I Have Awesome Luck

Chapter 926: Save people from the cellar

"Aling, your technology is really fine for transnational operations? But, why is your little baby on the mountain? Hey, the mountain she is on is quite strange, there are many caves?

Didn't you say that your little baby is in your hometown?

Isn't she the mineral mountain that she went to mine alone? How could she go there alone, it was too dangerous. Even if you are familiar, you can't be so irresponsible for your own safety! "

Lu Sicheng was very grateful to his friend's girlfriend, and he admired it very much.

In the past, they knew at best that Huo Jiling cared about his little girlfriend. After they met, they even felt that Li Muyao was more beautiful, speaking and acting, nothing special with ordinary girls.

Of course, both Lu Sicheng and Fu Zhiyun knew that Li Muyao's luck was particularly good. Otherwise, Lu Sicheng would not look for Huo Jiling for his future and then look for Li Muyao to gamble!

But I don't want to, this bet is right.

I originally thought that Li Muyao was beautiful, cute, smart, and a little good at investing. The most powerful thing was good luck and natural koi luck. More...They can't see it for the time being.

It’s just that in just over half a year, Li Muyao has grown at an amazing speed. First, the movies he invested in the entertainment circle became the benchmark in the comedy film industry, and became the No. 1 box office in the current Chinese comedy movies; it also became Hua this year. Absolutely dark horse in the National May Day Golden File Movies.

Then Li Muyao and his classmates casually participated in a high school student network science competition before the college entrance examination. Not to mention that he easily won the special prize, and when he took the college entrance examination, he won the national liberal arts college entrance examination champion. It was the genius goddess of the Jincheng Duan family. Duan Jingqi has never been able to pass the exam.

If Li Muyao's investment in movies is a bonus of vision and luck; then the liberal arts champion in the college entrance examination is definitely a bonus of strength and luck.

In short, Li Muyao was so powerful that Lu Sicheng and Fu Zhiyun could not understand it before; when Huo Jiling worked with them again not long ago, they became abused single dogs.

Huo Jiling, in front of his friends, he was really a shameless stinky man, and even in front of Lu Sicheng and Fu Zhiyun from time to time, he talked about his little baby Li Muyao, how and how good... Lu Sicheng He and Fu Zhiyun were forcibly fed dog food by Huo Jiling, a friend who was not a human, from time to time, and he would not be able to change Li Muyao's outlook.

Therefore, both Lu Sicheng and Fu Zhiyun have a fairly good understanding of Li Muyao in the recent period.

After all, anyone who is so special is forced to feed dog food from time to time every day, it doesn't work if you don't remember or understand. What's more, like Fu Zhiyun and Lu Sicheng, they are not stupid in themselves, their brains and memory are very good, let alone listen to them every day, they can remember what the other person looks like when they hear a sentence or two by accident. What kind of tone was said, what kind of small gestures and so on.

Therefore, smart people and smart people are naturally good friends.

"Well, my baby is now in the cellar mountain of her hometown. In the past, many people dug cellars in that mountain to save agricultural products for the winter.

Did you hear that?

My baby heard the crying there and scared her, she decided to check it out to see if it was a ghost or something. Huo Jiling answered his friend's question seriously, and casually explained Li Muyao's situation and location. He answered his friends' questions on his lips, but the speed of his fingers did not stop.

Since Huo Jiling and Li Muyao were in a video call, he directly sent Li Muyao's address to Li Muyu and Li Muyang's mobile phones in the form of text-edited text messages.

After the text message was sent, Huo Jiling and his eyes did not dare to stagger the picture in the video. At this moment, Lu Sicheng, who was standing behind Huo Jiling, suddenly said: "It's not a ghost at all, it's more like the cry of a normal person. No, it may be a teenager. …A Ling, let your little one go to the southeast to take a look."

"Yes, let your baby pay attention to safety. Although the cry is weak, it should be several teenagers crying or calling for help at the same time? No, A Ling, let your baby go back and find someone first.

I'm sure, I heard someone calling for help. Your little baby went by alone, fearing that he might be in danger. "Don't think that Fu Zhiyun is a scientific researcher, but he is very good at analyzing the sound and color, and he is absolutely super-professional.

This is why Huo Jiling deliberately made such a big movement after the two friends fell asleep, Huo Jiling deliberately wanted to wake them up.

I hope to use their abilities to help Huo Jiling help her baby and find out the problems together.

