I have a big sailing game

Chapter 129 Missionary

"I think you're weird."

As the two were driving the boat, Hudson, who was beside Roger, suddenly spoke.

"Why can you be so kind and yet so cruel?"

Hudson didn't understand, and there was a rare puzzlement in his voice.

He saved the woman's son, but killed her husband in front of her and her son.

This kind of thing doesn't seem like something a simple good person or a bad person can do.

Hudson has seen many people.

Good people who are kind and generous, evil people who do many evil things, or timid marginal people.

But this is the first time he has seen a "weird"... or "contradictory" person like Roger.

"What's so strange about this."

Roger smiled.

"I saved her son out of sympathy."

"But her husband wanted to kill me because of those copper coins, so I had enough reason to kill him."

"One thing for one thing, is this hard to understand?"

Hearing this, Hudson was silent.

It sounds easy.

But is it really so?

He was very aware of the key.

This matter seemed to be unable to be simply divided into one by one.

But Hudson could not express or give an example of the "contradiction" in his heart.

He could only think for a moment and then speak again.

"If you approve of a child, but his father wanted to kill you but failed, would you kill his father?"

Then, Hudson added.

"And the child will have no one to take care of him in the future, so he will hate you and seek revenge on you when he grows up."

Rogge looked at him in surprise.

... Why did this guy suddenly start asking such a philosophical question.


Rogge responded lightly.

"What about the child?"

Hudson responded immediately.

"He didn't provoke you, and you approve of him."

"And he lost his father because of you, and no one will take care of him in the future."

"I will take care of him." Rogge responded calmly again.

Seeing that Hudson wanted to ask other questions, Rogge spoke again.

"Normally, there are only two choices for this kind of problem."

"Kill, you will make an irreparable mistake to a child you approve of."

"Don't kill, a scum who wants to hurt you will be at large, and you will live in fear all day long."

"Then what should you do as a person with conscience?"

Hudson frowned when he heard this.

He had lost some of his sensibility, and now he felt that his brain was about to smoke.

Rogge said calmly.

"For me, this problem only needs to be split into two problems to solve."

"First, a person wants to kill me, and I killed him in return."

"Second, a child I approve of has no one to take care of him, so I will take care of him."

"As for compromise or more ruthless methods, I also have them."

Rogge looked at Hudson.

Since he asked, he would explain the problem to him clearly.

"One is to turn his father into a cripple, but he is still alive, and I will take care of him. This is a compromise. The price is that I have to take care of two people, one is the enemy who wants to kill me, and the other is the person who wants to kill me in the future."

"This method retains kindness, but it is indecisive and leaves troubles."

"The second is to kill the child together."

"Clearly, no future troubles, no one will hate you or seek revenge on you."

"Of course, these two are certainly not my choices, because I am not that kind, but I also have a trace of conscience."

After listening, Hudson's brows were still furrowed. He looked at Rogge with a look of looking at a monster, and he couldn't let go for a long time.

"What if the child seeks revenge on you after you raise him?"

"Let's talk about it later."

Rogge looked calm.

"Is it right to do this?" Hudson rubbed his eyebrows.

I don't know if it was the aftereffect of the secret medicine or because the question was too profound, he actually felt a little tired.

"I think it's right, that's enough."

After saying that, Rogge looked at the turbulent sea outside the boat.


Giant Claw City, Mother Goddess Church.

A middle-aged man in a blue robe with sea ripples embroidered on it closed his eyes and whispered a prayer to the statue of the Mother Goddess in front of him.

Behind him, several believers were recounting what happened not long ago.

"Mr. Missionary, the witch named Rogge came to Giant Claw City to commit crimes after committing heinous crimes in Nadvilo!"

"He and an exorcist named Hudson killed three of our believers!"

The believer angrily told him about Rogge and Hudson.

After he finished speaking.

The blue-robed missionary continued to recite the prayer.

After the prayer was finished, he opened his eyes, revealing a pair of blue eyes, slowly turned around, picked up a seal-like thing on the table, and held it in his palm.

"The Mother Goddess is loving and kind, and she nurtures all things in the world."

"However, there are always rebellious and evil people who disrupt order and bring disaster to the world."

There seemed to be a divine glow in his eyes.

"I will follow the will of the Mother Goddess and punish the evil criminals."

Seeing this, the other believers all showed pious and fanatical expressions.

"Follow the will of the Mother Goddess, and the criminals will be punished!"


Beside him, two pious knights in blue and white heavy armor shook their swords, making a heavy sound.



