I Signed-In In Tokyo

Chapter 529: He should be responsible for the mistakes he made!

"On this issue, I also want to clarify."

"Let's go, let's see who that guy is!"

Why Lynn came so in time, he really couldn't explain this question very well.

At the same time, what exactly is the identity of the murderer who attacked Yumi and Naozi, he is still confused at present.

After shaking his head gently.

Lynn first came to this shadow.

Pulling him under the street light, removing the hat on his head, and then presented to everyone is the image of an ordinary middle-aged man with a beard on his chin.

"Let's talk about it."

"What is your background."

After being kicked by Lynn, the middle-aged man obviously couldn't stand up anymore.

Leaning over and squatting in front of him, Lynn's expression was flat, but his words were thick and beyond doubt.

In particular, the touch of killing intent caused the other's expression to collapse in an instant.



"Damn it!!!"

? ? ?

He watched the opponent's expression collapse, clenched his fists and hit the ground with a heavy hammer, while tearing down his face.

Lynn looked inexplicable.

I thought that the other party might be a remnant of the Kanto Federation.

Look at this.

But it's not quite like Hunji Dao.

On the contrary, it seems to be just an ordinary person?

In fact.

This guy is really an ordinary person.

The man who intended to attack Yumi and Naeko was named Kengo Aono, an ordinary decorator.

The reason why he attacked Yumi and Naeko is simple.

That's because this morning, he received a farewell text message from his girlfriend who chose to leave the world because he could not stand the bullying of his boss.

Anxiously, he drove to his girlfriend's apartment, but was stopped by Yagi Shiori and Momosaki Orange. When he drove downstairs to his girlfriend's apartment, he only saw his girlfriend's body.

The reason why Kengo Aono was stopped was because he was driving at a high speed without a driver's license, and he kept checking his mobile phone.

But he did not explain the reason to Yagi Shiori and Hyakusaki Orange, nor did he ask for help from the two. Otherwise, the two would not be official, and a lot of time was wasted.

Obviously because of my own relationship, I missed the best time to rescue my girlfriend.

Kengo Aono attributed his girlfriend's death to Yagi Shiori and Hyakusaki Orange.

And the most speechless thing is.

While he was temporarily stopped, Yagi Shiori received a call from Yumi to discuss matters concerning tonight's activities.

This made him believe that everything was the fault of these guys, and even Yumi and Naezi became his target of revenge!

This is not.

Just after Yumi and the others parted ways at the door of Kvt, Kengo Aono chose the relatively good combination of Yumi and Naeko, who looked relatively good, and prepared to kill the two of them before continuing to take revenge on Yagi Shiori and Hyakusaki Orange.

What should I say.

Kengo Aono's loss of his beloved girlfriend is understandable.

But the problem is.

He attributed his failure to rescue his girlfriend to Yagi Shiori and Hyakusaki Orange, and even angered Yumi and Naeko.

This is his fault!

"this person……"

For Kengo Aono's experience.

As the person who was almost killed, Miyamoto Yumi's mood is very complicated.

She feels pity for the other party's experience, and at the same time she has a lot of guilt about it.

The most important thing is that she doesn't know what to do now, and she doesn't understand how to deal with the current situation.

"Call the police. After all, it was an attempted murder. This matter should be done publicly. From now on let him go to jail and reflect on his behavior!"

He shook his head slightly.

Although Kengo Aono is indeed a poor man.

Lin En was not prepared to let him go just because of the misery that the other party had experienced.

"But Lin Enjun..."

Lin En's decision made Yumi and Miaozi a little intolerable.

After all, women are all emotional.

Even if they had just gone through the critical juncture of life and death, they didn't know whether or not they should send the man who had just lost his girlfriend to jail.

But this.

Lynn was very decisive.

"No but!"

"Right is right, wrong is wrong."

"It is because of his uncomfortableness that caused all kinds of accidents."

"He can't blame his mistakes on others, he should bear the mistakes he made!"

Just like Lynn said.

As an adult, you should be responsible for your actions.

Since Kengo Aono chose to vent his inner anger through murder, he should pay the price for his actions.

And just then.

After Lynn unlocked Kengo Aoye's phone, he also found new evidence.

"In this phone... there is a missed call from your girlfriend."

"At the same time there is a voice message that you have not opened."

While speaking, Lynn played this voice message.

In the message, his girlfriend Kengo Aono's gratitude to him, and the final farewell words.

At the end of the message, it was accompanied by heavy objects hitting the ground and the screams of passers-by.