On the other side of Li Muyao, even though she was looking for the sound source intently, she still heard a voice from Huo Jiling. Especially after Li Muyao heard the analysis of Lu Sicheng and Fu Zhiyun, the heart that was just raised by crying that she thought it was a ghost, slowly fell back to its original place.

He also deliberately turned the camera on his phone to him, and greeted Lu Sicheng and Fu Zhiyun behind Huo Jiling: "Hi, how are you. Now, where to go?

How do I feel that this cry came from several places? I didn't hear the call for help either! "

Li Muyao's feelings heard at the scene were naturally clearer, but she could hear that it was originally a cry, and then several different crying sounds came from different places.

Li Muyao really didn't find this sound source.

"Mu Yao, you go a little bit to the west, and then go ahead, can you see if it comes from the holes under your feet? You are right, it is indeed from multiple places.

These people should have been placed in different places, and it is very likely that they were all locked in the cave. The sound will sound distorted and empty. "

Fu Zhiyun was very serious and professional to help Li Muyao analyze.

Is it because the friend wants to wake them up deliberately and also draw them over, it turns out that the little baby of the friend's house has really encountered the problem.

"No wonder...Ah! I found it...Hey...How many people are under you?"

Li Muyao walked a dozen steps in the direction pointed by Fu Zhiyun, and inspected several cellars, and finally found the first crying cellar. Looking into the cellar cave, she could only see the height of five or six meters through the light. , And further down, it was pitch black. If it weren't for crying from deep below, Li Muyao wouldn't feel like there was someone underneath.

Soon Li Muyao discovered that the cellar hole here was deeper, more secretive and darker than the previous one.

Even if Li Muyao turned on the torch light in the phone, he couldn't see how many people were there.

Li Muyao made a horn with both hands and placed the phone aside, and continued to shout below: "Listen to the people below, don't cry, I found you, and it is safe now. Can you tell me, how many people are there? Speak?"

Li Muyao yelled loudly into the cellar hole again. After yelling and asking several times, there was no response at all except for crying. Li Muyao really used her strength to feed herself.

Without waiting for Li Muyao to shout again, Fu Zhiyun on the phone heard another voice: "Muyao, you don't need to shout. The people under the cellar cave may be prevented from speaking by something... As for this cry... it's not normal and healthy. People or people with incomplete body organs can cry."

As soon as Fu Zhiyun's words came out, Li Muyao and Huo Jiling and Lu Sicheng around him were all startled for a few seconds.

Huo Jiling will also speak here: "Baby, don't worry. Mark the entrance of the cellar first. They can't respond to you, but you have confirmed that they are alive and you can't save them alone. It's better to wait for Xiaoyu and Yangyang. Bring the police over and act again.

Baby, you might as well go find out the other "cries" cellars first, and the police will come over later, so you won't be wasting time. "

Yes, Li Muyao can't carry out the rescue alone; besides, the cellar caves all look bottomless, and they have definitely been specially dealt with. With such an obvious problem, Huo Jiling is impossible to let Li Muyao go to the rescue alone. , Moreover, the actual conditions do not allow it.

Besides, no other strange and suspicious people have been seen at this moment. It doesn't mean that there are no people nearby.

Li Muyao himself would not let himself take risks when he had not fully confirmed that the area of ​​the cellar mountain where Li Muyao was standing now was completely safe.

"Okay, then I'll make a mark first." Li Muyao agreed to follow Huo Jiling's instructions. She did not leave immediately, but shouted at the bottom of the cellar cave: "You are safe now, there will be Many police officers come to take you home. You are crying. You must save your energy to better cooperate with the police's actions. You are safe, don't worry!"

Li Muyao didn’t know if it was effective or if the people below could hear it clearly. For this reason, Li Muyao first yelled in Pinglan County, then Mandarin and Mandarin, and finally in English. .

Only then did Li Muyao get up to look for the next crying cellar cave. She shouted into the cellar cave in three different languages, so that Huo Jiling and the three big men officially recognized the seriousness of the incident.

They still asked Li Muyao why he spoke English?

Li Muyao replied: "Because my elder brother and I saw a man who looked like a mercenary in Vietnam just now."

It is impossible for Li Muyao to recognize the mercenary.

Li Zhuoyue could recognize it.

It was also Li Zhuoyao who asked Li Muyao to be careful not to be impulsive, not to take the lead... just because he was worried that Li Muyao would charge up unconvinced like he did when he was a child.

"Baby, be careful, we'll be with you, pay attention to safety."

