I Honor

Chapter 690

The Test of Mercy

The main hall is inlaid with gold foil everywhere, reflecting the light with dazzling colors, which further highlights the holiness of the white petals and the compassion of the Bodhisattva of Compassion, making her pink skin moist and attractive.

Meng Qi pinched the reincarnation talisman secretly in his hand, carried it behind his back, his green robe moved slightly, his posture was upright, proudly restrained, deep and vicissitudes, without showing the slightest surprise.

You can’t answer this kind of words casually. I’m not the real Demon King of Poisonous Hands. I don’t know what happened in the past. Maybe the Bodhisattva of Lianyu is just deceiving me.

But if you are noncommittal and have a cold attitude, you are afraid that the two parties really know each other and cause suspicion.

Therefore, the most normal way at this moment is to respond vaguely, neither expressing knowledge nor revealing ignorance

With a flash in his mind, Meng Qi took two steps forward with his hands behind his back, and said with a half-smile, “The old man has always been unfathomable.”

Lianyu Bodhisattva suddenly laughed tremblingly, catching people’s attention: “Poison Hand, you are still so conceited. Unfortunately, back then, I was in such a hurry that I couldn’t swim with you.”

She looked at Meng Qi with wet eyes, with sparkling light and deep greed, as if she was looking at an elixir.

According to Wan Shou’s “letter”, even if Poison Shou does not have the realm of a master, it is not far behind and can break through at any time.

In other words, it didn’t really matter. Meng Qi secretly heaved a sigh of relief. As long as the old friend is not good, things will be easy to handle. But thinking about it, it should be the same. Good friends, I am afraid that they have long been adopted into the appearance of the “Three-eyed Arrow God” outside the palace, how can they have the ability to offend both good and evil, and make everyone enemy in the world, so hide in the secret

“I’m afraid I won’t be able to enjoy such a beautiful blessing.” Meng Qi looked relaxed, showing the demeanor of an old devil.

The Bodhisattva of Compassion and Desire looked at the two men who were concentrating on kneading at their feet with a smile: “Are you willing to not enjoy such a beautiful blessing?”

“Reluctance” was not only the two men kneeling at the feet, but also the four men beside Lianyu Bodhisattva and behind him also said in unison, with excited and obsessed expressions. It seems to have obtained the greatest bliss in the world.

“Poisonous hand, you see, they don’t think so.” Lianyu Bodhisattva sighed, and instantly turned her beauty into a charming one, “You and I are considered a generation, but those comrades who were fighting with us before you hid in Bomi, now Those who are still alive are probably less than one out of ten.”

Twenty years is not a long time for the scene, but the cruelty of the heretical way is better than the right way, and the current situation of being suppressed. Friends who betrayed and slaughtered, strong men who snatched treasures and looted their bodies, they can’t accumulate the advantage of the number of locations because they make their skills easy and quick, so twenty years is enough to lose a group of locations. Of course, there will definitely not be one out of ten. Lianyu Bodhisattva refers to “living well” and not breaking through the realm. The guy who is at the bottom of the exterior scene and can only bully newcomers is obviously not “good”.

For them, if it is the location of a big force, it is at the backbone level of the organization. It can’t be mentioned as high-level, and it can’t be compared with Lianyu Bodhisattva. If it is not the location of a big force, it is the plundering target of Lianyu Bodhisattva and other powerful people. Often frightened.

“So what, the world is suffering, if you don’t have the strength, it’s better to get rid of it early.” Meng Qi deliberately spoke extremely cold words with a compassionate attitude.

Lianyu Bodhisattva chuckled, and the whole hall suddenly became brighter and brighter: “Wan Shou said that you transformed the Buddha Dharma to replenish the foundation of demons. I didn’t believe it at first, but now I know what you said is true. , but we are seeking the Buddha from the devil, and you are turning the Buddha into a devil, and we all complement each other.”

When it comes to “complementary”, she blinked suddenly, and the occasional playfulness made her a little fresher and more charming than the pity and charm.

