I have a big sailing game

Chapter 169 Sea of ​​Sin (two in one, please subscribe!)

"The object is huge, and there seems to be a ruin on it. After it fell into the sea, it formed a special area."

"The surrounding seawater was pulled by it, forming a turbulent giant vortex."

After the Shadow Head finished speaking, the prophet Theoride next to him spoke in a deep voice.

"It has been a long time since the object fell, but no one has been able to enter it to explore useful information."

"Someone followed the pulled sea current into it, but did not come back."

"I saw your specialness in the prediction, so we found you."

At this point, Theoride rubbed his eyebrows.

"... Rogge, you have helped us enough."

"If you really can't enter, then I still hope you will put your own safety first."

In response, Rogge just nodded.

Now even if the Shadow of the Gods didn't ask, he had to go and see it himself.

"There is one more thing." Shadow Head called Rogge who was about to leave: "Not long ago, a group of unidentified ships came to the Sea of ​​Sin, and their target was the falling objects from outer space."

"Rogge, be careful."

"I know."

Rogge nodded in response, and then stood up.

"Captain Rogge." Kadi called behind him at this time, and then solemnly said: "Thank you."

Rogge waved his hand and walked away.


Half a day later.

Rogge and the crew returned to the Green.

While the crew purchased supplies and prepared to set sail, Rogge was not idle either. He began to plan the next step.

"Both pointers point to the direction of the Sea of ​​Sin. The cave is likely to be outside the Strait of Atonement..."

From the direction of the cave pointer in Rogge's hand, there should be no other caves in the Five Seas.

If you want to continue exploring the cave, you have to go outside the Strait of Atonement.

But before leaving, Rogge still has a lot of things to do, so this matter can only be postponed.

"Next, plan the route..."

Rogge took out the navigation map and began to look at it carefully.

Soon, he found two routes.

The first is the shortest route, starting directly from the Royal City and passing through the Sea of ​​Sin.

The second route requires a detour, sailing from the edge of the Hefeng Sea, and finally reaching the destination.

After a little thought, Rogge decided to choose the first route.

The biggest disadvantage of passing through the Sea of ​​Sin is that there is a high probability of encountering many pirates, but Rogge has Heisatan to escort the Greene, so he is not afraid of these at all.

Not to mention pirates, even if the fleet comes, it will be useless.

"Then there is the Apostle Potion..."

Seeing this, Rogge suddenly felt a headache.

The impact of the high and low rank on combat effectiveness was already very significant when he fought with Senuwell and others in the Royal City.

If it weren't for the dragon grapes, Rogge would probably have been killed by Senuwell's [Drowning] prayer at that time.

And Rogge's strength is definitely the top among the extraordinary. Even so, he still has no power to fight back when facing an apostle-level enemy.

From this, we can see how important the rank in this world is.

In the future, if you see a superhuman or superhuman creature with a higher rank than you, try to take a detour.

This also gave Rogge the idea of ​​improving his strength as soon as possible.

However, what bothered him was that the main ingredients of their potions, whether they were mystics, spell walkers or copyists, were very rare and difficult to obtain.

For example, the main ingredient of the mystic's potion was called "magic radiance powder".

But is magic radiance so easy to find?

The Five Seas may not have this thing at all.

Of course, according to Rogge's knowledge of potion science, making potions does not necessarily have to follow the materials in the potion formula completely.

If there are materials with similar effects, you can try to configure them. The probability of success will definitely not be too high, but it is feasible after all.

However, even so, Rogge could not easily find the materials he wanted, so he had to take his time.

He now knew how difficult it was for human superhumans to be promoted.

"Forget it, just take it one step at a time and look for it slowly. There's no rush..."

Rogge thought helplessly.

While thinking about these questions, Rogge also took time to come to the cave space and try out his new skill - dragonization.

After trying it out, Rogge returned to the Green.

This skill, Rogge can only say... very strong!

In short, the skill effect is to transform a part of the body into a dragon, so that it has certain special abilities.

For example, if the hand is transformed into a dragon, then the power and attack power of the dragon claw will be obtained.

If the throat sac is transformed into a dragon, then the ability to release dragon breath will be obtained.

If the back is transformed into a dragon, two dragon wings can be grown for flying, etc.

It can be called a panacea.

However, it should be noted that since Rogge does not have much dragon blood in his body, the time of dragonization is limited, and it can even be said to be a bit short.

But this does not prevent it from improving Rogge's combat ability.

It can even directly turn Rogge into a melee master.

This also makes Rogge's choice of apostle potion a little biased.

Finally, there are some trivial matters.

The Lagayaya flower bud and the soul bouquet were given to Mira by Rogge for use.

Then he made a bow of extraordinary level for Nomi.

