I planted a sacred tree in Tokyo

Chapter 54 Undercurrent

Yokosuka Military Base,

"Mr. Lieutenant General, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the island."

"Just tell them that I'm already asleep!"

In the office, the cheerful white lieutenant general waved his hand, but the clerk who came in to report had a troubled face.

"Sir, the vice minister of foreign affairs of the island country is right outside the base door: his exact words are that he will wait until you have time to see him."

Obviously, if he was missing, the Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs would always be standing outside the gate of the base.

"These damn monkeys"

After cursing, the white lieutenant general waved his hand.

"Let him in."

As the successor of the island country's "Five-Star Emperor", the white lieutenant general can ignore the will of the island country most of the time.

But only in the matter of transcendence, where the interests involved are so great that they can determine the direction of the next era, the island country will never give up.


"Your Excellency Lieutenant General,"

The person who came was a standard middle-aged and elderly politician from an island country. He was wearing a dark suit, his face was tense, and he asked questions in a fluent New York accent.

"We need an explanation for your actions in Kawasaki City!"

"It's Kawasaki waters, watch your words."

The white lieutenant general was well prepared for the island country's questioning and leaned on his chair without even getting up.

"We have the right to carry out military operations in Tokyo Bay at will, and you are not qualified to interfere - even if you are not notified!"

"Are the ruins of Kawasaki City Pier 6 also part of the sea?!"

Faced with the suppressed and angry questioning of the 'Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs', the white lieutenant general stood up impatiently, leaned forward, and stared at the other person with oppressive eyes.

"Horii. Right?"

"Four months ago, the Special Investigation Department of the District Prosecutor's Office found 8.76 million in political funds of unknown origin from your account."

"Before questioning me, you'd better explain the origin of the money!"


His face turned pale, and the 'Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs' squirmed a few times, but could not utter a single word.

8.76 million, for his level, is simply a drop in the bucket! It can even be turned around to prove that he is as "clean as water", but:

"As long as I am willing, tomorrow all TV stations, newspapers, and Internet headlines will be about your corruption!"

The white lieutenant general raised his hand and poked the opponent's chest viciously.

It made the island's deputy foreign minister tremble.

"Now, get out of here!"

If America came forward to create the momentum in person, it would not be a simple "bow" and he could be let go. Losing his reputation, being shot seven times in the back and committing suicide would be the only ending.

What a joke, if America eats the meat in her mouth, how can it be coveted by others?

"Mr. Horii,"

"You know, there's a lot of pressure on us as well."

On the way to send the opponent away from the base, Brigadier General Thomas talked eloquently.

"On the issue of extraordinary things, the Donkey and the Elephant parties have highly unified opinions. They both advocate sending all extraordinary beings and objects back to China for research."

After frightening the opponent with the familiar ‘void’ card, the brigadier general changed his tone:

"It was our mediation that allowed those extraordinary beings to stay in Tokyo."

"You have mastered an 'original' extraordinary person and developed the 'extraordinary serum'."

"Since the extraordinary thing discovered this time appears on the sea, it should be supervised by us in America, right?"

Faced with the brigadier general's words, the island country's Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs sighed.

"Mr. Thomas, you are a distinguished friend of the island nation."

"But you can do it this time."

Not only did they completely exclude the island countries, they didn’t even inform them!

"Due to your reckless behavior, the battle process was photographed on the Internet by an UP owner."

Not only that, there were a large number of workers at Kawasaki Wharf at that time, and residents witnessed the incident: more than a thousand people. Many of them also subconsciously take photos and send them to their personal space and upload them to various platforms.

Although the island countries that responded have immediately mobilized Internet police to delete a large number of pictures and posts.


"The impact of this matter is so great that we simply cannot suppress it."

The convenience of the Internet,

Make many things 'transparent'.

In the era of print media, it is easy for those in power to cover up something.

Those truly top figures are as if they are "invisible" and will not appear in any newspapers, televisions, or radios. They control capital in a detached way.

But with the emergence of the Internet: whether it is the bad blood between big shots, wars, assassinations, or natural and man-made disasters, they are all presented to everyone in a very clear way: although there are many secrets hidden in them, But it's still much better than not knowing at all.

This is why people feel numb to news on the Internet about thousands of people being covered up by landslides in a certain place and about a certain official embezzling more than 1 billion.

As for other "little troubles" with death tolls in three digits, it feels like nothing more than that.

This is the convenience brought by the Internet, which makes people accustomed to it.

But the extraordinary battle army——

It’s still enough to shock people all over the world!

"That's your problem, Mr. Horii."

In response, Brigadier General Thomas just shrugged helplessly.

"I believe you can make these news disappear from all platforms: release a batch of "celebrity gossip" and other news, and it will disappear from the public's view."

As for the fact that there are no gossips? Won't you create one right away!

"What about other countries?"

Deputy Foreign Minister Horii asked,

"Your reckless actions today will definitely be noticed by other countries."

"Without today's actions, others won't notice it?"

Raised his eyebrows,

Brig. General Thomas, who played the "red face", looked gloomy.