Meng Qidun had the feeling of listening to pornographic jokes at the wine table in his previous life, barely restraining the ripples in his heart, and said with a smile: “Whether it’s a Buddha or a devil, it’s just to seek the way in the heart. In short, Li Wending’s way is not the way of an old man. .”

“You are so enlightened.” The Bodhisattva of Lianyu was slightly stunned, and soon, her expression became pitiful again, “You think Li Wending is pitiful.”

“In the past twenty years, there have been countless scenes of the fall. Some died in the struggle between good and evil, some died in the sight of profit, some were stabbed in the back, some were blindfolded by greed, and when they entered the ruins to open a cave, they didn’t know how to accept it when they saw it. , were brutally murdered to seize treasures, were also affected by the battles of masters, and died inexplicably, as for going crazy, it is even more common, and death can happen anytime, anywhere.”

“Even those who are still alive, most of them are full of pain, worried about the source of natural resources and treasures, worried about the pursuit of enemies, suffering from the stagnation of cultivation, jealous of the latecomers’ surpassing, afraid of getting older day by day, panic disturbed.”

“My devil is merciful. The world is suffering, and everything is illusory. It would be better to destroy it.” Meng Qi simply replied.

There was a radiance called holy compassion on the face of Bodhisattva Lianyu: “Yes, there is so much suffering in the world, and it is all boring. Most people live a dull and repetitive life. , being discriminated against and bullied by others, having a heart full of sorrows that can’t be loved, you can only grab a sliver of joy occasionally until the end of your life, and turn into bones. Since you are struggling so hard, why don’t you let go of other things and enjoy bliss.”

“I donate my physical body to them, so that they can always enjoy the great bliss of male and female spiritual intercourse, forget their worries, and immerse themselves in it until death comes, and pass away safely. Compared with you who have worked hard, fought and ventured but may not succeed, you are more troubled and painful. Too much too fastYou are so happy, I don’t know how many times you enjoy it, but you still feel pitiful for Li Wending.”

Really good at fallacies and heresies Considering that he is also an evil heretic, Meng Qi didn’t bother to argue, but just smiled leisurely: “If you are not a fish, how can you know the joy of a fish?”

“Really?” Lianyu Bodhisattva’s brilliant eyes were covered with a layer of moist water, “But you have never experienced the great bliss of the fusion of life and soul, how can you know that the happiness is not what you need?”

Speaking of this, she chuckled lightly, and then said: “At the beginning I always wanted to compete with you, but I couldn’t do it. Today we finally meet again, how can we not have a long-cherished wish?”

“My lord and your guest, it’s inconvenient to fight, lest you misunderstand our repentance, and want to forcibly pick up men, how about this, show you my condensed compassion Bodhisattva appearance, lest you be ignorant of Great Bliss, and see if it can inspire You have to show yourself.”

She didn’t give Meng Qi a chance to answer, and sat cross-legged in a rather anxious manner, with white petals flying around her, eloquently.

Not forcibly harvesting supplements is mainly a matter of ability, but it doesn’t mean that you can’t be tempted to make the poisonous hand “willingly”, if you can supplement the “elixir” of a master or close to the master. I can break through the predicament of many years immediately, and the master can be expected

Didn’t I just say so much just for the purpose of messing around and shaking his belief

Lianyu Bodhisattva glowed with a clear light, and a statue of Bodhisattva was condensed behind her, with a holy white skirt and a lotus in her right hand. Her face was somewhat similar to Lianyu’s, but more holy and compassionate, and “her” dress was half exposed. The chest is faintly visible, and the skin seems to be intertwined with the principles of the law. It is as real as it is, and it is extremely attractive. At the same time, the show mouth is slightly opened, and the left hand is placed on the chest, as if about to undress, which attracts people’s daydream.

This bodhisattva has a strange fusion of the contradictory feelings of holiness and charm. Exuding an indescribable charm, directly “imprinted” into Meng Qi’s primordial spirit

White petals are fluttering, the light red mist is permeating, and if there is a soft humming that seems to be absent.

