I’m Admiring the Zerg

Chapter 46: Bald male

The male is slender and white? The slightly damp fingers clasped the chin, and the handsome and innocent face gradually approached, flickering and flickering? His eyes pretended to be calm, "Hey, what's wrong?"

The male? The towel in his hand was casually placed on his shoulder, and his hand covered his forehead again, with a voice in his voice? The obvious concern: "Your head is hot, are you having a fever?"

What does the female look like? Hot as fire.

He took it without waiting for the female to respond? Light Brain, called up the simple medical mode, and shook it in front of the female insect, following? His action, a beam of red light hit the female's eyebrows.

[Drop, everything is normal. 】Light brain electronic sound starts.

Strange, it is obviously very hot, how can it be? show normaly? He was not at ease and tested it again, but the result was the same.

His eyes appeared out of thin air? On the silver-gray light-brain buckle with the two holes, the male's gaze moved upwards, and the pair were glowing? The slightly rippling ice-blue eyes, hesitant? Say, "Broken?"

"Well, it poked." The female blinked.

His voice was low, speaking? General? The wrong-doing claws lay before the male's eyes.

It's like saying that these claws are disobedient, if you want to punish it, punish it.

The male is amused by his cat-like gesture? . He raised his hand and lost his general? Throwing the light brain on the head of the bed, sitting cross-legged, was it pulled? The towel on his shoulders, while lowering his head to wipe the more and more water droplets on his hair, he joked: "It's not important, I am now? What are you more curious about?"

The female worm's heart is tight, and her eyes wander without focus.

"Sorry to say it? ... It's alright, the light brain has a recording function, later? Let's take a look and see if my family is carrying Ah Zhao? What did I do?" Still burying his head in wiping the water droplets, as if he didn't care about the answer, only? Talk to yourself.

"Master!" The female couldn't calm down any longer. He grasped the male's wrist with great strength? .

After the third-order evolution, the newly born skin is very tender, the white and tender skin is soon printed with a circle of red marks, and the reddish wrist comes into view, the female worm is startled, hurry up Removing the strength from his hands, he shouted again, with a little guilt, the hero.

"What's wrong?" The male raised his head when he heard the sound, trying his best to suppress the smile in his eyes? meaning.

"I'll wipe it for you." The female worm used a trick? The half-moist towel was pulled out of the male's hand, and he quickly went around behind him and rubbed it. The water droplets on his short black hair were instantly sucked away? big? Half.

I don't know what the reason is, the males are especially special in some aspects? Stubborn, such as the one-button drying function in the bathroom, which the males almost never use? , would rather bear it? Leaving with wet black hair? Get out of the bathroom and dry yourself with an absorbent towel.

So? by? Never wiped before? The females with hair are very hand-born, and they don't know the technique of wiping at all, only? Is it clumsily imitating the male worm's posture and wiping a little bit? , "Master, how did I polish it?"


"Is that possible?…"

"Huh?" He raised his eyebrows slightly, seeing through the premeditated act of courting by the females, just? Waiting quietly? Female performance.

"Just...don't look at..."The female was hesitant.

"What are you looking at?" The male pretended not to know.

The female organized for a while? He tried to speak a little more euphemistically, but in the end he was discouraged. As soon as he broke the jar and opened his mouth, he went straight to the topic: "Operating records of the optical brain, okay? Don't you want to read it?"

"Oh ~ you said that, see your performance? A subtle joke.

The female worm who was ordered knelt upright behind the male worm sitting cross-legged, and played with it meticulously? The towel in his hand, just looking at the serious expression, unwittingly returning it? Because it's researching the obscure mecha control panel. Just wipe it like that? rubbing? ,original? The wet and sticky black hair has become divided? Bright.

Mechanical repetitive motions for females to walk? God's chance? . The content of the mailbox confession letter begins with? A powerful gesture broke into his mind, the densely crooked characters flashed in front of his eyes, and his heart felt sour.

Other? Want to pretend to be intentional? No intention to raise other topics, and wait to chat slowly? chatting? Introducing the topic again, but his sour heart would not allow him to do so. In the end, he couldn't help but open his mouth.

"Have you seen it? Did you send a private message to your mailbox?" He asked softly.

"Have you seen it?" The male worm suddenly felt a pain in his head, "What's wrong?"

"No, nothing." The female voice was a little flustered.

The hero actually saw it? ! Is that exciting? Did you reply?

