I evolve infinitely in the Marvel world

Chapter 710 Tracking Thanos’ Plan

Banner saw that Lacey responded instantly and seemed to be really lifeless, so he didn't ask any more questions.

Other women can find ways to pick them up, but Lacey can only be treated as friends.

In a mountaintop villa.

Harvey saw that Tony and the others had decided to take action in a month, and also planned to take a good look at it then.

However, it can be said that Lacey's worry about changing impressions is a common thing for women.

After all, even if Lacey doesn't plan to get married or find a partner in the future, she can basically handle everything by herself.

But regardless of her ability, Lacey doesn't want others to forget that she is a woman.

It’s just that it’s very difficult to do.

Only Lacey really no longer intends to fight and kill, and adjusts and maintains it for more than ten or twenty years.

It makes people feel a completely changed feeling, which can gradually change the inherent impression of the current members of the Void God Cult.

Otherwise, Lacey's ruthless image cannot be changed no matter what.

However, after Tony and others returned to Void Island, there was indeed a lot of excitement.

A month didn't last long, so Harvey waited leisurely.


After the New Year's pilgrimage passed, many members of the Void Cult were preparing to leave one after another.

Tony and others would basically stay on the island for a few more days in the past, but their plans for next year have changed.

So a few people also asked Stephen to help teleport without stopping and send them back to Blue Star.

Alex also left the next day. He had previously said that he would stay on the island for a few days because he planned to listen to Bai Linglong's test.

Now that he has finished listening to it, he has nothing to do on the island, so he will naturally go back to Mowgli to handle his own affairs.

Lacey asked Madam Butterfly to help pay attention. She also used her own intelligence network to collect some news about Thanos's movements.

Although Thanos has now left Titan, it is impossible to find Thanos so quickly and accurately.

However, you can still collect some tracks of Thanos' movements, and then you can follow the tracks to catch Thanos.

Just one week has passed since the New Year pilgrimage.

It was early in the morning.

Bai Linglong left her home and walked along the avenue, and saw Void Island, which had returned to normal peace again.

She also plans to leave Void Island and visit various civilizations in the universe.

So Bai Linglong waited until Miss Sarah's working hours and came to the Temple of Records.

"Are you ready to leave too?"

Sarah saw Bai Linglong's arrival and said proactively.

"Well, I have made some necessary preparations now, and I am strong enough to ensure my own safety outside."

"So I'm going to check out some nearby planets."

"But before that, I have to go back to the Saint Nicholas Civilization."

Bai Linglong said with a smile upon hearing this.

"When do you expect to come back?"

Sarah had no intention of staying, but just asked Bai Linglong about some detailed plans.

"This is not clear yet, but even if I want to see the outside world."

"At the beginning, I will only take a look at nearby civilizations."

"The road is similar, so it is possible to go back to Void Island directly at any time."

"If I don't come back, then I will just come back during next New Year's pilgrimage like everyone else."

Bai Linglong heard this and explained some of her plans.

"I see, then let's leave for a week or more and the cap will be one year."

"Miss Bai Linglong, your appearance and identity are more special than others."

“When you go out and feel that the scenery you see and the customs and culture you experience are not in line with your expectations, don’t feel too disappointed.”

“Just because a civilization’s customs and customs do not meet expectations does not mean that this is the case for all civilizations.”

"The outside world is full of unknowns."

“Just pick yourself up and keep swimming.”

"I look forward to you being able to return to each other's hometowns occasionally and share with me the adventures and experiences you have encountered outside."

After Sarah filled in the cycle time for Bai Linglong's departure, she smiled and gave her blessing while also expressing her expectations.

The place where the base camp of the Void God Cult is located is my hometown.

You will basically not encounter many depressing things here. Even if you do, you can find someone to chat with to relieve your mood.

It's just that going out is not like home. You may encounter all kinds of happy, painful, and sad things at any time.

Especially with Bai Linglong's rather special background and appearance, she may encounter more setbacks than ordinary people.

Therefore, Sarah must tell Bai Linglong that she must return to Void Island to adjust her state of mind.

But despite her intentions, Sarah's words did not feel like a warning.

Sometimes, expectation is an emotion that is easier for people to accept than direct instructions.

"Well, when the time comes, I will be like Mr. Kyle and others. I will take pictures of some beautiful things for you and bring them back to chat with you slowly."

"Then I'm leaving."

Bai Linglong felt this expectation and said with a smile.

