I Have Awesome Luck

Chapter 956: Daily chemical branch factory

Li Muyao stared at Li Zhuo seriously for a while, seeing that Li Zhuo was guilty of avoiding Li Muyao's eyes, Li Muyao bit her lip and said, "Well, I believe you are in good health, and I also believe in She Lao's medical skills. He. I will stamp you and say it’s okay, then it’s okay. But, should I call your uncle or you?"

In fact, Li Muyao still wants to know what is wrong with Li Zhuozhu.

However, when Li Muyao contacted Huo Jiling last night, he said this. Finally Huo Jiling said to Li Muyao: "Baby, you don't have to care about a man other than his boyfriend so much.

Besides, Li Zhuozhu is an adult, and it is normal to have some privacy. Even if you are his relationship with a younger sister who has a good relationship, it is not good to break the casserole and ask the end about what he does not want to say. .

Hey, Li Zhuoyue doesn't want to tell you, baby there is no need to ask. Besides, Mr. She said that the problem is not big, just let Li Zhuo drink a few Chinese medicines, and the baby does not need to be curious. After all, if he really has any privacy, you know, he doesn't want face? "

Huo Jiling's words successfully convinced Li Muyao and completely let go of his curiosity about Li Zhuoyue's condition.

Since Uncle Li Zhuoyao's entrustment has been completed, Li Muyao naturally has to give the other party a feedback. Otherwise, I have not seen the result, and Li Muyao's favor is not counted as helping.

Anyway, Li Muyao did everything he should have done, and the results of the medical consultation given by Lao She himself were no problem, and Li Muyao's heart was relieved.

"I'll just call it myself. I will call my uncles and others when I return to Jincheng tomorrow. They are just worrying about it. I am such an adult, can I still not know how to take care of myself? I know my own body, anyway. You don't have to think too much about Yaoyao in the future.

When we arrive at Jincheng, I will invite you to dinner and take you to our school by the way? In the name of family members, you can enter our school. "The National Defense University is stricter than Huaqing University. To visit relatives or bring people back to the school, you must have an application and certification.

If you enter the school in the name of a student’s family, the procedure is much simpler. In addition, Li Muyao himself is also a student of Huaqing University. If you show your ID card and student ID, you can follow Li Zhuoyao to the National Defense University together.

"Really? I can go in and visit your school? Then I have to go. I'm really curious about your school." In general universities, Li Muyao has visited a lot in her previous life.

She has even visited Huaqing University where Li Muyao herself is now studying.

But for universities like National Defense University, Li Muyao is really curious, but such schools will not be open to the outside world like Huaqing University. Really, if it were not for Li Zhuoyue to mention it himself, Li Muyao would not even dare to think about it, even more so.

I just dared to slap on the sidelines about how handsome the little brothers in the guard of honor that came out of the National Defense University on TV and in the news.

Seeing Li Muyao so excited and happy, Li Zhuozhu laughed suddenly: "Of course, we can not only show us a tour of our school, but also introduce some handsome boys to meet.

Haven't you always said that the handsome little brothers are all handed over to the country? Take you to see those handsome little brothers who will be handed over to the country after graduation. But there is one thing, you have to tell your Huo Jiling, you asked to go to my school to play, not I actively invited you, can it be done? "

Huo Jiling's possessiveness towards Li Muyao's girlfriend is not ordinary. Even if they knew that Li Zhuozhu was Li Muyao's senior brother, there would not be any ambiguous relationship between men and women other than the relationship between senior brothers and sisters.

However, when Huo Jiling contacts with Li Zhuozhu, his attitude is always not very good. If he talks to Li Zhuozhuo, he will be a little aggressive. Even in the past few days, they have been in contact. Every time they contacted, they started with work, and ended up with work problems and transferred to private affairs. The content at the end of each time was related to Li Muyao.

There is also Li Zhuoyue always wanted to have a fight with Huo Jiling.

After all, Li Zhuo had heard too much about Huo Jiling’s excellent deeds from Master before. Even after Li Zhuo guessed that after Master’s death, Li Muyao and Huo Jiling would have nothing to do, Huo Jiling and Li Muyao finally came together again, and their relationship was particularly good; and Li Zhuoyue can ask Huo Jiling for help with some academic and work problems.