The movement of rubbing his head was slow and slow, He Yi narrowed his eyes comfortably, "Speaking of which, I suddenly remembered that after the mailbox was full some time ago, I set an hourly cleaning, you know, I There is no social contact, and the basic knowledge? Most of them are contacted by communication codes."

Thinking back now, he thinks of? Did you unpack it out of curiosity? After a few emails, he suddenly understood something, and the corners of his lips turned up slightly, "Azhao, you just didn't know? Are you looking at my mailbox?"

That's how the two holes in the buckle strap of his bare brain came from?


Scalp aches.

He Yi covering? Head up.

He turned back slightly? Waist, laugh? Yingying watching? pinching? The female worm who was in a daze on the towel said, "Azhao, what good will it do for you to bald your male master?"

The female worm's response is a half beat, follow? The words of the male worms come to mind involuntarily? A male lord with a bald head.

He chuckled? Now, wait for a laugh? Only after he made the sound did he realize that he found out? How disrespectful and overstepping Zai's behavior was, he hurriedly lowered his head and covered the corner of his mouth, which rose uncontrollably, with one hand.

The other one? is stirring? The towel's hand looked guilty and uneasy.

The male worm almost softened, but only? It's almost.

Is it about to stop laughing? Yi Sensen.

The feeling of pity that just rose in my heart disappeared in a blink of an eye, only? Left to cry? No, he almost forgot that his female worm was a showgirl.

Have He Yi pulled it? The towel in the female's hand was spread out, and there was indeed a small group of short black hair lying there alone.

In this way, this lonely bunch of hair has left forever the wise radiance that gave birth to him and raised him? brain.

He said angrily, "Look at what you did."

Judging from the amount of hair on the towel, he guessed? Big on the head? Probably bald a small circle. It shouldn't be very obvious. If you don't look carefully, you may not see anything, but if you follow it? This trend every day? If you take a small amount, will he still? There is a danger of going bald.

Two females? Cover your hands? Eyes, head hanging weakly on the chest, with? The nasal soft tone said, "My fault."


Whether it's real crying or fake crying, when the crying cavity enters the eardrum, the male's heart softens a lot? cut. Forget it, there is no need to make such a fuss about a hair transplant surgery? Do.

The male sip? Thin lips? The towel was in a ball, and one of them raised his hand and threw it into the trash can. He lifted his leg and moved to the bed? The female worm took it into her arms and rubbed it with one hand? Soft golden hair caressed with one hand? The back whispered comfortingly, "Don't be sad? It's all the towel's fault."

Does the corners of the female lip curl up? Gao, with today's hug, how could he? sad? Woolen cloth? Happy too late.

"Ship K9081, Ship K9081, please take note."

“The planet patrol fleet in the F region of the C galaxy reminds you that Moyunxing has arrived, and the next stop, Moon Soul Star.”

"Big? Data survey shows that Moon Soul Star is the area where pirates have recently appeared. If there are passengers who arrive at Moon Soul Star, please be prepared."

The spaceship-like interstellar navigation system in the guest bedroom is broadcasting the voice reminder of the planetary patrol fleet.

He Yi's hand brushing his hair was stagnant, he almost forgot that the female worm in his arms was also a big one? Killer, only? but? The females were accustomed to camouflage in front of him. He is usually coquettish and cute, but always looks soft and weak, making him subconsciously mistake it? Pity is needed for delicate females. But actually the imperial admiral who chased after the star thieves? Do you really need it?

"Master?" The female in her arms looked up at him, her eyes timid.

He Yi: "..." Well, he needs it.

Who stipulates that the female worm who dominates outside cannot go home to find her old man? attacked? He Will? The female worm's fluffy head was pressed into her arms again and her arms were tighter. "By the way, the military? Didn't it just be suppressed some time ago? Isn't it? Why did it appear so quickly? Star thief?"

So rampant? Dare to commit crimes against the wind?

The head of the female is arched in the warm chest, Ben? Just open the neckline of a loose bathrobe? Now, the soft hair sticking to the skin caused a numbness, and the itch on the chest made the male worm back away.

The female is not attached, will it again? The fluffy head got together? To keep hunched over? , just like acting like a spoiled child in his mother's arms when he was a child, he is the most skilled at doing this and never tires of it.

He replied to the male insect in a muffled voice: "Only? A few large-scale star thieves with bad records were wiped out. As for those scattered groups, the interstellar patrol fleet is in charge."