"Bon voyage, I will always be here waiting for you to come back."

When Sarah heard this, her voice was like a warm wind gently drifting into people's hearts. She said goodbye and looked forward to seeing each other again next time.

After watching Bai Linglong leave, there was only one person in the Temple of Records who looked a little deserted.

Sarah didn't have any discomfort with this and was used to it. She opened the list of members on the Void Island, which clearly showed who was on the island and who was gone.

"Miss Bai Linglong should be the last one planning to leave today."

After Sarah looked at the list carefully, she thought about the action cycles of many members of the Void Cult.

If she wanted to travel far away, she could only summarize the rules and determine which times of the year were her most leisurely days.

During those days, she could ask Senior Sonia for leave and go outside for a walk.

As for Bai Linglong, a new member who had recently joined the Void Cult, she did not choose to stay on the island but chose to leave like the others.

Sarah didn't mind at all, or rather she was used to it.

Once a person gets stronger power than before, he will definitely hope to be able to do things that he could not do before.

Therefore, there have never been many permanent residents on the island.

After Sarah made a summary, she directly sent a message to senior Sonia.

Now the New Year pilgrimage has just passed, and most of the members have left the island one after another. Senior Sonia still has to work, but work is undoubtedly one of the less busy days of the year.

"Has Bai Linglong left already?"

After Sonia connected, she saw that Sarah was not in the Temple of Records, so she asked.

"Well, I expected that Miss Bai Linglong would leave within these few days, and the result was as I expected."

Sarah smiled and nodded when she heard this.

"Since you are not busy over there for the time being, you should go home and talk to Lalatina first."

"I expect that in twenty minutes I will have half an hour to spare."

"I'll go over to you then and have a chat about how to plant the golden branches and leaves."

Sonia has already withdrawn the offerings from the Void Temple.

She liked the golden branches and leaves contributed by Kyle and the others very much.

Fifty golden branches and leaves are currently placed in the exhibition hall of the mountaintop villa, and the remaining fifty will be planted directly.

If she continues to plant more in the future, Sonia will not be stingy. At most, she will keep two pieces, one is her favorite, and the other is Mr. Kassadin's favorite for collection.

He will not regard it as a treasure and keep it in his hand.

Anyway, the golden maple trees bloom all over the mountains and rivers, and the natural scenery formed is also a treasure of the Void God Sect, and it can be directly seen by everyone.


Sarah nodded upon hearing this.

The other side.

"Lord Lacey, why didn't you go to practice?"

After Bai Linglong returned home, she saw a figure and said with some surprise.

In the past, Lady Lacey had already gone to practice at this time.

"I spend a lot of time practicing."

"This is your first time traveling far away, so I have to give you something as a gift."

Lacey heard this and spoke.

"Don't be so exaggerated. When I say I'm traveling far away, I'm actually just going to see some nearby civilizations around the Xandar planet, and I'll come back at any time."

Bai Linglong waved her hands and said embarrassedly.

"Is this an exaggeration? After all, you and I have been living together for more than half a year, so you deserve a gift."

"But you have gone through so many years of trials, and you are actually several times older than me."

"So I won't say too much."

"Be safe when you go out."

"As long as you stay rational at all times, know what you are doing, and do not commit violent and bottomless killings or violate taboos, then many compatriots of the Void Cult and even Lord Kassadin will always have your backing."

Lacey came to Bai Linglong and said seriously.

She has taught many people, but most of them have their own ideas, so she teaches them techniques to help them improve their strength.

As for Bai Linglong, Lacey not only taught various cultivation experiences and techniques, but also some concepts on how to behave in the world.

When women travel in the universe, it's fine if there are men around them. But if there are no men and only women travel alone, they will easily encounter troubles of all sizes.

And once someone plots against you, the end will be like hell on earth.

Even with Bai Linglong's strength, she has the ability to protect herself in the face of various plots.

But Bai Linglong told her that Bai Linglong had never truly traveled the universe, whether in this life or the life during the test.

This means that Bai Linglong has always lived in her comfort zone.

For the first time, she stepped out of her comfort zone to experience countless unknowns. There will be many happy things and secret losses for Bai Linglong to gradually experience in the future.

This is also a necessary stage of life growth.

So regardless of whether Bai Linglong knew it or not, Lacey would still warn Bai Linglong.


When Bai Linglong heard these words, a smile appeared on her face and she nodded.

