"Stars Stars...Star God!"

Qingque stared at the bullet screen in the live broadcast room in the sky and couldn't help shivering!

This is the Star God, he actually appeared in the live broadcast room?

And he even posted bullet screen?!??

Where is the mysterious feeling before? It's completely gone!

And Lan, the patrol star god, if you talk like this, people will misunderstand that the patrol men are all rough men!

"Star Gods are indeed very powerful, but you don't have to be like this, they won't hunt you."

Li Xuanqing couldn't help asking Qingque when he saw her like this....


This time, Qingque actually took a step back, as if he had seen a devil.


Now Li Xuanqing discovered that the other party was not shocking the star god in the sky, but behind him....

I turned around and saw nothing!

"Taipusi has been very busy recently because of these things....From top to bottom, everyone can be said to have no time to rest...."

"You are so good, you actually come out to slack off during your high time!"

At this time, a voice suddenly came from behind Li Xuanqing, which was the direction he had just looked at.

It was crisp and pleasant to hear, but the tone was a bit harsh....

The Qingque in front of him looked even paler, and there was only one word to describe the expression on his face: miserable!


"Where did this little kid come from? She's so cute!"

When Li Xuanqing lowered his head this time, he saw a figure with pink hair and a flying bun. Unfortunately, her feet were not bare, but she was wearing a pair of black short boots.

There was a golden hairpin on the back of her head, and she had two ponytails.

The most peculiar thing was that there was a Dharma Eye on her forehead....

The overall outfit is mainly purple, with"auspicious cloud pattern" elements.

She wears a white dress with a purple astrological disk on her chest and white tights on her feet, extending from the base of her legs to her toes.

"At this age, she can have such long twin tails..."

As Li Xuanqing spoke, he naturally placed one hand on the other person's head, and then stroked the ponytail from beginning to end........


When Qingque saw his action, he took a breath of cold air!

This force almost made the fairy boat no longer need refrigeration equipment!

"Mr. Taibu...coincidence...You come to play cards too."

Qingque immediately reached out and pulled Li Xuanqing to retreat, but he couldn't move him.

"What are you doing?" Fu Xuan looked at Qingque in surprise, not understanding why he was still fiddling with something in such a mysterious way.

""Ah?" Qingque was startled. Master Taibu, you didn't get angry?

Li Xuanqing smiled broadly at Qingque.

"You you you you!!!" Qingque pointed at Li Xuanqing in disbelief.

The other party was still ruffling Master Taibu's hair, why didn't Master Taibu react at all???

"What do you mean? The game in the live broadcast room in the sky is extremely weird. Now the entire Taibu Division is doing its best to advance the progress. You are no exception. Go back to work!"

Fu Xuan was a little helpless in the face of Qingque's clamor.

The other party's divination ability was very poor. He was gifted. As long as he could find time to train him more, he would definitely be able to do a lot in the future.

It was just this slacking attitude that needed to be corrected.

"Go back to play games?"Qingque was stunned. The progress of the game, isn't that just playing games?

"It's work!" Fu Xuan corrected

"Yes Yes Yes..."Qingque nodded repeatedly. She also guessed that this way of playing games must be different from the normal way.

However, as long as it is not a serious work, it is fine....

Finally, Qingque reluctantly followed Fu Xuan and left the place, heading for Taibusi.

Li Xuanqing also sighed. He had just arrived at the Immortal Boat and met Qingque.

It was a pity that they didn't have much time to chat. He was planning to ask the other party to help him find a place to live.

"Your Excellency, you have come to the Xianzhou Luofu, why didn't you inform me in advance so that I could welcome you."

Just then, a polite voice came from the side.

Li Xuanqing turned his head and saw, oh, the future general just left, and the current general came?............

"Ah this..."

At Su Chang's reminder, Gui Naifen also noticed the situation in the live broadcast room in the sky. The Star

God himself came out? ? ? How could this be possible! ?

However, after sighing, he continued to lower his head to play games.

What about the Star God?...

Can it make her rich? Can it make her reach the pinnacle of life from now on?

Now that her live broadcast room is hanging in the sky, she, Gui Naifen, has only the mysterious game maker to thank!

In her heart at this moment, Li Xuanqing is greater than all the star gods!

Controlling the character, Gui Naifen is still working hard to move towards level 20!

The star has reached the main control cabin like this...

"The projection radar tracking is normal, but the telemetry signal frequency is high! It must be maintained at the average level!"

"According to the prediction, the army will launch more than ten waves of continuous attacks. Hold on!"

When everyone approached the command point of the main control cabin, they heard a woman's voice issuing commands, one after another, accurately issued.....

"Stationmaster Estelle! We are back!" March 7 was the first to greet them.

"Phew, I'm glad you guys are back safely. Alan just came over and told me everything about the containment chamber. And his injuries....Thanks for your help"

"When disaster strikes, I realize that the staff are the most valuable asset of the space station. Alas, we are too little prepared for emergencies and have neglected the construction of security and combat personnel.

The commander, who was called Ester, turned around and everyone saw her face clearly.

""She's so young!"

Gui Naifen's first reaction when she saw Esta was that she was young!

She thought that if the stationmaster of a space station was not an old man, he should be a middle-aged person, right?

But she didn't expect that she was such a young woman....

