John scratched his head, feeling a little weird, and said cautiously: "Actually, Tom can also perform a handstand on one hand to eat dog food."

"Thank you John-"

Still saying the same thing, Daphne turned around and left without giving John a chance to understand.

Glancing at Tom, who was already circling around him, John raised his eyebrows and said loudly: "There is something wrong with you!"

Daphne paused, thinking that John had finally discovered it, but soon she realized that she was overthinking it.

John pulled the dog’s face and asked: “I’ve obviously eaten twice as much dog food these days, why haven’t I seen any growth in meat?”

Tom's fawning face froze, and he lowered his head guiltily.

And Daphne stepped harder, as if treating the floor as John, stepping hard on it.

This bitch even knew how much dog food Tom had eaten, but he couldn't find out why he was angry!

Chapter 122 Quidditch Training Week and Borrowing Books

John has always been a man who repeatedly jumped between carefulness and carelessness.

It was like Daphne, who had been around her for three consecutive days in a strange and strange way. Only then did John vaguely remember where he had heard this saying.

"Isn't this what Hermione said to me on her birthday last time?"

He was a little confused. He said why it was so familiar. It turned out to be Hermione who said it.

"Does she think I shouldn't give gifts to Gryffindors?"

After thinking about it carefully, John felt that this might be very big.

After all, as the leader of Slytherin's small team, Slytherin's attitude towards Muggles and mixed-bloods has changed a lot because of his own fault.

But the attitude towards Gryffindor has never changed. Slytherin and Gryffindor must step on each other to get the upper hand.

This is something that is almost engraved in his bones, even John is a little like this.

In this seems like I didn't do anything wrong!

There was no sorting when we became friends. I am a loyal Slytherin and definitely not a traitor.

I want to report it to the organization, I was wronged!

After struggling for a while, John finally felt that he had to apologize to Daphne.

After all, because of this relationship, one of his Muggle Studies classes was skipped.

After finding Daphne, John said seriously: "Daphne, I know I did something wrong during this period, and I apologize to you."

He said it very seriously, which actually made Daphne start to get nervous because of her little temper.

Daphne looked pale and said, "I was also wrong, I shouldn't have spoken to you like this."

Thinking of how weird she had been in those days, she couldn't help but rub her face, feeling her face stiffen when she sneered.

With that sinister tone, John nodded with deep understanding and said, "It's as if Professor Snape is by his side."

After saying that, he noticed that Daphne opened her mouth wide.

John didn't know why, wasn't he just like Professor Snape, so he had such a big reaction?

"In that case, Mr. Wick, ask someone else to get your approval slip."

Suddenly, John felt a chill behind him, and a gloomy voice came from behind.

John broke into a cold sweat. He usually didn't see Professor Snape looking for him, but it was such a coincidence today.

He turned his head awkwardly, and Professor Snape, who was wearing black robes, was looking at him with a sneer.

Swallowing with difficulty, John smirked and said, "Hello, professor, I was telling you that you are handsome."

This lie was so fake that even Daphne couldn't stand it. Snape's mouth twitched slightly, he looked at John coldly, dropped a piece of paper and left.

"It's over."

The goodwill that I had finally accumulated was all gone in one fell swoop.

With a look of resentment on his face, John caught a glimpse of the note from the corner of his eye. He picked it up. It was signed by Professor Snape.

"Uh...what does this mean?"

John was lost in thought, you didn't give it to me a few days ago, and now you suddenly gave it to me.

You're playing hard to get with me. You're not a girl. What's the point of playing this game?

Anyway, I got my note.

I have been busy doing experiments on dementors these past few days, so I haven't gone to the forbidden book area yet.

As he was free now, John turned around and ran away.

Daphne stretched out her hands and finally stamped her feet angrily on the spot.


The Defense Against the Dark Arts class was as good as ever. In terms of teaching quality alone, John thought he was not as good as Lupin.

"I can't tell that he is still a teacher. The young wizards in the werewolf community can trouble him in the future."

Staring at Lu Ping's confident and kind teaching method, teaching and entertaining can not only allow students to learn knowledge, but also make them happy.

John admired this.

He touched his wand out of habit. John had a habit of having something to rub in his hand.

He would rub the ring when he was wearing it, and touch the wand when there was no ring.

He felt that the wand would probably be swollen after graduation.

In the divination class, John got extra points like water.

His grades were so good that Professor Trelawney changed her name from kid to darling.

The Care of Magical Creatures also went well. Although some things happened in the first lesson, fortunately, they were all solved by John.