Even though she was much older than Lady Lacey in terms of actual years of experience, she had heard similar words from Lady Lacey many times, but she had never felt bored.

As Miss Sarah said, it's better to have someone who cares than no one.

Since she came to the island, the person who has taken care of her the most is Lady Lacey.

In addition, experience can never be calculated based on age alone.

So for Bai Linglong, she has long regarded Lady Lacey as a master-like existence.

Later, after Bai Linglong returned home and picked up some convenient things, she left Void Island under the watch of Lacey and began her long-awaited ideal journey.

After Bai Linglong left.

"Lacie, you have become much softer."

Renault also came to the harbor at this time, looked at Lacey who had been watching the direction Bai Linglong left, and said.

"I can't say I'm soft-hearted, I'm just a little reluctant and worried."

"It's not like you don't know some of the culture of the Saint Nicholas Civilization."

"Bai Linglong's journey outside is destined to be different from us and others."

When Lacey suddenly heard these words, she was not surprised and just expressed her feelings.

"Life is not always smooth sailing. As long as Bai Linglong doesn't give up the idea of ​​traveling the universe, this is the life and suffering she must go through."

"But I really don't understand. How can I be happy in my hometown when I'm away from home?"

Kyle's figure also quietly appeared next to Lacey and spoke.

"Although I couldn't agree more with what you said, people always have to go out and see the scenery outside."

"If you always live in a corner, your horizons will become smaller."

The prophet said with a smile.

They had already traveled around the universe before joining the Void Cult.

After receiving the blessing of the void and joining the Void Cult, they wanted to make some money with Lacey, so they did not stop thinking about traveling the universe immediately.

We have participated in various missions together and been active on the battlefields of various civilizations. We have experienced the excitement and fun of battle against certain strong men who have been rewarded with bounties, and we have also seen the hypocrisy and sinister intentions of countless people.

When traveling in the outside world, it is impossible for you to completely let down all your guard and live a carefree life.

Because people’s hearts are unpredictable, you must wear a mask if you want to travel outside.

But wearing masks is too tiring to live, so they prefer to stay in their new hometown of Void Island rather than continue to travel outside.

Many permanent residents on Void Island may have different ideas, but most of them have seen the noisy world outside and prefer a comfortable life, so they stay on the island all year round.

Is it really difficult to live on Void Island permanently? It's not difficult at all. Once in a while, you can go out for activities and find something to do to earn some money, and then you can just lie down for a few years.

It's just that they haven't lived long enough, they haven't done what they wanted to do in the past, and the things they care about haven't faded away with the passage of time, so one and two of them ran away to the outside world.

Wait until they achieve their ideals and do what they want to do.

As long as they don't step into the abyss of desire in the future, they will definitely gather together at the base camp of the Void God Sect like them.

Master Kassadin and Miss Sonia must be aware of these things.

Therefore, except for the battle on Xandar, which may bring danger to them and require them to travel cautiously, there have never been any restrictions on the travel of members of the Void Cult.

"Anyway, with Bai Linglong's strength, it's safe enough outside."

"If you are worried, just talk to her directly if you have nothing to do."

"Let's go, go practice."

"We'll see what she encounters when she comes back later."

Kyle was not worried at all that Bai Linglong would encounter any big danger outside.

After all, Bai Linglong learned from Lacey. With Lacey's character, she would definitely not teach a woman who is willing to suffer.


Lacey nodded upon hearing this.

Several people also started to go to the Gravity Building.


The golden branches and leaves were enshrined, and it took less than half a month.

Kyle and others heard the good news that Miss Sonia had planned a piece of land and planned to plant three plots on Void Island.

There are also forty-five golden branches and leaves that Miss Lalatina can take directly to Void Island Planet 001 to plant.

Planet Void 001 is currently only a warship manufacturing base and a food growing base.

But the most valuable thing about Planet Void 001 is that it is a habitable planet and can be migrated to at any time.

This made Kyle, Lacey, Rennoli, and the Predict extremely happy.

More than twenty days flew by in the blink of an eye.

It was ten o'clock in the morning on Xandar.

On this day, Tony, Banner, Steve, and Stephen all returned to Void Island.

Paige and Pepper stayed with Blue Star to take care of them to avoid any accidents.

Although Pietro and Wanda are already quite strong and can defeat most enemies.

However, Blue Star's level of technological civilization is not very high, but it has many treasures and its individual strength can be described as a flurry of gods and demons.

There is no guarantee that a strong man will suddenly attack Blue Star, or a weakling who desires to rule the world will pop up in Blue Star.