Is the imperial patrol fleet the military? The department responsible for the safety of ships in the star domain? team, but are they only? Responsible for clearing the vicious star thief gang, to those only? Charge a protection fee and open a star thief group that does not harm insect life? Close one eye? Eye. Because if you kill them all, it will inevitably be? It will lead to a counterattack, and then the interstellar trade channel will be the first? Chong will be? Was severely revenge, more than worth the loss.

"The Moon Soul Star is in the C galaxy, and the C galaxy belongs to the outer part of the central galaxy? The sphere of influence, the border guards here are not as dense as the central galaxy, and it has always been the first choice for star thieves to haunt." The worm raised his head, his eyes flashing? Fragmented light, "Don't worry, hero, even if there are really star thieves, I can keep you safe."

"Huh?" He Yi stared? The pair in front of you are wearing at the moment? Thousands of galaxy's bright blue eyes, he breathed for a while, staring blankly? Female worms, their chests are warm and swollen.

He has always acted as a protector, and this is the first time he has been placed in the protected ranks. Not bad. An emotion similar to moving is flowing in his blood, and his heart seems to be soaked in hot water? ,warm.

He pinched the bridge of the female's tall nose.

Smiling? , in the tone? Pride and pride: "Of course, my Ah Zhao is the light of the empire. With you here, I'm not afraid of anything!"

The female's cheeks quickly stained with a light blush, "Hmm."

After the shyness faded, he regained his composure, "If the C galaxy is divided according to the sphere of influence of the star pirates? Then the star field from Moyun Star to Moon Soul Star belongs to the Hongyun Star Pirates. group."

"Hongyun?" He Yi was surprised for a moment, he has heard this name before? , there is relevant information on the Star Network Forum.

Hongyun star thief group - the first star thief group in the interstellar. Each member has a red ribbon on his forehead. It is said that the head of the group is a one-eyed female named Hong. If you are lucky enough to meet, will you be safe? What will they do after Shouyi pays the protection fee? Leave automatically without harming the insects? , but if the crew or passengers on the ship call the police, what will? meeting? Was brutally torn apart.

Hongyun Star Pirates has 6 ships? It is surrounded by 6 directions, up, down, left, right, front, and rear, and it is difficult for ordinary merchant ships to fly.

Because the vast cosmic space seems quiet, in fact, danger is everywhere. In such a developed interstellar era, although space jumping technology is quite mature, but what are the coordinates of space jumping? It has been determined by countless explorations and tests. If you change the route rashly, it is no different from dying.

So? , once they meet the gentle star thieves like the Hongyun star thief group, will the crew and passengers of the passenger spaceship be? Choose to stop the ship and surrender to save money and avoid disaster.

After all? If there is still life, the money will be gone and come back. If you encounter an individual star thief group that is rampant in the universe and has not been wiped out, and is killed by the mad star thieves, it will be a disaster and misery.

"Is that the powerful one? But the insect people? The strange star thief group with the highest survival rate?" He Yi asked.

"Yes." The female nodded. compared to it? The other star thieves and the Hongyun star thieves committed few crimes, but what? The scale and strength should not be underestimated. Although there are concerns about raising tigers, but why? His political considerations, the military? In the end, did not choose to dispatch all power? That? Exterminate, only? Is it in it? After the development reaches a certain level, it will be given heavy blows, bruising the spirit, and repeating itself.

"That's all right." He Yi shook the quilt a few times, unbuttoned his bathrobe and threw it at the end of the bed, then rolled over and rolled in. He lifted a corner of the quilt, laughing? Slightly said: "Come on, it's time for us to sleep."

Slip away after paying the money? The star thief, is not enough? It made him worry to the point of sleepless nights.

The female untied the bulky cotton velvet pajamas on her body, and threw one to the end of the bed, and climbed into the quilt that the male specially prepared for him.

"Azhao, good night." The male worm approached? Come and put a kiss on his forehead.

"Male, late—" The female's tail was drowned in the deafening sound of the interstellar navigation system siren.

"CALL CALL! LARGE? PASSENGERS ATTENTION! Encounter Interstellar Pirates! Encounter Interstellar Pirates!"

“Di Di Di—”

"Encounter Star Pirates!"

The author has something to say:Thank you for voting or irrigating nutrient solution for me during 2021-11-0720:52:30~2021-11-0820:56:06 Oh my little angel~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the mine: 1 account has been cancelled;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: the account has been cancelled for 1 bottle;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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