I Have Awesome Luck

Chapter 944: The most beautiful freshman

Li Muyao did not take Cheng Yeyu's cruel words to heart, because within an hour, Cheng Yeyu returned to the dormitory as if nothing had happened, and would take the initiative to pick up a few words from Li Muyao, Wu Ling and Gu Zhijun occasionally. Chatting.

Until the light in the dormitory was turned off at night, there was a very harmonious scene.

The next morning, Li Muyao and the others first went to their own class to report, and then the class teacher Professor Zhao Lao came to meet everyone, and then introduced the counselor, Zhao Yaqi, who is also the language teacher of Li Muyao's class, to everyone: "In the future, if you have any questions, you can directly contact Xiao Zhao's counselor. Okay, let's introduce yourself first and get to know each other."

After Professor Zhao finished speaking, Teacher Xiao Zhao stood up and introduced himself. After that, he ridiculed himself: "You see, this is the legendary smartness. From now on, everyone can follow Professor Zhao and call me Xiao Zhao for counseling. , Don’t follow others to call me Zhao Zhonghai, understand?"

Zhao Yaqi, in her forties, is a part-time assistant professor who teaches Chinese. He has a bald head and only a few hairs, but the whole person looks very kind and is a teacher who is easy for students to accept.

Do you understand his question?

The classmates below immediately attracted bursts of laughter, and the serious class became lively and interesting. Because everyone's self-introductions are not in order or by name, but Professor Zhao called out whoever looks pleasing to the eye. After the classmates who introduced themselves on stage, they invited the classmates they wanted to know to come forward and introduce themselves.

Forty students quickly met each other.

After an hour and a half, Professor Zhao left first, and Xiao Zhao coached everyone to hold the first class meeting and asked everyone to take the initiative to recommend themselves as class cadres. Li Muyao and Wu Ling were really in the same class.

Wu Ling was elected as the cultural and entertainment committee member of the class, but Li Muyao did not elect anything.

"Okay, squad leader Huang Wei, in an hour, you will take everyone to the playground to assemble. In the afternoon, our freshman military training will officially begin. Enjoy it, your military training for half a month."

Zhao Yaqi casually told Li Muyao about the collective honors that need to be paid attention to when talking about military training, etc., and also talked about grading in the class, and finally let the squad leader lead everyone back to the dormitory to exchange the camouflage uniforms for military training. , And finally gather at the playground.

When returning to the dormitory to change clothes, Wu Ling asked Li Muyao puzzledly: "Mu Yao, you are so beautiful, why are you not at all active in selecting cadres in the class?

Don’t you mean that beautiful girls prefer to show themselves?

Moreover, I heard Cheng Yeyu said that her best friend Duan Jingqi, from elementary school to high school, is the monitor of the class every year, not to mention that she is still a class flower and a school flower, and her grades are the first in grade. So, Mu Yao, don't you really worry about being compared by Duan Jingqi? "

Wu Ling and Cheng Yeyu had been in contact for a long time, and he felt that the cruel words Cheng Yeyu made to Li Muyao yesterday should be true.

In Wu Ling's view, whether it is Li Muyao's national liberal arts champion or Duan Jingqi, their scores are really admirable. Like this kind of squeeze the national liberal arts champion among millions of college entrance examination candidates, the strength must be Leveraged.

And the most important point is that Wu Ling really likes Li Muyao. Her character and way of speaking, as well as the handling of Cheng Yeyu's ruthless words, make Wu Ling admire.

Actually, I can really do not get angry at all, just talk about things, talk about things.

Really, like the beautiful girls around Wu Ling, they really love to express themselves and show her beauty, as if they are liked or paid attention to by people all over the world, they will be especially happy and happy.

There are even high school classmates who have many friends of the opposite **** because of their beauty. That beautiful female classmate didn't need to buy anything, everything she wanted from head to toe would be packaged by friends of the opposite **** who liked her. And in the class is also very high profile, there are many attendants, fans and boys who admire her especially, these make beautiful female classmates feel proud.

So when Wu Ling saw Li Muyao, the most beautiful girl in her life, she couldn't help feeling that Li Muyao should be like the beautiful female classmates she had met.

As a result, when Wu Ling took the initiative to stand up and recommend him to be a cultural and entertainment committee member, he guiltyly expected Li Muyao not to stand up. However, when Li Muyao and the other female classmates did not stand up, Wu Ling was so dark and refreshing, but at the same time, there was so much confusion.

