"What's going on? What's going on?"

A questioning voice suddenly came from behind Liya and the others. Without turning around, the girls could tell it was Vanessa's voice.

Michelle jumped into Vanessa's arms and said with a smile,"Sister Vanessa is so fast."

Vanessa stroked Michelle's head and said,

"Haha, I met a cadre clown. Well, he is indeed a clown with low education level. Haha."

Vanessa touched her chin with her hand, not knowing what she was thinking about, and she couldn't help but laughed.

"What's wrong, Vanessa?"Michelle looked at Vanessa strangely, not knowing why she laughed.

Vanessa put away her smile and said seriously:"Mr. Clown is a clown with great potential."

"Ah, that's it, what a pity, if I had known it would be solved earlier I would have gone to your place to have a look."

Michelle felt a little sorry, a clown that Vanessa also found particularly interesting must be very interesting

"I'm so sorry, Michel. I've already sent him into the arms of the sea.

Vanessa touched Michel tenderly and told him the end of her battle.

Michel's face was filled with regret.

"All right~"

Liya felt uncomfortable no matter how she watched or listened to what was going on. She also felt a little chilly.

Luo Lan came over with an angry look on his face and questioned Liya:

"Is this the scientist you were talking about?"

Liya put her hands on her chest as a calming gesture and nodded timidly.

"He just made a jet powered by garbage toxic smoke, and you call him a scientist?" It would have been fine if Liya didn't say anything, but Roland got angry when she said it.

Liya said weakly:"In this sea, anyone who can read is considered an educated person. This skunk can also study chemistry and make aircraft. Can't he be considered a scientist?"


Loran was stunned when he heard this.

Indeed, the technology tree on the sea is very peculiar. Scientists are all those who are particularly talented. Because there are not many teachers in this world, many scientists cross the river by feeling the stones. So according to the standards of the sea, this skunk is really a scientist.

Loran felt a little empty in her heart, and did not question Liya. Maybe she also realized the deformity of this world. Liya's judgment was indeed reasonable.

Loran is a talented player. She caught up with the knowledge that other people can only learn in a lifetime in just one year. She has read all the books on Noah's science and technology.

You know, Noah likes this kind of books the most, so there are hundreds of such books in the library.

Although she has not done any experiments, she feels that she can easily analyze the material and structure of the aircraft. She even sneers at the poison gas that the skunk is proud of. She thinks that this kind of low-level garbage poison gas can be easily matched by her.���He is much better than him.

It was not until today that Liya's words made her realize that the world is big, but in the eyes of many people it is also small.

Luo Lan said in a low voice with a little apology:"Private Marseille, Sister Liya!"

This time Liya was embarrassed and responded with a thick face:"It's okay."

Vanessa interrupted their emotions and said:

"Okay, time to go to the main ship."

""Okay!" ×6

They responded in unison, and just as they were about to head for the main ship, suddenly, a stream of light flashed before their eyes, and then a strong wind blew, causing the ship to sway from side to side.


"What is this?"

"It seemed to be flying from Noah's direction."

"Could it be Noah who took action?"


They saw the light go straight through the bow of the main ship, then penetrate the entire ship from beginning to end, and finally a violent explosion occurred a few hundred meters behind the main ship.


The view came to the main ship a few minutes ago.

Irene rushed towards the Big Bear King with Moon Steps, but was stopped by the soldiers on the way.

""Little minions, stay out of the way!"

At this moment, Irene was no longer as innocent as usual.

She was like an arrogant female sword god, and she flashed through the crowd nimbly.

There was also the sound of swords hitting flesh.

When Irene appeared behind them, they had already been chopped.

Some of them spurted blood from their chests, and some covered their necks, but it was no use.

The blood on their necks sizzled out.

The Big Bear King was very happy when he saw the four beauties, and he was ready to make them his wives.

But the beautiful swordsman in front of him ignored him and killed his little brothers directly.

"Tieme! Little beauty, I'll give you a chance to be my pirate wife, otherwise……"

The Great Bear King didn't care at all that his younger brother was killed, nor did he care about Irene's superb swordsmanship.


Very strong?

What can they do to me?

I am the user of the Iron Fruit!

As for the girl of the Mythical Beast System behind them, the Great Bear King was not afraid at all, because although he knew that the Mythical Beast System was rarer than the Natural System, it was not as invincible as the Natural System and could not be injured.

In the eyes of the Great Bear King, his defense was invincible!

Others could not kill him, but he could injure others.

In other words, he could wear others down.

When Irene heard the Great Bear King's arrogant words, her eyes became fierce, and she drew her sword and chopped at the Great Bear King's neck.

Her footsteps were coordinated with the Six-style shaving, and before the Great Bear King could react, the sword was already dozens of centimeters away from him.


Frost and Snow chopped at the Great Bear King's neck fiercely, but it burst out with orange-red sparks and the sound of metal and stone colliding.


The Big Bear King was frightened by Irene's speed and broke into a cold sweat. His face changed drastically and he became furious. His right hand suddenly turned orange and red, and there was a scalding sound, as if it was a piece of red-hot iron. The Big Bear King raised his flaming fist and smashed it directly at Irene's beautiful head. The Big Bear King wanted to smash Irene's head off with this punch. Irene could clearly feel

���The burning temperature on her arm, but her eyes remained calm.

