I Honor

Chapter 1164

: Layers of reports

The sound penetrated the river and echoed in the ears of Buddhist Bodhisattvas such as the Great Wisdom Monk. In an instant, their consciousness spread, and they had locked onto Meng Qi.

Su Meng even took the initiative to jump out, and if something abnormal happened, he would be a wise monk with a demon look like a pure moon. The first thing that came to mind was thisidea.

Did I wait for Bodhisattva’s search of the bottom of the river to touch one of his important secrets, forcing him to jump over the wall in a hurry and appear on his own initiative, trying to attract attention? Wait for the Bodhisattva to take the bait

The Great Wisdom Sage Monk was extremely cautious and did not dare to be negligent or reckless. The voice of his understanding echoed in the altar of the other six Bodhisattvas, and asked them to hold a part of the “Six-Character Mantra” and spread them out slightly for emergency and supplementary purposes. , he himself directly sacrificed the acquired human race bag, and threw the old white cloth bag towards Meng Qi.

The pocket is open, spreading all over the ten directions, including the three realms, and white lotus blossoms inside. If there is a pure land, it is necessary to introduce good people into the Buddha’s country at the time of the end of the Dharma.

Meng Qi was not afraid of being overjoyed when he saw the famous Buddhist ethnicity bag, because the world in his sleeves could no longer support him.


The gorgeous purple light lit up and directly sliced ​​through Meng Qi’s left sleeve.

“You seek your own death” When the knife light rushed out, Bawang’s deep and cold voice suddenly sounded.

The Overlord is proud and has a compassionate heart, the Overlord is arrogant, he just wants to crush the powerful enemy, and he doesn’t want to take advantage of the weakness, even the Supreme Demon has to wait until he grows to the peak of the fairy before killing him. Qi and Mr. Lu Da are more condescending attitudes, to see what kind of strength these weak people with potential can show, and they don’t really go all out to fight at all, leaving a little bit of waiting for growth, otherwise nothing else will be mentioned. Every time the Light Overlord responds to the enemy passively, he does not take the initiative to attack, does not preempt the attack, and does not attack continuously, which can be seen.

However. On the contrary, he suffered a little setback because of this, and fell into the opponent’s “sleeve universe”. Although it didn’t hinder him, he lost a little face. There was a bit of killing intent in my heart.

But before he finished speaking, white lotuses were already blooming in front of his eyes, and the three worlds and ten directions were covered by a rag bag

Hou Tianbao’s human race bag inherited the inheritance of Thor, and the overlord who saw his previous life and cut off the past is no stranger to this Buddhist treasure. His face changed slightly, revealing a bit of anger:

“Mitreya, do you want to intervene too?”

The Bawang’s voice was like thunder, and the domineering energy became more and more terrifying due to its anger. It torrentially flowed like a river and sea, pouring money into Houtian’s bag, making the cloth bag “ripple” and rushing to the point where it seemed to slow down for a moment, and the purple electric knife light burst out , To cut against the sky. Piyi, the immortal god, “divided Jiuchongtian into two” and divided the race bag into two

Daoguang rushed into the cloth bag, and a fierce fight broke out. Overlord tried his best to break through layers of barriers, trying to find a gap to jump out of Houtian bag, and the two stalemate for a moment.

“Okay…” Meng Qi was waiting for this opportunity, immediately gave a secret praise, changed in the wind, and escaped from his real body. Jumped out of the race bag.

At this moment, the Great Wisdom Sage Monk and the Six Bodhisattvas outside were startled by the overlord’s shout. Wasn’t Su Meng in there turned into the most invincible overlord in the world and the most difficult to provoke?

This astonishment is life. When they found out that Meng Qi had escaped from his real body, it was already a step too late. The six-character mantra lit up, and the phantoms of six Buddhas appeared. The sub-universe and the evolutionary cave emerge from the nine orifices, and the seal of heaven is blended with everything to return to the void, and it is punched out with a sudden blow.


The phantoms of the six Buddhas that failed to form a seal were directly opened by pure power. Meng Qi took advantage of the momentum and rushed into the sky. lost his trace.

After Meng Qi rushed out of the encirclement, he immediately used the causal connection left just now to return to Chunyangzi’s mausoleum. What he said to Mr. Lu Da was just to pester Mr. Lu Da, not to stop him. He is an upright celestial being with a profound background, so there may be some treasures, Mr. Lu Da alone is definitely not enough.

Creaking, the light of the knife struck the Houtian sack, the Overlord dissipated a little, shaking the minds of the six Bodhisattvas, they were about to condense into a human form, and shifted their positions with the Overlord, allowing him to escape from the Houtian sack.

How could it be possible to cover the Overlord? The Great Wisdom Sage didn’t care about chasing Meng Qi, as disaster was imminent.

Although he didn’t know exactly what happened, he understood that he had followed Su Meng’s way. With the temperament of an overlord, he couldn’t speak clearly, and it was difficult to ride a tiger.

Thoughts turned, seeing that the Overlord was about to break through the Houtian bag, the Great Wisdom Monk’s expression sank, and he made a decision. All Bodhisattvas through sound transmission:


This matter was ordered by Maitreya Buddha. It was an accident to cover the overlord. He couldn’t handle it by himself, so he had to make a decision. I believe that facing Maitreya Buddha, the overlord can’t turn the sky.

