into a demonic body and start killing people everywhere? ?"

Gui Naifen couldn't help but shudder when she saw this while playing the game, and then her eyes moved to General Jing Yuan. (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

"General, if she falls into the devil's body again, can you kill her again?"


Jing Yuan was stunned. He was going to kill his master again?!

Gui Naifen, do you want to listen to what you are saying? ? ?

"Well, let's see how it develops...."[]

Gui Naifen noticed Jing Yuan's eyes and shrank his head.

If he continued talking, it would be a matter of whether Jing Yuan could kill Jing Liu again, but the opponent would use a finishing move against him!

In the game, the battle has begun.

Gui Naifen controls Yan Qing to attack.

【Hitting the Three-foot Water】

"The sword follows my heart!"

Yan Qing used a combat skill and hit the enemy, and then he heard a voice from the mirror beside him.

"Looking ahead and behind, weak and exhausted"

"Where has your confidence gone?"

""Sword like a crescent moon!"

Yan Qing attacked again, but the strange thing was that after Yan Qing attacked this time, Jing Liu on the side did not teach again.

Her voice suddenly became a little weird at this time! It was as if a madman was suppressing something....

"It's my turn..."

The madness is almost evident!

"It should be like this, the sword is out without return, one strike will kill!"

Jing Liu made a move, and the sword energy flew out instantly, directly killing a full-status enemy, and then spoke with a somewhat strange tone...

"Has Jing Yuan ever taught you how to treat the people on the immortal boat who are trapped in the evil spirit?"

"Ten thousand swords are coming!" Yan Qing also used his finishing move at this time and killed the last person.

The battle ended. The two fought one after the other.

Yan Qing looked at Jing Liu's back with a strange expression....

"Only the sword just now was not so disappointing."Jing Liu's voice sounded, and his words were very shocking!

Yan Qing looked at the other party's figure and his eyes drifted down, looking at his feet,

0 Asking for flowers

The answer is obvious...

"I lost..."

"The competition is not over yet, because I haven't had time to stab out my last move, and there is no opponent on the field."

Jing Liu did not admit that she won.

Her words made Yan Qing raise his head and stare at the opponent's back!

Sweat dripped from his forehead!

After so many years of training, how could a simple sword swing make him sweat!

What made him like this was the pressure from the opponent!

This powerful feeling, like the momentum of a peak person, made him feel as if there was a mountain pressing down on his heart!

Looking at Jing Liu again, she actually raised her head at this time, and the tone of her whole person became extremely ghostly.

"The sword was unsheatheeded, which was a blasphemy against the will of the Emperor Bow Siming."

"You!" Yan Qing stared at her.

Jing Liu turned around and looked at him, his tone slightly calmer at this time.

"With your strength, even if you meet the blade, you will die."

"Rather than dying at any moment, I offer you a more honorable choice - after witnessing my well-honed sword, you can die as a swordsman."

""Little brother, do you want to take my sword?"

As soon as he said this, Yan Qing felt as if the mountain in his heart fell down instantly and hit his heart directly!

In an instant, he felt a murderous intent!

It seemed that if he agreed to take the sword, he would die here completely!

Faced with the other party's question, Yan Qing was actually a little at a loss for a moment!

"Don't answer it!"

Outside, Jing Yuan stared at the screen and saw Yan Qing still making a decision, so he shouted immediately.

After he spoke, he remembered that this was a game, not reality....

"I'm kind of immersed in it...."After taking a breath, Jing Yuan said

"Master, a sword..."

Behind him, Yan Qing's voice rang out. Although he knew Jing Liu's powerful strength, he could not believe that his master would not even let him take his sword....

Just a sword...

"This is the plot of the game. It's normal that you don't feel it...."

Jing Yuan knew what his disciple was thinking....

"Look at your own state inside. Not to mention you, even I wouldn’t dare to take her sword head-on!"

"Don't worry, he didn't give me a choice at all."

At this time, Gui Naifen's voice sounded,

Jing Yuan and others looked over and found that the game gave three options as answers to the question about the mirror flow.

But these three...

【No answer!】

【No answer!!】

【No answer!!!

The only difference between the three options is the number of exclamation marks...

"Huh, it turns out there is no option to continue."Jing Yuan heaved a sigh of relief.

Yan Qing behind him stared at the option in a daze.

This option gave him the feeling that if he continued, he would die!

"Is the gap really that big?"Yan Qing couldn't help but murmur.

And Gui Naifen simply chose the third one! The one with the most exclamation marks

"How could it be?"

Unexpectedly, after choosing this answer,

Yan Qing did not refuse as expected.

Instead, after struggling with his thoughts for a long time, he suddenly took a step forward and gave the answer with his actions!

"What a courage."Jingliu praised him when he saw his action.

The next moment, Jingliu moved, lightly stepped on the ground, and flew up from the ground!

She jumped in the air and spun in the air, and the ice blade in her hand swept across.

Below, Yanqing saw the opponent's action and drew his sword, taking a defensive posture!

In the air, Jingliu swung a sword, and the icy sword energy at the front of the blade instantly shot out like a crescent moon. The powerful crescent moon rushed over, making Yanqing below feel a strong pressure!

Yanqing also used all his strength neatly, and all the strength was gathered together.

The flying sword condensed around him....


As he swung the sword, all the condensed sword energy rushed up into the sky, and he swung it head-on

, facing the attack of Jingliu! The two of them collided with each other! Unexpectedly, at the moment of contact, the crescent moon belonging to Jingliu was broken into two halves, and his sword energy also dissipated in an instant. The ice blade turned into broken ice, falling around Yanqing and scattering all over the ground.

"Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh..."

The battle was over.

Yan Qing, holding his sword high, was panting heavily. This move had used up all his strength, and now he was almost exhausted. He had no more strength to sustain. As he was exhausted, the sword fell and the tip of the sword pierced the ground.

He also used the sword to support himself with both hands.

"I...I took her sword?"

Panting, Yan Qing felt incredible

"I'll take the records you found, thanks, little brother."

At this time, Jing Liu's casual and calm voice sounded, which was completely different from Yan Qing's panting!

The other party didn't even have a disordered breath!

PS: Thanks to 15272.. for the monthly ticket! Thank you, husband!

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