Huo Jiling and the three big men were silent for two seconds after getting Li Muyao's answer, and Huo Jiling said such a sentence. In the next ten minutes, Li Muyao soon, with the help of Huo Jiling and the three of them on the mobile video, found people hidden in thirteen different cellars.

Li Muyao didn't dare to guess how many people there were. Anyway, the thirteen cellars looked nothing unusual from the ground, but judging from the crying from below, it was certain that these cellars were carefully modified; and It's been some years...As soon as Li Muyao pinpointed all the crying cellars, he heard Li Muyu and Li Muyang screaming eagerly, with a tremor and worry in their voices.

"Xiaoyu, Yangyang... Don't worry, I'm fine, I'm fine and I'm not injured. Brother, did he save him? Uncle Li, all right. Hello, police uncles."

It was normal before, and Li Muyao laughed at the last greeting.

Well, this is the nickname that ordinary people see the police.

It was also because of Li Muyao's naughty words that the originally heavy and gloomy atmosphere became lighter.

"Mu Yao, it's okay if you are fine. You will follow Xiao Yu Yangyang to go down the mountain first. Zhuo Zhuo has been sent to the hospital. After you go down the mountain, go to the hospital to watch him and make a transcript by the way. Just leave it to us here. do not worry."

Li Zhuoyue's uncle walked up to Li Muyao and asked her to take her two younger brothers down the mountain first, and their professional people would take over.


Li Muyao didn’t dare to say trouble them. This was originally Uncle Li’s job, and after telling them all the marks he made, Li Muyao said a few more traps that need to be noticed, and then took it with him. The two younger brothers went down the mountain.

Originally, Li Muyao thought it was a dozen people brought by Uncle Li and the others.

As a result, when passing by the cellar where Li Zhuojue was pushed, and the cellar hole where those people jumped down, Li Muyao discovered that the entire cellar mountain was full of humans, and they were all very professional... they also had a lot of Li Muyao's names in his hand. The nameless machine.

However, Li Muyao was not curious either, but on the road quietly comforted the two younger brothers and answered some of their worried questions.

When I came out of the hospital, it was already dark.

Li Zhuozhu’s face was wrapped tightly, so that he could not be discharged from the hospital. Although his arms and legs were not broken, he also suffered a lot of minor injuries like his face. He should continue to recuperate in the hospital for a few days. Discharged.

However, Li Zhuozhu did not want to stay in the hospital. He was very repulsive to the hospital, so he asked Li Muyao to take him home to take care of him.

After all, it was his brother, Dad’s favorite apprentice. Looking at his pitiful picture that was about to be disfigured, Li Muyao went to persuade the doctor and promised that he would bring Li Zhuozhu over for injections and dressings on time every day. The four went home.

It’s getting dark, and it’s too late to go home to cook. I can only eat the food stalls outside. Of course, the food at the food stalls in Pinglan County is also very delicious. They can eat pork stir-fried vegetables, unlike Li Muyao and their three elder brothers who put them in front of Pinglan County's specialties, stir-fried bacon with dried radish, braised pork blood sausage... all six dishes are peppers and are rich in meat and flavor.

What’s even more hateful is that Li Muyao took two younger brothers and didn’t live at all. In front of Li Zhuojue, a person who can’t touch chili peppers, he said it was delicious and delicious, as if it was a whole day today, first in Tomb Mountain and then to Dijiao Mountain. It was not them who went to the hospital, then to the police station, and finally returned to the hospital.

Because they Li Muyao and their third sister and brother were eating too fragrantly... Li Zhuoyao was envious and hated.

After returning from the food stall, Li Zhuoyue asked Li Muyao what happened after she left his cellar cave...Well, after Li Zhuoyue was sent to the hospital, his uncle and the guards came over, Li Excellence is not qualified to ask any more, but as the discoverer, he wants to know the follow-up. After rebirth, I have the latest chapter address of Koi Luck: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/book/119751 .htmlAfter rebirth, I have the full text of koi luck. Reading address: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/read /119751/After rebirth, I have koi luck txt download address: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/ down/119751.htmlAfter rebirth, I have a koi lucky mobile phone. Read: https://m.wuxiaspot.com /read/119751/In order to facilitate the next reading, you can click on the \"Collection\" below to record this time ( Chapter 926: Save people in the cellar) Read the record, you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "I Have Koi Fortune After Rebirth", please ask your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) Recommend this book, thank you for your support! ! (www.wuxiaspot.com)

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