Boom boom boom. Meng Qi found that his heart was beating like a drum, his blood was rushing, his breathing became heavy, and he felt unable to hold himself.

This temptation, which seems to be the law of heaven and earth, is simply irresistible. It seems that she is the embodiment of the male and female euphoria, the incarnation of the heart

Boom, boom, all the men in the hall half-kneeled on the ground. The expression is crazy and obsessed, wanting to be quiet, but also seems to be afraid of tarnishing the holiness.

Boom, boom, Meng Qi reluctantly held on, and began to use Ananda’s heart method of breaking the precepts, forcibly restraining his thoughts and keeping a trace of purity.

At the same time, the inside of his ancestral orifice between his brows became gloomy and dark, with no top and no bottom, no past, no future, no direction and no future, and the indestructible primordial phase appeared inside, resisting the influence of inexplicable legal principles.

The combination of the two won a chance for Meng Qi. In the depths of his soul, he immediately visualized the true meaning of “Tathagata Palm”. sound:

“Heaven and earth, I am the only one”

The Buddha’s voice is like thunder, “I” is above all kinds of desires, merged with the immortal soul, and captured all kinds of desires.

The blood flow slowed down, the heartbeat calmed down, and his breathing was long and thick. Meng Qi had already shaken off the influence of the intertwined principles. Sensing his surroundings, he found that the two women, Ying Ning and Le Huan, were also attracted. The chants kept going, but the Lianyu Bodhisattva hadn’t noticed that Meng Qi’s eyes were clear and he was still working with the dharma.

Meng Qi was about to laugh, and turned around with his hands behind his back, showing the demeanor of a leftist giant. Suddenly, he had a better idea. Didn’t he get a drop of “Devil’s Blood” earlier, which just shocked them and made them Knowing that what I said about “Buddha Dharma nourishes the foundation of magic” is true

The cyan blood fell into Meng Qi’s hands from the mustard ring, and the aura of devouring evil poured into his body from the palm of his hand, blending with the aura of the simulated golden Buddha.

The Bodhisattva of Compassion and Desire is fully unfolding, and he is about to go all out when he suddenly feels evil and devilish, which makes his heart tremble. Compassionate and merciful Buddha, mixed with a feeling of indifference and coldness overlooking the common people in the world of mortals

Inside the hall, the Buddha’s light was dyed black, the devil’s energy was rolling, and the vicissitudes of life and evil thoughts penetrated the void, as if a real demon was about to appear in the world. Meng Qi with frosty temples stood in it with his hands behind his back, like a Buddha or a god

Lianyu’s eyes were fixed, his heart was turbulent, and the figure of the Bodhisattva behind him was swaying.

The poisonous hand has really become a heretical giant

I can’t even force out his Dharma appearance

“Lianyu, do you want to show it again?” Meng Qi smiled slightly.

As soon as these words came out, everyone in the hall came back to their senses, looking at Meng Qi as if they were looking at a real devil

The Bodhisattva of Compassion and Desire put away the Dharma portrait with a smile, without showing any signs of frustration: “Poison Hand, you are no longer worthy of the title of Demon Lord, and you have the strength of the black list, which is not as good as mine. Let’s take a break today and wait until I report to Suzerain Bodhisattva. Tomorrow you should Then we can meet and make an agreement.”

Tomorrow, Meng Qi’s heart tightened. Could it be that “Poisonous Hand” should disappear tonight, and change his identity to lurk on the island, waiting for the opportunity to become a male disciple who has the chance to touch Jue Dao.

What should I change to?

After bidding farewell to Bodhisattva Lianyu, Lehuan led Meng Qi and Ying Ning to the Guest House.

According to what Meng Qi saw along the way, Meng Qi found that there are many domesticated spirit beasts here. They feed on wild beasts. If he turns into a mouse, etc., he has to beware of their attacks. It is only available when the number of evil spirits needs to change.what should i change

What is the excuse to make the poisonous hand disappear, so that the purpose of not arousing suspicion, Dasuo the whole island


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