Huo Jiling's work ability and his circle of contacts are definitely beyond the reach of Li Zhuo. Of course, after Huo Jiling and Li Zhuoyue got in touch, the relationship was indeed getting better, but the feelings between men were so open and interesting, and there were even many magnetic fields that girls could not understand.

Just like this, Li Zhuoyue said that he was afraid that Huo Jiling would know it. In fact, he was more like deliberate.

It's a bit of a big deal!

Li Muyao was startled first. She went to see her little brother in Li Zhuoyue's school. What did she have to do with Huo Jiling?

Stupefied is just a moment, Li Muyao figured it out, and then laughed: "Student Li Zhuoyue, your thinking is incorrect! I just follow you to your school and care about your life and learning environment. ; By the way, I met your classmates, but I didn’t do anything special or sorry about the boyfriend A Ling, okay?

When you said this, it made me seem to have done something wrong. But don't worry. If A Ling knew, I would definitely not let him blame you.

I will definitely tell A Ling that you, brother, simply brought me to meet the world and see the handsome little brother who will be handed over to the country in the future. It is really pure appreciation. "

Pure appreciation?

Indeed it is!

Seeing the handsome and charming little brothers of the guards on TV, Li Muyao was happy, and his blood boiled over. Even when Li Muyao was young, she told her father that when she grew up, she would look for a boyfriend of a handsome guard who was as brave and great as her father.

It is a pity that Li Muyao has had a baby since she was a child.

Now she has a handsome boyfriend like Huo Jiling. Although Huo Jiling does not have the status of a guard, she is not much different from the little brothers handed over to the country in other respects.

Li Muyao directly told Li Zhuohua what he thought in his heart: "Furthermore, brother, you have to admit that Aling from my family is no better than yours at the National Defense University, regardless of his education, appearance, or physical fitness. Is the student bad?

Besides, now A Ling is also helping the country, and he is almost like the little brother handed over to the country. Therefore, I will definitely like more of my family's Aling. You don't have to worry about my empathy. Anyway, my family's Aling is better than others everywhere, better than you. "

Li Zhuozhu wiped the back of his head and was suddenly forcibly fed with dog food. He was beaten down without saying anything, and he didn't forget to step on himself.

"Yaoyao, I'm your senior brother, did you stom on me like this? I dare to say that to me now in front of you. Will your conscience not hurt? Okay, I apologize, I was wrong. That's it, you shouldn't question your relationship with Huo Jiling.

I promise, tomorrow I will show you the little brothers who you really want to see. This is always okay? No, there are handsome young ladies in our school, do you want to get to know them together? I can ask the seniors and sisters for help now. "

Since my younger sisters want to see the handsome and neat little brothers, it's okay to have another team of handsome little sisters.

After all, since Li Zhuoyue was admitted to the National Defense University, his performance has always been good, and he knows a lot of people, and it won't be too difficult to satisfy the small wishes of his juniors.

"Really? That's great! The ladies must be with me, and I have to take a group photo with them! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh... if it weren't for Xiaoyu, Yangyang and A Ling, they suggested that I report to the Department of Finance of Huaqing University .

I can apply to the National Defense University...so that I can walk the way my father once walked, and meet the cutest people in his mouth. "

Speaking of this university volunteer, Li Muyao really regretted it a little bit after continuing to interact with Li Zhuozhu. I even felt that I should embark on the same future path as Li Zhuozhu.

But, Li Muyao was not alone, nor was she when her father was still alive.

After rebirth, she can become squeamish, but she can't leave her two younger brothers unwillingly.


However, Li Muyao feels that she has not done what she has not done. Maybe Li Muyao can add the National Defense University as a volunteer school to the two younger brothers before asking for their volunteers.

Even if the two younger brothers in the future choose what they like in the end, Li Muyao will not have too much regret, because Li Zhuozhu has already entered the National Defense University, and he will truly embark on the path that his father once walked in the future.

Anyway, it is his own brother, the road he walked can be counted as Li Muyao's walk after rounding up.

"You, a beautiful little fairy, will become a refugee from Africa after entering our National Defense University in half a year. Are you still willing?

Okay, it's good for you to study finance like this.

Every day, you can follow your own preferences, make yourself beautiful, and do what you like with happy money. Now this is just right. If you want to report to the National Defense University, not to mention Xiaoyu and Yangyang, Huo Jiling and the others disagree, and I will not agree. The master would not agree.