This can be seen.

After sending this message, Kengo Aono's girlfriend killed herself.

That's why!

"In fact, if you receive a phone call from your girlfriend, persuading her through the phone may not be able to eliminate her death will."

"But you didn't do that. Even after you received a text message from your girlfriend, you didn't even think about calling her. You just wanted to drive to the apartment to find her. What's the use?"

"Besides, look at the time of this voice message."

"Even if you don't have to stop by Miss Yagi and others, you can't make time to save your girlfriend, right?"

"Say you transferred your fault to others, am I wrong?"

Lynn's words were exported.

Aono Kengo was stunned for an instant.

Since the death of his girlfriend, his heart has been eroded by anger, and he has never thought of anything other than revenge.

This mobile phone, because it stores the memories of him and his girlfriend, has never been opened again.

He never expected it.

I missed my girlfriend's phone call and didn't hear the last message from his girlfriend.

Especially when Lynn said that if he could call his girlfriend, he might be able to persuade the other person, his eyes were even more staring at the boss.

"all of these……"

"It turned out to be... my fault?"

"If I could calm down..."

"If I can notice Lanzi's call..."

"If I…"


Finally, Kengo Aono realized where he was wrong.

But at this time, it was too late.

The only thing he can do is to let tears flow all over his face, hammer his hands heavily on the ground, and let out a cry of regret.

"Lin Enjun..."

Seeing this scene.

Yumi and Naazi felt sad.

But looking at Lynn at this time, he was still calm.

"Call the police..."

after all.

Kengo Aono still needs to bear his fault.

Accompanied by the sound of alarm sounds.

Meguro and Mikako Sato came to the scene one after another. Because there was no death, they quickly left the scene after taking Aono Kengo into custody.

Mikako Sato, who came with him, heard that his friend had such an experience, but did not return immediately with his colleagues. Instead, he stayed and asked about the situation of Yumi Miyamoto and Naeko Miike.

"Don't worry, Lin Enjun is here, but I'm fine, not hurt at all!"

Because of Kengo Aono's experience, Miyamoto Yumi was a little depressed.

But under the care of Mikako Sato, she quickly regained her vitality.

"See what you can..."

"Almost, I won't see you anymore!"

Seeing Yumi sticking out her tongue like a jerk, Miwako couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

But then, she glared at each other fiercely.

After being glared at by Miwako, Yumi's expression that had already recovered a lot of time appeared dim again.

no way.

The experience tonight was really exciting for her.

Especially the experience of Kengo Aono at the end made her feel very uncomfortable.


"The girlfriend of Mr. Kengo Aono is really pitiful."

"Will choose to commit suicide... She must have experienced a painful struggle."

"After all, it's not the last moment, no one is willing to leave this world..."

In fact, compared to Kengo Aono, Miyamoto Yumi felt even more sorry for his girlfriend who chose to commit suicide.

It is absolutely impossible to leave this world without having to summon up considerable courage.

After hearing the sigh of Miyamoto Yumi.

Lynn also sighed slightly.

"Yes, she is really pitiful."

"However, it is ridiculous that Kengo Aono chose the wrong target for his revenge!"

In fact, the death of Kengo Aono's girlfriend was largely due to the oppression of his boss.

If you choose the target of revenge, a normal person will usually choose to revenge his girlfriend's boss.

Anyway, Lynn was quite speechless.

"Forget it, don't bother you too much about this."

"Aono Kengo is an idiot, so let me take care of the revenge for his girlfriend."

Regarding the suicide of Kengo Aono's girlfriend, since Lynn met, he would not choose to sit idly by.

After all, the real culprit who caused this to happen is still at ease, not letting him pay a little price, it always seems unfair.


"Lin Enjun, don't do stupid things!"

Suddenly hearing Lynn say this, Miyamoto Yumi was in a hurry.

She just sighed with emotion just now, but she didn't plan to let Lin En go to avenge Aono Kengo's girlfriend!

In fact.

It's not only Miyamoto Yumi.

Miwako Sato and Naeko Miike also stepped forward to discourage them after hearing this ~www.NovelMTL.com~.

But for this, Lynn was a little speechless.

"Where did you want to go?"

"Do you think that the only way I will choose revenge is to kill someone?"

"Don't worry, I'm not that stupid."

"Why did Kengo Aono's girlfriend commit suicide? I will send someone to investigate this matter carefully."

"If it is really because of her boss's oppression, I will make the other party pay the price, but at least it won't cause so much life."

"This point, don't worry!"

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