"I never thought about who I would compare with. Of course, I am willing to accept anyone's challenge as far as grades are concerned. As for the cadres in charge, Wu Ling, you may be wrong. I have never been a class cadre since I was a child.

And I have used the financial knowledge I learned in class into practice while reading. So, if nothing happens, I might open a beauty shop in Jincheng before the winter vacation.

Although many things do not require me to do it myself, I still need to follow up the whole process, and if I have made some other investments, I may not have much free time to manage the class.

Therefore, I will not participate in any class cadres and various unnecessary clubs in the school. "Li Muyao directly told Wu Ling of his possible future plans, because they were classmates or people in the same dormitory.

From now on, Li Muyao should always be outside except for class time.

Moreover, Li Muyao's career had a plan, so I told Wu Ling in advance, and I also wanted to use Wu Ling's words to tell the classmates who would find Li Muyao in the future.

As for the teacher, Li Muyao is not in a hurry. Anyway, if he asks for leave in the future or encounters some problems in practice, Li Muyao will take the initiative to find a teacher.

After Professor Zhao Lao left, I heard Xiao Zhao’s counselor introduce Professor Zhao’s information. Professor Zhao is definitely a professor with high achievements in economics in China. Then Li Muyao will have some investment and some economics in the future. You can ask Professor Zhao Lao for help.

It is precisely this way that Li Muyao felt the benefits of going to university on the first day of meeting with classmates and teachers.

"Ah?... Oh my God, Mu Yao, you actually want to open a beauty shop by yourself... So, the skin care products that my aunt bought in Yangcheng's'dreams come true' cosmeceuticals are also yours, right? And the one with the same name? Is the beauty shop also right?


My classmate is actually an invisible rich woman! It's no wonder that the shot is so generous, and it is a set of skin care products as soon as I get it. I like it. Hey, Mu Yao's rich wife will ask for cover in the future. If there is anything that needs my help in the future, just speak. "Wu Ling was indeed surprised. After all, Li Muyao this year is not too old, only about 20 years old.

Although it was one and a half years older than many of my classmates.

But I can't tell at all that Li Muyao is already starting a business. Originally, Wu Ling didn't dare to think so, but the gift set of sunscreen and daily skin care products sent by Li Muyao yesterday was really amazing. Moreover, Li Muyao also seemed to say yesterday that it was made by her own family.

Wu Ling dare to think so.

"Okay! I'll have to trouble Wu Ling from now on, so I can help a lot with the notes." Li Muyao certainly doesn't need Wu Ling's notes now, but maybe Li Muyao will need it someday in the future?

"It's easy to say!" Wu Ling also knew that girls like Li Muyao who could pass the national college entrance examination liberal arts champion didn't need their own notes, but listening to Li Muyao said that, Wu Ling was just happy.

The two had something to say, changed their clothes and sprayed on sunscreen before going to the playground to find the meeting place for their class.

Li Muyao in the previous life of military training also participated, but it was not a normal formality, but a team building activity in a beauty company; so Li Muyao's understanding of military training is that everyone has a fun together... As a result, it is not, or even not at all. same.

Starting in the afternoon, freshmen entered the first stage of military training, that is, learning to stand military posture, military steps and basics... At the end of the day, everyone is very tired. When they return to the dormitory, they don’t even want to say anything. They all line up to take a bath. ,go to bed.

Li Muyao has always felt that she is in good physical fitness, but after one afternoon of military training, her whole body is tired and painful...not to mention Wu Ling and the three who do not exercise regularly.

But it’s good to be young. After a night’s sleep and waking up full of energy, I can follow the coaches to get up at five o’clock for morning training... When it’s time for breakfast, the female students who can’t usually eat half a bowl of rice are much hungry and half eaten. Even the female classmate who added a whole bowl of rice was too crowded.

The freshman military training is for all freshmen, not just the finance department.

But one week later, the students and the students and the instructors also became familiar with each other, and even after everyone began to adapt to the various intensity training of military training, each department began to evaluate the military training after one week, and Outstanding students with the best military training scores.

Of course, this is just a project that students find fun to help each other. After one week of military training, everyone’s skin is the same white at the beginning. After a week, the white-skinned students can be turned into dark-skinned immediately. Both men and women have the same healthy skin color.

However, among a group of healthy skin, one or two students with still white skin suddenly appear, and they will naturally receive more attention from the students. Li Muyao from the Department of Finance, and Duan Jingqi and Cheng Yeyu from the Department of Foreign Languages ​​and English have become special cases among the many healthy skin colors.