Although the special effect is very ordinary, the negative effect is weak, almost non-existent, which is very practical for Nomi at present.

Finally, there is the matter of strange grape varieties and dragon grapes.

Roger attempts to communicate with the exotic grape species.

What makes Rogge depressed is that the communication potion is useless at this time.

Even the memory fish scales have no effect.

However, the exotic grape species clearly have human-like behaviors in many cases and appear to be alive.

For this, Rogge could only attribute it to the special nature of the secret treasure at sea.

It has been some time since the Greene left the royal city, and the negative effects of the dragon grapes have long since disappeared.

During this period of time, Rogge tried his best to keep the Greene moving at a high speed through the secret pattern rudder.

So they quickly arrived at the junction of the Royal City Sea and the Sea of ​​Sin.

At this time, Rogge was explaining to the crew the follow-up goals and events such as the big wave, the fire boat, and the falling objects from the sky.

After everyone listened, Linna couldn't help but frown, with a worried look on her face.

Although she has left her hometown to travel with Roger, this does not mean that she does not miss her grandfather Nelson.

Of course Rogge also saw her expression and came to her side and patted her shoulder.

"Before we return to the royal city, let's go back to the Zephyr Sea."

After hearing Rogge's words, Lina's hanging heart finally relaxed a little.

At this time, the bone spirit outside the ship came in and clicked in front of Rogge.

It was telling Rogge that something new had happened.

Upon seeing this, Rogge led everyone to the deck.

On the deck of the Green, Rogge quickly saw the situation ahead clearly.

It was a ship from the Kingdom's fleet, now signaling for them to stop.

Rogge was not surprised by this.

"This is the patrol fleet at the border of the Sea of ​​Sin. Follow their instructions."

Rogge said to everyone.

Hearing this, the crew of the Green Green responded, and then began to control the Green Green to slow down according to the signal given by the fleet.

Not long after, the ladder was set up, and a group of people wearing Kingdom military uniforms came to the Green from the ship.

"Hello sir, we are the Kingdom Fleet. You have now entered the boundary of the Royal City Sea and are close to the Sea of ​​Sin. If there is no passage permit, please return the way you came."

A ship officer saluted Rogge and said in a serious tone.

Rogge was also prepared for this.

Cady had already prepared a pass for him.

So Rogge showed him the pass.

The ship's officers were a little surprised when they saw this golden pass.

After taking it over and looking at it carefully, he quickly lowered his head and put his fist on his chest.

"Tailon, captain of the Kingdom's Seventh Fleet and the Sin Sea Patrol Team, greets you, Lord."

Seeing Tai Lun's reaction, the Kingdom Navy behind him also saluted with a roar, looking very respectable.


When Rogge saw this, he took the pass back and took a look at it with some surprise. He immediately understood why the officer named Tai Lun acted like this.

It turned out that Kadi had quietly granted him a title as the lord of an affiliated island in the royal city's waters without telling him, but it was written on the pass.

This made Roger feel a little funny.

Although I don't know what this kid Kadi has done, as long as this pass is useful.

Rogge nodded toward Tai Lun: "In that case, can we go in now?"

After hearing Rogge's words, Tai Lun nodded.

"Lord, of course you have the right to enter the sea of ​​sin, but..."

He frowned.

"I need to remind you that some very troublesome monsters have appeared in the Sea of ​​Sin recently."

"They are powerful and more ferocious than ordinary extraordinary creatures. They will actively attack ships and like to eat people. Ordinary guns and explosives...are useless against them. They are very difficult to deal with."

"If you are going to enter the sea of ​​sin, you must be careful."

Tai Lun said to Rogge very seriously.

When Rogge heard this, he looked at Lina.

Rogge was a little confused and couldn't help but think of something he had encountered before, so he asked: "What is the specific situation? Can you tell me?"

After hearing this, Tai Lun looked at the naval soldier aside, and his assistant handed him a piece of information.

Talen handed it to Rogge: "You can take a look at this accident report."

Rogge reported the results and watched them carefully.

Nomi stuck out her head curiously.

When Rogge saw this information for the first time, he frowned involuntarily.

Now he can almost completely confirm that the monsters that appeared in the Sea of ​​Sin are the same kind of creatures as the previous merchant ship monsters.

Because the appearance and specific details described in this report are very different from those described on the merchant ship.

And Tyron's words surprised Rogge and the rest of the crew.

"According to our intelligence, these monsters should come from a vicious criminal in the sea of ​​sin."

"He was called - 'Doctor Chrysalis' by other criminals and pirates."

"Doctor Pupa?" Nomi's eyes widened. Of course she knew the name, and she couldn't help but look at Rogge.

Roger closed the document at this time.

Great, right now.