The sound of Zen shook the gods, and the six bodhisattvas woke up at the same time, and activated the six-character mantra talisman in their hands, and the phantom of the Buddha reappeared, intertwined into a seal, and all blessed on the Houtian bag.

With a flash of colored glaze, the mouth of the bag shrank immediately, covering the Overlord in an instant, and flew back into the hands of the Great Wisdom Sage.

The Great Wisdom Saint Monk was carrying the human race bag, only to feel that it kept expanding and being pushed open by the majestic force, he almost couldn’t hold the mouth of the bag.

He hurriedly said: “This precious bag recognizes its owner, and it is often eroded by time. I will not be able to display my true supernatural powers. The overlord may escape at any time, so I haven’t pasted the six-character mantra on it.”

The six Bodhisattvas immediately turned down their right palms, “” “Well” “Nee” “Ba” “Mi” “Excuse me and Shangwo Chensu held on, the golden Buddha’s light melted in layers, and the expansion stopped abruptly.

The Great Wisdom Monk stopped talking, carried the acquired bag, and chanted the name of Maitreya Buddha in his heart,With a step forward, the six bodhisattvas left behind to return to the temple, and they entered a magical place by themselves.

It is vast and boundless, and there are many Buddhist kingdoms, not pure land Buddhist kingdoms, but human Buddhist kingdoms, where good faith is formed and ruled by kings.

And in the center of countless Buddhist kingdoms is a pure land of white lotus, pure and liberated, with meaningful Zen.

There is Mount Sumeru at the core of the Pure Land, and there is a temple on the top of the mountain, which is resplendent and luxurious, without plaques.

The great wise monk appeared directly in front of the temple, and was drawn by the pure land, his body suddenly became a little more demonic, but he immediately subsided, and he was still a great virtuous monk.

Carrying the human race bag, he smiled and nodded at the surrounding monks and arhats, without showing a trace of abnormality, and slowly entered the main hall. On the top of the main hall is a nine-grade white lotus platform, and a golden Buddha with a bulging belly is lying on it, smiling He looked at himself embarrassingly.

“Master, this disciple failed to win, but took the Overlord by mistake.” The great wise monk hastily confessed.

“Overlord” Maitreya Buddha’s smile changed slightly, and he pondered for a moment: “You go back to the temple and leave the race bag behind, and I will make arrangements for the teacher.”

“Yes.” The great wise monk didn’t dare to stay at all, it seemed that the Maitreya Buddha in front of him was more terrifying than evil spirits.

“Overlord” saw the Great Wisdom Sage going away, Maitreya Buddha’s face suddenly darkened, he seemed to be gnashing his teeth a bit, “The Overlord is involved in a lot, I can’t decide on my own, I have to ask for instructions.”

He climbed up from the lotus platform, and his golden body shrank suddenly, turning into a yellow-browed novice. It was not the real Maitreya Buddha, but the Yellow-browed King of the False Leiyin Temple in the Westward Journey in the past, and the novice in front of Maitreya Buddha.

The Yellow-browed King was holding a human race bag, chanting words in his mouth, and the six-character mantra on the top was shining with golden light, wrapping him, holding him in place, and an illusory river of time appeared around him.

With a leap of golden light, the king with yellow eyebrows jumped into a darkness where no distinction was made between up, down, left, right, front, back, past, and future.

He recited the Buddha’s name again, and in the darkness suddenly appeared a perfect, flawless, radiant, pure land world where everyone is blissful, spanning hundreds of billions of kalpas and filled with immeasurable chaos.

The Yellow-browed King lowered his eyebrows and lowered his eyes, carefully entered this pure land, and came directly to a white lotus merit pool.

There is no white lotus in the pool, only one blooms, and a smiling monk with a big belly is sitting by the pool, admiring this white lotus.

“Protagonist, things have changed. Su Meng’s cunning has attracted the overlord to fight against Houtiandai.” The boy with yellow eyebrows said respectfully.

The big belly monk chuckled: “It’s okay, don’t meddle in the matter of the overlord, go back and release him, pay a gift and make an apology, and it will be considered as exposing him. He has always been soft and not hard, and then he will find a chance to bring Su Meng here to listen to the lecture.” .”

“Yes, the protagonist.” The boy with yellow eyebrows didn’t dare to say much or wait too long, and returned to the Pure Land of Maitreya with the genital bag.

The big belly monk was still sitting by the pool, and suddenly the motto of the sleeping Buddha came to his mind:

“Creating and living in bad space, Buddhism is also the same. You also practice Dharmakaya Sambakaya, and you are the future Buddha. When someone loses in the emperor’s reign, and there is a death in the middle ages, you must avoid this place. Cut out the sambhogakaya and give it to others. Name, inherit your cause and effect, and suffer calamity on your behalf. When the end of the calamity comes, this is your chance to seek the way to the other shore, illuminate the end of the Dharma, and become the master of Buddhism and the emperor of the Buddha world.”

The big belly monk’s thoughts were ups and downs, and finally put his hands together, and said in a low voice:

“Namo Amitabha.”


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