I Honor

Chapter 1220

Unreliable Master

“According to relevant laws and regulations, some search results will not be displayed.”

Fei Zhengtao’s mouth was half opened, he was dumbfounded, his mind was empty, he didn’t know what night it was.

that’s okay too

Is this still the martial arts world?

Emperor Yuan is really a legendary “big man”.

Fei Zhengtao, who couldn’t laugh or cry, relied on his daily Internet experience to try his best to ignore this line of prompts, and his eyes moved to the search results. The first one was “The most popular book in Jianghu Teahouse, the legend of the predecessor Yuanhuang, which is sought after by hundreds of millions of people”.

Yuanhuang biography Fei Zhengtao did not hesitate, clicked on this entry, logged in, and sawWhen it comes to books with clean and tidy layout, there are many interactive information below.

“The author is Huanhua He Yunle.” Fei Zhengtao murmured, looking over the front and directly reading the text:

“Entering Shaolin for the first time, Arhat’s iron fist shows his supernatural power, and the handyman novice defeated the monk”, “Stealing scriptures in the middle of the night, breaking the precepts with a sword against the palm of Prajna”, “Walking far into the vast sea, testing the bandits with a sword, the emperor of the Yuan Dynasty struck the sky with lightning and rescued his junior brother alone” , “Yang Wei Yedu, the heroes of the knife town”, “Jiangdong’s confusion is deep, Yuanhuang’s wisdom is clear”, “Caught in a deadlock for love, the mountain temple fights against the three demons”, “Wolf king chased after thousands of miles, waited for half a year, Endless headless”, “Four calamities added to the body, the house is full of flowers and drunk, the first person after ancient times”

“The palm of the Tathagata came down from the sky, the emperor of the Western Wilderness, the Emperor of the Yuan Dynasty”, “Langya showed his power, looked down on the blue blood”, “Outside the hidden sword tower, the leader of a general among millions of troops was taken”, “Even if there are magic soldiers and How, the Yuan Emperor shocked the world in the first battle”, “The ancient temple on the barren mountain sat withered for ten years, and the Yuan Emperor’s temples are gray, so there is something sad”

“Driving in the Southern Wilderness, Gu God bestows the head, one word can be the law of the world”, “The knowledge of all worlds is mysterious, and the Emperor Yuan has returned to Yuxu Palace”

Fei Zhengtao was just browsing at first, but as each incident was told, he read more and more carefully. The more I watch it, the more exciting it becomes. The more I watch it, the more I can’t do without the computer. From dinner to early morning, after washing. Turning off the light, I watched it secretly for half a night, until the latest serialization, and then I was satisfied and leaned back on the back of the chair, feeling a little inexplicably empty.

“In the beginning, I was just a handyman monk. I was able to seize the opportunity, climb up step by step, and become one of the most important people in the heavens and the world. Although it is only ranked fifth in the Tianbang, it was voted number one by many people in the world.” Fei Zhengtao closed his eyes. Close your eyes, the feeling rises, you dare not resist, let others bully, isn’t it too cowardly

Got out of high school and escaped those bastards and how come in college no one bullies me Don’t know how to get out of this situation, always end up in the same situation

But. I’m so skinny, punching ’em is like tickling

How about buying a few cheat books in Wanjie Mall to practice

Fei Zhengtao suddenly opened his eyes, thinking in horror: “I actually, I thought this world of martial arts and heroes is real!”

“Yuan Huang Zhuan is so real, the details are very consistent with the atmosphere of martial arts and immortals shown in various forum posts”

“Try it, there is nothing to lose anyway”

Fei Zhengtao’s face flickered, he sometimes gritted his teeth, and sometimes flinched in fear. It took a full half an hour before he made up his mind to try to practice martial arts

“This should be the Talisman of Myriad Worlds. Someone who made the Yuanhuang left it on our planet.” Fei Zhengtao picked up the metal sheet and played with it repeatedly, “If all this is true, the Yuanhuang The gods in many novels and TV dramas are more like gods, no, he is a god.”

Fei Zhengtao calmed down and began to think about how to earn Yuanhuang coins. With his experience in online shopping, he first registered a mall account proficiently. After receiving five “Yuanhuang Coins” as a first-time entry reward, he browsed through the mission sections of the mall and other forums to see if there were any missions he could accept.

“Fifth Heaven, majoring in Xinghuo Dafa, also majoring in Yuantong Taoism, stronger than defense, planning to explore the southern area of ​​the East China Sea, looking for relics, seeking the cooperation of top experts, do not disturb those below the Fourth Heaven, and those whose reputation in the mall is lower than Platinum Do not disturb.”

“The Qilin Peak in the Southern Desolation is surrounding the Luyue Desolate Beast. The nearby comrades come to help quickly. It is extremely urgent.”

“Six Doors Special Mission: Report any traces of Su Nv Dao Huanxi Yimai and Huanxi Temple in the World of Universal Knowledge. Initially confirmed, there will be 100 yuan royal coins. If there are valid clues, more rewards will be given.”

“Langya Ruan’s family has been purchasing rare recipes and rare ingredients for a long time.”

The corners of Fei Zhengtao’s mouth twitched a few times when he saw it. He didn’t have a task that was suitable for him, so he could think about rare recipes, but none of the recipes he could find was hooked on rare recipes.

He looked at the only five Yuanhuang coins, and browsed through the items in the mall with divergent spirit. He found that foundation-building exercises were very cheap. With only one Yuanhuang coin, he could store dozens of qi and open up hundreds of thousands, but basically All said is for reference only, to increase knowledge.

“Buy the Foundation Building

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