The German team attacked fiercely, and in the 57th minute, Gosens from the left made a cross. Muller moved smartly and scored with a header! Germany 2-1 Croatia. In the 63rd minute, Germany attacked again, and scored another goal in the counterattack! Kroos's through ball helped Havertz get a single-handed opportunity! Facing Livakovic! Havertz did not give any chances, and hit the net with a push shot! Germany 3-1 Croatia! At this point in the game, the fans of the German team were so excited that their excitement reached its peak. Many people were singing and dancing, as if they were welcoming victory.

- [Waka! ]

- [Great German team, victory will belong to us! ]

- [No one can stop us! ]

- [Germany, must win! ]

- [Croatia? Must lose! ]

- [Go, go, go...]


On the sidelines, Dalic, who was squatting on the ground, saw that the team was already two goals behind, and directly submitted the second and third substitutions.

On the German side, no one has moved yet.

Because the situation is so good, Loew thinks it is unnecessary.

This time, Kovacic and Juranovic were replaced by Croatia.

Two forwards, Kramaric and Orsic, took the field!

At this moment, the checkered army has been pushed to the edge of the cliff by the German tank, and there is no better choice.

The only thing is to give it a try!

324 formation!

Focus on attack!


Boom boom boom...

The dense drumbeats are a signal from the fans that they will never give up.

Croatia launched a crazy attack in the last minute.

The German team appropriately put away their edge, prepared to defend, and consolidate their current advantage!

In the 73rd minute of the game, Chen Qi took the ball on the wing and faced Kimmich. There was physical contact on the wing. After the two looked at each other for a second, they quickly separated.

Chen Qi raised his foot... Kimmich bowed...

The former knocked the ball to Gvardiol, and the latter fell to the ground after pushing him!

Chen Qi immediately raised his hand!

Indicated that he had no action at all and had no intention of entangled with the opponent, otherwise why would I pass the ball?

Kimmich, who fell to the ground, was a little confused. What's going on? Doesn't this guy like to pass people? Why didn't he pass at this time?


The referee realized that he was deceived, and showed a yellow card in annoyance, and gave a stern warning!

Kimmich stood up embarrassedly, but he was a little resentful in his heart.

In the 76th minute, it was the right side again, and the two faced each other again!

This time, Kimmich slid over, but Chen Qi hooked the ball forward lightly, and the whole person jumped up easily, avoiding this defense, and then used his full-level speed to drive straight into the side!

Killed into the hinterland!

Chen Qi looked at the figure in the penalty area and shouted in German: "Ivan!"


The ball was passed to...

Modric next to him!

Hmm? What is this guy doing? Don't say, Goretzka and others are really disturbed...

Good opportunity! Modric passed the ball directly into the penalty area!

This time it was really Ivan!

Perisic inserted and completed a burst shot near the small penalty area!


Neuer failed to save the ball in time!

He was defeated by Perisic!

Mainly because he played for Bayern for a season, Perisic was too familiar with Neuer and others, and he caught their weaknesses!

Roar! Perisic, who helped the team score a goal, rushed to the sidelines and celebrated with his fist.

If he didn't know that Chen Qi and Modric had used this tactic of attacking from the east and west more than once, and they usually cooperated.

The straight pass just now might not be caught!

As for why I don't believe Chen Qi can pass the ball? Haha! That guy's shooting in the penalty area and breakthroughs on the wing are all very good, but his passing and ball control have never been good, and he can't pass any of the fatal passes!

There were so many people in the penalty area just now, so Perisic was sure that Chen Qi's shouting was just to confuse people!

Now it seems that it is true!


Keep going! There is still hope!

Modric took the lead in defense and told his teammates with practical actions.

In the 82nd minute of the game, Chen Qi completed a single defense on the wing, and Kimmich lost control of the ball.


This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!

Chen Qi turned and ran with the ball.

Looking at his teammates in the penalty area asking for the ball, he didn't hesitate and directly made a long pass from the air.

Kramaric headed the ball to his teammates.

Next to him, Orsic turned his body and shot directly!


The German defense was distracted!

Neuer touched the ball, but did not change the trajectory of the ball!

Dramatically, Croatia equalized the score.

The two sides tied 3-3.

This time, the Croatian players could no longer suppress their excitement and danced wildly on the sidelines!

Chen Qi, who contributed one pass and one goal in this game, also received a lot of negative emotions: [+99 from Muller, +99 from Neuer, +99 from Hummels, +99 from Kimmich, +89 from Havertz...]


On the sidelines, Loew watched the score being tied with a complicated look.

He glanced at the bench.

He made a decision immediately.

In the 85th minute, the German team made the first substitution of the game.

No. 25 Muller, No. 11 Werner, No. 20 Gosens, No. 4 Ginter were replaced, and No. 10 Gnabry, No. 19 Sane, No. 23 Emre Can and No. 14 Musiala took the field!

Changing four players in a row seemed to be a final sprint!

However... Croatia's defense was very tenacious, dragging the score into overtime...

The regular season ended, Germany 3-3 Croatia.

Next, there will be an extra time of 15 minutes each in the first and second half. If the winner cannot be determined within these 30 minutes, a penalty shootout will be held! Croatia is not afraid of penalties. On the first day Chen Qi joined the national team, Dalic assigned him a penalty training task. Each of them has good penalty techniques. There are penalty masters per capita in the team! What we are more worried about now is that the German team will score another goal in the extra time. Beep--- After everyone replenished their physical strength for a short time, the extra time officially began. In the first half, the two sides drew. But in the second half, the confrontation gradually became fierce! Loew knew very well what Croatia was good at, so the instructions he gave to his disciples were to end the battle in the extra time and not drag it to the penalty shootout! So in the 110th minute, Musiala entered the penalty area through flowers and butterflies, and leisurely shot the far corner... The ball ran wildly in the penalty area...

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