Chapter 0458 Hulk VS Saitama


Hulk... Hulk was robbed? !

The captain and the others looked at the monster whose head had been smashed, and looked at the thin bald man wearing a yellow tights and a red cape, stunned on the spot.


Hulk suddenly yelled angrily at the bald head, and the strong wind blew the bald head's cloak and rustled.

"Hi, hello, my name is Saitama, I'm a hero from Dimension Street." Saitama didn't seem to be frightened by the angry Hulk at all, raised his hand and greeted the captain and the others with a smile.

Saitama...a person from Dimension Street again.

This guy seems to be more terrifying than Diana just now.


Hulk let out another roar, and irritably and quickly threw his green fist at Saitama.

"Hulk, don't..."

Seeing this, the captain hurriedly stopped him, but the distance between Hulk and Saitama was originally close, and Hulk was a master who would not be so easy to obey, so when the captain's voice sounded, Hulk's fist had already hit Saitama in the face superior.


The huge crash sounded, and Hulk's fist almost blocked Saitama's face. From the captain's perspective, Saitama's face could not be seen, but they could see the fist of Hulk's fist blowing Saitama's cape again. He stood up, passing behind Saitama at the same time, and a strong wind blew up.


Once again, there was silence.

They all knew how strong the Hulk was. With an angry punch, Saitama was afraid...

and many more?

It seems that something is wrong!

Just when they were worried about Saitama's fate and the consequences of Hulk's punch, they suddenly realized that something was wrong.

Under normal circumstances, I won't say whether Hulk's punch will blow up Saitama, but with such a strong power, Saitama should be knocked out. From start to finish... Saitama doesn't seem to have moved!

"Hey, hey, I helped you, how could you shoot me?" Saitama's voice suddenly sounded from behind Hulk's fist, and then Hulk's arm moved back little by little. .

Saitama, actually put Hulk's fist on his face!

And the Hulk seems to have the disadvantage in the competition of power? His huge body actually slowly retreated under Saitama's wrestling. Even though his feet were firmly on the ground, the ground was pushed out into two deep grooves.

"This... this is a little too unbelievable."

The captain and others were completely stunned when they saw this scene. Not only was this Saitama unscathed after being hit by Hulk's fist in the face, but he was even stronger than Hulk.

Obviously the size is so different, how did he do it?


The angry Hulk did not blindly compete with Saitama for strength, and with a roar, he retracted his fist and hit Saitama with the other hand again.


Saitama suddenly turned his head sideways, and then punched Hulk.


Almost in an instant, Hulk's huge body flew out from the captain and the others like a cannonball, and with a bang, it smashed directly into the wall behind him.

Whoa, whoa...

The gravel on the wall fell one after another, and the dust and gunpowder smoke filled instantly.


The captain shouted in amazement, and hurriedly asked Natasha and Hawkeye to check the Hulk's situation, and at the same time looked at Saitama with some alertness.

"I apologize to you on behalf of Hulk, sorry, Hulk is not pure-hearted as an enemy of you, it's just his situation..."

"I already know." Saitama received a message from the White Queen at this time, and had a general understanding of the Hulk's situation.

For Saitama, Hulk's actions just now won't make him angry, and it's not worth his seriousness.

Saitama nodded to the captain, then jumped, jumped into the air with a swoosh, and then seemed to be jumping in the air, and disappeared after a few ups and downs.

"Another..." The captain looked at Saitama who disappeared and couldn't help but wonder if these guys were really human?

"Cough..." The cough sounded, and the captain hurriedly turned around and saw... Bruce Banner who was supported by Hawkeye.

Hulk was actually punched back by Saitama?


The captain had read the information given by Nick Fury before saying that there are many people in Dimension Street who can stabilize the Hulk. To be honest, the captain didn't believe it at first. After all, the Hulk's information was enough to prove his strength, but now... He believed it.

To be honest, the captain doesn't know Saitama, otherwise... take a serious punch to understand?

"Uh, can you still fight? I mean... another one." The captain asked Bruce Banner.

Bruce Banner said: "This matter was never up to me."

After speaking, Bruce Banner motioned Hawkeye to move away, and then prepared to get angry and let the Hulk come out. It's just... the green spread upward from his body, and he refused to go up to the neck.

"Do not……"

Bruce Banner's face suddenly changed to Hulk, and then he heard Hulk shouting, and then... no more.

Hulk, refuse to come out!

Bruce Banner, Captain, Hawkeye, and Natasha didn't expect this to happen? Hulk, who has always been regarded as the highest-level disaster in S.H.I.E.L.D., would be beaten and dare not come out at all. This...this is too exaggerated, right?

"Uh, why don't I try again?" Bruce Banner asked embarrassedly.

The captain shook his head: "Forget it, since it refuses to come out, don't force it to come out. The people in Dimension Street are very strong, and with them there, you shouldn't have to worry about how much damage the aliens cause. Our goal is Loki, Only by solving Loki can we completely solve this crisis, completely solve the alien invasion."

"And... I have a feeling. I think that although Su Yue sent people from Dimension Street to join the war, their main purpose was to deal with aliens and protect the people, and they didn't mean to deal with Loki."

"Banner, you... find a safe place by yourself first, and leave the rest to us." Although Bruce Banner was forced to withdraw from the battle because he couldn't transform into the Hulk, it was a bit of a demolition for the sake of Bruce Banner. For Banner's safety, he really should withdraw from this fight.


Bruce Banner really has no idea, after all, he doesn't like fighting, and it's not to the point where he has to.