Just when the Big Bear King thought that Irene had nowhere to hide in the air, Irene miraculously stepped a few times in the air and nimbly dodged the Big Bear King's heavy attack.

This made the Big Bear King's eyes widen, his face full of disbelief.

"What's going on here?"

Irene didn't want to explain. She disappeared again and reappeared behind the Big Bear King.

""Ichishin Style: White Crane!"

Irene held the frost in her hand and seemed to have turned into a white crane, pecking at food with her long beak.

When she came to her senses, she saw the frost in Irene's hand turned into countless sword shadows stabbing at the back of the giant bear king.

Clang! Clang! Clang!

The sword stabs fell on the back of the giant bear king like a torrential rain, but only sparks collided.

Irene frowned, then flashed back to Kuina's side.

"It’s really hard! It’s really like steel!"

Irene frowned, but soon relaxed her frown and said:

"But this is just right, we can use him as a stepping stone for advancement!"

Kuina was also frowning at this moment, her hand tightly gripping the hilt of the sword, looking at the pirates around her with a serious expression.

As a rookie, she couldn't help being a little nervous when she saw the pirates' evil and ferocious evil smile.

Joanna saw Kuina's nervous expression, thought for a while, and then joked:"Well, Kuina, you're not afraid, are you?"

Kuina heard Joanna's words and hurriedly denied:"How could it be!"

Then, in order to prove her innocence, Kuina rushed towards the pirate brother with Wado Ichimonji in hand.

At the beginning, Kuina was still in a hurry to deal with it, but she soon found that these pirates were only as powerful as the adults in the gym, and their skills were just random hacks.

Kuina began her killing spree. She fooled a pirate with a fake move, and then Kuina easily killed him with the long sword in her hand.

However, as the pirates surrounded her one by one, Kuina gradually felt pressured, but she was still able to keep rushing left and right, leaving the surrounding pirates helpless. The

Big Bear King also felt that this woman was tricky at this moment.

Damn, this woman can fight and run, and the initiative is not in my hands.

Just as the Big Bear King's eyes were wandering, they suddenly fell on Kuina, and then he didn't know what he thought of, and an evil smile appeared on his face.

""Woman! Take my punch!"

The bear king shouted, the temperature of his hands kept rising, and in just over a second, they turned into red-hot steel, and he jumped up and pounced on Irene.

Although he was full of momentum, he was far behind Irene in speed.

Irene flashed past and appeared beside the bear king in an instant, then chopped the bear king's thigh from bottom to top.

""Ka la la la la!"

Irene's attack passed through the Great Bear King's thigh, only bringing up a series of sparks.

The Great Bear King was not disappointed that Irene dodged his attack. Instead, he raised a wicked smile at the corner of his mouth. He swung his left hand and punched Kuina who was concentrating on dealing with the pirates beside him.

"Kuina, be careful!"

At this time, Elena and Joanna, who had easily dealt with the pirates who rushed over, suddenly shouted with their eyes wide open, and then stepped on the shavings and quickly approached them, but the pirates surrounded them regardless of life and death, so they couldn't get away for a while.

Kuina paused, turned her head and saw a burning red fist reflected in her pupils, and it was getting bigger and bigger.

Kuina's pupils shrank suddenly, as if she thought of the scene of her brain being easily burned through, and her whole body was cold.

At this time, Kuina's memories were playing in her mind like a revolving lantern.

She remembered her father: Kuina, it is impossible for a woman to become the strongest in the world!

Remembered Zoro: Kuina, I will definitely defeat you next time!

Remembered the other people in the dojo: Come on, Kuina!

Remembered Noah: Kuina! Na, a woman can also become the strongest, as long as she has strong faith in her beliefs!


The despair and confusion in Kuina's eyes quickly faded. She clenched the Wado Ichimonji with both hands and blocked her fists with her sword.

She knew that this would be useless, but she would never give up hope of living.

Doing something and dying and doing nothing and waiting to die are two different things!

Noah, who was two hundred meters away, showed a relieved smile.

At this moment, he was holding an exquisitely crafted bow in his left hand and a spiral-shaped sword in his right hand, which was resting on the bow and pulled into a full moon shape.

Red lightning flashed on the spiral sword, and as Noah accumulated power, it began to spread throughout his body.

The tip of the arrow shone brightly red, and it spit out scarlet tongues of fire like the fire of Suzaku.


Noah loosened his grip, and the arrow turned into a dazzling blue light that cut through the sea and passed by Liya and the others.

Here, Irene dodged in front of Guina, also using a sword and an iron block to try to protect Guina.

The Big Bear King also showed a happy expression at this moment. He fell into a trap! Woman!

Just as he was trying to punch the cunning woman's head, a blue light caught his eyes, and at the same time brought him a piercing sense of crisis.

But before the Big Bear King could react, the blue light took away the Big Bear King's arm, and it wiped out the existence of the arm as easily as plasticine.

Finally, the blue light passed through the entire hull and flew hundreds of meters before plunging into the sea, turning into a dazzling fireball and mushroom cloud, setting off huge waves!

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