Chapter 179

In the East Kunlun, in the Yuxu Palace, Yuan Shi Tianzun slowly opened his eyes, his divine mind moved slightly, and his eyes were full of divine light.

“Baihe, go and welcome you brother Guangchengzi!”


The Baihe boy who was standing not far in front of Yuan Shi dared not delay, he responded and hurriedly moved towards the outside of Yuxu Palace.

Soon after, Baihe Boy came in with Guang Chengzi, and both of them bowed to Yuanshi Tianzun.

“The disciple Guangchengzi pays homage to the teacher!”

“Guang Chengzi, your teacher already knows your intention.”

“That Chi You is indeed a character in the Lich period, although he does not know what means he used to reincarnate into the human race, and wants to compete with Xuanyuan for the emperor’s luck!”

“But, dictated by the way of heaven, the throne of this man should belong to Xuanyuan!”

Having said that, Yuan Shi was silent for a moment, and he set his gaze on Ran Deng’s body.

“Vice-master Randeng, you will lead my disciples down the mountain to assist the co-leader of the human race to suppress the Chiyou rebellion!”

“When Xuanyuan proves the Taoist Emperor and his merits are completed, it will be a good thing for you to be able to share some merits from it!”

Hearing Yuanshi Tianzun’s words, whether it was Randeng or the rest of the disciples, there was a glimmer of joy in their eyes, and they all bowed to Yuanshi Tianzun.

Yuanshi Tianzun didn’t say much, just waved his hand to let them go.

After that, Guang Chengzi left with a group of people in the interpretation and teaching, and headed towards the place where Xuanyuan is now.

On the other side, Chi You still has dissatisfaction with the Jiuli tribe today.

Although, he found a copper mine and made a sharp weapon with copper.

Although human witches are a lot stronger than those human races, but compared to those human races, they are far from being compared with the witch races.

Although he had defeated Xuanyuan many times, Xuanyuan was like an indestructible existence.

Always be able to form another army and fight him again.

He is not a fool, and he can feel that every time he fights with him, the combat effectiveness of the army he builds is constantly increasing!

If this continues, I am afraid that by that time, with Jiuli, these human witch tribes will not be Xuanyuan’s opponent at all.

Not to mention that Xuanyuan’s teacher is still Yuanshi Tianzun’s eldest disciple Guangcheng, this is something he has to consider.

After thinking about it for a long time, Chi You could think of the best way, and only the reclusive Wu Clan!

As long as the Wu Clan is willing to help him and the saint does not take action, then he can completely use the power of the Wu Clan to remove the obstacle of Xuanyuan and ascend to the throne of the emperor!

Only by moving rescue soldiers to the Wu Clan, can Xuanyuan be completely wiped out in the next decisive battle, without giving him any chance to stand up!

And he hadn’t seen the witch brothers before for a long time, and he missed them very much in his heart.

When he thought of this, Chi You couldn’t bear it. He didn’t delay, and after confessing the affairs of the Jiuli tribe to his 81 brothers, he headed towards the place where the Wu Clan is now secluded.

It didn’t take a long time for Chi You to come to Pangu Hall in a light car, and before he walked in, a loud shout came out.

“Stop! Witches are forbidden to enter, leave quickly, if not, don’t blame me for killing you here!”

Hearing the familiar voice, Chi You’s eyes suddenly reddened, he laughed, and saw him speak.

“Hahaha, brother Xingtian, don’t you know me?”

“Don’t come out to see who I am?”

tread! tread! tread!

Hearing Chi You’s words, a figure walked out of Pangu Hall.

He saw Chi You with a bit of doubt in his eyes, and he could feel that Chi You had a somewhat familiar aura, but his face was definitely not anyone he knew well.

Suddenly, a look of shock flashed in his eyes, and he seemed to think of something!

“You…are you Wu Shisan?”

“Are you Chi You? You weren’t already with Master Zuwu and the others…”

Hearing Xing Tian’s words, a divine light flashed across Chi You’s eyes.

He didn’t tell Xing Tian how he came back, after all, the less people knew about it, the better.

Chi You laughed, turned the topic off, and said to Xing Tian.

“I don’t know why I survived. When I recover my memory, I will have been reincarnated into the human and witch lineage.”

“I came to Pangu Temple this time, I have important things to discuss with your brothers, are they all in Pangu Temple?”

Xing Tian didn’t doubt Chi You’s words, his eyes also had a look of surprise.

It is naturally very happy to have one more brother alive. Hearing Chi You’s words, he was about to welcome him in.

I haven’t seen each other for so long, and if one more brother shows up, I think both parties will be very happy to see each other.

Soon, the great witches such as Jiufeng and others who heard the news appeared in the main hall one after another. They looked at Chi You with only happy expressions in their eyes.

And Chi You saw that there were only a dozen great witches left in the Witch Clan today, and his eyes were dim.

Just listen to him speak with a sigh.

