I Honor

Chapter 1346

Planning for the future

After Gu Xiaosang retreated, Meng Qi did not leave the Qingwei Realm immediately, but spent a long time carefully exploring the ancient battlefield on the other side. Unfortunately, as expected, there were no additional clues, only the knowledge of Yuanshi Tianzun After disappearing with Lingbao Tianzun, there was a battle here.

He re-sealed this place with the seal of Wuji and the first seal of Tao, so as not to spread the destruction to the outside world, then escaped from this world and returned to Yuxu Palace in Kunlun Mountains. The two claws were flying, playing the game happily, completely ignoring Daqingen’s heartbroken face.

“Woof, woof, woof,” sensing Meng Qi’s return, Roaring Sky Dog greeted him cheerfully, while Da Qinggen rushed out of the gatehouse and said in a crying voice, “Master, you, you have to make the decision for the little one.”

It’s true that no one knows if it’s a dog on the other side of the network. Concierge, stand up wherever you fall.”

Da Qinggen held the Talisman of Myriad Worlds, the color changed from green to purple, from purple to black, and finally turned red, nodded heavily and said:

“The little one understands”

It was full of murderous spirit, full of fighting spirit, turned its head and growled at Roaring Sky Dog: “Dead Dog, come, let’s fight heads-up, six out of ten rounds!”

Meng Qi didn’t watch them, but just mourned for Da Qinggen three times in silence. With the legendary reaction speed, he could examine and control his own thoughts. Without the blessing of the corresponding series, Da Qinggen could only be abused.

But, what a roaring dog, why did he become depraved after entering my Kunlun Mountain Yuxu Palace?

Is it bad feng shui here, or my personal charm is too strong

Walking back to the quiet room and boarding the cloud bed, Meng Qi calmed down and thought about what to do next:

“The uppermost layer of Jiuchongtian will not be able to enter for a while, but we can’t just sit on the sidelines and wait for the big brother to complete the humane dominance of the sky, or whoever gets part of the power of the emperor of heaven. You have to work hard for it and try more, such as pressing from the land. With the list of gods in hand, for example, secretly fueling the flames, going around in circles to help Han Guang initially establish the Heavenly Court, control the power, arouse resonance, and then trigger the arrangement to let him fall into the dust, so as not to raise a tiger. However, this method is very difficult to control, like walking On the edge of the cliff, a slight mistake will cause serious trouble, so it can only be used as a backup plan, and a long-term plan.”

“Looking for the whereabouts of Emperor Qing will help me peek into the future, but unfortunately the Sixth Division of the Heretics has always beenShenlong sees the beginning but does not see the end, and even Xiaosang doesn’t know where they are. Moreover, the three families we are looking for are all good at inferring and covering up the secrets. It is impossible to trace the causes of the results based on the current level. Well, you can ask about this matter. Young Master Wang, he seems to know Zhixu Mountain quite well.”

“Although Maitreya and the Bull Demon King suffered severe injuries, the Ancient Dieng Buddha and the Demon Monarch were forced to wake up early. Even if they are not consummated, they are still the top powerhouses in the world. We must be careful about their actions and plans, especially Senior Brother Qi. I’m afraid the Demon Lord won’t let it go, he must have a way, so he has to guard against it.”

“Generally speaking, the current situation has entered a relatively relaxed state, leaving a period of time for all living beings to concentrate on cultivation and find breakthroughs.”

“Half-sealed the Tiantai, controlled the authority of the earth, and extended into the myriad worlds. The eldest brother no longer needs to waste time on his and my affairs. No accidents, the legend is just around the corner, but he once had a split personality. He was affectionate and sexual at the same time. Ruthless, although he recovered successfully with the help of this life mirror connection and fusion, will this experience affect him to find out who I am, or in other words, this experience will help him figure out who I am?”

“Master inherited the Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva lineage, and finally broke through the barriers and attained the golden body. The future is limitless, but before the situation changes again, I am afraid that there is no hope of achieving the great Bodhisattva status, let alone the legend. On the other hand, , the golden body of Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva combines the things of the sambhogakaya. If you want to continue to improve, you must make great vows such as crossing the soul, and it is easy to get involved in battles.”

“Zhiwei will be able to step into the realm of heavenly immortals in a short time. The number of him and me who are tolerant is already enough, but it can be proved that the legend and me are my pass. It needs deep accumulation to be explored. It will not be expected for a while. Only Mr. Lu Da and Senior Su Wuming, after this fusion of I and I, you and you, most of them have realized something. I hope they can become legends as soon as possible, especially Senior Su, who is taking the orthodox path, and the chance of breaking through in a short time is very small. Small”

“If you really want to push the Heavenly Court, you must not allow Han Guang to prove the legend before that, and you must obstruct it more.”

“Zhao Laowu had the hope of Dharma body a few years ago, but she failed to break through the retreat. I don’t know what went wrong. The snacks have accumulated enough, and the tempering is far beyond others. She will surely achieve Dharma body within a year, but she has gathered Fu Huang The two piano scores are somewhat involved with this suspected big man who was active in the late ancient times and the early ancient times. I don’t know if there will be any accidents, so we must take care of them.”

As thoughts turned one after another, Meng Qi found that the things he had to do were really complicated and confusing, and most of them were worried about others and wanted to help.