Malfoy, who had been trained by John, was not so delicate and did not call his father to complain.

Hagrid will find beautiful flower fairies to make the girls fall in love with them.

There are also some magical animals that don't look so dangerous. These things are boring in Hagrid's opinion, but they are very popular with the students.

Hagrid and John complained about this, but John was speechless and said, "You still want to bring the fire dragon over to the students?"

This suggestion made Hagrid's eyes light up, and he immediately hesitated: "As for the fire dragon, one is okay, but if there are too many, I can't take care of them."

John said, "Hey guys, you really dare to think about it."

He could guarantee that the fire dragon brought by Hagrid would be expelled from Hogwarts.

Even adult wizards would not dare approach this dangerous creature, and you still want to teach young wizards a lesson.

Dispelling Hagrid's unrealistic ideas, John came to the Quidditch pitch.

During Quidditch training period, the stadium is fully booked by the four courts every day.

No matter it's windy or raining, there are always figures flying around on broomsticks in the stadium.

The broomsticks flying in the stadium chased various balls. What was flying in the sky was not Gryffindor, but Hufflepuff.

Hufflepuff changed its captain, and Cedric, who had practiced dueling with John last year, became the captain.

Although he does not have Harry's outstanding intuition and talent, his skills are very strong, especially in turning, which is smooth and fluid, which is inconsistent with his tall body.

Cedric, who was practicing, saw John and greeted him from a distance.

John also nodded and gave him a cheering gesture.

He turned around and went into the restricted book section of the library and searched through all the books in it.

A book titled "The Origin and Speculations of Dementors" was lent by him.

This is an extremely unpopular book, so unpopular that Mrs. Pinsi was stunned when she saw it.

"You shouldn't be interested in dementors, even though they're out there."

Mrs. Pince usually didn't say much to the students, but she said a few words to John.

John showed his white teeth and said with a smile: "You always have to have more knowledge, don't you?"

After some persuasion, Mrs. Pince stopped caring. Before leaving, she said to John: "The ice cream you sent last time was very good, especially the red one."

John stumbled and looked at Mrs. Pince suspiciously. She actually liked the Mapo Tofu flavor as much as Filch.

Passing the Quidditch pitch again, John saw the flying yellow figure change to red.

Wood, who is already in his final year, is like a chicken blood, and Harry is looking for the Golden Snitch over and over again.

The twins practiced a sandwich tactic, wrapping people up on both sides and beating them down.

He stopped to watch and was driven out by Wood.

Although he knew that John would not reveal the secret, Wood still didn't like being stared at by the Slytherins.

John shrugged and left the Quidditch pitch.

He had considered joining the Quidditch team, but thought of how busy he was during this time and gave up the idea.

"It would be nice if I could control time."

He sighed, thinking that it would be great if he had a tool to control time.

But it's impossible to think about it. Time is also taboo in the magic world and is as dangerous as the soul. How can it be possessed casually?

Returning to the castle, John went to the Gryffindor Chamber of Secrets and couldn't wait to open "The Origin and Speculation of Dementors".

"Dementors are a blend of soul and matter."

The first sentence that caught his eye made John's eyes light up. He discovered this problem when he was experimenting on dementors. It seems that the author has something.

He soon settled down and continued watching.

"They are evil, cruel, and pitiful things that are man-made. They have very little intelligence and cannot increase their numbers through reproduction."

John looked at the book intently.

Are dementors man-made?

He suddenly thought of the basilisk, which was also a man-made product.

However, compared to Dementors, Basilisks are created by human intervention and then selecting genes from nature.

Dementors are different. The book speculates that dementors were created by humans. They have no gender and no concept of reproduction.

They are like wraiths, growing like fungi from dark, decaying places.

This made John's scalp numb. What kind of person could create such a thing as a dementor?

He forced himself to look down and saw various things.

The creator of the Dementors is an extremely evil being and the first resident of Azkaban.


Chapter 123 Weird Hermione and Level 5 Alchemy

The method of making a Dementor can be summed up in two steps, soul and curse.

Extis was very cruel and killed many Muggles. He used dark magic to brutally kill the Muggles around him.

The soul cannot find peace after death. It is cursed and cannot be liberated. It is trapped between reality and illusion. It is neither dead nor alive.

Over time, these souls will become dementors that feed on the souls of others.

"If there is a hierarchy of evil, then Extis is definitely the highest."

The author's sentiments deeply resonated with John.

Making a dementor out of souls tortured to death was something even John couldn't do.

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