I Really Didn’t Want to be a Savior

Chapter 612: Lost youth, stretched world

In some ancient science fiction movies, some humans living in pain would be extremely envious of artificial intelligence.

Because artificial intelligence can choose what to remember and what to forget.

People can't do it, they can only get deep in pain and cannot extricate themselves, relying on time to flush memory a little bit, and increasingly stronger willpower to resist pain.

But when Chen Feng, as a human, really had the ability to selectively "forget", he suddenly realized that forgetting itself is actually a kind of pain.

The process of giving up memory is suffering.

A good memory represents the happiness he once experienced. There are many names in these memories that he can't forget--Zhong Lei, Tang Tianxin, Fatty Ou, Brother Hu, Big Head Lin, Qinglan Ou, and Grandpa Chen Mo.

And many life fragments that he regarded as precious.

Bad memories represent his growth. There are many pictures he does not want to recall but cannot forget, but it is precisely because of the pain he has experienced that he can become what he wants to be, and mankind needs him to be. people.

Happiness refreshes the spirit, and frustration makes people learn to grow.

As long as it is memory, whether it is good or bad, it can't be easily let go. It is Chen Feng's precious wealth, even more important than knowledge.

If you forget the knowledge, you can learn it again.

Life has forgotten, if he can't find it back by himself, then he really has no chance to repeat it again.

Chen Feng has experienced ten rebirths, but every life he experienced, whether it was a thousand years ago or after a thousand years, is different and cannot be replicated.

His subconscious mind will tell him that his own existence is based on memory, and the process of abandoning memory is a slow, bloodless suicide, as if a person is holding a rusty little blunt knife and peeling it off little by little. The flesh and blood of oneself.

Chen Feng actually prepared a plan.

Even if he finally failed to read the stack mnemonic and failed to retrieve his own memory, Fanxing still had a copy.

But the essence of Fanxing's backup and mnemonic is quite different.

There are his own thinking characteristics in the stacked memory symbols, and the quantum law can seamlessly connect with his thinking.

His process of absorbing the memory symbols waited for a person who lost his memory due to a cerebral thrombosis, and regained his memory after slowly dredging his blood vessels.

If Fanxing transfers backup information to him, or if he quickly browses Fanxing's backup "document", it becomes a movie.

That is the perspective of the beholder.

Chen Feng knows very well that even with his crazy self-suggestion, the protagonist of this movie is himself, and even if he fantasizes the sense of substitution, he is deceiving himself.

Before making this decision, he thought it would be a simple matter to give up the past. He might be a little bit lost, but the problem would not be too big.

But when he really was about to draw the first stroke of the knowledge learned in recent years in the complicated stacked mnemonics, a certain string in his heart suddenly broke.

Obviously, all that was thrown away was “insignificant” knowledge, but there was still pain in my heart, like a tree gnawed by termites.

This is a weird situation that he cannot tell anyone, nor can he find any reference in history.

He is the first and only person in human history to quantize a complete black hole of human thinking, and then reinfuse the underlying personality into a new body like a computer hard disk transfer data.

At this moment, he roared wildly in his heart.

He didn't want this, but he couldn't control it at all.

In order to avoid causing interference to Chen Feng, Fanxing had already withdrawn her quantum network scanning signal back, completely cutting off the communication between the two.

Chen Feng didn't even have a listener.

Supported for a long time in the endless pain, Chen Feng slowly recovered his mind, and his virtual vision refocused.

Chen Feng's "soul" raised his head and looked into the endless darkness, breathing heavily.

Although it is actually useless to breathe, the inertial thinking that he developed when he once had a body has wonderfully relaxed his heart a little.

"It won't work like this."

"This level of difficulty shouldn't have been my expectation?"

"Nothing is difficult, keep calm."

"I can, I can."

"I can definitely find my memory."

"To lose now is to get better in the future."


Chen Feng is like a child who has crossed the wall for the first time, constantly encouraging himself with such naive language.

At this moment, no one can rely on him.

But the more in this situation, the more stubborn he was.

For a long time, the one who could be by his side before his death in battle and directly help him was basically only one person.

More often, he would have to face all the enemies alone.

He got used to it.

After a long time, Chen Feng finally stopped breathing, his eyes became clear and his eyes became firm.

He moved his head and began to reimagine information in his mind.

In the front, in the frame of the Fanao symbol that has been completely designed by Chen Feng, the first winding ink mark is filled in, like copying a writing brush.

At the same time, Chen Feng forgot all the knowledge systems he had mastered from 2600 to the present.

The quantum law that carries his thinking takes a step forward along the axon in the drill's telescopic chain.

The real energy-level particle floating in the forefront is also a quantum law like 1-bit binary data, passing through an information channel connecting virtual and real, dripping into the embryo's brain cells, and then taking root like a seed.

In the next moment, the "dead" embryo released an extremely subtle quantum entanglement interference for the first time after seven years.

Amplifying this interference countless billions of times can roughly be understood as a person's brain waves, or a biological electromagnetic reaction released by the body when circulating.

