After hearing what Zheng Yi said, the two did not force it.

Li Jiahang looked at Xia Shouguang and said,"Since Zheng Yi is not coming, let's forget it. I don't really want to be alone with you."

"I feel the same way."Xia Shouguang nodded,"Do you think I like being alone with you?"

Zheng Yi felt helpless as he watched the two people bickering with each other.

He thought that after two copies of life and death, their relationship would be much better, but now it seems that he thought too much.

The hostility that has been nurtured since childhood cannot be eliminated so easily.

However, the relationship between them has indeed been eased, at least not like the beginning when they quarreled as soon as they met, and their faces were always filled with expressions of dislike for each other.

This can be regarded as an improvement.

Then the three of them said goodbye to each other and left.

Zheng Yi did not stay outside for too long and returned home immediately.

He hurriedly turned on the computer and sent a private message to the prophet.

Cheater: I have already dealt with what you asked me to do. Prophet

: Well, I knew it a few minutes ago. I didn't expect you to be so efficient.

Prophet: As agreed, I will give you the location of those fugitives. Wait a minute.

Not long after, the other party sent him the real-time location of four fugitives, which seemed to be prepared in advance.

Prophet: This is the location of the fugitives I can find, and there is another guy I really can't find , I can only give up.

Cheater: Who is the guy you can't find?

Prophet: It's a guy named Je'er.

Seeing this, Zheng Yi couldn't help but frown.

Je'er, a guy who is very dangerous to him.

It would be best if he could get his location, at least it would make him feel at ease.

But how could a guy who dares to expose the truth in action, is not afraid of revenge from the mastermind, and kills the vigilantes to escape, be easily located.

Forget it, find those fugitives first and see if you can get the true identity of the mastermind from them.

Zheng Yi immediately synchronized those locations to his mobile phone.

He checked the locations of the fugitives, and they were all still in the ancient city.

Come to think of it, all the roads in the ancient city are currently blocked, and not even a fly can get out, let alone the fugitives.

They can only be trapped in the ancient city naturally, but it must be said that they are very good at hiding, and they have not been caught for so long.

But now the game of hide-and-seek should be over!


In the secret meeting room, the senior executives sitting in their seats looked impatiently at the leader of the Suzaku sect who was on the phone.

Facing the gazes of the senior executives, the leader of the Suzaku sect was very nervous. He kept begging the other party to answer the phone quickly, but the response he got was a cold machine voice.

"Sorry, the number you dialed is not answered at the moment, please call again later."

Seeing that the call was not connected, a senior executive could no longer hold back and slammed the table,"Is this Baimao missing? Why didn't he answer the phone?"

The leader of the Suzaku Sect hurriedly explained,"He may be dealing with something, so he doesn't have time to answer the phone. Let's wait a little longer, maybe he will have news."

"We have given him enough time."A senior official said coldly,"He also said that he would handle it before Bai Zhou and his team came back, but Bai Zhou and his team will be back tomorrow, but we haven't heard the news of Zheng Yi's death yet!"

Another senior official also said,"We shouldn't put all our hopes on Bai Mao. We followed his request and hired death row prisoners to help test Zheng Yi, but this is the result? It's ridiculous!"

Faced with the anger of the senior officials, the leader of the Suzaku Sect dared not say a word and could only lower his head.

The leaders of other gangs also did not dare to speak, because they did nothing to cause this situation, and it was their fault.

Suddenly, the Suzaku Sect leader's cell phone rang, he picked up the phone and looked at it, and was surprised.

He hurriedly raised his head and said to everyone,"It's Bai Mao who called."

A senior official nodded,"Answer it, turn on the speaker." The

Suzaku Sect leader nodded, answered the call, and turned on the speaker.

Bai Mao's voice echoed in the room

"Sorry to have kept you waiting. I've been preparing a lot lately, so I haven't started yet."

"How long will it take for you to take action? You don't have much time left."The leader of the Suzaku Sect asked

"Don't worry, I have prepared everything. You will see the news of Zheng Yi's death today. Keep your eyes open, the fun is about to begin."

After saying that, Bai Mao hung up the phone, leaving everyone in the conference room looking at each other in bewilderment.

"The fun is about to begin? What does he mean by that?"

"I don't know, it sounds confusing. Anyway, we just need to wait here for the news of Zheng Yi's death. I hope he won't let us down."

No one else paid much attention to Baimao's words. Only Ling Haiyun, who was sitting in the corner, kept thinking about what he had just said.

【Open your eyes and watch, the show is about to begin. 】

It seems like he is about to put on a grand show and hopes we can watch it carefully.

Wait, is he going to?

Ling Haiyun was immediately frightened by this conjecture.

No matter what, he shouldn't do this, unless he is crazy


After hanging up the phone, Bai Mao, who was standing on the roof, put away his phone.

Jie Er, who was standing beside him, asked him,"Who did you call? The client?""

"That's right." Bai Mao nodded and said,"It seems they can't wait."

"Don't worry, we won't keep them waiting too long." Jie smiled.

The two stood on the edge of the roof, looking down.

On the playground below, students were talking and laughing together, completely unaware of the impending danger.

As the school bell rang in the school, the students on the playground reluctantly left the playground and walked back to the classroom one after another.

Jie stood on the edge, silently closed his eyes, spread his arms, and felt the comfort of the breeze blowing across his body.

He was not afraid at all that if he leaned forward slightly, he would fall from this height of dozens of meters.

Suddenly a figure appeared behind the two.

A man in black half-knelt on the ground and reported to the two:"The barrier has been set up. As long as the order is given, the barrier will rise."

"Good." Jie slowly opened his eyes.

He looked at the school in front of him and said excitedly:"The stage has been set, and now we just have to wait for the actors to take their places."

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