"Give me some more time..."


Hearing this voice, Li Xuanqing was suddenly startled.

As a young man in the 21st century, he had no money, no power, and no influence. He could only see titles like Master, Dad, and Master on TV. He had never experienced them before.

But he never expected that there would be a woman who could call him so bluntly in this life.

And the other party was Yalilo No. 6, the Great Guardian of Beloberg!

What kind of identity is this? In other words, you can consider him the governor of the earth? The king of a country! ?

Such a meticulous person now quietly calls you Master. Who can bear this?

Can you bear it if it were you?

"What did you call me?"Li Xuanqing couldn't help asking

"Owner..."Cocolia lowered her head and repeated the name she had just addressed him, then raised her head and met Li Xuanqing's gaze. Their eyes met and she spoke:

"Your strength is beyond my understanding. The crisis of Beloberg may not be a big deal to you...."

"I don't know why you came here, maybe you just passed by to take a look, or maybe you came here to see the star core...."

"But Beloberg's future is too difficult. I claim that I cannot be compared with Beloberg or even the Star Core, but I hope that my surrender will allow you to help Beloberg more if you can...."

"You know, you saw the memory I gave you, the Star Train will arrive soon, they will help this country seal the star core, and I don't need to do anything."

Li Xuanqing said to her straightforwardly, with the members of the Star Train here, Beloberg will return to normal...

Kokolia didn't need to sacrifice herself in exchange for his protection of Beloberg.

"No...The pioneers will continue to move forward to more unknown places...."

Cocolia disagreed with Li Xuanqing's statement and said

"The future of Yalilo No. 6 is still difficult, and there are companies eyeing them. They came here for the underground mines of Beloberg....It will also be the case"

"Even without the company, there will be more forces..."

"The Star Train can solve the star core crisis, but it is impossible to protect Yalilo. Bronya is too young, and Beloberg is too weak in the universe...."

"I don't expect you to stay here, but I just hope that your eyes can fall on this corner of the universe from time to time."

"In this way, Belloberg may be able to go further..."

After he finished speaking, seeing that Li Xuanqing neither agreed nor refused, he spoke again.

"You said that the belief of preservation is to help the weak with the strong, to die before the living, and to think better than the living."

"But I was wrong. I was strong but gave up the weak, forgot death and pursued life, thought prevailed over action."

"But this is my decision. It is not shameful to rely on the strong and seek help in the universe. This is my choice."

"Call again and let's hear it."Li Xuanqing said casually.

"Owner..."Kokolia shouted....


""From now on, Yaliluo, I will protect you!"

He patted his chest and promised. Anyway, it was not a difficult thing.

I have to say, this title is quite comfortable.

He felt guilty. He obviously didn't think about those messy things. Why did the first great guardian he met play like this?...

"So what are you going to do?" Li Xuanqing looked at the other party and asked.

After knowing what will happen to Beloberg in the future, what will the other party choose?

"Everything will continue to develop along the original path...."Kokolia replied in a low voice

"Are you planning..."

Li Xuanqing frowned when he heard this, and then understood the other party's thoughts.

"Train your goddaughter Bronya to become a true great guardian?"

"She needs frustration." Cocolia replied.

As she spoke, her eyes subconsciously looked towards the live broadcast room in the sky.

At this time, Gui Naifen had already controlled the game character and was fighting with the doomsday beast.

The situation was not very good, and the live broadcast room barrage was full of various suggestions.

【We're heading straight into battle now? There's no preparation at all!】

【Doomsday Beast, this looks too big, and it can tear apart the defenses of the space station with its bare hands. If it lands on a planet, who can resist it?】

【I'm afraid only the envoy can deal with it!】

【March 7 is really...I am dying of laughter. Come over here if you dare! Then Doomsday Beast came over as if summoned by her....】

【So March 7th may have some strange ability to taunt】

【It would be even better to add a middle finger at this time!】

【It seems like I can’t win!】

【Silver Wolf: Don't use your ultimate skill all the time, pay attention to the attribute attack】

【That's right, in this game, attribute restraint is very important when facing off against each other, and you have to target the weaknesses.】

【Jizi seems to have additional attacks, so you can try to chase her and cooperate with her.

Gui Naifen hurriedly clicked on the finishing move that had been charged, and then looked up at the barrage from time to time.

Fortunately, there was no countdown during the battle operation in this game....

Therefore, she had enough time to think.

There were countless beings in the universe, and using the unit of"trillion" to calculate was an insult. A trillion is 10 to the 12th power, which is too little.

Perhaps it is only possible to calculate it by"incredible", that is, 10 to the 64th power, or"large number", 10 to the 72nd power.

After all, above is"infinity".’...

This live broadcast room is projected everywhere in the universe, and all beings can see it. Among them, there are countless beings who are proficient in the game.

When they see Gui Naifen's operational mistakes, they will immediately send some operational plans in the barrage, and soon the situation is stabilized.

Ji Zi:"Humans never hide the power to control the starry sky, of course, including me."

Sanyueqi:"You are unlucky to meet me."

Sanyueqi:"Stand still, I will give you a blessing."

Sanyueqi:"Come and taste the power of the powder woman!"

Xing:"It's about to start!"

Dan Heng:"Life and death, reality, in a thought. The cave is illusory, and the long dream is broken!"

Xing:"Rules are meant to be broken!"

Xing took out the Galaxy Baseball Bat directly from his chest and threw it at the face of Doomsday Beast!

【End of the battle! 】

Finally, after going through the first stage, the second stage, and the third stage, new stages kept popping up, and

Gui Naifen felt her scalp tingling, the cutscene finally appeared, and

Doommon's body fell straight onto the platform.

But at this moment, a huge energy attack appeared at the position of Doommon's head, and when it moved around without any pattern, this attack swung around and actually...

Heading straight towards the position of March 7th!


Dan Heng, Xing, Ji Zi and others panicked when they saw this scene and shouted hurriedly!


Sanyueqi also looked up at this time and saw the attack of Doomsday Beast..............

PS:The new book is launched, and I ask my brothers to support it by giving some flowers, evaluation votes, monthly tickets, and comments!

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