I, Grandson Of Garp, Marine Admiral

Chapter 100 Intervention! A Figure With A Chill All Over His Body! 【46 For Customization】

In fact.

The gangsters hiding in the corner of the dark alley have already been noticed.

Whether it is Layfon, or Lu Qi, Kaku and other members of CP9, they have long seen this group of little mice hiding in the dark watching the battlefield.

As for why he didn't take the initiative to respond?

It's purely because these little mice are too weak!

Weak enough for Layfon and Lu Qi to choose to deal with them at all.

In their view, this is just a waste of time.


If the matter is resolved smoothly, Lu Qi and the others will of course clean up any traces, but for Lu Qi and the others at present.

The biggest problem is not to get rid of these little mice, but how to survive from the monster in front of me, this is the top priority!

It is also the biggest dilemma they are currently facing!

"not dead?"

"This will not make this battle boring."

Layfon looked at Lu Qi and Kaku who were approaching step by step with a smile.

It's good if you don't die!

I haven't played enough yet!

How could this game come to an end so quickly?

"Blueno, you take Kalifa out of here."

Lu Qi looked serious and ordered solemnly.

"You guys, are you sure you can stop him for a minute?"

Blueno had a weird expression.

heard the words.

Neither Lu Qi nor Kaku replied.

It's not that they don't want to answer, but they don't have the courage to answer!

Stop Layfon for a minute?

Just think about it!

Chances are very low!

"If both of you died here today, even if the rest of us escaped from the battlefield, what can we do?"

"If you are dead, the plan will declare a complete collapse. The plan we have planned and prepared for five or six years will be completely declared to have ended in failure."

"That way, let's not say we can't forgive ourselves. The people above us alone won't allow us to survive14!"

"To them."

"Any failed product is useless. They will send better personnel to recycle the failed product!"

"And for us, the situation may be even more severe by then.

"It's better..."

"Fortunately, we will fight to the end today!"

Blueno's thinking is very clear.

Exactly as he said.

As an excellent agent of CP9, it is natural that the absolute primary purpose is to complete the mission.

Even if the task is paid, it is necessary to ensure that the task and plan can be implemented smoothly.

If the task fails.

Their lives will naturally become worthless!

in particular.....…

The tasks they are currently performing are closely watched by countless big bosses above, and they look forward to them deeply, thinking that they will be able to complete the corresponding tasks.

If at this critical moment, the task is suddenly failed by them.

They are totally predictable.

What a consequence to meet them!

Five or six years of plans, in vain?

This is not just an investment of time, how many resources have been prepared to invest in each of them for this plan?

Once failed!

The consequences, even Blueno can't imagine.

One hundred percent, they will be torn to pieces by the people above to vent their anger!

"You're right."

Kaku laughed and shook his head bitterly.


As Blueno said, for them, the mission failed, and they died here today, there seems to be no big difference between the two.


Once the mission fails, the people above will never forgive them.

CP9 speaks glamorously, and holds real power, with the World government standing behind it, driving unscrupulously, and can ignore all power groups.

But in fact.

They CP9 are just pawns in the eyes of the people above!

Once they are useless, they will be discarded directly!

At that time.

There will be better people to replace them!

And they will become eliminated!

What awaits them is endless pursuit!

Those high-ranking people above will not let them, who know too many secrets, survive. Therefore, they will become waste products and be frantically obliterated for waste recycling.

"Then fight!"

Lu Qi's eyes shone brightly, resisting the stinging pain of the hideous scar in front of him, his pupils were full of cold eyes, staring at the young figure directly in front of him.


An overwhelming sense of oppression swept across his body.

by his side.

Kaku also endured the pain in his body, dragged his heavy body, and was scarred by many injuries, staring at Layfon in front of him.

As long as you don't die...

This battle is not completely over!


Lu Qi made a move.

at the same time.

Kaku also stepped forward.



The two disappeared at the same time, and appeared on the left and right sides of Layfon with lightning speed.

"Air door!"

Blueno pushed open an air door, stepped into the air door, and his figure completely disappeared in the original area.

As long as he wants, he can use the fruit ability to open the door anywhere!

even if...………


He can also open doors on air!

"Tempest Kick!"

"Finger Pistol!"

Kaku and Lu Qi flanked each other from left to right.

in between.

Layfon held a samurai sword, with a smile on his face and a slightly disappointed expression.

"too slow!"

"It seems that your state is no longer at its peak."

"When dealing with you now, it always feels like I'm bullying you."


"Let this game usher in the real end!"

A slight sideways.

Layfon dodges Kaku's Tempest Kick.

The cyan slash passed by Layfon's side, piercing through the floor tiles under his feet, sending out bursts of violent tremors, and a hideous gap was pierced through the entire ground.

at the same time.

Layfon raised the samurai sword in his hand and blocked the Finger Pistol from Lu Qi.



The collision between the blade and the Finger Pistol is like the friction between steel and steel, flashing dazzling fire.

Coping with Lu Qi's attack, Layfon seemed extraordinarily relaxed and unstressed.

at the same time.

"Open the door!"

Blueno suddenly opened the door above Layfon's head, and revealed a head with hair like horns, reaching out to grab Layfon's head.

Air, showing the door being pushed open!

This weird trick is hard to guard against!

As for Blueno, his body was hidden in this cloud of air, only a head and hands were exposed, and he was about to restrain Layfon's movements.


While Layfon was dealing with Lu Qi's attack, he noticed Blueno above his head out of the corner of his eye.

Door fruit?

What a great ability!


Turned up to the wrong person!

Otherwise, this fruit ability must be developed to a very powerful level.

What a pity.