The first batch of outstanding military training classmates among freshmen was released. Li Muyao actually ranked first in the forum of Huaqing University. Of course, he also posted Li Muyao's college entrance examination results.

The second place behind Li Muyao is Duan Jingqi. The same college entrance examination results and school results are also posted.

When the instructor asked everyone to rest in place, they were all discussing this interesting matter.

"Is your school a beautiful student Duan Jingqi from our foreign language department, or Li Muyao from the finance department? They can actually maintain their original skin color after a week of military training. Especially Li Muyao, her skin is so white that she can shine. As if the sun hasn't exposed her, I am very envious."

"Well, yes, people not only look beautiful, their skin is good, but I also heard that Li Muyao has done very well in every item in the military training. She is often praised by their instructors, and she is often asked to take the lead in teaching those who have not learned. My classmates. Unlike Duan Jingqi in our English department, she is too delicate, because of her physical fitness, I think Duan Jingqi is no better than Li Muyao."

"Right? I also think that Li Muyao from the Department of Finance is really good. Not only did she score one point more than Duan Jingqi in the college entrance examination, she also performed no worse than Duan Jingqi in our class. The main character is very good, and she is also very human. Very kind. The day before yesterday, during a break, I went to the supermarket to buy water and forgot to bring money. She actually asked the cashier without asking which class I was in, and said to the cashier, "I will help her out with her water."

Just like that, I silently paid for the water and left... and I went to pay her for breakfast today. After she heard me explain who I was, she really collected the two yuan for the water. Also tell me thank you. Li Muyao is both real and unpretentious. "

"No?... Li Muyao paid for your water, she must have bought you to drink it. Why did she collect it as soon as you paid it back? Li Muyao was too stingy, right?" Cheng Yeyu couldn't listen anymore. , Came such a sentence deliberately.

As a result, the female classmate didn’t notice the malice in Cheng Yeyu’s tone: "Why didn’t she take it? Can’t because she has money, she kindly invited me to drink water, so she won’t take any money! You’re so strange... Others’ money is not windy. Scratched, two yuan is also money. I feel embarrassed when she doesn't charge it. Li Muyao accepts the money, and I think she is very real.

Li Muyao is doing good deeds and having good morals. We can't accuse her from the high point of morality. Why should we collect money? This is simply moral kidnapping. It is the same as seeing the rich and asking the rich to donate to charity, and you feel that the other party is so rich, why not donate all the money, huh! "

Cheng Yeyu was said by this female classmate, and all the students around looked over. Cheng Yeyu added in a panic: "I just said casually, don't you give me such a big pot? Huh"

Everyone is an adult and admitted to Huaqing University. Even if they don’t understand Bai Lianhua, they can hear Cheng Yeyu’s words a bit yin and yang, and praise Li Muyao’s female classmates that they are far away from Cheng Yeyu and continue to rest. Continue to talk about this topic.

And Cheng Yeyu was very angry and went to Duan Jingqi to complain: "Li Muyao, this woman is really too much, she actually learned that Jingqi you sunscreen, and it is whiter than both of us, too much. Our forums praise Li Muyao. All the good-looking posts must have been made by Li Muyao himself.

Otherwise, no one else takes pictures, so they are all photos taken by Li Muyao during military training? What is the most beautiful freshman in Huaqing military training? Jingqi might as well look for a few professional photographers. Let's also come to a group of unintentionally photographed "the most beautiful new students in military training" to promote it, okay?

At that time, we will not only post on the school forum, but also directly post to the hottest forum in the whole country. If we ask some more to help us hype, we will definitely suppress Li Muyao’s "first and most beautiful freshman". . "

"You can figure it out, I won't participate!"

Duan Jingqi told Cheng Yeyu to take care of it, and Cheng Yeyu laughed immediately and called immediately after the military training day ended.

And Li Muyao didn't know that someone had already taken up the set of methods in the entertainment circle to deal with her, just for an informal and formal selection activity. After rebirth, I have the latest chapter address of Koi Luck: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/book/119751 .htmlAfter rebirth, I have the full text of koi luck. Reading address: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/read /119751/After rebirth, I have koi luck txt download address: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/ down/119751.htmlAfter rebirth, I have a koi lucky mobile phone. Read: https://m.wuxiaspot.com /read/119751/In order to facilitate the next reading, you can click on the \"Collection\" below to record this time ( Chapter 944 The Most Beautiful Freshman) Reading records, you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "I Have Koi Fortune After Rebirth", please ask your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) Recommend this book, thank you for your support! ! (www.wuxiaspot.com)

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