I Will Be The Crowned King

Vol 4 Chapter 387: Top 1!

The latest website: Empire, Xiaolongcheng Palace, Emperor's Palace.

The soft satin curtains decorated with lace patterns covered the large French windows on both sides, allowing the soft light to leak into the room in a random manner, gently spreading it on a handsome man with a sad expression on his brows. body.

A gray lake green dress decorated with iris patterns and a low-necked white shirt, with only a red bow tie for decoration; the long golden hair that is scattered on the shoulders, with a slight curl at the end, makes the handsome man more attractive. A bit bookish; at first glance, it seems like a knight who has read poetry and books, but is more brave and fighting.

Until the golden crown worn on the head completely shattered all these illusions.

Joseph Herrid, also known as Joseph III, the current emperor of the Hoherid Dynasty, has been in the throne for fifteen years since he was thirty years old; Prestige; in the next seven years, he continued to provoke wars, wooed foreign aid, and regarded Clovis as his lifelong enemy.

Win over the Isel elves, strengthen the control of the colony, deter the Seven Cities Alliance (Han Tu), and interfere in the internal affairs of the Three North Seas... In the ninety-fifth year of the saint's calendar, surrounded Beigang; in the ninety-ninth year of the saint's calendar, raided the border of Clovis , The war lasted for two years. During the period, he also intervened in the civil war in Hantu but suffered a disastrous defeat. Later, he lost the colony and lost his troops...

Looking at the melancholy Emperor in front of him, the Grand Commander of the Knights of Judgment sitting in a velvet armchair, Grande Manfred's mind poured out countless messages and intelligence, like letterheads passing by one by one. .

"The news came from Nakhir Cathedral that the Ludwig Crusaders encountered a storm on the way to the turbulent sea. After arriving at the port, they rested for a week before recovering a little bit of vitality, and immediately rushed to Sail City without stopping."

Grand Commander nodded slightly, but looked at the emperor's eyes with a bit of arrogance in his respect: "It seems that to punish heretics, we still have to rely on the brave and fearless imperial knights who are blessed by the ring of order. That's fine; I seem to be able to congratulate the holy war army sent by Your Majesty in advance for a glorious victory in the new world."


Emperor Joseph chuckled with a self-deprecating laugh: "Not to mention the heavy losses of the vanguard troops, it is very likely that they will not be able to ensure the completion of the expected goal; Your Excellency, Your Honor, the Pope sent you to my palace as a guest, not just to show me ...Well, congratulations in advance, right?"

"Of course not, there are mainly two important matters that must be reported to His Majesty." Grande said slowly:

"The first one is the amount of war loans provided to the empire and the amount of jihad assistance; second, the ruling Knights is about to start, and the operation still needs the cooperation of the empire, so it is necessary to inform Your Majesty in advance."

"This battle is likely to be the largest outing of the Knights over the years; material mobilization, personnel dispatch, and multiple factors related to the arrangement of the army, I hope Your Majesty is willing to lend a helping hand and facilitate it."

"Of course there is no problem." Joseph III agreed without hesitation: "May I ask what conveniences are needed from the empire, whether it is important people or materials; as long as the Herid family has some, you can speak freely."

"This is not in a hurry." Grande interrupted the emperor with a smile and raised his hand: "Let's talk about the amount of loans and assistance first, so as to relieve His Majesty's immediate worries."

"During the previous all-out war with Clovis, Han soil and the colonies, in order to quickly mobilize the army to fight, His Majesty borrowed money from the Church three times in the name of the Empire and twice in the name of the Royal Family, and because of the huge amount, he promised 2% Ten high interest, and the mining rights of ten mines in Xiaolong Principality, the business tax within the empire, the entry tax of Xiaolong City, and the construction right of open space as collateral."

"Before and after, a total of nearly 40 million gold coins were loaned from the church in cash, and of course many of them were in the form of materials." Grande paused, his tone was slightly subtle:

"In two years, if you know the situation is correct, these loans should have been exhausted; and because of the heavy loan repayment pressure, His Majesty's treasury has been emptied a lot."

