Wano Kuni –

Morpheus Factory –

By any door.

Morpheus closed any door in the midst of the exclamations of those people.

And any door was received into a small capsule.

“Do you really want to go wherever you want?”

Kaji couldn’t help but exclaim.

Mitsuki Ota nodded, obviously also looking impressed by Morpheus’s invention.

“Exactly—Lord Morpheus’s invention is truly amazing! Unbelievable every use! ”

Quinn nodded and questioned.

The corners of Caesar’s mouth curled slightly, and he looked honest and questioned.

“So how do you decide where to go?”

Vegapunk also looked at Morpheus, as if interested in the question.

Morpheus looked at Caesar’s abnormal and honest appearance, and hesitated.

The bold Mitsuki Ota said it directly.

“Just think about it in your mind, but in the end, don’t go to places that are threatening, because any door can also be destroyed by physics or fire!”

The use of any door and precautions are not covered by his confidentiality commitment.

Moreover, the appearance of Ota obviously regarded those four people as his own.


He looked at Mitsuki Ota’s bright and bold smile.

Although it was very sunny, Morpheus remembered the normal timeline, decades later, when he was tricked into dancing naked and bracing himself in the oil pan.

——Sure enough, it is better to be a person with more eyes.

Caesar nodded with a smile.

“This way!”

There was indeed a hint of greed in his eyes.

Vegapunk nodded.

Morpheus, on the other hand, sensed Gaji’s gaze on the universal capsule containing an arbitrary door.

Quinn’s eyes were under the sunglasses, but Morpheus could also sense Quinn’s covetousness for the universal capsule.

At this time, the system also sent a prompt.

[Pirate world’s top scientist, Vegapunk, admire your invention very much! ] There is a cult for you! 】

【Huge changes to the world! 】

[Gift: Free platinum 10 consecutive draws! ] 】

Platinum Ten-Straight Draw – The reward that Moon Isaac Jr. admired last time on Roger’s boat was also a Platinum Ten-Draw Draw.

Rewards worth millions of Change Points.

It’s just —

Is there only Vegapunk?

Those three goods did not?


These people, don’t learn to behave, right?

In addition to Vegapunk who is better, the other three people seem to have ghosts in their hearts!

Caesar, in particular, really saw this kind smile the most.

It seems that they will have to clean up one by one before they can officially participate in the work.

Think so.

Kanjuro, who was pale, with red hair like a brush head and a brush-like sword around his waist, passed by carrying a huge bundle of wood.

He happened to see Morpheus returning through any door, Mitsuki Ota and everyone.

Kanjuro stopped, and the excessive rouge powder on his face looked extremely strange and terrifying.

“Ota-sama! Are you back? ”


Morpheus is okay, after all, he has known such a figure for a long time.

The former MADS research group members were taken aback.

As if sorry for scaring Ota-sama’s guest, Kanjuro scratched his head embarrassedly.

Seeing this, Mitsuki Ota hurriedly stopped in front of Kanjuro and introduced Kanjuro to the others.

“Don’t panic!”

“This is my retainer! Sudden rain Kanjuro! ”

“This guy! Loves to make brushes out of human hair! For this reason, it is also called Nozomi’s monster! ”


Caesar and Gaji, who had lush hair, were both taken aback.

His figure shrunk and noticed the brush-like end of the sword Kanjuro was holding.

Their hair can also be made into a brush!

Seeing the two like this, Mitsuki Ota Shuanglang laughed.

“Don’t worry, guys!”

“Actually! He is a very nice person to work with! ”

“Now, I won’t use human hair as a brush!”

“What’s more! You are my guests! ”

Then, he introduced Morpheus to Kanjuro.


“This is a cadre on the Rocks regiment! Lord Morpheus! Master of the Morpheus factory! It can be described as the top scientist of mankind! ”

Then, pointing to the rest of the crowd.

“And! Miscellaneous. ”


Caesar’s expression at this time was extremely rich.

Hey, don’t just skip us like this.

Kanjuro nodded and saluted Morpheus and the others.

“Click! I’ve seen Lord Morpheus and all of you! Precisely! I am Lord Ota’s entourage! Sudden rain Kanjuro! ”

Except for the scientific corps of Vegapunk, everyone exclaimed.

Apparently shocked by the unique manners and costumes displayed by Kanjuro.

“This! Is this a samurai of Wano Country? ”

Vegapunk got to the point.


Morpheus nodded with a smile and pointed to Mitsuki Ota.

“This is the daimyo of Kuri in the country of Wano!”

“Mitsuki Ota!”

“The strongest samurai in Wano Country!”

“Kaji! If you lose, it is not unjust! ”

Ahhh-Vegapunk and the others focused their attention on the characters who were like Morpheus’ entourage before.

Apparently shocked by this fact.

“Jiuri – daimyo?”

Daimyo! At least the lord level of a place!

Morpheus! He could actually let the strongest samurai in Wano Country be his entourage?

That is the strongest samurai in Wano Country, who is said to have refused the invitation of the world government to join the world government with his samurai?

Vegapunk and others marveled.

Morpheus focused on Kanjuro.

Kanjuro –

Kurokan Kanjuro –

Morpheus looked at Kanjuro with a waveless expression.

Moreover, Kanjuro’s expression was flawless.

It’s not at all like Ergozai.

“What’s wrong? Lord Morpheus! Do I have something on my face? ”

Morpheus shook his head.

“Nope! No! ”

Although it seemed that he looked at Ota with great reverence in his eyes, he looked like a little fan of Ota.

However, Morpheus knew in his heart that he was the second and fifth boy that the Black Carbon family had planted into the Ota family!

More than that, he knew.

Kanjuro is a person who has the ability to draw the fruit of the pen, and his right hand is extremely skillful, but for disguise.

But he always insisted on drawing with his left hand.

The character of this product is also interesting, it seems that the bold Mitsuki Ota has not suspected him at all.

After that, he really wanted to accompany Ota to death when he was executed.

The ability of the pen and pen fruit – when the time comes, it can be used.


Say one to one!

This product often secretly misappropriated funds to the black charcoal snake.

This time touched the factory of labor and management?

Do you want to fish in troubled waters and bring labor-management technology to the black charcoal snake?

That’s right!

This era!

That big black charcoal snake is also there!

Since he accepted Ota as his subordinate.

These ambitious parties also need to be put in order.

The time to pack up, the law enforcement that should be fished!

Morpheus turned his gaze to the three Caesars.

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