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Chapter 562: Lingering heart

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562 The Heart

The top ten demons of the clan, Cui Hao belongs to the lowest level, and the dry water is only higher than Cui Hao.

But eclipse is different. Among the top ten monsters, eclipse's strength can be ranked in the top five.

And compared with the practitioners, the demons are cunning and insidious. They can do everything to kill the enemy. The threat is far more than the practitioners in the same realm.

In the face of such a master, Su Chen must not be taken lightly, he must kill.

Tai Chi fairy sword, contagious, black and white, cut out the supreme sword power.

"Good sword!"

The smoldering body shook, and his eyes were bigger than Tong Ling. He had thick eyebrows, dark skin, and a full face, holding an injunction, just like an inquisitor in Hades.


The magistrate's order was shot from Eclipse, and at the moment of landing, a strange wave entangled towards Su Chen.

That's ... the power of cause and effect!

Suddenly, a ray of black fog shrouded Su Chen's eyebrows. Su Chen didn't know where the attack came from, but could feel the vitality continuously fading.

This decree can plunder Su Chen's life!

What a terrible means!

Although Su Chen has been careful enough, he still underestimates the means of the Demons. This invisible life-threatening attack is really invincible.

But Su Chen didn't panic at all. Tai Chi Xianjian had been severely cut out. No matter how strong the eclipse was, it was absolutely impossible to ignore Su Chen's attack.

It's stabbing!

Jianmang cut the eclipse in half directly.

Surprisingly, after the eclipse was cut into two halves, it did not die, but split into two and disappeared into two black mists.

At the same time, a large number of skeleton soldiers rushed into the palace, and surrounded Su Chen groups.

"He wants to delay time and consume my vitality!"

Su Chen immediately understood the intent of eclipse, he immediately turned Jianwei, and beheaded towards the judge.

However, the Taiji fairy sword was blocked by a strange power. The sword fell on the judge's order, soft and useless.

"It's driving me crazy!"

Su Chen took a deep breath, the power of yin and yang blended, and his body was the center at once, causing a violent explosion, the flames covered the sky, and the magic palace was razed to the ground in an instant. Tens of thousands of skeleton soldiers did not have any The power of parry disappeared.


The smoldering figure was also forced out, he vomited blood, and a gloomy black face was covered with the wrong color, which obviously underestimated Su Chen's power.


Su Chen was unequivocal. Raising his hand was a big move to release Thunder Dragon, and the fierce thunderbolt turned into a dragon, which instantly swallowed up the eclipse.

The eclipse was hardened by a thunder dragon, and his body became floating, but he still did not die. He turned and wanted to escape.

Su Chen flickered, grabbing Yan Yan's neck directly, and punched his forehead with a punch.


Su Chen's fist was so fierce that he smashed it out like a meteor falling to the ground. It was astonishing. With a few punches, the eclipse was beyond recognition, the sea burst, and his life whistled.

As soon as the annihilation died, the magistrate's order also became ineffective and crackled into powder.

Su Chen's big hand at a glance grabbed the scorching soul and directly performed the Soul Eater.

The life that had just been taken away by the magistrate's order was instantly replenished.

Su Chen began to search for the memory of the burning soul.

"Situator Kong is actually not here?"

Su Chen was disappointed when she saw the eclipsing memory.

Situ Changkong did visit the Soul Burning World, but left after only two days, and returned to Mokong Mountain.

It seems that Situ Changkong's hatred cannot be reported for the time being.

However, it is not completely unrecoverable, Su Chen found an interesting thing in the rotten memory.

At that time, Stuart came to the Soul Burning World and left an interesting thing in the Soul Burning World.

A heart, a stingy heart!

With a flash of his body, Su Chen came to the underground of the ruins of the magic palace. There is a dark cave here, which is where the eclipse burns down and usually cultivates. There are many treasures hidden in it.

Naturally, Su Chen wouldn't let go of these treasures, and exhausted all the treasures, and didn't bother to count them, and found the deepest part of the cave, where there is a cold pool, smoky and cold.

Su Chen urged the power of pure yin to cover her whole body, and carefully dived into the cold pool. When she came out of the cold pool again, she had a huge heart covered with frost.

This heart is two meters long, dark, and exudes terrible magic.

Su Chen thought, and took out a dark statue of a cricket.

It is the original source.

Perhaps it was because of the breath of 貔貅, the heart of 貔貅 started to recover, the frost melted quickly, and the heart began to beat violently.

Every beat, a terrifying breath came out.

Somehow, Su Chen suddenly came up with a whistle and confronted the heart with a beast control technique.

With a flash of gold, Su Chen's face was miserable.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for conquering the heart, is it equipped?"

Did it succeed?

Su Chen just tried it casually, and the result was beyond his expectations.

And this heart can still be equipped?

Like the heart of the demon, is it a bloodline prop?

Would you become a puppet if you were equipped with a puppet heart?

Su Chen was very anxious, no matter whether it was thirty-seven or twenty-one, let's talk about it first.

Su Chen immediately chose the equipment, and the heart of Puppet directly turned into a black light, and immediately penetrated into Su Chen's body, covering the heart.

At the same time, Su Chen suddenly felt that the sky was turning in circles, the consciousness seemed to be stretched and stretched indefinitely, and before his eyes darkened, when he recovered again, he suddenly found himself in a huge empty valley.

Su Chen's head was dizzy, and she wanted to turn over, but found that her body was **** with an iron chain. With his pulling, the iron chain immediately tightened, and a rattling metal impact sounded.

what's the situation?

Su Chen opened her eyes vigorously, and saw dozens of powerful practitioners flying quickly out of the valley.

"Not good, I'm awake, go and inform Master Black Dragon!"

"So terrible, this is the ancient demon!"

"Oh my god, his eyes are so horrible, but just glanced at me, I just walked away from Ghost Gate."

These people are not masters of Wan Yao Country? Why are their bodies so small?


Su Chen suddenly realized that it was not that they were getting smaller, but that they were getting bigger.

His consciousness is now in the body of the uncle!

This is the place where Wan Yaoguo used to detain him after he captured him!

Su Chen thought that if she was equipped with the heart, she would become a puppet. It turned out that her soul had been transferred to the puppet. This was embarrassing. Although puppet was powerful, she was caught and could not play any role at all.

Can you disarm it?

Su Chen felt dizzy for a while. She opened her eyes again and found that her consciousness had returned to the Tao.

Su Chen paused for a while and couldn't help laughing.

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