Before he finished speaking, Joseph III's face had already begun to look a little ugly.

"Although the bank of the church is indeed an institution that needs to maintain profitability to ensure the financial stability of the orderly world and the prosperity of commerce and trade; but gold can only carry the wealth of the entire society when it remains in circulation, otherwise it is just a pile of Metal that cannot be eaten or worn." Grande continued:

"If the status quo of the empire continues, it will soon drain the wealth of the entire society; gold is used to repay debts and lead to deflation, and the palace lacks financial resources to maintain the stability of the system; the guardian of the ordered world will most likely be Lose the ability to perform your duties after the next five to ten years."

"Please do not doubt this figure, it is the result of the most outstanding scholars within the Holy See, using the most advanced difference engine."

Grande lowered his head deeply, but his voice was as steady as ever, without the humility of being a "subject".

"Then what do you mean, persuade me to make a complete reconciliation with Clovis, or not to send troops to the new world with great fanfare to conquer heretics for the Ring of Order?!"

Joseph III's face was extremely ugly.

It's not that he never thought that the church would use loans and aid to extort blackmail, or that he had already prepared in his heart from the beginning; but such an undisguised threat from the other party still made him unable to hold back the anger in his heart.

"No, Your Majesty, you are worrying too much." With a sigh, the head of the ruling knights raised his head: "To force His Majesty to obey the Church by aid... This is an idea that His Majesty the Court and the Pope have never had, let alone use. It humiliates the guardians of the orderly world in this way."

"Please don't forget that since the forty-seventh year of the saint's calendar, the church has no authority to interfere in the secular world; the only one who can rule the country and establish a prosperous world can only be you."

"Then you just..."

"My remarks just now are just a realistic description of the difficulties that Your Majesty and His Majesty's empire are facing." Grande interrupted again:

"As one of His Majesty's subjects, in addition to maintaining the world's belief in the Ring of Order, the Church of Order also has the responsibility to help His Majesty to help solve problems."

"For this reason, after careful negotiation, the church is willing to pledge the ten mines your Majesty has mortgaged, the business tax within the empire, the entry tax of Xiaolong City, and various sources of income, including the 20% annual interest you promised. , all be exempted!"

"Not only these, in addition to the jihad assistance to various forces, the church is also willing to provide an additional subsidy to the royal family to ensure that when His Majesty is governing the country and ordering the jihadist army to fight for the faith, there is no danger of lack of money. "

After speaking, the Grand Master slowly got up and bowed to the surprised emperor in front of him; while bowing his head, he presented a beautifully packaged "letter paper" with both hands - all checks directly issued by the Holy See.

Seeing the temptation at hand, Joseph III hesitated.

If you want to get this "subsidy" from the Holy See, you must pay a price, and it is not difficult to guess with your toes, what a heavy price to pay... So can the current empire really bear it?

No, it should be the current self, is there any qualification to refuse?

Without a second thought, the answer is obvious.

"I understand."

The emperor said blankly: "So, can you state now what assistance you need from the empire in this holy war?"

Looking at Joseph III, who quietly took the check into his arms, Grande's face showed an extremely imperceptible and fleeting contempt.

"It's not too much trouble, it's just something more laborious and needs the assistance of the imperial knights." Grande wrote lightly:

"To sum it up, it can be explained in one sentence."

"Oh, please speak."

"The Free Confederacy...must...be destroyed."

Looking into the eyes of the emperor, Grande smiled and said word by word: "The Free Confederation, the Thirteen Colonies, the Rune Family... must be... destroyed!"

After a short silence, Joseph III suddenly felt horrified!


New World, from Beluga Port to Changhu Town.

On the third day after sending Louis Bernard and the 2nd Infantry Regiment away, Anson, who received information about the Mujahideen's attack on Sail City, immediately issued a mobilization order to send reinforcements to Sail City.

Because it was a temporary conscription, and Louis's army had already exceeded 10,000 (the information just obtained), after thinking it over and over again, Anson decided to control the reinforcements he led at around 8,000, but the firepower must be sufficient.