Captain, Hawkeye, and Natasha ran in the direction of Stark Building after a few orders, while Bruce Banner found a path to find a safe place to hide temporarily.

Chapter 0459 The first sight of crossing the foursome

"Whoa, whoa, whoa..."

In a deserted alley, four people in the same uniform appeared out of nowhere.

The helmets were opened and put away together with the uniforms, revealing their appearance. Three small and one big, the small one is Ant-Man, Iron Man, Captain America, and the big one is the Hulk.

From the fact that Hulk is wearing clothes, Iron Man and Captain America are a little old, and there is an Ant-Man who should not exist, it can be seen that the four of them are obviously not people at this point in time, they... are from the future. One of the crossover squads of Avengers 4.

The four of them looked around and observed the environment, and the captain said neatly: "We will act separately. One of the two gems is in the upper city and the other is in the lower city. Keep a low profile and pay attention to the time."

The upper city refers to the direction of the Stark Building, and the lower city refers to the Holy of Holies where the Ancient One is located.

"Would you like to smash something to get a feel for it?" The captain looked at Bruce Banner, who was already united with the Hulk at this time.

Bruce Banner's brain, Hulk's body, he is no longer the ignorant monster who knows how to destroy everything.

Whether it's the captain or Iron Man, they don't change much, and they won't reveal their contents easily. Ant-Man can shrink. Only Bruce Banner looks like the Hulk, but his temperament and behavior are completely different, so the captain There is this question.

Bruce Banner lowered his head in embarrassment and tore off his vest, walked out of the alley and looked around. motorcycle.

Uh, well, the future him is indeed... different from the current him.

According to the plan, Bruce Banner went back to find the time gem, the captain was in charge of the mind gem, and Iron Man and Ant-Man were in charge of the space gem.

Just after Bruce Banner 'recovered' the feeling, the four of them were about to split up and start moving, but as soon as they left, they felt a strange sense of weightlessness, and the environment around the four of them had undergone earth-shaking changes. They actually appeared in a slightly messy living room.

"What's going on?" Ant-Man looked at the others in a daze, but found that the captain and Iron Man looked at the figure in front of the living room wine cabinet with their back turned to them with unusually serious expressions.

"The owner of this house was rescued by my people when the Chitauri invaded. He drank a bottle of wine from him. I don't think he would have an opinion."

Su Yue turned around and took a sip. He raised his glass with a smile and gestured to the group of four who were on guard in front of him: "Not bad, do you want to try it?"

"You brought us here?" Iron Man asked.

Su Yue shrugged: "If there is no one else here except you and me, it should be me."

"Why don't I remember that there was such a number one person at that time." Iron Man muttered in a low voice, and said loudly: "It's okay to drink, we're in a hurry, goodbye."

"Tsk tsk tsk...Tony Stark, don't leave anything that doesn't make sense. Maybe you don't know me, but you definitely know me in this era. To be honest, he was bullied by me quite badly." Su Yue Tsk tsk laughed.

Iron Man was stunned for a moment. Did he know him in the past? This is impossible. If the past self knew him, why didn't he have any impression?

Unless...the past has changed.

The past and the future should be in a straight line, and going back to the past from the future should not affect the past. But now, this straight line has a bifurcation in the past, a bifurcation completely different from his past.

What does it mean when a straight line suddenly appears with a point and a mouth? It means that a different parallel world has been born since the fork, and it is no longer in the past that I am familiar with.

So, I don't know the person in front of me.

Therefore, although the current self knows the person in front of him, he does not know it.

Because from a certain node, there has been a fork in the history, and a completely different "past" has been born.

In other words, this is not the past they are familiar with.

"We're in trouble." Iron Man whispered.

"I see." The captain replied and asked Su Yue, "What's your name?"

"Dimension Street, Su Yue."

Dimension Street?

Su Yue?

Completely unfamiliar name.

The captain was silent for a moment, and then asked: "Okay, we have very important things to do now, so if you're not in a hurry, maybe we can change the time?"

"Change the time? Do you mean 2023?" Su Yue shook his head and said, "Or you are more simple in my timeline, at least not so natural when you lie... I know who you are and who you are. Why did you come, that's why I brought you here, so let's talk frankly and openly."

Captain frowned and Iron Man looked at each other, then shot at the same time.

Iron Man's palm cannon and the captain's shield came to Su Yue almost at the same time. With the captain's shouting, Bruce Banner rushed towards Su Yue, and Ant-Man also shrank in an instant to prepare for a sneak attack.

"Sure enough, people don't cry when they don't see the coffin." Su Yue threw the wine glass into the air unsurprisingly, then grabbed the captain's shield with his left hand, absorbed the energy of the palm cannon with his right hand, and rushed towards him after transforming. Bruce Banner blasted it directly.


Bruce Banner flew out instantly.

Immediately afterwards, a defensive force field suddenly appeared around Su Yue.

Ant-Man, who had shrunk down and wanted to sneak attack, collided with the defensive force field and fell instantly. Before he could land, Su Yue waved out his shield and shot Ant-Man out. The situation that conformed to the laws of physics fell directly into the hands of the captain.


Su Yue opened his hand, naturally caught the wine glass that fell from the sky, and took a sip.


The time-travel group of four was dumbfounded!

The attack of the four 2.4 people was so easily resolved by Su Yue. This... This was a bit unexpected.

But after all, they have experienced strong winds and waves, and they have seen all kinds of strong people, so they calmed down quickly after being surprised.

"Kneel down!"

A majestic shout suddenly appeared in the minds of the four of them, and then before they could react to what happened, they found themselves kneeling on the ground in unison.

This... what the **** is going on?

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