"How many dogs of other forces are there in your government? Do you want me to tell you?"

Aren't the most dogs in America? !

Swearing inwardly, Deputy Foreign Minister Horii had to maintain a "learned" attitude on his face.

"In that case--"

"We request to send someone to participate in the research of the 'stone spur'."

If the previous anger, unwillingness, and questioning were only three-tenths true and seven-tenths acting, then for this point:

"If you don't respond, I can only resign."

"I will discuss it with the Vice Admiral,"

To this, Thomas just gave an ambiguous answer.

Although he will agree in the end, he can't agree too quickly: otherwise, the dog of the island country will get too much!


Setagaya District.


The gray-haired old man stood up suddenly after slapping the wooden table heavily.

"Damn American beasts, that's the extraordinary of our island country! Why do they--"

"Of course it's with strong ships and powerful guns, just like 170 years ago."

The handsome Ichihashi Tatsu answered casually. They also watched the 'live broadcast', so they could naturally guess what happened later.

"At that time, America opened the door to the island nation with its ironclad fleet; now, their aircraft carriers are still stationed in Yokosuka. To be honest, you big guys have been busy for hundreds of years, and it seems that nothing has changed."

"That was only in the past, and it's different now."

Resisting his anger, the gray-haired old man looked at the three people in the room sincerely.

"Three of you, you are all heroes of the island nation."

"If the American beasts are allowed to run rampant like this, how can there be any sign of a country? Please put justice first-"

"Mr. Onoda,"

Yama said, interrupting the gray-haired old man's impassioned lobbying.

"We are all small people and don't understand these national affairs."

"But in my opinion, if the lives of ordinary people cannot be guaranteed, the so-called national prosperity is nothing but a castle in the air."

The gray-haired old man was naturally very clear about the experience of the middle-aged man in front of him: the originally happy family was destroyed by the hands of the cult, and no one would remain indifferent.

If Shan Shang could only make ‘pressure cooker bombs’ and ‘homemade pistols’ before, he could do more after mastering extraordinary power!

“I understand,”

The gray-haired old man nodded heavily,

“Leave the affairs of the Unification Church to me!”

Of course, it doesn’t mean that he will kill people: Shan Shang now doesn’t need to rely on others.

But he will use his power to gather the people of the ‘Unification Church’ and catch them all in one fell swoop!

Not only can he win over Shan Shang, but he can also complete the task of the ‘adult’ and give ‘justice’ to the citizens who have been exploited to the point of family destruction. It can be said to be a win-win situation!


Yokosuka base,

Hundreds of meters below the base, in a laboratory that no detector can find.

“Come, follow my movements,”

“Stack these two building blocks together.”

In a huge glass container filled with inert liquid, an octopus covered with various metal wires and scarred all over his body; under the guidance of a white coat, he stacked two building blocks in the water together.

"Good, very good!"

"You did a good job, and good children deserve rewards."

As the white coat finished speaking, the metal surface of the glass container opened and a shell was placed in it.

The remaining tentacles rolled up, scooped up the shell, and threw it directly into the mouth, swallowing it with the shell and the meat!

The previous fight almost exhausted its chakra, and now this extremely weak octopus just wanted to eat: However, in order to eat, it must complete the special actions specified by the bipedal beast in front of it.

"Next, pour the glass ball out of the bottle."

"Pay attention to the way I open the bottle."

"Incredible, incredible!"

After a set of classic 'Denver Developmental Screening Tests', the white coat exclaimed again and again, as if he saw God in person.

"This octopus easily completed the IQ test for a 6-year-old. If it weren't for the fact that he can't speak yet, I would have suspected that this is a human in an octopus costume."

Although octopuses are already famous for being "smart" among animals, this one is too smart: for almost all projects, as long as the white coat demonstrates it three times, he can understand the meaning of it: it is not the conditioned reflex established by external stimuli like ordinary animals, but he truly understands the meaning!

This is a highly intelligent creature equivalent to humans.

"Dr. Stephen,"

"I'm not interested in intelligence tests."

The white lieutenant general looked at the octopus controlled by inert liquid and various electrodes, and asked condescendingly.

"I only care whether you can tame this octopus that caused me a loss of 2 billion dollars."

"No, no, no, he is not an octopus."

The gray-haired doctor shook his head and refuted with his hands and feet; as an American biological expert, he would not be afraid of this lieutenant general.

"He is a miracle in the history of biological evolution, and an existence that is worthy of being recorded in history!"

". Unfortunately, there will be many such miracles."

The white lieutenant general interrupted the excited doctor,

"I just want an answer!"

"YES, NO?"

"Of course, of course -"

"You will soon get a loyal subordinate, I promise."

After saying that, the doctor waved his hand impatiently to drive him away.

"Little guy,"

Walking to the glass container, the doctor looked at the scarred, about five meters long octopus in front of him with obsession.

"It seems that we will have a long time to get along well."


PS: This book will only involve island countries and America, and everyone should know the reason~~

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