So the third and fifth infantry regiments, the guard company, and all the remaining cavalry of the artillery company, plus 5,000 trained shooting corps as reinforcements, rushed to Grey Pigeon Castle.

The Grenadier Regiment and the Fourth Infantry Regiment continued to stick to the Beluga Harbor, while training recruited soldiers from all over the Ice Dragon Fjord, as well as the remaining 10,000 Design Corps.

In fact, although Alexei who left with Louis had been "intimidated" in advance, Anson actually didn't believe that Ludwig could really quickly attack Sail City, and then attack and raid other colonies.

This is not to doubt the personal strength of Major General Ludwig, or the strength of the Clovis Crusader Legion, but even if it is replaced by Anson himself, he does not feel that the city can be easily won.

If you want to conquer a city with a perfect defense system, thousands of defenders are stationed, and there are already prepared fortresses, and you have to attack quickly to win, there are only two ways: not only the cost of artillery offensive, but also at least five times more than the enemy's troops.

Does Ludwig's army have these two conditions?

It seems to be possible, but in fact, I am afraid that it will not work at all.

That's right, the Royal Fleet has a total of thirty battleships, and there is even a new steam ironclad ship. The firepower seems to be powerful enough to destroy the entire sailing city in an instant; but Anson actually led the storm division on the battleship; he is very Knowing that thirty ships full of supplies, supplies, and 20,000 soldiers, it is impossible to carry many shells.

Those hundreds of black gun doors, which are opened in rows in front of the port, really just look more bluffing; if they really let them "fire at once", I'm afraid they can declare the end if they stick to five minutes. .

As soon as he came up, he used his biggest trump card, and Ludwig would probably have to have a hole in his head to do this.

As for the strength of the army several times more than the defenders, this seems to be satisfied; but if you really want to rely on corpses to pave the way, and take one life to fill the trenches, it is not impossible for the 20,000-strong army to take the sailing city, but after winning it?

According to the most optimistic results, the jihadist army with more than half of the casualties is not a threat to the Free Confederation at all, and it is more appropriate to call it a spree.

In a month, according to Anson's estimation, it would take at least a month for Ludwig to conquer Yangfan City without major casualties.

On top of this, Louis and Alexei gathered the army all the way, and it was not difficult to put together a pretend army of 20,000; there were strong-willed defenders in the city, and reinforcements with similar strength outside the city; The character of the old boss never dared to act rashly.

Mmm, perfect!

With this confidence, Anson did not let the troops march in a hurry, but kept pace with the baggage units; even in order to reflect the importance of logistics, the commander-in-chief's headquarters was also placed in the queue very close to the baggage convoy. .

That's right, it's definitely not because you want to rub the carriage and avoid riding for a reason that sounds absurd; those who make fake news without authorization to slander the commander-in-chief are all traitors to freedom and loyalty!

In addition to the march, Anson even had free time to give instructions to the Supreme Council of Beluga Harbor and the Governor's Office of Ice Dragon Fjord: the new round of recruitment has reached the deadline, and the predetermined goal must be completed as soon as possible; the military level has not yet reached 100%. , the shooting army is still in a state of four people with three guns; taxes are the top priority of April's work, to let the people of the Confederacy understand that death may be avoided, but paying taxes is an obligation that must be fulfilled in their lives...

This confidence lasted for a long time~www.readwn.com~ until Anson, who was about to arrive at Black Reef Harbor, received information from Sail City.

"……What did you say?!"

"Lieutenant Colonel Alexei and the defenders of Sail City successfully converged. Sir Louis Bernard successfully made contact with the liberals around the city, and received active support from local forces. Colonies big and small."

Looking at Anson Bach, whose eyes were about to pop out, the frightened messengers could only do as promised: "At present, they have armed more than 6,000 local militiamen, and have simply fortified the local settlements. , with simple curtain walls and trenches."

"No, that's not what I'm asking!" An Sen stepped forward abruptly: "The previous sentence, what did you say in the previous sentence?!"

"Uh..." The messenger was shocked:

"Sir Louis Bernard and Lieutenant Colonel Alexei Dukasky were defeated in the weeds, and the 20,000-strong army has... been defeated!"

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