“Hey, from the very beginning, I felt that I had the potential to become an aunt of the neighborhood committee. I like to worry about things, and I value love and righteousness.” Meng Qi examined his thoughts and praised himself brazenly.

He didn’t rule out the interference of these emotions, because after examining it, he realized that this was what he really wanted to do.

After thinking about and planning these things from beginning to end, Meng Qi fell into another problem, that is why all major forces seek to control the heavens, rule all living beings, establish hells, and perfect the real world.

Under the other shore, in order to practice one’s own way and one’s own way, one has to do it, needless to say, just like Maitreya, others laughed at him, insulted him, and felt that he lacked the pure heart of Buddhism and did not act like a Buddha. But this is all for the purpose of completing the establishment of the Buddha Kingdom on the ground and crossing the path of the world.

But what about the great figures on the other side? In ancient times, what was the reason for fighting for the dominance of establishing the underworld?

This is definitely not a power struggle on the surface, and there must be something deeper hidden, but what exactly is this?

Meng Qi thought hard and couldn’t figure it out, but if he didn’t figure out the real purpose of the big shots on the other side, how would he grasp the situation in the future, jump out of the chessboard, and become a real chess player?

“Perhaps only by trying it yourself can you understand what the big shots are really looking for.” Meng Qi nodded thoughtfully, with the idea of ​​building his own hell, “Although the underworld has been preempted by Emperor Fengdu, it’s not a big deal. Completely successful, there is still a chance”

Thinking of this, he suddenly had a flash of inspiration:

“Master is cultivating the golden body of Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva. Just now I was worried that he would have to make a great vow to rid himself of the evil spirits in hell, and he would be easily involved in major battles. Now, it seems that I can help him.”

“This is dangerous and must be carefully planned”

The quiet room was deep and dark, and the light was spotty. Meng Qi regained consciousness from his thoughts, returned to reality, and then realized that the most important thing for him at the moment was: cultivation, cultivation, and cultivation. “The level of perfection that naturally appears with the birth of the universe or the fragmentation of cosmic light fragments.

Before again, he took out the Universal Knowledge Talisman and chose to contact Young Master Wang.

Beep, beep, after a brief sound, Wang Siyuan’s weak voice came through the Myriad Realms Tongzhi Talisman:

“Cough, I need help”

Sure enough, the magic stick was the magic stick. Meng Qi cursed and said, “I saw the monster of heaven.”

“I was also in Changle at the time.” Wang Siyuan said with a smile, as if he had expected Gao Lan’s failure.

“What exactly is k’s origin?” Meng Qi followed up the pole and asked.

Wang Dashen stick is no stranger to the monsters of the Heavenly Dao, but under the control of K, he jumped out of the chessboard at the risk of death.

Wang Siyuan was silent for a short time, and then coughed violently a few times: “If you can understand K’sHead, why do I need to bury the past of the Wang family and do such a violent and crazy thing?”

“However, I have two guesses. One is that K is related to the Daoist from the ancient times, and the other is that K was transformed by a certain dead but not stiff person from the other side.”

Meng Qi, the only Daoist who has attained the Taoist fruit, is dead but not stiff, and Meng Qi, a big man on the other side, nodded slightly, wrote down Wang Siyuan’s conjecture, and asked instead: “You may find disciples from Zhixu Mountain or the Xieming Sect or the Wuxiang Sect. ”

“Meet by fate, know what you know, heck, you can meet but you can’t ask for it.” Wang Siyuan said, “It is said that the six masters of the outside world have opened up a world on the edge of chaos, similar to the original demon world, and their six veins focus on their own way. Traveling around the rivers and lakes is only for verification and search, never disturbing the world, and the whereabouts can not be grasped, heck, you can ask the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas in the Saha Pure Land in the past, after all, the six masters of the heretics have a close relationship with the Buddha, and there may be clues from them.”

In the past, most of the Bodhisattvas and Buddhas in the Saha Pure Land entered the belly of the Supreme True Buddha. Meng Qi’s thoughts turned, and he locked on two candidates.

After we talked for a while and agreed on some things, the aunt of the Meng Qi Neighborhood Committee had a fit and asked with concern:

“What have you been doing”

Wang Siyuan coughed a few times, and his tone became a little crazy: “You will know when we meet next time.”

The contact with the Universal Knowledge Talisman was interrupted, the corners of Meng Qi’s mouth twitched, and he frowned slightly thinking, what kind of event is this lunatic planning?

Zhao Heng woke up suddenly from his dream, only to see the moonlight shining through the window and shining in front of him, it was cold and peaceful.

But he didn’t care about admiring the beautiful scenery, and he was breathing heavily, and it took him a long time to recover.

have that nightmare again

Failure to break through, a nightmare of ashes

I thought I could let go of the past and the ambitions of the past, but when I tried to break through the retreat, the melancholy, emptiness, and contradictions that were usually invisible were revealed, and it was difficult to take that crucial step.

Yes, how can it be so easy to forget the road engraved in the blood in the past few decades? When I was in the capital of God, Xiaomeng once jokingly said that he switched places, he was the prince, and I was a hero, but I directly Resolute, not even echoing and joking, which shows the real thoughts.

It is easier to rebuild the road now than to make up for the regret at the entrance.

The body and mind are not in harmony, so naturally he stops and has nightmares again and again.


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