I, The New Hokage of Konoha

Chapter 130: fish into the net

Although he didn't like Danzo's appearance here very much, but what he said, Jiraiya knew it was true, so he could only keep silent.

"Ahem, the current situation really does not allow us to pick and choose." Sarutobi Hiruzen said at this time.

"After all, time is on Yunting's side, and it's hard to guarantee a better time if we continue to wait. What's more, Yunting after leaving has indeed been seen by our people performing Mudun." He shook his head, Then he looked firmly and said, "It's already reached this point, so let's bet this time! If you succeed, Konoha will return to the familiar appearance! If you fail...no need to say more!"

"Everyone, do your preparations now. After a quarter of an hour, the operation will officially begin!"

After finishing speaking, Hiruzaru Sarutobi put on his battle uniform again, his wrinkled face was like the edge of a blade at this moment, giving people an incomparably sharp look.

At this time, he finally once again showed his aura as a ninja.

"Hizun, it's rare to see you so crisp and sharp!" The sound of the crutch hitting the ground sounded, Shimura Danzo walked out of the corner, and said with emotion.

Hiruzaru Sarutobi turned his head, his eyes swept over his former partner, and then he looked at the few three confidantes who had persisted behind him until now, and said in a cold tone: "Danzo, this time I will You release it temporarily because you want you to contribute your strength. If I see that you have other ideas at that time, don't blame me for not remembering decades of old love."

Although this time it was aimed at the fourth generation of Yunting, the big mistake Danzo himself made on the former will not be erased because of this.

Pass is pass!

It was only because of Mitomonyan's plea, and the fact that Danzo's joining could really improve the team's strength, that Sarutobi Hiruzen reluctantly agreed.

Of course, the latter may not admit that in the past decades of extreme pulling, his tolerance for Danzo is much higher than for others.

This is also why Danzo is constantly being suppressed, come back, suppressed, and come back.

Now, it's just another cycle.

Danzo, who is accustomed to the old friend's warning, calmly said: "Don't worry, even if it costs my life this time, I will do my best to stop Qianshou Yunting."

He did.

The years of captivity, just like what Yun Ting said, were interrupted by minions, and every day was spent in aggrieved.

For the ambitious Danzo, it was like being tortured over and over again.

During this period, he regretted countless times.

That's why when Yunting came to announce his permanent house arrest, why he couldn't show the courage to "nurse the darkness" and die with Yunting who he deeply believed would bring disaster to Konoha.

Now, new opportunities lie ahead.

In particular, Yunting broke out with even more amazing ambitions than he expected, and this ambition is likely to destroy Konoha. Danzo, who will no longer repeat the same mistakes, decided to make up for the mistakes he made last time.

This time, he will go all out regardless.

Sarutobi Hiruzen saw this answer from Danzo's eyes, he nodded and said nothing more.

In the following time, the whole action team was doing all kinds of preparations seriously.

When the scheduled time was about to expire, Jiraiya suddenly said, "Mr. Sarutobi, are you really not waiting for Tsunade anymore?"

Under the persuasion of Koharu, Sarutobi still nodded and agreed to also send a letter to Tsunade.

It's just that unlike the smooth search for Jiraiya, there is no trace of Tsunade's current location.

From Jiraiya's point of view, although Tsunade and Yunting are of the same clan, the former is a firm supporter of the will of fire. If she can be called back, not to mention joining their camp to fight against Yunting, but at least it can become a bond between the two sides. bridge between.

They are all Konoha ninjas, so why kill them.

If Tsunade was present, the probability of success in persuading Yun Ting would be greater.

"Is there no news from Tsunade yet?" Sarutobi Hiruzen asked.

"According to the information from Toad, Tsunade should be in the tea country recently, and we will be able to find her soon." Jiraiya replied.

"It's too late." Hiruzaru Sarutobi shook his head and said, "If you can undo the daimyo illusion this time, it won't be too late for Tsunade to come in the confrontation with Yunting later; gone."

Ji Lai was also silent and didn't say any more.

A quarter of an hour flies by.

Seeing everyone who was ready, Hiruzaru Sarutobi waved his hand and said, "Target, the capital of the Fire Kingdom! Let's go!"

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

Dozens of black shadows exerted their strength in an instant, and quickly shuttled between the forests and seas.

At the same time, Mito Menyan and Zhuanzhu Xiaoharu, who were staying in the village as usual, looked at the direction where Hizhan and others disappeared, and their hearts were full of expectations.


Just when Hiruzaru Sarutobi and others set off, on the border of the country of tea and the country of fire, Tsunade, who had always been obsessed with it before, was rushing on the road with Shizune complaining.

"Damn Yunting! What kind of information did you give me! I have searched all over the country of tea, where is the so-called Sword of Thunder God!"

At this time, Tsunade felt that he had been tricked by Yun Ting.

