I'm a thankful fox in Tokyo

Chapter 130 Fairyland

The middle-aged man looked to be in his forties or fifties, with regular features. Although his eyebrows and eyes were engraved with the vicissitudes of time, it can be seen that he must have been a handsome man when he was young.

He was wearing a black kimono, and the family crest seemed to be the Jinguji family. He seemed to have a high status in the demon hunter world.

He first looked around at everyone, and bowed slightly while sitting. Others returned the greetings, and Higashino Yu followed the crowd and returned the greetings.

"I am Jinguji Nobuaki, who has the trust of many predecessors and the government. I am the counselor of the Ministry of Religion, Culture, and Science, and I am the person in charge of this operation. We are all old acquaintances, so I won't say much, let's get straight to the point."

His voice was loud and full of energy, and everyone could hear his voice clearly.

"I believe everyone has heard about the frequent disappearances in Momogo Town a few years ago. The locals have different opinions. Some say it is murder, some say it is animal attack, and the locals call it 'Gokusuke'."

"There is indeed an ancient god in Kasumigao Lake, but it seems that the god has not fulfilled his duties. Instead, the Uda family in Inzai has been running around."

"After investigation and evidence collection, it can be basically determined that it is a demon disaster."

"Next, please let the head of the Uda family, the old senior Uda Jingzheng, introduce some of the information currently obtained."

After Jinguji Nobuaki said this, an old man with white hair and chicken skin sitting below him on the left seemed to be resting with his eyes closed. He opened his eyes slightly after hearing his words.

The old man had a head full of silver hair and his face was full of wrinkles and age spots. Because of his practice, his eyes were bright and energetic, and he looked like an octogenarian in his nineties.

His voice was old and hoarse.

"I am Ueda Kagemasa, the current head of the Ueda family. The affairs of Momogo should be the responsibility of the local demon exorcists, and it is a hometown that we must protect at the risk of our lives."

"Unfortunately, I am already very old and can no longer fight. I can only watch my children die one after another. To date, several people have died."

"If this continues, the Ueda family may be destroyed. We have no choice but to seek help from outside. Your help now will help Inzai, the Ueda family, and even Momogo Town. Please accept my greetings."

After saying this, he bowed deeply to everyone, and everyone said they dared not to return the greetings.

Afterwards, Ueda Jingzheng pondered for a while and said, "As I am in charge of the Ueda family, I don't know much about the peach village. However, when I went to the forest to investigate, the children who escaped back had some strange stories."

"They said that they accidentally entered an unfamiliar peach forest during the investigation, and they couldn't get out no matter how they walked. No magic had any effect, so they had to keep searching along the road."

"Later, they crossed a narrow mountain stream and came to a very beautiful fairyland, where the heaven and earth were full of spiritual energy and spiritual flowers and herbs. However, before they could go deeper, they were attacked by unknown demons and fled back in a hurry."

"I remember that the ancient books recorded that 'there is a peach forest in Inba, and there is a peach village in the forest, a paradise for demons and ghosts, and a fairyland in Hishizawa.' I guess the place where the children of my family went was the peach fairyland recorded in the ancient books."

After hearing this, the surrounding demon hunters looked at Ueda Jingzheng for a few times and nodded thoughtfully.

"Why didn't you tell me when you found the fairyland? Why did you wait until now?" A demon hunter asked, with a hint of blame in his tone.

"I was greedy at the time and wanted to leave some inheritance for the Ueda family."

Ueda Jingzheng smiled bitterly, but he didn't hide his selfishness at all.

He was so frank, and the demon hunters around him couldn't say anything. Who doesn't have selfishness?

With such a fairyland, who wouldn't want to clear out the monsters in it and take it for themselves?

Some demon hunters asked, "Did you go there again?"

"Of course I did."

Uda Jingzheng nodded slightly: "After hearing the news of the existence of the fairyland, I organized a lot of people and asked my children to lead the way. We went to the same place, but we couldn't find the way to the fairyland again."

Some demon hunters thought for a moment and sighed: "This kind of paradise is sometimes like a mirage."

Some demon hunters speculated on the reason why they couldn't find it: "I guess there should be formations, spells, etc."

"It may also be a paradise opened up by the gods, but there has been no news about the water god of Xia Lake for many years, and the shrine has been abandoned. It may have fallen. In this case, it is reasonable that the fairyland was occupied by demons."

Isn't this wrong?

When Dong Yeyu heard someone talking about the speculation that the gods had fallen, he denied it in his heart. Last week, he encountered the water god of Hishizawa when his soul left his body.

But he didn't say it out loud - otherwise he couldn't explain it and it would cause trouble, so he just sat quietly and listened.