“I didn’t expect that when my Wu Clan and Demon Clan fought to the end, there would only be the last few people left. It’s really ridiculous!”

“I knew it was such a result, it would be better to occupy one-third of this acre of land!”

Jiufeng and the others were silent, and they didn’t know what to say.

After all, the matter has passed, and if it were to happen again, perhaps they would still choose to do it.

If you don’t do it, then they won’t be called the Witch Clan!

After a long time, Jiufeng said.

“The Lich has passed, and now I can wait to protect this ancient temple. As for the others, my witch clan has no idea.”

Chi You heard Jiufeng’s words, a divine light flashed in his eyes, and he spoke.

“Now that I have been reincarnated in the line of humans and witches, I have a way to make my witch clan thrive again. I wonder if you guys are willing to do it?”

The eyes of Jiufeng and others lit up, and only listened to Uncle Feng’s words.

“If there is a way to make my Wu clan prosper, of course I am willing to do it, but I don’t know what the way the Chi You brothers are talking about?”

“I also said just now. Now that I have reincarnated into the human race, the human and witch family, I must have heard of the great prosperity of the human race. The three emperors and the five emperors were born, the protagonist of the world, and now I want to compete with the human race Xuanyuan for the position of the human emperor! ”

“If I can win the throne of the human emperor, then I can let the spirit of the family back feed my witch clan. At that time, my witch clan will have the opportunity to prosper again. Will you brothers help me?”

Chi You spoke to the crowd of his own thoughts, he wanted to fight for the throne of the emperor.

The center of Jiufeng and others moved somewhat, but there were some worries, and Jiufeng opened his mouth and said.

“If you want to fight for the throne of the human emperor, won’t the human race allow it? Those saints won’t allow us to do so, will they?”

“If my witch clan sends troops, I am afraid that those saints will do it directly at that time, and my witch clan can’t stand another toss!”

Jiufeng’s words awakened many great witches. They were afraid for a while. Right now they only wanted to protect the remaining witch race. Compared to prosperity, they were still unwilling to let the witch race take the risk of extinction.

Chi You had thought of asking such a question a long time ago, and saw him speak.

“Humans and witches are also human races. Since they are all human races, why can’t I compete for the throne of human emperor?”

“Neither the saints nor the human ancestors can intervene in this matter. This is a competition within the rules!”

“What we have to face is Xuanyuan, who is vying with me for the throne of the emperor, and the disciples who helped him.”

Hearing Chi You’s words, Jiufeng didn’t say anything more, her eyes were firm, and she just listened to her.

“I’m not involved in this matter. If you wait for anyone who wants to go, let’s go. I will stay and watch and guard the Pangu Temple. There is nothing to lose in Pangu Temple!”

The great witches hesitated for a long time, but in the end only Xing Tian, ​​Feng Bo, Yushi, and the three great witches were willing to come out to help Chi You.

There was still unwillingness in their hearts, and they just went out for a fight. If it can help Chi You win the position of the emperor, if it doesn’t work, then it will completely eliminate the unwilling idea of ​​the Witch Clan.

With the help of the three top witches, Chi You was already satisfied, and immediately returned to the Jiuli tribe.

When he revealed the identity of the Feng Bo trio, it immediately attracted the attention of Jiuli and others in the Witch Tribe.

They were more convinced of Chi You, and being able to surrender to the Witch Clan Great Witch undoubtedly made them even more sure that Chi You was the candidate for the next co-lord, and Xuanyuan was only temporarily occupying that position!

The news of the Wu Clan Great Witch’s arrival can hardly be concealed!

And Chi You didn’t want to conceal it, letting this news spread out.

Maybe after hearing this news, the human tribe on Xuanyuan’s side might be able to chaos itself!

In fact, it was exactly as he thought, when the Witch Clan Great Witch went to help him spread the news.

Among the human tribes that surrendered to themselves, there were some insincere and compromising human tribes. At this moment, they were willing and sincerely convinced.

Even among the tribes led by Xuanyuan, many tribes have turned to him.

If time passes, maybe he can completely disintegrate Xuanyuan’s side!

It’s just that this kind of thing didn’t happen, and after Guang Chengzi brought all the master brothers who explained and taught, the tribe on the Xuanyuan side also stabilized the hearts of the people.

In their opinion, although Chi You has the help of the Witch Clan great witch, they also have the disciples of the saints, which is not bad at all!

And the entrance of a group of disciples of the interpretation and the three great witches of the witch clan undoubtedly made this battle between the emperor and the emperor even more cruel.

In the entire prehistoric land, most of the great supernatural powers cast their eyes on them.

The three emperors and five emperors represent the great prosperity of the human race, so this competition for the position of the human emperor really makes them dare not neglect!

As time passed slowly, the atmosphere between the human races became tense.

Both Chi You and Xuanyuan knew that the final day of the decisive battle was coming.

At that time, it will be the time to decide who the emperor belongs to!

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