Zheng Yi felt puzzled.

He really couldn't understand Jeah's train of thought.

Could it be that the guy was a prankster? That's why he did this?

Thinking this way, it does make sense.

Zheng Yi crossed his arms and thought.

Someone had commissioned those death row prisoners to kill him.

This reminded Zheng Yi that someone had commissioned a group of killers to kill him a few days ago.

Why did so many people want to kill him?

Or was it the same person who hired them?

If so, he could catch a few death row prisoners and torture them.

Thinking of this, Zheng Yi left the room and came to the corridor outside.

This corridor was completely different from the corridor he had been in before, and the structure looked a bit like a basement.

It was gloomy and dark.

A series of events that happened before made Zheng Yi believe that the space of this castle was in chaos.

The corridor kept looping, but when the door was opened, it would be teleported to another place.

It was a bit tricky.

The castle was originally large, and I didn't know the way, but then this happened.

It was not easy to find the pillar man in the castle.

After all, in order to leave here, the other party would definitely explore the way and be teleported to different places.

Unless the Pillar Man stays still, the probability of them being teleported to the same place and meeting at the same time is quite low.

But even if the probability is low, there is nothing he can do. He can only go for it. Anyway, the probability is higher than the probability of drawing a card.

Zheng Yi walked forward for a distance and came to the stairs leading up.

As soon as his feet stepped on the stairs, the surrounding environment changed rapidly.

A gust of wind blew across his face.

When Zheng Yi came to his senses, he found that he had come to the roof of the castle.

Looking at the moon above his head, Zheng Yi sighed lightly,"Is it true? I was teleported here."

It seems that he will have to use the moon step to fly to the window to get in. I wonder where I will be teleported to next time?

Just as he was thinking this, the environment around him changed rapidly again.

Then he came to a hall.

Zheng Yi frowned when he saw this.

What's going on? He didn't move just now, why did he suddenly come here?

A rough voice came from the distance

"Here they come, we finally teleported him here."

Zheng Yi looked in the direction of the sound, and saw the death row prisoners standing in the distance, and not far away he could see Wu Jianlong who was already dead, and Sun Li who was sitting on the ground in fear.

A death row prisoner said dissatisfiedly:"Why did you teleport this guy here at this time? At least let me enjoy this girl."

Another death row prisoner consoled him:"Forget it, since we are here, let's get rid of him first, then we will be free, and then we can enjoy that girl however we want."

""Haha, that's right."

The death row prisoner glanced at Sun Li with ill intention.

This made Sun Li tremble with fear. She hurriedly looked at Zheng Yi, hoping that he could save her.

Zheng Yi knew that she was very scared, so he motioned her to calm down first, and then looked at the death row prisoners.

Unexpectedly, what Jie said was true. These guys' target was him, and the reason they did this was because they were commissioned by someone.

He was now eager to pry out from their mouths who asked them to kill him.

Only two people would be left to ensure that the confessions were consistent.

The rest would be killed!

The death row prisoners walked towards Zheng Yi one by one with a fierce momentum, with a strong murderous aura wrapped around them, surging out like black mist.

"Don't blame us, kid. It's your bad luck. You messed with the wrong guy. If you get killed, you can only blame yourself."

"Just think of it as a good deed, using your life to buy our freedom"


Seeing Zheng Yi lowering his head, a death row inmate raised his lips and said,"Are you afraid? It's okay to be afraid. I like to see people's fear when they are facing death.""

"By the way, let me tell you something. Although we are death row prisoners, we were all B-level players before that. You are a C-level player, no matter how good you are, you can never be our opponent!"

Hearing this, Zheng Yi smiled disdainfully,"Huh, you guys have been locked up for too long, don't you even know what's happening on the Internet?"

Several death row prisoners looked at each other, not knowing what he was talking about.

One of them asked,"What do you mean? Are you bluffing?"

"I'm not bluffing, I'm stating the facts. If you've watched the viral video online, you'll know that you've got the wrong person!"

Zheng Yimeng raised his head and looked at the death row inmates. An invisible sense of oppression instantly hit them, making them feel terrified.

They were experienced in many battles and knew that this was a dangerous signal and a sign of death.

"You think you can kill me?"

Zheng Yi's whisper was like the whisper of the god of death. The chill penetrated their skin and stimulated their bone marrow, causing their bodies to tremble uncontrollably.

A death row prisoner suppressed his fear and said,"This guy is quite good at pretending. He really scared me, but with so many of us former B-level players, are we still afraid of him?"


Zheng Yi's voice suddenly rang in his ears, and he could even feel the heat coming from the other person's voice, but he felt more like cold air than heat, and his hair stood on end.

At some point, Zheng Yi suddenly disappeared from where he was, and came to his side in an instant.

The third door, the door of life, open!

Zheng Yi's hand pressed towards the other person's face, and the death row prisoner was pressed to the ground before he could react, and a large pit appeared on the ground.


Seeing this scene, several people immediately became nervous.

What's going on?

It's too fast!

Is this really a C-level player?

Two death row prisoners picked up their weapons and rushed towards Zheng Yi.

Their speed was also very fast, and only a shadow could be seen.

But just as they raised their weapons, Zheng Yi suddenly disappeared from the spot.

The next second, Zheng Yi appeared behind them.

Looking at Zheng Yi behind them, the two people were sweating profusely.

Is it true?

Zheng Yi opened his arms and punched the two people's backs hard.

The two people flew out like arrows from a string, slammed into the wall, and smashed a big hole.

"What a joke!"A death row prisoner was completely frightened and summoned a rifle, aiming at Zheng Yi and firing,"I don't believe you can even dodge bullets."

The rifle made a sharp gunshot, flames came out from the muzzle, and dozens of bullets flew towards Zheng Yi.

The bullets passed through Zheng Yi's body, but did not leave any wounds.

This puzzled the death row prisoner.

He soon realized that it was just Zheng Yi's afterimage.

He pointed his gun in all directions, but he could not see Zheng Yi anywhere.

Suddenly, a hand chopped down from behind and knocked him into the ground. The surrounding ground was blown away by the powerful impact.

Watching Zheng Yi kill people is as simple as stepping on an ant. The remaining two death row prisoners felt extremely terrified.

How could they kill such a monster!

It would be good if they were not killed.

This guy has at least A-level strength.

Is this really a C-level player?

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