For Morpheus, it’s all within reach.

Materials that can be easily processed twice!

Turn waste into treasure!

Something that already has no value!

Restore his original value!


Further processing into something of higher value!

Fit fruit!

It’s simply a local tyrant fruit!

This gold-absorbing ability! Compared to the golden fruit!

It’s not necessarily more excessive!

After all, the things made by gold and gold fruits only have value, not use value.

If you are not careful, it may also cause inflation.

If you play big, you have to be wanted by the world government.

Looking at the mountains piled up with “garbage”, Morpheus’s eyes sparkled, as if he saw a treasure mountain.

On the side, Tom saw him like this and nodded with empathy.

“Right? Isn’t it, it’s like seeing a treasure mountain! ”

“Here’s the stuff! Most of them can be reused! ”

“It’s just too hard to process! Shipped out, also due to inaccessibility! Quite a hassle! ”

“Iceberg! You have to learn a little! ”

“Be good at using these scraps! It’s enough to be called a well-known boatman! ”

Tom pressed the head of the silent iceberg next to him, who followed.

Morpheus turned his head.

Pointed to the little child.

“You said his name was Iceberg?”

Tom nodded, stunned for a moment.

“yes? What’s wrong? This kid is also true to his name. I’m very afraid of life! ”

“Don’t be surprised!”

Morpheus looked at the iceberg, which was the shipbuilder of the future Seven Capitals of Water, integrating the seven shipyards into one.

An iceberg beloved by the people?

“Ah, it’s okay, I just look at this child, there must be something when he grows up!”


Tom paused for a moment, and then laughed heartily.


“It doesn’t matter if you are present or not! The most important thing! It’s about being a big man! ”

However, in his eyes, it was obvious that Tom was obviously very satisfied with this child.

Morpheus laughed along and got to the point.

“Ah, right! Uncle Tom, are you sure I can use the waste wood here? ”

“Can I pay for it?”

To reprocess them.

It is necessary to expose the ability of the combined fruit.

If he could, Morpheus still wanted to try to keep as many hole cards on himself as possible.

After all, no one could say for sure when they would be forced to expose that devil fruit, and if it was to save their lives, it was almost necessary to expose the undead bird fruit in the battle of the Valley of the Gods.

This, with the ability of several devil fruits, has no side effects——

It’s really hard to explain.

Uncle Tom waved his hand.

“Of course you can! What are you polite with me! ”

“Are you sure?”

Morpheus spoke solemnly.

He’s the one with the universal capsule—if he really cleans up the mountain of garbage over here—and doesn’t leave Tom with anything.

How much, is a bit of a bully, for this legendary shipwright.

In the future, for the island of seven waters, to protect the Hades blueprint, and to protect the people who gave Franky’s life.

Morpheus, still quite respectful.

Tom was stunned.

Seeing Morpheus’s solemn tone, he also became serious.

“Ah—by the way, did you really invent arbitrary doors and universal capsules?”

“If you invent those two things, it’s like, you can just empty these scraps here——”

Morpheus nodded.

“That’s why, when the time comes, the cabin built on the waste – maybe it will be affected.”

Tom’s face showed hesitation.

I’ll go, I mean you just use it.

You really want to move it all.”

You’ve all moved away – what am I going to build a sea train!

“That log cabin is not tight – I just clean up, every year when the gods of water come, that temporary log cabin will be washed away along with the remaining waste.”

Of course, you also have to think about how to hide the secret passage underneath.

Under this land, there is also an empty position.

That’s where Tom’s Shipyard is located.

“That’s right!”

“That’s right!”

Tom simply told Morpheus about the idea of sea trains and sea railroad tracks.

“These scraps, I need them too!”

“However, how much is needed is not certain!”

“Since you’re here! Just help me see the blueprint! ”

In essence, shipbuilders of that era were responsible not only for building new ships, but also for improving them and developing new ones.

The craftsmen of the country of Wa, already Morpheus, actually do similar work.

Design concepts and design drawings can be connected between many fields.

To be able to meet Morpheus, Tom, I still hope to get a little advice, a little advice from this inventor who is called the world’s first inventor.

Morpheus followed Tom to the cabin.

The tables of the log cabin were piled with rulers and manuscripts, as well as wooden models.

He looked at the manuscript on the table.

The manuscript on the table is the prototype of the first sea train, Rocketman.

“This is the prototype of Rocket Man! Many ideas are not mature enough! ”

“However, based on my years of experience in shipbuilding! It should work! ”

“You come and help me! Let’s see what the disadvantages are! ”

“If I can get the advice of the world’s number one inventor, then, old Tom, I will be satisfied!”

“Just do it! You’re getting paid for using these scraps! ”

Morpheus picked up the manuscript that Tom handed over.

Although Morpheus, the world’s first inventor, has some system moisture.

However, through dealing with craftsmen in Wano Country, he set up and implemented the factory assembly line manufacturing on his own, and personally manufactured high-precision instruments such as the gravity training room.

Morpheus prides himself on having a little vision.


A glance at the orbital structure of the sea tunnel and the design of the rocket man were scanned.

Morpheus really saw the problem.

Morpheus first pointed to the way the sea tracks were connected.

“This connection is not strong enough, and although it is more flexible, the requirements for steel and wood can be high.”

“If only there was another unloading device!”

The gravity cultivation room is capable of carrying a thousand times the gravity.

In addition to the systematically-processed steel, there is also part of the design.

Grabbing the pencil on the table, Morpheus casually sketched a few times,

“Such words! That’s no problem! ”

Tom is also an expert, after all, a man known as the legendary first shipbuilder.

He took a look and saw the mystery.

Before, he also always felt that the rail model still had some minor flaws, but he couldn’t find it.


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