Under the purple light, a hideous big bat monster screamed, and the bones in its body peeled off automatically and blood splattered.

[You killed the shadow bat and gained combat experience. ]

Rogge put away the skeleton staff and walked forward to pick up the dropped items.

Hudson, who was standing aside, was silent.

Shadow bats are not easy to deal with.

This thing usually appears in dark caves or dense forests, and its fangs are highly poisonous.

The most difficult thing is that it also has the extraordinary ability to sneak into the shadows and attack the enemy.

But, for such a monster, Rogge actually raised his staff, chanted a spell, and easily solved it with a purple light.

This made Hudson, who was originally ready to help, silently put away the secret medicine.

Is this the true strength of the extraordinary...

[You found Shadow Bat Fangs × 2. ]

[You found Shadow Bat Wings × 2. 】

【You found a shadow crystal x 1. 】

Rogge glanced at the last shadow crystal. As expected, it was a material.

After putting it away, Rogge looked at Hudson on the side.

"Let's go, let's go to the feces coral island now."

Looking at the skeleton staff that disappeared in Rogge's hand, Hudson followed silently.

Why did I join the exorcist business in the first place?

He couldn't help but fall into deep thought.


The two of them sailed on the sea in a small sailboat.

The destination feces coral island is still some distance away from the Giant Claw City.

Hudson still behaved very silently.

But he didn't look like he was in a daze, but was always thinking about something.

In fact, he had a lot of questions to ask Rogge.

"You owe me twice, right?"

Hudson said.

"I'll ask you a question and offset it once."

Rogge nodded and said nothing.

After seeing him nod, Hudson pondered for a long time.

"...Where did you get these equipment and knowledge?"

He was very puzzled.

Evidently, Rogge didn't even know the basic knowledge of meditation, so where did he get the strength of a superhuman and the knowledge of a potion master?

Fished out of the sea?

"Your question...uh."

Rogge felt a toothache.

"How should I put it..."

"It should be considered as fishing."

He said so.

That's right, if Rogge hadn't caught a bottle of potion from fishing, he might not even be able to find the cave.

If he couldn't find the cave, he probably wouldn't have the strength he has now.

"..."Hudson's mouth twitched: "It doesn't count."

"This doesn't count."

"You still owe me two."

Hudson emphasized.

"Why doesn't it count?"

Hudson didn't say anything, just looked at him.

There is no doubt that his eyes can tell what he means-fishing, do you think I'm a three-year-old child?

"You should ask it yourself."

Rogge shrugged, and at the same time he felt helpless.

Why does no one believe the truth?

Hudson was silent for a moment.

"That counts as half."

"You still owe me one and a half."

Roger's mouth twitched.

Can this kind of thing count as half?

"Okay, okay, half is half." Roger didn't want to continue this abstract topic.

Hudson seems to lack a lot of sensibility because of the secret medicine, but he is not completely cold and ruthless, so he gives people the feeling... like a stubborn wolf?

Hudson nodded, but soon, he narrowed his eyes again.

I saw a big ship coming on the sea behind.

Roger saw that his face was not right, and turned his head to look over.

The blue flag with the Mother Goddess pattern was fluttering in the sea breeze.


Hudson frowned.

As an exorcist who has been in Giant Claw City for many years, he naturally knows something about the Mother Goddess Church.

The Mother Goddess Church in Giant Claw City is different from the initial stage of Nadwilo.

They have been rooted in the Giant Claw City for many years, and they are deeply rooted. They are spreading their faith to the civilians all the time, and are also squeezing the living space of quasi-superhumans like Hudson.

This can only be done with strength.

Seeing this, Rogge frowned.

He can now teleport the Deep Sea Blood Touch to give these guys some monster shock.

But after the Deep Sea Blood Touch is teleported to him, he can no longer guard the Green.

If the people of the Mother Goddess Church chase him while attacking Lina and others, he can't help them immediately.

Rogge didn't panic, but observed the surroundings.

Behind him, the feces coral island of the destination has appeared in sight.

"Paddle faster, go to that coral island first."

Rogge said calmly.

After that, he took out a bottle of potion from his pocket and threw it to Hudson.

"Drink it when you need it, and you can breathe underwater. Keep it."

Then, he took Hudson's oar and rowed quickly towards the coral island behind.

At the same time, the people of the Mother God Church naturally discovered their boat.

"Go full speed ahead and catch up with them."

The slender blue-robed missionary ordered, and the light blue mark on his hand shone brightly.

Beside him, two devout knights holding great swords were ready for battle, and behind them were several fanatical believers holding flintlock rifles.

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