In the real-energy level scanner of the Primordial Genetics Research Institute, this entangled signal was infinitely amplified, and finally rang out with a loud bang in the many monitoring rooms of the research institute.


The institute is boiling.

Countless people jumped up excitedly.

Someone's face flushed with tears.

Someone was shaking hands and speaking incoherently.

These researchers who have participated in the Morrowind Empire with the highest level of confidentiality, and all of them are determined to die know what this means.

That "boom" represents the heartbeat of the sage.

Almost at the same time, Yang Guoding's voice sounded in everyone's communicator.

"Everyone is quiet and stay focused. The second stage has just begun. The embryo's'heartbeat' does not mean that it has been successful. I must emphasize that the sage has officially entered the stage of thinking connection."

"This is the first and most important project in human history to return quantum thinking to the human body! When the embryo is born with a heartbeat, it means that the sage has begun to enter the embryo. The next process is irreversible and cannot be stopped! The sage has been cut off. His escape route. He put his life in our hands."

"I believe I don't need to emphasize the importance of the life of a sage. This is related to the life and death of the empire, the entire civilization, and all people!"

"Two hundred years ago, Dr. Sergey said that scientific researchers are warriors in coats. This is our battlefield! Our final battle has begun! Our real enemy is not the compound eye, nor the truth behind the compound eye. Fierce is the destiny of destruction!"

"Fate is invisible and intangible. But it is waiting for us in the future. It wants to erase us, our family, hometown, compatriots, and traces of our past existence from the universe."

"Humans will not sit and wait! The sages and our predecessors, as well as the former us, have spent nine generations of efforts, finally tore a huge crack in the endless darkness. At the other end of the crack, another universe is hidden. ."

"In that universe, our descendants can sail carefree among countless galaxies, from the Milky Way to Andromeda, to the Great Wall of Sloan, and beyond the boundaries of the known universe! Our civilization will be in that universe. Forever!"

"But to get there, we need to use our own hands to beat the future destiny as we want."

"A soldier will never indulge in a little progress, and will always only look at the final task. Laxity means death and failure. So, do you know what I mean?"

Yang Guoding’s words are not profound, the meaning is very simple, and even a little colloquial, but they are inexplicably straightforward.

The people in the institute were taken aback for a moment, and then their complexion slowly flushed.

More than ten seconds passed, the noise quickly cooled down, and people sat back to their workstations.

The atmosphere has changed significantly compared to before.

When people decided to stay, they relied on reckless courage and pure willpower support in their work, but now people’s expressions have a deeper level of consciousness.

Lin La also heard Yang Guoding's words.

She was a little surprised.

She knows Yang Guoding very well.

Although Yang Guoding is not taciturn, he is definitely not an eloquent person.

His style of doing things is usually to say less, do more, replace language with behavior, and rarely show such exposed emotions in language.

Most of these words did not come from him.

Lin La guessed the truth, this passage is indeed not Yang Guoding's own, the real author is Fanxing.

Fanxing’s data stores the social ideologies of all galaxies and regions in the entire Morrowind Empire so far.

She has studied the lives of too many people, and can instantly retrieve all the pictures of any person in the empire from birth to death from the Quantum Skynet database.

As early as the 21st century, mankind has invented a polygraph that combines micro-expression psychology, physiology, and electromagnetics. Today, the power of the stars is roughly equivalent to a super polygraph that is billions of times more powerful.

After a large number of calculations in line with the basic laws of space-time topology, Fanxing grasped the main trends of the mental state and thinking mode of everyone in the institute, and based on this, he designed a speech for Yang Guoding.

Fanxing’s design has precise arrangements ranging from the content of the words to the change of intonation when speaking, and even to the most suitable volume and sense of sound for each different audience.

Yang Guoding is not a qualified speaker, so his performance is very average, he only speaks the content, but fails to achieve the effect of ups and downs that Fanxing wants.

It doesn't matter. After all, the voice comes out of Yang Guoding's mouth, and then reaches everyone's ears, and needs to be transferred through the network.

Based on the most suitable parameters for each different audience, Fanxing has refined and deep-processed Yang Guoding's tone and intonation.

The basic principles of Fanxing's processing tones are combined with the classic techniques of "Morning Breeze", Zhong Lei, Lu Wei, and countless predecessors in the field of music and speech in human history.

Speeches touch people's hearts no less than music. At the right time, in the right environment, and in the right tone to speak the right words, this voice will become an eternal war song that echoes in people's hearts.

This is the power of language, based on the power of words, and then sublimated by tones.

In fact, the speech deeply integrates performing arts, literature and music, and can maximize the spiritual power.

At this time, everyone in the institute heard the same content of the "speech", but there were differences in the details.

Every word will coincide with the psychological needs of every researcher.

Every time the sound trembles and fluctuates, like the rhythm in "Morning Wind", it becomes a rhythm that can pierce people's defenses fiercely, and it is also a point-to-point optimized rhythm based on the characteristics of different people.