"Could it be the immortal species?���Fen couldn't help but murmur

"Have you tried to contact the Black Tower?"In the game, Ji Zi also asked the other party

"I sent many letters, but all of them fell on deaf ears. Miss Jizi knows her. The space station is just a warehouse for her followers and strange objects. She doesn't take it seriously at all."Esther replied helplessly.

"I knew it...It doesn't matter, I will also send a letter to the Black Tower, saying that we have brought the rare item she wanted. At least this one is still a little attractive to her."Ji Zi was not surprised at all, and said with a smile

"Draw a card again?"

Just as Gui Naifen was preparing to continue to advance with the plot, she suddenly found that she had been given another ticket!

That is, the material for the jump card draw....

"Just draw it directly?"

Gui Naifen was stunned, because as soon as the ticket was received, it automatically jumped to the jump position....

"Wait, this operation, so this is the beginner's tutorial for the warp?!"

"Then my previous ten consecutive draws..."

Gui Naifen stared at the game screen and fell into deep thought. Her eyes rolled around and then shone with light, as if she had realized something!

"I see!"

"there is only one truth!"

"This is the real tutorial for beginners, and the previous one was actually given as a bonus by the game maker to thank us for joining the game!"

"This is the real jump tutorial!"

Just as Gui Naifen was analyzing it clearly, the jump started automatically.

The familiar train came, and then Pam stood at the door, and the purple light bloomed again!

"Purple again! Is it a 4-star character? It can't be me again...."

Gui Naifen was excited at first, then suddenly a little scared.

If this happened to her, it would be too strange........

"Ester! She is the stationmaster of the Black Tower Space Station!"

Gui Naifen took a closer look and saw that the portrait that popped up was of a woman, who looked exactly like Ester, and there was a huge astronomical telescope behind her!

"Four stars! Same four stars as me!..."

Gui Naifen showed a happy smile on her face, with a hint of smirk...

"I am a four-star, and Estelle is also a four-star. I am equal to Estelle! I am equal to the webmaster!"

【Stop laughing...Check out the information】

【Administrator Gold Dust: This...It should be a fixed draw. I only gave away one ticket, but I got four stars. This is a fixed gift.】

【I'm really crying! First it was March 7th, then Dan Heng, and now they gave away Ester! This game company is dying, giving away everything for free?】

【Did you forget what Robin said during the promotion? All the plots in the game are free, and there is no paid DLC...】

【It seems that Esta's origin is not simple.】

【Hanabi: My lady.】


Gui Naifen only remembered to check the information at this time.

She opened the function page and found the character column, then opened Estella....

"The camp is the Black Tower Space Station, and he is also the stationmaster. He comes from a famous family....Missy..."

After Gui Naifen found the other party's message, she began to read it. When the three words"Miss" appeared,���There was a flash of dimness in her eyes.

She was actually a young lady in the past. Her father loved her so much that even though he was the highest minister, he would play the clown to amuse himself for her birthday....

If everything is fine, will I...

But she suppressed her thoughts in a blink!

She is fine now, don't think about those things....

After showing a reassuring smile to Su Shang on the side, he continued to look at the information

"A curious astronomical researcher, good at managing the space station's staff who express their own opinions..."

"What about Sanyueqi and Danheng?"

Gui Naifen thought of the previous gifts that she hadn't read, and found the introduction of Sanyueqi and Danheng.

After all, there are only a few people in the entire character column now, so she can open it at a glance.

"March 7th, yes...A girl who once slept in the eternal ice and knew nothing about her past, chose to travel with the Starry Sky Train in order to find out the truth about her life. Currently, I have prepared about 67 kinds of"life stories" for myself.’!"

"So many?"

Gui Naifen said in surprise, and then pondered the other party's introduction....

"Wake up from the eternal ice, knowing nothing...Is it amnesia?..."

"Danheng...A young man who is very secretive about his past and is cold and taciturn. In order to avoid his blood relatives, he chooses to travel on the Starry Sky Train."

"Are all the members on the Star Train so special!?"

Gui Naifen found that neither of the two people's introductions was simple. Compared with Ester's introduction, these two completely embodied two words: mysterious!

【Actually, I am more curious about your introduction, Xiao Guizi....】

【Administrator Shajin: There are unknown stories behind everyone, and like the Star Train, as a pioneering consciousness, they must have a stronger determination to be able to take this train....】

【Jade: I always feel like you are talking about yourself, gold dust】

【Administrator Gold Dust: Hum】

【Jade has been banned by administrator Shajin for 1 day】

【Topa: You have to be careful about being bullied....】

【Little notebook holds a grudge?】

【Blade: Avoid your blood relatives, the choice of escape!】

【If only this game had come out earlier, we wouldn't have misunderstood Station Master Estelle!】

【Sorry, webmaster!】...........

PS: I am the only one at home to take care of the kids, my wife and I. My wife has to get off work late, so my request for leave was not approved....So I am the only one taking care of the baby. I wrote this chapter while the baby was feeling uncomfortable and taking a nap.

Although there are only two chapters today, the total is 7,500 words.

I will wait for my wife to come back tonight and take the baby to bed, and then I will continue writing. Don't blame me.....

The new book is launched, and I ask my brothers to support it by giving some flowers, evaluation votes, monthly tickets, and comments!

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