"No one would like this, right?..."

Gui Naifen looked at the screen and admired the ability of the game maker.

With just a few words and a few strokes, he made the viewers feel sad....

Just one decision brought about such a big change!

"but...This Heita is actually a scumbag!!!"

Gui Naifen suddenly said with gritted teeth.

When she was talking to Heita before, she said that she would not be curious about Xing....

She even said that when the research was over, the other party would have nothing to do with her.

When they saw this part, they thought Heita was joking, but after seeing the ending, they realized that what she said was true!

"No, that's not the point....The point is that I want to continue playing!"

Gui Naifen's expression froze!

Although she lamented that if she didn't get on the train, Xing's future would be a little sad, but if she played for a long time and then chose this ending, she would find that everything was over....

Then she is the saddest!


Just when Gui Yufen was getting anxious, she discovered that the game had the start icon again.

"This is..."

"The game started automatically?!"

I couldn't wait to poke the screen quickly, speeding up the process of entering the game, and then

I took a closer look!

Good, good, good!

"Great!" Gui Naifen couldn't help but exclaimed!

She saw that the star in the game was standing on the platform again, and Ji Zi was right in front of her, asking herself whether she wanted to get on the train!

"How about it? Have you thought about it?"

【Silver Wolf: The second round has started? It’s so fast.】

【Lightspeed Resurrection】

【So what's the point of not making the previous choice? Isn't this the beginning all over again?】

【There are actually many more interesting points! If you don't fill in the name when entering it, Kafka will keep complaining next to you, which is hilarious!】

【Yes, Kafka and Silver Wolf almost had a quarrel, 233333】

【Administrator Gold Dust: Of course it makes sense. If you choose not to board the train, then your game ends here, just like the pioneering journey ends here.】

【Administrator Gold Sand: But this is a game, not your real life, so it gives you a chance to start over.】

【Pipeline Gold Dust: When you choose to open the game again, it means you want to start this journey, so you will be asked again.】

【Administrator Shajin: But there is no second chance in life, I hope you will never regret your decision....】

【Topa: You have a lot of life philosophies.】

【Diamond: Work hard and don't slack off. Also, let Jade out. She came to me to complain about you.】

【Placer gold: ????】

【Jade: Haha, little gold dust, you seem to like this kind of authority.】

【Administrator GoldSha: Of course, so I really want to keep climbing up, I wonder when I can reach P46?】

【Diamond: When you complete that task】

【Jadeite: Want to ride on my head?】

【Administrator Shajin muted user Feicui for 24 hours】


【Topa: 66666666 You are indeed very brave!】

【Administrator Shajin: My hand slipped】

"Phew, I won't make a mistake this time....There is no option to not get on the bus!"

Gui Naifen looked at the options on the game screen, only [I want to get on the bus] and [I still want to talk to Ji Zi]】...

This time, she naturally didn't slip her finger, and Gui Naifen directly clicked on the option to get on the bus.

As her finger fell, darkness appeared on the game screen!

"Come with me." Ji Zi's voice sounded...

When the light appeared again, the front of a train instantly appeared in the picture, with bright headlights and golden paint that showed the extraordinaryness of the car!

The camera slowly moved, and the whole picture of the vehicle was revealed!

Although there were only four sections of the Starry Sky Train, it did not look weak at all.

On the contrary, the traces on the top showed the rich past of the train!

"Woo~~~Let's go.~~~"

Next to the front of the car, Sanyueqi stretched lazily...








【Come-with-me take the journey.]

At this time, the sound of a song with an extremely peaceful melody appeared.

This music also made the people watching the screen suddenly stagnate.

The strange thing is that this song seems to have magical power.

The name of the song is [Come-with-me take the journey], but for some reason, when you listen carefully, it gives people a feeling of returning home....

Sadness of parting, reluctance to leave on a long journey, peace of home...

All kinds of feelings will suddenly hit your heart!

Everyone who hears it can't help but tremble in their hearts, and then follow the actions of the people boarding the train in the picture and feel touched....

The sudden music made them feel like they were instantly covered by a veil!

Just like what the lyrics said...

【I'll wait for the celebration until we reach the end.】

【Let us look forward to the time when you and I will embark on the journey together.......】

Looking at the picture, Gui Naifen also showed a calm smile on her face.

This is what she wanted to see....

"Get in the car..."

Jizi's gentle voice sounded with the melodious background music, as if she was worried that Xing would not be able to adapt to the train for the first time.

She even reached out and held Xing's hand, leading her forward.

The camera switched, and

Xing and others were also standing on the train. Sanyueqi waved goodbye to Ester, Alan and Heita on the platform through the window.

Ester slightly bent her body, as if to say goodbye, and Alan kept watching them leave.

Only Heita turned around and left the moment the train started, without any hesitation.

【Oh my god! This background music is really a bit too much! It's so exciting!】

【May this journey eventually reach the stars!】

【By the way, the creator of this game is actually a musician, right? Think about it, this story is realistic, the exact same reality was created, and this song was made for real!】

【Mockingbird: It sounds really nice, but it doesn’t suit my voice....If it's my brother...】

【Sunday: No thanks, please don't bother me about this】

【To be honest, the whole game is amazing! Don’t underestimate the real story projected into the game. Do you dare to do it?】

【This BGM is really amazing! This song is played when I get on the train...It's a foul!】

【It feels like a movie finale here! I wonder if the game makers are interested in contacting us, we are preparing a Clockwork Teddy movie! Ending theme missing!】

【I feel that the Black Tower is so ruthless. The previous ending was the same. After the research was completed, they didn't care about the stars at all. Now the farewell is just turning around and leaving...】

【Bronya: Actually, she is here too.】

【Latio: Stop joking. Heita is so old. Do you think she is still young? She has seen so many separations and deaths. This is just a farewell. Ji Zi is obviously familiar with her, so as long as the Starry Sky Train does not have any accidents, they will definitely meet again.】

【Hanabi: Oh? May I ask the great wise man Latio, how old is Kureta?】

【Sambo: Oh? May I ask the great wise man Latio, how old is Heita?】

【Aha: Oh? May I ask the great wise man Latio, how old is Black Tower?】

【Black Tower: May I ask the great wise man Latio, how old do you think I am?】

【Latio: ???】............

PS: Thanks‘NO.Star marks’、‘Women's Federation One Pot Stew’、‘I'm sending you the monthly tickets from Sleepy Cat. I'm here to greet you!

Monthly tickets! The monthly tickets have been updated. Please give them to me. I really need them for my new book!

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