Fanxing’s finishing touch has achieved its goal, and Yang Guoding’s sudden but accurate mediocre speech has become a "war song" beyond "Morning Wind", which is deeply rooted in people's hearts.

Chen Feng didn't know the changes in the outside world, he just wrote a second stroke in the symbol.

He threw away another piece of knowledge.

Time passed, and a year passed in the blink of an eye.

The speed of the corpse planet is still accelerating under the pull of the worm type III, and it has reached 7,900 kilometers per second.

Chen Feng finally threw away all his knowledge except the common sense of life he learned in the 21st century.

He forgot the principle of the armor he manipulated in the ninth reincarnation of the past, why the spacecraft he had traveled could surpass the speed of light, he did not recognize the corpse planet, and he did not know what the dendritic drill was absorbing himself, and he did not understand. What kind of state he is now, but he still remembers the symbol floating in front of him with his own memory, knowing to repeat the previous operation, like a murloc pulling out his own scales to build a sculpture, perfecting the symbol step by step.

He finally came to the time to forget people and things.

Flanders' face flashed in Chen Feng's heart, then vanished into smoke and became a line in the symbol.

Chen Feng lost an important emotional anchor.

Unspeakable tearing pain burst out in his heart.

He passed "unconscious".

When he opened his eyes again, he found himself standing in a virgin forest covered with dense fog.

Looking up, the sky is invisible, only a thick white fog.

Sunlight cannot penetrate the haze, but can only faintly reflect the dim outline of the surrounding things.

Head down, full of weeds and mud all over, sometimes snakes, insects, rats and ants pass by.

He turned around on the spot, and vaguely found a path-like passage, winding to the depths of the forest.

Chen Feng tried to take a step forward, clouds and mists churning, and the scenery changed drastically.

The position where he stood before was quickly grown by vines full of thorns, and it was completely covered.

A piece of cloth was torn off his clothes and hung on the thorn vine.

There is no way back, but to move forward.

Chen Feng continued to walk forward, and another piece of clothing was torn off.

The road ahead is clear and hazy. Although it is not very real to the naked eye, he knows that the destination is there, like a lonely wild ghost who is led towards Naihe Bridge by an invisible chain of black and white, and like a forest The lost youth in China staggered step by step.

Clothes torn off by thorns are hung up along the way, which is a signal used by lost walkers to mark the way they have walked.

As he continued to walk like this, Chen Feng was taken aback, and asked himself a question to himself.

"Who am I? Where do I come from? Where do I go?"

After waiting for a long time, his loud questions and answers sounded in the forest.

"I'm Chen Feng and I'm from Hanzhou. I'm going to see my daughter."

I don't know how much time has passed, nor how far he has gone.

He asked himself three questions again, but only said one answer.

"I'm Chen Feng."

Two years and seven months have passed since the outside world.

The eighteen worms III were still gushing with flames, and they continued to advance toward the top of the Milky Way. The speed had reached 280,000 kilometers per second, and they were slowly approaching the limit of the speed of light.

The front end of each worm type III bears an umbrella-shaped shield, which can absorb or decompose cosmic particles along the way.

Eighteen-sided umbrella-shaped shields overlap each other, protecting the corpse planet behind.

But this protection is not thorough enough.

There are still countless strange particles floating on the path of the corpse planet "out of nowhere", slamming against the corpse planet.

The front surface of the planet is glowing with dazzling light under this violent collision.

In the universe, the total amount of real energy is actually a constant area, constantly being born in the gaps of the triple space, and then annihilated.

The energy levels contained in these extremely tiny particles are far lower than quarks and sine waves.

When ordinary objects are in motion, the existence of real energy particles is not perceived at all, because real energy particles born out of thin air exist for too short time.

When the object hits it, before the kinetic energy exchange can take place, the real energy particles have disappeared.

But when the moving speed of matter reaches the speed of light, it will show obvious collision characteristics.

In fact, as early as the 20th century, humans have found evidence of the existence of real energy particles-the upper limit of the speed of light in a vacuum.

It is the collision of real energy particles with light that limits the speed of light to 300,000 kilometers per second.

In light-transmitting materials such as liquids or glass, the density of large particles that are actually aggregated into clusters increases, and the density of actual particles born in the void increases, which further limits the speed of light.

If there is no barrier from real particles, in absolute vacuum, the theoretical upper limit of the speed of light should be infinite. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

But the impact of the real energy particles is not the thing that causes the most damage to the corpse planet.

The real killer is the interaction between the original three-dimensional space and speed.

The originally spherical corpse planet was forcibly elongated by speed, like a banded meteor.

The Primordial Genetics Institute is located at the back end of the corpse planet and will not be hit by real energy particles.

The housing material of the institute can also withstand the high temperature emitted from the front.

At this time, the research institute, which was originally a disc shape, became a bullet type.

If a bystander with a see-through eye observes the institute from the side, you will find that the people inside have become elongated "noodle people", and the equipment has also undergone significant deformation. The entire screen looks like the aspect ratio The 4:3 picture is forcibly stretched to 100:3.

However, the people in the institute didn't realize it.

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