The latter swears that the Sword of Thunder God is in the Country of Tea, and she believed the other party's words and looked for it seriously, but in the end, she didn't find even a feather.

If it wasn't for my luck, I met a Yuren who had malicious intentions, and after taking him down easily for some torture, I happened to learn from the other party that there was a Jonin named Lv Qingkui in Yuren Village who possessed the description of the Sword of Thunder. A long sword that fits very well, she doesn't know how long she will be wandering in the country of tea.

Although he scolded Yun Ting for being out of tune, since he promised to bring back the Sword of Thor, Tsunade took Shizune on the road again and set off for the Land of Rain.

It's just that there is a huge fire country between the country of rain and the country of tea, and the expenses in the country of fire cannot be reimbursed, which makes Tsunade feel very bad at the moment.

Suddenly, Tsunade who was on his way seemed to have stepped on something under his feet.

She froze for a moment, then moved her shoes away, just in time to see a coin with the smallest denomination lying on the ground.

"Master Tsunade! You actually picked up the money!!" The mute on the side said in surprise.

In the years of getting along with Tsunade, the situation that the other party's winning must be a disaster has never happened, so Shizune didn't know about it. Now, seeing Tsunade-sama who has been losing money for the first time actually picked up money for the first time At that time, she was naturally very surprised.

But Shizune doesn't know, Tsunade who knows his own law of cause and effect doesn't know what this means.

She picked up the coin on the ground with an ugly expression.

Although compared with what happened in the past, the amount of money she got was much less, but it still couldn't make her take it lightly.

Who is wrong?

Yunting? Self? Three generations? Or someone else from Konoha Village?

Tsunade kept thinking in his mind with a serious expression, but in the end he could only shake his head without a clue.

In any case, the current itinerary must be changed.

Tsunade crushed the coin in his hand, then grabbed Shizune and said: "Things have changed, now change the itinerary to Konoha. Shizune, the speed will be very fast next time, be sure to hold me tight!"

After finishing speaking, Tsunade started to run at full speed.

"Tsun... Tsunade-sama! It's too... too... fast!"

The wind blew past, and the extremely tense voice from the silence floated intermittently into the distance.


In the north of the country of fire, it is close to the country of Tian.

The rebellion against the shogunate that had just started was completely contained within a few hours after Yunting personally arrived. Most of the rebels were executed, and the few remaining people could only flee like mice. How long will the whole army be wiped out.

Such a thunderous blow not only showed Yunting's determination, but also deeply frightened others.

At this moment, looking at a group of dignitaries from the Kingdom of Fire who were still clamoring that he was the eternal sinner of the Kingdom of Fire, but now kneeling in front of him and begging for mercy, Yun Ting waved his hand calmly, motioning for the people around him to drag them away .

The dark line in the third generation is indeed right, he himself is really in the northern part of the country of fire at this time.

If you want fish to take the bait, you must be willing to release them.

For this reason, he deliberately used Wooden Dungeon on several occasions.

According to common sense, if the three generations left soon after getting the news, then it would be too late for me in the north to rush back.

But since he dared to do this, he naturally had his own reasons.

Yunting took out a handful of kunai from the ninja bag, and he could see a piece of yellow talisman paper of the Flying Thunder God technique was pasted on it.

Like this Flying Thunder God Kunai, there are many around the capital of the Kingdom of Fire.

At the same time, in the capital, Zhishui, who has information about the surrounding area, also carries one with him. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com

So Yunting seems to be far away from the capital, but to him, it is only one step away.

That's why he's so confident.

"How? Have you found anything?"

The shogun's mansion, just a breath, flashed from thousands of miles away in an instant, and Yun Ting, who appeared in front of Zhishui, asked.

As for his own Hokage-sama's way of haunting, except for Shisui who said "Flying Thunder God" in shock at the beginning, in the following time, he got used to it after seeing it more often.

He replied with a calm expression: "Just now, Anbu came to report that a group of ninjas without registration information were found coming here at a very fast speed less than ten miles away from the capital of the Land of Fire. Between twenty and thirty people."

Konoha's ninjas need to register when leaving the village.

Obviously, this is the hidden strength of those conservatives.

It's actually a lot less than expected.

And seeing that Shikahisa Nara in the village has not reported this situation yet, it is obvious that these people were very covert when they left.

Only at this time, surveillance personnel were scattered around the capital in Yunting. No matter how hidden these people are, as long as the target is the capital, they will still be discovered.

But it doesn't matter to them.

After all, in such a short period of time, it is logically impossible for Yunting to come back.

Although the latter also left a lot of power in the capital, Shisui is also here, but in the eyes of the conservative elite headed by Jiraiya for three generations, these people cannot stop them.

"It's a pity, this will be another complete defeat caused by poor information." Yun Ting, who was playing with the flying thunder **** Kunai in his hand, said lightly.

"Now, it's time to close the net!"


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