Koshiro smiled and said,"Noah, I have nothing to teach you anymore."

Noah thought Koshiro was going to send him away and that there would be no Koshiro's class in the future.

But fortunately, Koshiro continued,"However, if you have any questions, you can come here to find me. I usually stay here in the evening."

"OK, thank you Master Geng for your teachings!" Noah knew that it was time for him to leave, so he stood up, bowed to Koshiro and left. He returned home very early that night, and when he got back to the ship, the maids were very surprised, and even thought that Noah had made Koshiro angry and was kicked out.

Fortunately, Noah waved his hands to indicate that this was not the case.

Koshiro actually did not expect Noah to learn so quickly. Originally, he planned to see Noah thinking hard and had no ideas, so as to guide him as a mysterious and profound teacher, and then let Noah slowly understand. As a result, Noah just closed his eyes and thought for a while and then understood directly.

"Come, come, let me show you what I have learned today."Noah asked the girls to look over, and then he took out Frost and Snow from the King's Treasure.

Noah stood there for a moment, holding his breath, and then suddenly his eyes widened, his right hand muscles bulged, and he squatted slightly in a horse stance, muttering:

""One-sword style: Remaining flowers on a moonlit night!"

At the same time, he pulled out the Frost and Snow in his hand and slashed it into the air. All that could be heard around was the sound of the knife cutting through the air.

A blue slash like a crescent moon flew into the air, and after flying a distance, it exploded like a withered flower, exploding into smaller slashes that flew into the sky at a faster speed.

The girls seemed to be enjoying a fireworks show. The slash was as beautiful and gorgeous as fireworks, but it was also very dangerous.

Irene and the others were very excited. They hugged Noah and asked,"Lord Noah has become a swordsman?"

Noah already had experience in flying slashes, and not a few times, but many times, mainly because there were too many pirates.

Because of this, Noah learned the flying slash as a matter of course as soon as he comprehended the"Breathing of All Things".

Noah rolled his eyes at Irene and the others, waved the Frost and Snow in his hand, and said,"Of course, see? This is not a projected frost and snow! With the talent of your Lord Noah, a mere swordsman can easily do it."

"You guys study hard, and when your swordsmanship reaches a certain level, learning the 'Breathing of All Things' will be a piece of cake."Noah encouraged Irene and the others.

Of course, if the future Zoro is estimated to have objections, he has not been able to break through the swordsmanship before he was nineteen years old.

It cannot be said that his swordsmanship is not up to standard, but it can only be said that his state of mind cannot match the 'Breathing of All Things'.

Only at the critical moment of life and death can his restless heart calm down, but he happened to be smooth sailing all the way, so he didn't realize the mystery of"cutting iron" until he met Daz Bonis.

Irene and the others were full of disbelief, and their swordsmanship was still far from enough.

Noah seemed to see their worries and smiled,"Don't worry, I will fight with you often."

Noah felt that the maids were all talented, and with the assistance of Joanna and himself, as long as they could endure hardships, their strength would definitely improve greatly within a year, at least they could sail freely in the East China Sea.

Liya stepped forward and said to Noah,"Lord Noah, you brought back a book before, do you need me to put it away for you?"

Normally, Liya is in charge of leading the maids to clean Noah's room, but Noah needs to be asked for permission to organize some things.

Noah was stunned for a moment, and suddenly thought of the booklet called"Six Styles", and said:"If Sister Liya hadn't told me, I would have forgotten it. Don't rush to put it in the study. Let me see what the book is first."

Liya usually doesn't look at Noah's things, so she doesn't know what the book is about, so she nodded and said she understood.

Liya called the maid to take a bath. Except for Noah's independent bathroom, the maids actually share one bathroom, and the sailors use another.

Noah returned to his captain's room, and the old booklet was placed on a corner of the table.

Noah picked it up and looked at the worn cover, and murmured:"It seems that the owner of this book often takes it out to read. It is probably his experience in cultivation."

After all,"Six Styles" means what the moves are as soon as you hear them.

Noah sat on the chair, resting his chin with one hand, and flipped through the book with interest.

The first page, huh? Superhuman skills? So powerful that it can fight against Devil Fruit users? Interesting!

The second page, shaving?

Noah looked at the somewhat sloppy steps and slowly sat up straight.

The third page, iron block?

Hiss! It seems unusual, this also involves the control of qi and blood.

The fourth page, paper drawing?

Hmm? Sensing the changes in airflow to dodge? This body movement is very interesting


The subsequent moon steps, mist kicks, and finger guns made Noah's eyes shine unconsciously. The last sentence made Noah feel that this book was simply a martial arts secret book - if you practice the six styles to a deep level, you will have the opportunity to comprehend"life return" and can further control your body.

For example, digesting food, stopping bleeding, controlling hair, moving energy in the body, etc.

The strong men on the sea are undoubtedly a group of gluttons. Those who eat more are not necessarily strong, but the strong must eat more.

Because usually strengthening the body and recovering from injuries rely on the energy obtained from external food digestion.

