The blood was blown away, and the blood was blown away.

After his consciousness returned to the body, Fang Yu waved his hands in the air.

I saw a strong blood force coming out from his fingertips.

This blood force did not turn into an attack, but kept wandering in the air.

The wandering blood force turned into a mysterious rune, and a faint red light flashed on the rune.

The rune kept trembling in the air, as if it was extremely unstable.

However, with Fang Yu's continuous control, the blood rune gradually stabilized.

Looking at the blood rune that appeared in front of him, Fang Yu's mouth corners rose wildly.

"It works! Hahaha!"

But at this moment, Fang Yu suddenly felt a dizziness in his brain, and even his steps were almost unable to stand steady.

He leaned down slightly and took a few deep breaths to relieve the imbalance in his body.

Just now during the deduction process, Fang Yu almost used all his energy on thinking, and his brain was working crazily all the time.

This is different from his usual martial arts practice. This method undoubtedly puts more terrible pressure on Fang Yu's brain and mental power.

As a result, his "Seven Apertures" entry, which could be activated for an hour, was severely overloaded, and the time was shortened to about half an hour.

And Fang Yu ignored this point because he was immersed in the deduction.

Fang Yu just activated the "Seven Apertures" entry for more than an hour, which also caused his brain and mental power to fall into a semi-overloaded state at this time.

After a short rest, Fang Yu has been relieved from the strong dizziness.

Fortunately, he only exceeded the time by twice this time, and only needs to recover for one or two days to return to normal.

Fang Yu looked up at the stairs of the living beings above his head, with a hint of hesitation on his face.

His condition was not very good at this time, and his head was still a little swollen.

However, he could not wait to try his method now.

However, reason finally overcame impulse, and Fang Yu continued to sit cross-legged and began to close his eyes and rest silently.

However, at this time, below Fang Yu, Jin Zhu was standing there with his upper body naked, his eyes were scattered, and he was standing there.

From time to time, a trace of ferocity and rage flashed across his face.

About ten minutes later, Jin Zhu's body began to tremble constantly, and then his eyes suddenly opened, and a sad roar came out of his mouth.

After Jin Zhu saw the surrounding environment clearly, he slowly calmed down.

"Were those just now all fake?"

Jin Zhu's expression was doubtful, as if he was thinking about which world was the real one.

After thinking for a while, Jin Zhu still couldn't figure it out.

But fortunately, he was not too nervous and did not care too much about it. Instead, he showed a happy look.

"Hahaha, I passed!" Jin Zhu laughed happily.

"I don't know if the next round of competition will be a battle. I don't know what stairs a good warrior should climb here. It's more comfortable to fight!"

Jin Zhu's eyes lit up, and then he suddenly continued to move upwards.

His body roared, and the whole person seemed to be more energetic after being baptized by the illusion.

With this momentum, Jin Zhu actually climbed 25 steps in one breath.

At this time, the blood vessels on his skin began to bulge slightly, like a knotted dragon.

"Tsk, is it the limit again? I'm really useless! Ah ah!" As Jin Zhu continued to roar, his steps continued.

126th step, 127th step, 130th step...

Just when he stepped on the 135th step, a cloud of blood mist suddenly burst out of Jin Zhu's body.

His body was actually deformed by the huge pressure on the Common People Stairs.

His consciousness began to become scattered, and the whole person seemed to be drunk and shaky.


With a bang, a cloud of blood mist burst out of his chest again, and Jin Zhu fell straight down like a kite with a broken string.

Before he fainted, he vaguely felt that his body seemed to be wrapped by a gentle force, and even the speed of falling was slowed down by half.


After a night, Fang Yu slowly opened his eyes.

It was 9 o'clock in the morning on the second day of the preliminary test.

After a night of recovery, Fang Yu's mental injuries had recovered by more than half.

Looking at the stairs around him, Fang Yu couldn't help but frown.

"Why have I climbed the Common People Stairs for so long, but I haven't met anyone? Could it be that once I climb the stairs, I will be separated from other examinees?"


After a while, Fang Yu did not come up with a clear answer.

He stretched his muscles and decided to start climbing the ladder of life again.

The moment he stepped into the 200th step, Fang Yu felt that the pressure around him was twice as strong again.

Fang Yu estimated that even a warrior who had just entered the second level would find it difficult to resist this level of pressure.

If it were the first level, he would probably have to forcefully open the Star Meridian Art to barely support it.

However, for Fang Yu at the moment, this pressure was nothing.

So, he started to move forward without stopping.

As for why he did not choose to continue practicing, it was because after a warrior reached the second level, the way of practicing had changed dramatically from before.

No longer continuing to temper his own blood and qi, but needing to start training the control of blood and qi, and using special exercises to transform blood and qi into spirit.

Therefore, Fang Yu's original "Foundation Building Blood Training Method" has been practiced to the end. If he wants to continue to improve, he needs to find a special method for transforming spirit.

Fang Yu was not in a hurry about this. Anyway, there was no energy to be extracted for cultivation, so it was better to concentrate on studying the white gas in this illusion.

In just a few minutes, Fang Yu crossed the 98th step again.

Looking at the 299th step in front of him, Fang Yu took a deep breath and stepped on it directly.

The familiar feeling enveloped Fang Yu again. This time, the environment around Fang Yu was very different from before.

It can even be said that this illusion seemed a little less like an illusion, but more like the real world.

Looking at the parents in front of him, Fang Yu showed a complicated look on his face.

He looked up and looked around, and found that he was in a bright living room.

Marble floor, European white wooden cabinet, and a sofa with a soft touch.

All this was strange but familiar.

This was Fang Yu's home.

It was his home on Earth.

And the parents in front of him were also Fang Yu's real parents.

For some reason, there was a trace of tears in Fang Yu's eyes.

"Oh, I didn't expect that I still miss home in my heart."

Fang Yu laughed at himself, his voice slightly choked.

"Ayu, don't lie on the sofa, get up and help wipe the table, it's time for dinner." The familiar voice of the mother sounded, and she looked disgusted, constantly urging Fang Yu to get up and work.

"Really, day after day, as soon as the holiday comes, you just lie in bed, and you don't care about life at all!"

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