I Stand For Justice In The Marine

Chapter 17 Thorns, Ice, And Flash


Kuzan let out a long breath of white air, stared at the huge hockey puck in front of him, and said to himself slowly: "The injury from being injured by BIG MOM hasn't healed yet... Then I really took advantage of it!"

It turned out that when he released the 'Ice Ball (ice ball)' move just now, Uren on the opposite side wanted to dodge, but at the critical moment, he was holding his chest in pain, and coughed up a mouthful of blood. frozen.


Suddenly, a crack appeared on the huge ice ball, and then the crack expanded rapidly, turning into countless cracks on the ice ball.

"Ah, isn't it frozen?!"

Kuzan's face changed slightly, and his eyes became sharper instantly.


In the next second, the huge ice ball shattered, forming countless ice cubes and splashing out, and a figure walked out from the icy fog all over the sky.

"The three Logia ability users of Naval Headquarters are really abilities that cannot be underestimated!" Ulun said with a pale face and a dignified tone.

He knows each other, one of Marine's three Logia ability users, powerful Vice Admiral, Logia' Frozen Fruit' ability user 14, it is said that he is a candidate for the next Marine Admiral, with overwhelming strength, in the Grand Line where monsters are rampant In the second half, he was also the man who made countless pirates fearful.

"Your thorn fruit is really a troublesome ability!" Kuzan said distressedly: "If you are not careful, you will be poked out a few transparent holes!"

"Shout~ stop complimenting me, cough cough~"

Ulun's face was as gloomy as water, and he couldn't help coughing twice.

Obviously, the injuries he suffered in the Battle of Cullen Island are still affecting his body and state.


At this moment, there was another crisp cracking sound, and then Baka, who had been frozen into an ice sculpture, also escaped from the trap, and the ice cubes on his body exploded, turning into countless ice cubes and splashing in all directions.

"Hiss~ It's so cold!"

Baka shuddered, and kept touching his body, apparently terribly cold.

"Ah la la~ I got out of trouble so quickly, what a troublesome guy!" Kuzan had a distressed expression on his face, and he couldn't help raising his hand and scratching the back of his head.

"You bastard... hiss..."

Baka was shivering from the cold, his teeth were chattering up and down, and he stammered a little: "Duke, Your Excellency...there is, there is another... a house that can emit radium and laser light, Uk. …"


Hearing this, Uren's expression changed drastically, and he exclaimed in shock: "Can emit laser light... Could it be Polusaruno who has the ability of Logia'Sparkling fruit'?!"

Each of Naval Headquarters' three Logia-capable users has powerful destructive power like a natural disaster, and overwhelming terrifying power.

"I'm afraid it's that guy, it can't be wrong!"

Baka nodded earnestly, and recalled that when he was in the city before, the laser light that was as fast as a meteor passed through his body in a flash, making him subconsciously touch the bandaged abdomen. At the location of the wound, there was still a faint burning pain like a fire.

"Unexpectedly, in order to deal with us, Naval Headquarters actually dispatched the Vice Admiral headquarters of two Logia capable users." Wu Lun said in a concentrated voice.

"Is there a problem?"

Kuzan spread his hands and said with a light smile, "It's only natural for Marines to catch pirates!"

"Of course it's okay for Marines to catch pirates, but it's also okay for pirates to kill Marines!" Uren said harshly, "Then let's deal with you first, and then deal with the other one!"

"The Thorn Bolas!!!"

Uren yelled angrily, and rushed forward with one stride. Dozens of thorns and thorns grew out of his arms, which were extremely sharp, like a meteor hammer, and hit Kuzan on the head.


There was an explosive sound like the collision of gold and iron, and a violent air wave visible to the naked eye exploded, lifting up the soil on the ground.

Kuzan's expression changed slightly, the skate in his hand trembled violently, unexpectedly being repelled by the opponent's force, his feet plowed two long marks on the ground.

"God Thorn Spear!!!"

At this moment, Wu Lun looked solemn, his right hand clasped his palms together, and he stabbed forward like a knife. The palm of his hand instantly turned into black-brown thorns and spikes, extending out at a super-high speed that exceeded the sound.

In just an instant, the black-brown thorns stretched more than ten meters, directly piercing Kuzan's chest, nailing him to the ground.

"Ice Cube Two Thorny Spear!!!"

However, no blood flowed from Kuzan's chest. Instead, it turned into ice and froze the black-brown thorns in Uren's right hand, and four ice spears condensed out of thin air beside him, and were quickly launched.

"Muscle Tank!!!"

At the critical moment, Baka charged over like a chariot, his huge body was nimble and swift, breaking the four ice spears in mid-air on the spot.

"Shout~Elementalization... Thorns and Thorns!!!"

Uren spat at Kuzan in displeasure, and his left hand turned into a black-brown thorny thorn. He blatantly stabbed forward in the air, and immediately burst out a sharp sword wave.

The next moment, the hillside several hundred meters away exploded, and was penetrated by this powerful sword wave in the middle, forming a large circular hole like a tunnel.

"It's dangerous~"

Kuzan's body was condensed not far away, and he said in a speechless voice.



™ Chirp

Suddenly, hundreds of birds and monsters roared and flew over the battlefield quickly, setting off a raging wind and attacking any member of the Piercing Pirates like lightning.

"What kind of monsters are these?"

"Damn it, shoot them down!"

"Go away! Go away!"

The pirates were terrified, and they saw one after another being captured by monsters such as stone or metal eagles, giant eagles, gargoyles, and griffins, and then lifted them hundreds of meters into the air and threw them alive. Fell to the ground.


Wu Lun's face changed drastically, and he suddenly remembered the huge army created by the heroine of the 040 Fang Kingdom in the Battle of Culun Island more than ten days ago.

"Your Excellency, he is a little ghost in Marine. He has a similar ability. He resurrected all the statues in [Sculpture City]!" Baka quickly explained.

"Damn it, I encountered the same tricky ability here again..." Halfway through speaking, Uren suddenly looked up towards the sky, stretched out his finger to a direction above his head, and asked, "Is it that brat?" ?”

Baka looked in the direction of Uren's finger, and saw a huge metal black dragon hovering above his head, with a minor child sitting behind him.

"That's right, it's him!" Baka nodded quickly, and said in a deep voice, "This brat's strength is not weak. I was going to kill him in one go, but it didn't work!"

Suddenly, countless light particles gathered behind the two of them, and the shining light made them aware of the strangeness behind them. And it was passed into the ears of the two of them.

"Hey~ speed is weight, have you ever been kicked by the speed of light!" A slightly mocking voice of beating rang in the ears of the two


At this moment, Uren and Baka's expressions changed drastically, and they were about to turn around to defend at the same time, but a gleaming long leg swept across Uren's waist like a steel whip.

Facing the sudden attack, Uren didn't have time to react, and he flew out, turning into a black shadow on the spot, spanning hundreds of meters in almost an instant, and disappearing from the sight of countless people. .

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