Unexpectedly, let the idiot Blueno eat this Devil Fruit!

Facing Blueno's attack, Layfon tilted his head slightly.

Very easily, avoiding Blueno's hands.

at the same time.

With lightning speed, Layfon stretched out his left hand, trying to grab Blueno's neck.

Sensing Layfon's movement, Blueno's pupils shrank, his face changed dramatically, and he was about to retract his head to the air door to bask in the sun.

However, Layfon's speed is too fast!

"Not good!"

Blueno's complexion became ugly and his heart was heavy.

Immediately afterwards.

Before Blueno could react, Layfon's left hand grabbed Blueno's neck, and with his left hand, he savagely tore off the opponent's head.

Juli tightly clamped his neck, making his face flushed, he couldn't breathe, and his breath also became extremely disordered.

"Damn it!"

Blueno held on tightly to the air door to prevent being dragged out from the air door.

"Six Styles...."

"Six King Spear!"

While Layfon was entangled with Blueno, Lu Qi arrived in front of Layfon again, his fists closed, and all his strength emerged from his fists.


Power, bursting from the fist to bloom.


The terrifying shock wave rushed directly to Layfon's body.

Unexpectedly, at a critical moment.

Layfon dragged Blueno out of the air door abruptly, and pinched Blueno's neck with his left hand, so that the latter could not struggle, and finally dragged Blueno to his body.



The terrifying shock wave from the Six Kings Gun directly hit Blueno's body.


Blueno vomited blood on the spot, his face became pale, his eyes turned white and he was about to lose consciousness, he suffered severe stinging pain all over his body, and howled unbearably.

He only felt that his chest was sunken by the majestic shock wave, his entire sternum was broken, and his internal organs were displaced by the shock.

Even the blood in his body seemed to be boiling and uncontrollable, continuously pouring up his throat, and spurting out from his mouth frantically.

"Accidentally hurt a teammate?"

"It's really interesting..."

Layfon smiled playfully.


He didn't let Blueno react, grabbed the latter's neck, and smashed the other's head to the floor tiles under his feet.


The entire floor tiles collapsed, and Blueno's body and head were completely smashed and sunken, and the entire upper body was embedded under the nearly half-meter-deep ground hole.

I see.

Blueno's posture was very miserable, and he was in an embarrassing figure. He was slammed into the half-meter-deep pit, unconscious and motionless.

Get rid of Blueno smoothly.

Layfon also pulled out his hand again, focusing on both Lu Qi and Kajun again.


Seeing that Blueno was beaten to death and lay unconscious on the ground, Lu Qi and Kaku looked at each other, feeling more and more heavy.


In less than half a minute.

Lu Qi and Kaku fell down again one after another!

One was hit by Layfon's kick, and the bones in the waist were broken, and the body was bombarded with great force. The whole person flew upside down under the ruins of the wall, causing violent turmoil in the wall.

The other was covered in blood, leaning against the edge of a dark and dilapidated wall corner, breathing without rhythm, and the injury seemed particularly serious.

Ever since.

The atmosphere here has returned to tranquility!

Only Kalifa was left standing, her eyes were terrified, her pretty face was bloodless, her body was trembling, and her legs were paralyzed on the ground.

"It's over, it's over!"

Kalifa was devastated, his face was ashen, and he looked hopeless.

"Let this game end."


Feng looked at the figure of Lu Qi lying on the edge of the corner, covered in blood and scars, and approached step by step, and raised the sharp samurai sword in his hand.

The blade shone coldly!

A faint smell of blood spread from the blade in all directions.

"Are you going to die?"

Lu Qi's face was pale, his body was heavy, and the vision of his pupils became somewhat blurred. The blood from the corners of his eyes slid down, obscuring his vision.

He could only vaguely catch it.

A young figure was approaching himself step by step with a samurai sword in hand.


Layfon's footsteps stopped abruptly again.

He didn't reach Lu Qi's body, but stagnated in an area about ten meters in front of Lu Qi's body, stopping his footsteps so strangely and without warning.

Layfon stood there silently, never moving again.

Let the atmosphere here become a little weird!


No sound!

The dark alley, because there is no sunshine all year round, makes the humidity here relatively heavy.

In addition, a lot of stagnant water has accumulated on both sides of the corner, scattered on the relatively sunken soil area, flowing slowly with a little smell.

But I don't know why.

Just at that moment.

The temperature of the air here seems to have dropped a lot!

Not just dropped a star and a half!

It's like a change from a dozen degrees above zero to a dozen degrees below zero!

From the original cold......

Get icy!

It's freezing cold!

With the breeze blowing.

Layfon could feel that his body had endured bursts of cold wind that pierced through his clothes and pierced his skin directly.

Air temperature plummeted!

This is a real drop in temperature!


I don't know when it will start.

In the dark corners on both sides, puddles of puddles of stagnant water with a faint smell suddenly formed a layer of ice, which quickly began to condense until it was completely frozen.

Layfon could feel the icy cold wind coming from his back.

It's just like..….…

Back against a huge mass of ice, the cold wind swept across the body.

"Brother, you can't kill them."

A tall and thin figure appeared as if Kong Kong had appeared.

Without warning.

He was so weird, standing behind Layfon.

This lazy voice came out of his mouth, and it didn't contain too much emotional fluctuation, but it was especially loud and harsh in this silent atmosphere.


He exhaled lightly from his mouth, and in an instant, the gas that he blown out turned into many tiny ice cubes that condensed and fell from a high altitude, falling to the floor tiles under his feet.

The cold air is continuously coming out from this person's body, causing the air temperature here to plummet at a very obvious speed!


The biting coldness spread in all directions, filling this dark and dilapidated alley. .

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