I will take a good look at the roads and scenery that Master once walked, so don't feel sorry for you. "Li Zhuoyue actually doesn't like to mention Master very much. Every time he mentions Master Li Zhuozhu, his heart will become heavy.

However, what Li Zhuoyue said was the truth, right? He is the master who has been with him since he was a child and taught him that even the future path was planned by the master.

Li Zhuoyue herself really likes this future career, so only one person is needed to do it; Li Muyao, a girl, only needs to be responsible for beautiful things, make money, and do what she likes.

Just leave the task of moving forward with heavy burdens to Li Zhuozhu!

"Hahahaha, will you admit that I am a little fairy? It's not easy, brother, you used to call me a female man too much when you were a kid. I've been beautiful since I was a child, and you always call me that way, and I get angry many times. .

You will also call me Little Fairy in the future, even Yaoyao doesn’t need to shout, remember? I have to make up for the little soul that hurt me when I was young! "

Li Muyao laughed loudly and drove away the negative emotions. At the same time, she also mentioned that she was bullied by Li Zhuo when she was a child.

"Okay, that cute little fairy, shall we go to your daily chemical factory? Tomorrow is the last day of the holiday, don't you go to see the six-day sales today?

Don't you want to watch?

Little fairy, I actually want to see it, not only the sales volume, but also the sales volume. I always feel that the development of our country's network age will get better and better. In the future, Huo Jiling... will definitely become a leading figure in China's network technology. "Li Zhuoyue's recognition and affirmation of Huo Jiling is really true.

Huo Jiling can establish his own company abroad and make one of the most popular and favorite games in the country.

In addition, Huo Jiling has now joined a certain secret mission of the country, and it will be successful in the future. Huo Jiling's status in China is absolutely rising, and it may even be higher than expected.

The digital age of China's network... This is not a small project, and Huo Jiling is one of the people in charge.

No need... Huo Jiling is really as Li Dajian said, Huo Jiling is worthy of his daughter Li Muyao.

"My family Aling must be excellent! If you want to see, let's go. But you can only see the sales and sales of the online store for six days, and you must wait until 12 o'clock in the morning to get accurate real-time data. .

Brother, are you sure you want to stay up late at the daily chemical factory to see the data? We have to catch a plane tomorrow morning. Will you be able to get up then? "

Li Muyao did not know why Li Zhuo was suddenly interested in these data, but if Li Zhuo wanted to see it, Li Muyao would naturally be willing to accompany him to witness the miracle.

"Little fairy, you really underestimate your brother and me. Don't say go home to sleep after the early morning. Even if I don't sleep for two or three days, I can be a hundred times more energetic. Okay, let's start now? By the way, enter your daily chemical factory to see the assembly line or something. I heard from my uncle that our Pinglan County is actually quite suitable for building a daily chemical factory. Would you like to consider setting up a branch in our Pinglan County?"

Pinglan County is their hometown.

If you build a factory in your hometown, you can indeed provide a lot of jobs for the people; it can help the county to reduce the labor force that goes out to work, and this can also reduce the existence of left-behind children and the elderly.

After all, as long as the men and women of the prime of life stay in their county towns, they will naturally go home more often, and the word staying will naturally no longer exist.

Although Pinglan County has produced minerals and tourist attractions, there are still too few jobs for women. But if Li Muyao’s daily chemical plant were built in Pinglan County, it would provide more female jobs and immediately reduce the possibility that more women would leave their children and old people at home and go out to work.

After all, if you go out to work, you usually go home to reunite with your children and the elderly when you celebrate the Spring Festival.

I only return home once a year, just to save more travel expenses for my children.

But if you go to work directly in the county seat, you don’t want to go home once a week, you can go home once or twice a month at least to meet the children and meet the elderly... In short, if Li Muyao moved the branch of the cosmetics factory to Pinglan County , Is indeed a great thing. After rebirth, I have the latest chapter address of Koi Luck: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/book/119751 .htmlAfter rebirth, I have the full koi luck. Reading address: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/read /119751/After rebirth, I have koi luck txt download address: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/ down/119751.htmlAfter rebirth, I have a koi lucky mobile phone. Read: https://m.wuxiaspot.com /read/119751/In order to facilitate the next reading, you can click on the \"Collection\" below to record this time ( Chapter 956 Daily Chemical Sub-factory) Read the record, you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "I Have Koi Fortune After Rebirth", please ask your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) Recommend this book, thank you for your support! ! (www.wuxiaspot.com)

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