"Whether the gods have fallen or not, such a fairyland is hard to come by. If the missing people are related to it, how should we solve this problem?"

The demon hunters present had no idea. There are many such fairylands in the island country, most of which are opened up by the gods with great magic power for their own residence.

Ordinary people cannot enter unless they are invited by the gods or find a way to open the door to the fairyland.

"Let's take it one step at a time."

"See what the Jinguji family says. I heard that they have a fairyland."

After the demon hunters discussed for a while, no one proposed to block the forest and pretend to be dead.

Most practitioners are tough, and the experienced demon hunters present have encountered more dangerous situations, so they will not be scared away by this so-called peach village.

What’s more, the families of the nearly 1,000 missing people also need an explanation. They want to see the bodies of the missing people alive or dead.

The Ministry of Religion, Culture, Science and Technology will not issue the promised bounty until the families are dealt with. If they are passive and lazy, they will not get a penny. The travel expenses and hotel expenses must be reimbursed by working, which is not a small expense.

Although most demon hunters earn a lot, they also spend a lot. Their wealth is used for training, and they are not rich enough to ignore so much money.

Jinguji Nobuaki raised his hand, waited for them to calm down, and said.

"That's the situation for now."

"It's getting late today, so it's not suitable to go deep into the forest for investigation. We'll set out for the investigation at 9 a.m. tomorrow. Two demon hunters from the Ministry of Religion, Culture, and Science will go with us."

"The matter of Taoxiang is quite bizarre. I'm afraid we can't fight the enemy with our own strength. I still hope that everyone can act together. It's not easy for you to have the current cultivation. Don't act on impulse, so that years of practice will be in vain."

After giving some warnings, Jinguji Nobuaki smiled and said, "But before that, you can take a rest. Taoxiang Hot Spring is a must."

After saying that, he announced the end of the meeting, and the atmosphere suddenly became a little more relaxed. Some demon hunters called their friends to introduce each other to their juniors, and some lone travelers simply greeted some familiar demon hunters and left the teahouse on their own.

Others gathered together to discuss the matter of Taoxiang.

Jinguji Nobuaki made a simple arrangement, his eyes fell on Higashino Yu, smiled and nodded, and then went to socialize.

"Onii-chan, are you my cousin's admirer?"

The two girls sitting next to Jinguji Hiiragi came over. They seemed to have forgotten that they had made faces at them just now, and their smiles were innocent and sweet.

Jinguji Hiiragi looked at the two indifferently after hearing this. The twin girls silently stepped back a few steps, and then wanted to say something.

The beautiful woman walked silently behind the two, tapped their heads gently with a round fan, and then smiled at Higashino Yu.

"Are you Higashino-kun? I heard Higashino mention you before. You are indeed excellent in both character and study, and you look outstanding. I am Higashino's aunt, Jinguji Rinko. They are my daughters, and they are quite naughty. I'm sorry to make Higashino-kun laugh."

Will Miss Jinguji really mention me with such a personality?

Higashino Yu glanced at Jinguji Hiiragi's expressionless face and suspected that this beautiful lady was just saying polite words.

But she didn't say anything, so she answered modestly: "You are too kind. Whether it is cultivation or study, Jinguji is much better than me. My daughter is also well-behaved and cute."

"Higashino-kun is too humble and polite."

The beautiful woman smiled and looked at the two girls with a slightly serious expression.

They looked at each other and bowed slightly in a very obedient manner.

"Higashino Nisan, I am Jinguji Shiori\\Kaori, please take care of me."

"I am Higashino Yu, please take care of me." Higashino Yu returned the greeting.

Then the two whispered a reminder: "Higashino Nisan, you should work hard, your cousin has many suitors--"

Jinguji Rinko patted the two heads gently, and then blinked at Jinguji Hiiragi Kagami.

"You two people of the same age will have more common topics, so we won't bother you."

After a simple greeting, she left with her two daughters.

I have seen this lady before.

Higashino Yu looked at the back of the lady and sighed in her heart.

This should be Yamato Nadeshiko, with a slender and plump figure, a decent appearance, dignified and elegant behavior, and a faint smile on her lips, but she does not make people feel perfunctory, and has a gentle temperament like water.


Jinguji Hiiragi Kagami stood by and waited for a few seconds, and reminded softly.

Higashino Yu turned his eyes naturally: "Jinguji-san's sister looks quite lively and cute, reminding me of my younger sister at home."

"Isn't Higashino-san an orphan?"

"I'm referring to the sisters in the orphanage."

Higashino Yu showed a look of emotion: "I don't know how they are doing after leaving the orphanage for several months. Jinguji-san can get along with such lovely sisters day and night, which is really enviable."

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