Therefore, it is still necessary to leave some backup to guard Blue Star.

"Tony, didn't you find Thor and Loki?"

After Lacey and the others came to the experimental area to join Tony, they saw the people present and asked.

"I've looked for it, and Thor and Loki also promised to be there."

"But Thor and Loki are busy with many things right now."

"So he asked us to do our pre-war work, and wait until we actually find the traces of Thanos and the people who find him."

"Just let Stephen teleport them over again."

Tony heard this and spoke.

"I see, but it's no wonder."

"Now that Thor is the Lord of the Nine Realms, it will be difficult for him to escape."

Kyle heard the words spoken.

Of course they also understand Thor and Loki's difficulties.

Because Thor and Loki are responsible not only for the people of Asgard, but for the entire Nine Realms.

Even if Blue Star Tony and the others are guarding the area, Thor and Loki basically don't need to take care of it, but there are still countless living beings in the eight worlds, so it's normal for Thor and Loki to be busy.

A group of people were not polite and each found a place to sit or just stand.

"Lacie, are there any clues about Thanos?"

Tony asked after sitting down and looking at Lacey.

"Because the difference is at least five million light years and the distance is too far, it is impossible to find specific traces directly."

"However, some traces of Thanos were captured by others, and some information has been collected from the planets and civilizations passing by."

"When we follow Thanos' escape route, we should be able to find him if we search and investigate nearby."

When Lacey heard this, she didn't waste any words and directly released a star map.

Although the intelligence network of Lacey and Madame Butterfly is very large, almost a lot of information in the Andromeda Galaxy and nearby galaxies can be easily collected.

Lacey is also aware of some of the movements of some big shots.

It's just that Thanos is no longer as brave as he used to be, and instead deliberately covers up some of his traces. As a result, even if Lacey wants to collect it, she may not be able to collect it.

We can only go to the nearby area to investigate in person.

"So far away?"

"Then the ten days and a half we spare may not be enough to solve this matter?"

Tony frowned slightly when he heard that it was five million light years away.

"If we follow the fastest route, we can reach the nearby area in a few days."

"If the investigation goes well, it is possible that the matter will be resolved within ten days and a half."

"If it doesn't work out, just let the prophet take action."

Lacey heard this and spoke.

Thanos mainly has grudges with Tony and others who were born in the Nine Realms.

A few of them belonged to the past raiders, and would only take action in emergencies, otherwise they did not want to get too involved in personal grudges.

"It's not impossible for me to take action."

"But since you plan to solve this matter, then make more time."

"As long as this is resolved, you can sit back and relax, stay in Blue Star and do what you want to do."

The prophet heard this and spoke.

If Tony asks, he will definitely be willing to help, so it depends on what Tony and the others think.

Finding and solving it yourself is the real revenge for these people.

If it were borrowed from them, it would be considered revenge, but Tony and the others would definitely not feel that happy.

After all, Tony, Banner, Steve, and Stephen were not strong enough in the past.

The strength is far from that of Thanos, who is at the top of the universe, so there is no way to face Thanos, and it is not even possible to directly know that it is Thanos who invades Blue Star.

Today is different from the past. Tony and the others have grown in strength and become strong enough.

Although there are still some risks and it may not be possible to directly defeat Thanos, it can certainly be fought.

So they just went over to raid the formation to reduce the risk of Tony and the others confronting Thanos.

"Okay, I'll contact Pepper and free up a month."

"If it takes more than twenty days to find Thanos, then I will have to ask you, the Predictor, to help."

After hearing this, Tony thought about it for a moment and said directly without hesitating too much.

If possible, Tony would definitely want people like them from the Nine Realms to directly deal with Thanos.

Because Thanos targeted Blue Star not once, but twice, once with the Chitauri army, and once with Black Star leading many troops.

If his talent hadn't been appreciated and he had received the blessing of the Void before anyone else, Blue Star would have suffered numerous casualties that time.

After saying that, Tony directly started to contact Pepper in front of everyone.

Pepper answered after a few minutes.

Tony explained the slightly changed plan to Pepper.

"Don't worry, Blue Star is watching over us."

"Even if we encounter some dangerous enemies, Mr. Saul hasn't gone directly to your side yet."

"You can definitely handle calling his name by then."

"You just need to solve the biggest problem first and then talk about it."

Pepper had no objection to Tony's statement that the implementation of this plan might take longer.

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