Chapter 0423 Diana's Change

The helicopter stopped at the apron on the roof of Victor's company. Victor and the silver glider got off the plane and came to Victor's office.

In the office, Su Yue and Diana were sitting on the sofa. He was drinking tea, and Diana was looking at the tablet in her hand intently.

The tablet shows the history from the First World War to the present, as well as the changes and common sense of today's society.

Although it is not the history of her world, nor the history of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, but in general the historical processes of these worlds are almost the same, only some details may be slightly different. As for social common sense... Except for the superhero, there is basically no surprise.

"You came back just in time, Victor, I have asked your secretary to help me open the room, and took some money from your company's account by the way, I will take Diana out for a walk later, you are responsible for arranging the silver glider ."

"By the way, take the Silver Glider to Reed's side by the way. He was an astronomer before, and he helped the Planet Eater find planets. It must be of great help to Reed's space program."

"it is good."

Victor nodded without any objection, and asked tentatively in a low voice, "That Planet Devourer..."

"You don't need to worry about this, he can't come to Earth." Su Yue said firmly.

Victor responded and said hesitantly, "After that, what should I do?"

"After that..."

Victor is referring to what he should do after the Planet Devourer is over. He is different from the Fantastic Three Reed. Reed has a space program. Victor monitors the appearance of the silver glider. There is no other task, so he is asking Su Yue for instructions on the next step.

In other words, Victor is expressing his willingness to take refuge. He didn't think about whether he could go to Dimension Street, at least he should belong to 'one's own' like Reed and the others?

After finally hugging Su Yue's thigh, and seeing a higher mountain and a vast ocean, how could Victor, who has ambition, be willing to stay on the hillside in the small pool? How can you be willing to sit and watch the sky?

"If you want, you can join Reed's space program. By the way, pay attention to cosmic energy. This thing is very useful to me." Su Yue thought about it and explained.

"it is good."

Victor didn't despise himself being merged into Reed's project. What he wanted most was the identity of a 'his own'. As for the identity, with Reed's brain, he could play with himself?

He admits that Reed is better than himself in science and research and development, but how to climb up? He can't! Otherwise, why is Reed, who is better than himself, a poor man who can't even pay the loan, but he established the Victor company?

Although the Silver Glider has already sent the Earth's position coordinates to the Planet Devourer, the Planet Devourer should be on its way to Earth, but it will take at least two or three days to arrive.

Su Yue used this time to take Diana around the city to help her integrate into modern life as soon as possible.

Diana has a strong learning ability and a high acceptance ability. She can remember and master most things just by saying it once, and she can even draw inferences after understanding the principles. In just two days, Diana's sense of disobedience from different eras has almost disappeared. At first glance, she will definitely think that she is a royal sister with a noble and aloof temperament, or a very strong aura. of the kind.

In addition to the changes in life and appearance, Diana's biggest change was actually in her mentality. For a long time, Diana believed that Ares, the **** of war, was provoking the war of mankind. Human beings were deceived, persecuted, and could not help themselves...

But after learning about human history, Diana found out that this is not the case at all. There is no Ares, the **** of war in this world, but the war has never stopped. Su Yue told her that the process of each world is actually similar, so it is also In other words, the real cause of the the human beings themselves!

If Diana hadn't met Su Yue, she might have been disappointed and dazed by the result, just like in the movie, after defeating Ares, Diana, who was disappointed with humans, lived incognito for so many years, until When Doomsday appeared, she put on her battle armor again and came out to save the world.

Now that Su Yue is here, although Diana is still very disappointed with human beings, she also sees the excellent qualities of human beings and understands that although human beings are a collective name for a species, each human being is an independent individual, not because of some human beings. The extreme think that human beings should not be helped!

On the contrary, many people yearn for a peaceful paradise, and Dimension Street is such a paradise!

Diana's idea of ​​joining Dimension Street and protecting Dimension Street became more profound, and she also recognized some behaviors of Suyue, the slave owner.

In the penthouse suite of a high-rise hotel, Diana was wearing a black nightgown that mopped the floor, holding her shoulders in one hand and a red wine glass in the other. Are you here?"

"At his speed, he will reach Earth in about two hours." Behind Diana, Su Yue wiped her hair and walked over.

In this situation, I believe everyone knows what's going on, right?

Yes, Diana was captured by Su Yue.

Although they have only been with each other for two days, even though Diana was still full of hostility towards Su Yue before that, she was completely in a stance that she could not resist.

However, now this result is not unexpected.

First of all, Diana had never met a man before, and didn't understand the relationship between men and women at all, so naturally she wouldn't take this kind of thing so seriously. As long as the atmosphere was right and the feeling was right, she would be happy to accept it. Otherwise, she wouldn't be with that Steve so easily in the movie.