Unexpectedly, the merchant ship monsters they encountered before, as well as the people promoted from different paths on Goldsmith Island, were all the work of this person in the sea of ​​sin.

"This man named Doctor Chrysalis is very evil."

"He seems to be conducting some horrifying experiments in the Sea of ​​Sin, mass-producing monsters."

At this point, Tyron rubbed his brows.

There is no doubt that the appearance of Doctor Pupa has added a lot of work burden to him.

"I know." Rogge closed the accident report and returned it to Tyron: "Thank you for your reminder, Captain Tyron."

Hearing Rogge's words, Tyron could only sigh.

There is no doubt that Rogge intends to continue to the Sea of ​​Sin.

In this regard, he can only let it go and said that the Kingdom Fleet can provide him with some protection.

But Rogge shook his head.

What protection does he need?

The more than ten-meter-long underwater monster Heisatan is just under the Green. Letting a group of ordinary navy to protect them, wouldn't Heisatan be very embarrassed?

"...Good luck to you, Mr. Rogge."

After Tyron blessed, he turned around and signaled to the people of the Kingdom Fleet.

"Let it go!"

As the Kingdom Fleet left, the Green also slowly sailed into the Sea of ​​Sin.


On a dilapidated pirate ship

A group of pirates were singing and dancing, laughing loudly, and speaking foul language.

They had just finished looting a merchant ship and had a great harvest.

A pirate burped and staggered to the bathroom, wanting to go to the toilet.

But he bumped into a thin boy who was wiping the deck.

Seeing this, the pirate frowned, bent his legs and kicked him fiercely.

"Go to hell, dare to block...block my way, you kid...are you tired of living?"

"Get out of the way! Waste thing..."

The pirate kicked the man twice again.

As if it was not enough to vent his anger, he also spat for a long time, spitting a mouthful of thick phlegm on the boy's head, and then staggered on.

In response, Etar remained silent, his dirty hair covering his eyes.

Ignoring the thick phlegm on his head, Etar continued to wipe the deck.

With a bang, a piece of meat was thrown in front of him casually, like feeding a dog.

"Suck, eat meat!"


A fat pirate pointed at Etar and laughed.

The group of pirates behind him were also very happy.

"Eat quickly, if you starve to death, no one will carry the dung bucket."

The fat pirate laughed twice and then walked away.

Looking at his back, Etar pursed his lips with a little gratitude in his eyes.

In these days, he was humiliated, and no one on this pirate ship treated him as a human being.

But this fat pirate always left some food for him.

Although he verbally humiliated Etar every time, he knew very well in his heart that if it weren't for this fat pirate, he would probably have died long ago.

He did this just to fit in.

So Etar was very grateful to him in his heart.

After brushing the deck, Etar came to his room.

This is next to the "cargo hold" on the pirate ship.

The "cargo hold" here is full of living people.

After these pirates robbed merchant ships, they would sell some captives as goods to the underground black market.

In the underground black market of the Sea of ​​Sin, human trafficking is very common.

Etar put half a dirty steak in his arms and came to a place skillfully while the guarding pirates were not paying attention.

However, when he saw the figure in the cage, his pupils shrank.

"Ali, Ali!"

Etar tightly grasped the iron cage, looking at the miserable state of the little girl who was tortured and almost unrecognizable, his eyes were bloodshot, and the anger and sadness in his heart almost condensed into substance.

But, at this moment, a voice sounded behind him.

"Hahahahaha, little bug, you care so much about this little brat."

With a bang, Etar was kicked to the ground, and half a steak on his chest fell to the ground.

The pirate guarding the cargo squatted down, leaned over to look at him, and laughed.

"Oh, so nice, you even brought her a steak?"

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, it looks like she can't eat it."

"I remember you agreed to escape from here last night?"


"Let me see how you escape!"

The pirate stepped hard on Etar's head with a perverted smile.

In the environment of the Sea of ​​Sin, there are the most psychopaths, especially those like him who enjoy torturing others.

"We are your saviors. You don't feel grateful, but you still want to escape?"

"Today I'll let you taste my methods."

"You have such a good relationship with her, so I will fulfill your wish. I will torture you the same way I torture him..."

The pirate's voice gradually became colder. He hated this kind of warmth the most.

Etar, who was stepped on by him, had endless anger and hatred in his eyes.

At this moment, he finally made up his mind and thought of the content on that page.

No matter what, no matter what means he used, he would become a transcendent and let these damn pirates go to hell!

I'm not in a good state today, so I'll just do 4k first, and I'll make up for it when I have time.

Brothers, do you have any good ideas to adjust my work and rest schedule? Even if I sleep at night, I'm still very sleepy during the day, and I feel like I can't adjust back...

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