And this life return can not only help you digest quickly, but also help you move the digested energy to the damaged area to speed up repair.

There are also battles on the sea from time to time.

Sometimes a cut is made.

Normal people who don't tie it with gauze will probably die from excessive blood loss, but people who can return life can control the surrounding muscles to stop bleeding, and even if the bones or internal organs are dislocated, they can return the dislocated bones or internal organs to their normal positions.

Noah decided that everyone on his ship must learn the six styles. Those who learn kendo can learn slowly, but they must learn them. After all, the six styles are essentially moves that help people develop their human potential. Learning them can make them stronger faster.

Among them, Noah pays special attention to the"Moon Step". After all, Devil Fruit ability users cannot touch the sea water. Although some of them can fly, some can freeze the sea, and some can use barriers to avoid the sea water, what if the ability cannot be used? Noah doesn't know what will make it invalid. He only knows that if a large area of the body touches the sea water, the ability will be blocked and weak.

Therefore, the study of the"Moon Step" is indispensable.

Just as Noah was thinking about the various functions of the"Six Styles", Liya and others came.

After Noah let them in, he smiled mysteriously and said,"Sister Joanna, you treat the others first. I'll give you a big surprise later!"

Joanna had no intention of going over to treat Liya and the others. Instead, she rushed to Noah, rubbing him and said coquettishly,"Sir Noah, tell me, what's the big surprise?"

Noah's nose was almost bleeding from being rubbed, but his strong will made him say,"Go and treat the other sisters first."

Seeing that Noah refused to say anything, Joanna had to let Noah go, then hugged her shoulders and said,"Sir Noah has lost his memory at a young age. Didn't you say before that Kuina and the others would come over to treat the injury caused by exercise? I can't just treat them and not ourselves."


This made Noah stunned. He had indeed never thought of letting Joanna treat the other maids. He must have been a little confused recently.

"Ahem, sister Joanna did a great job. Actually, I knew it a long time ago." Noah could only force an explanation, and then directly motioned to Liya to come over for him to check.

After Noah put magic power into Liya's body, he found that the major damage was gone, but some minor damage was not repaired, mainly because these minor damages were not given special attention.

This is not Joanna's fault. After all, Joanna could not sense the situation in other people's bodies, and could only control the healing flame to burn from beginning to end.

Noah used magic power to repair some of the remaining minor damage, and then carefully checked it again before the next one.

When Noah checked Joanna, he found that as expected, because Joanna was the user of the Suzaku Fruit, the healing flame in her body was constantly repairing the damage in her body, so Joanna's body was now as healthy as it could be.

Noah instructed Liya:"In the future, sister Liya will keep an eye on sister Joanna's practice. Let her practice as long as it is not time to rest. Also, you must ensure that you have enough food and drink, eat more meat, and don't worry, you won't get fat."

Liya nodded, while Joanna seemed to have lost all hope in life.

Noah looked at Joanna with some amusement, pinched the young lady's nose, and said unhappily:"Who told you to eat the Suzaku Fruit? You are so lazy with such a good fruit? I don't know how many people on the sea envy you!" Many of the strong men in the pirate world did not lose to their opponents, but to time!

Generally speaking, as long as pirates are over sixty years old, the hidden injuries suppressed in their youth will surge like a dam releasing floodwaters, and their strength will inevitably decline. When they are seventy years old, it is like the dam is washed away. It is already a good maintenance for the pirates to retain six or seven out of ten of their strength. More pirates can only be tortured by injuries and bedridden.

Among the strong ones, the animal-type fruit has the longest peak period. For a fruit like Joanna, it is estimated that her strength will decline when she is in her seventies or eighties due to the decline of physical strength due to old age.

"By the way, don’t you want to exercise and learn physical skills?"Noah turned around and picked up the booklet on the table, saying:"This secret book is a big surprise!"

"Nani!"All the girls rushed forward to watch, even Irene and the others who were learning swordsmanship were no exception.

Noah didn't hold it in his hand, but handed it to Liya, and everyone gathered around Liya to watch.

"This booklet is actually the notes of a taijutsu expert. It contains a list of taijutsu techniques called the"Six Styles", which are shaving, moon step, iron block, paper painting, storm kick, and finger gun."Noah briefly explained the six styles to the girls.

"These six styles are very exquisite. It is not just about how powerful their moves are, but the control of qi and blood in their moves is particularly exquisite and comprehensive, which can help you exercise every muscle in your body in a relatively scientific way and better tap the potential of your body."

Noah felt that the moves were not the key point, because he felt that if he saw someone using the six styles, he could imitate them. After all, the six styles are just moves, just an application of one's own strength. As long as one's strength is sufficient, it is not difficult to imitate the six styles.

However, it is only second to imitating moves similar to shaving, such as stepping on the ground dozens of times in one second, but this is only the appearance of shaving. Shaving also includes how to control the qi and blood of the feet and every muscle on the feet when using shaving. This is difficult to learn without teaching, unless you have perspective.

But these are what Noah values most, because the movement of qi and blood and the control of muscles when using shaving can exercise the muscles on the feet and enhance their strength.

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