Secondly, after the previous experience of resistance, Diana inevitably felt some surrender to Su Yue. This kind of psychology, coupled with the change of her concept, will form a kind of obedience after self-mediation and acceptance.

If she doesn't resist herself, she won't refuse.

Finally, Su Yue's own conditions are not bad? If nothing else, it must be less attractive than that Steve, right?

He, the dimensional lord, protects the people on the dimensional street, and also crosses the crisis of saving the universe. He also has a strength that Diana does not know until now. All kinds of auras are added together. Is it difficult for them to be together?

Chapter 0424 Take the time to learn a survival of the fittest

"What are you going to do? Really... don't you need my help?" Diana was a little curious and a little worried.

In the past two days, in addition to knowing what modern life is like, she also heard Su Yue talk about the Planet Devourer.

This is a cosmos-level **** that is much more powerful than Ares, the **** of war, who is at most an earth-level god.

If she encounters Ares, the **** of war, Diana has the confidence to fight and even win; but if it is the Planet Devourer, Diana may only have the belief to fight until the last moment.

"In terms of identity and strength, Planet Devourer is not as good as me. Although I am not in the strongest state now, he is neither, so you don't have to worry about me losing." Su Yue smiled and brushed up Diana's hair. .

He has absorbed a lot of cosmic energy through the surfboard in the past two days. Su Yue is confident that he can defeat the Planet Devourer, and even... He has a faint feeling that if he absorbs the cosmic energy from the Planet Devourer, he's thinking The ability to do things might be able to modify the settings of the entire Earth, and even the Milky Way.

Don't think the scope seems to be small, if it is an ordinary world, that's all. In a world like the Marvel Cinematic Universe, you will encounter a lot of resistance when modifying the settings, such as Odin, the ancient one, and the infinite gems. The presence.

Together with them, the required transcendence energy or Su Yue's own level will definitely not be low.

It is easy to modify individual or individual settings, but if you want to modify the entire Earth or the galaxy, it is a situation that affects the whole body. For an existence like Odingu, modifying their settings is more than modifying a normal-level Earth. Disaster.

In addition, the larger the event, the greater the impact, and the more difficult it is to modify.

For example, Thanos snaps his fingers, which wipes out half of his life. Levels like Thanos and Hulk have paid the price of one arm. A mortal like Iron Man is directly life!

This is still forcibly erasing or forcibly modifying it. If it is the kind of moisturizing, there is no such modification of the memory of this half of the people in everyone's cognition, and the cost will be even greater.

Su Yue didn't know what level of strength he had achieved before he shuffled his account. After all, the strength and identity of the transcenders in the comics were different every time they appeared. The record was not too many, and he couldn't see anything. But it should be easy to modify the settings of the single universe, so Su Yue set himself the goal of reaching this state as soon as possible.

"Okay, be careful yourself."

"rest assured."

Su Yue and Diana stood side by side in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows and watched the night view of the city.

The originally starry night sky gradually became dim, and even when it began to distort, Su Yue's figure suddenly disappeared with a swoosh.

next moment.

Outside the earth, Su Yue appeared in a flash.

What does it feel like to be in space?

The first feeling is cold!

It's freezing to the bone, there is a feeling that the temperature drops from one extreme to another in an instant, maybe you are completely frozen to death just after feeling the coldness.

The second feeling is suffocation!

Space is in a vacuum state and there is no oxygen. Even if you are physically fit to withstand the cold, you cannot solve the problem of lack of oxygen and inability to breathe.

In addition to the above two sensations, there is also the feeling of weightlessness. The whole body seems to be light and weightless. If you want to move, you have to rely on a method similar to swimming.

Cold and weightlessness have no effect on Su Yue. Although his physical fitness comes from Motong, Motong is a replica of Superman. Besides, he has the ability to kill frost, so the cold has no effect on him. Weightlessness can be solved with a little adaptation.

Only suffocation is a little troublesome. Su Yue did not learn super breathing or Darwin's survival ability of the fittest. Without oxygen, being unable to breathe is indeed a problem.

If there is a problem, there will naturally be a solution.

Su Yue thought of two convenient and quick methods. One is to directly modify his settings so that he does not need to breathe.

The former is the most convenient, but most of the time, the ability to breathe is very tasteless, and if it is not necessary, he does not want to directly modify his settings. The force is getting lower and lower...

As for the precise lottery draw, Su Yue suddenly felt that Superman's super breath was not the best choice, because there is no oxygen at all in space. Even if there is super breathing, it is useless without oxygen.

This time it is space, and it may be the seabed in the future, and it may even be a variety of extreme environments. On the whole, it seems that Darwin's ability to survive the fittest is more cost-effective.

Survival of the fittest!

As the name implies, it is to make changes in the body suitable for survival in various environments. For example, if it is in the water, there will be gills on the face to breathe in the water.


Su Yue threw out the cross-time teleporter and sent it directly to the X-Men world to find Darwin. Darwin didn't know what was going on at all. He was controlled by Su Yue's psychic ability and used the survival of the fittest twice, and then... Darwin Back to normal, Su Yue was gone.

This made him wonder if he was hallucinating? Or dreaming?

After Jian Ji Gu's eyes learned to survive the fittest, Su Yue used a trans-temporal teleporter to return to the space of the Fantastic Four world again.

As soon as he came back, Su Yue found that his ability to survive the fittest had taken effect. Although there was no obvious change in his body, the feeling of suffocation that he couldn't breathe disappeared.

Although this ability is not outstanding, the effect is surprisingly good.

Although it took a lot of tossing, it was not as convenient as using precise lottery, but the dimensional point was saved. From a certain point of view, the dimensional point is equivalent to transcendence energy.

Uh... If you think about it this way, isn't the cosmic energy equal to the transcendent energy and also equal to the dimensional point?

Is it possible to try to turn cosmic energy into a dimensional point by yourself?

Well, this idea can be verified later.

The red light gradually brightened in the dim space. From a distance, it seemed that a huge flaming cloud appeared in the dark space. The red fiery light group was rapidly approaching from far to near.

"so big……"

"However, why does the Planet Devourer look like Dormammu?" Su Yue groaned in a low voice, and suddenly appeared in front of this fiery red with a swoosh.

Chapter 0425 Suck Stars

The Planet Devourer, who looked like a red ocean, stopped, and a face could be vaguely seen in the fiery red.

The face is large and abstract.

The Planet Devourer was slightly stunned when he saw Su Yue who suddenly appeared in front of him. He seemed to have never thought that such a small creature would have the guts and courage to stop him.

He admires and admires the other party very much, but this is not the reason why the other party can stop him from eating.

After a short pause, the Planet Devourer moved in the direction of Earth again.

However, Su Yue didn't seem to see his actions, and quietly began to absorb cosmic energy.

In an instant, his body seemed to have turned into a black hole and began to frantically absorb the surrounding cosmic energy.

The source of cosmic energy is naturally the Planet Devourer.

"Huh..." Planet Devourer's big face was very anthropomorphic, showing a surprised expression, and made an ancient low voice.

For a moment, the sound seemed to spread from all directions, and then it sounded in Su Yue's ears as if it came back from all directions.

Just a surprise, the sound was so deafening, even a sound wave was formed in front of the Planet Devourer and in front of Su Yue, and even the air was distorted.

Planet Devourer can feel that his cosmic energy is rapidly decreasing, to be precise, it is rapidly being absorbed by this tiny creature in front of him.

As the oldest existence in the universe, Planet Devourer has seen many special creatures, even gods, but this is the first time I have seen this kind of creature that can draw cosmic energy without any contact and without any external force, especially Draw from yourself.

very special!

The cosmic energy on Planet Devourer seemed to have become rootless, and was directly sucked out without any hindrance. After that, the cosmic energy was absorbed into Su Yue's body, and it was directly converted into transcendental energy without any pause.

Planet Devourer doesn't know transcendence energy, but he knows that if this tiny creature in front of him continues to absorb it, even if the speed of absorbing it is not fast and the quantity is not large, as long as it keeps absorbing it, it can **** itself dry without any scruples.


A mass of fiery red energy flew out from the huge body of Planet Devourer, and blasted towards Su Yue quickly and fiercely.

The corners of Su Yue's mouth were slightly raised, but she didn't move.

The hot breath came towards him, as if the fiery red energy that could destroy everything was swept into Su Yue's body before and after it came to him.

Immediately afterwards, this destructive energy was directly transformed into Su Yue's own energy, and then transformed into transcendence energy.

"The Planet Devourer is the Planet Devourer, and the level is really different. If it wasn't me who absorbed the energy just now, but Xiao, I'm afraid it's just that this group of energy will be saturated, or it will explode directly."

Su Yue's absorption method was slightly different just now. He used Hei Huang Xiao's absorption and transformation ability. Although there is an upper limit to the energy that this ability can absorb, Su Yue and Xiao have different upper limits.

The so-called upper limit is mainly related to physical fitness. The stronger the physical fitness, the higher the upper limit of energy that can be absorbed.

With Su Yue's copy of Superman's physical fitness, the absorption limit is many times higher than Xiao's.



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