Akihara’s heart froze, and rock-like armor suddenly grew around his body.

“Earth Rock Armor!”

The reason why Akihara dared to test the trap alone was because he mastered this extremely defensive earth escape.

Before, Sakurai Ye’s detonation charm obviously hit Akihara, but it did not hurt Akihara in the slightest, also because of this trick.

However, just as Akihara was waiting for the explosion to appear around him, he suddenly found that there seemed to be no movement around him.

Before Akihara could wonder, a series of explosions suddenly came from behind him.

Akihara’s face changed drastically, and then he immediately turned around.

Behind him, where the Black Cloud Guard was hiding, the surrounding woods, there was already a sea of fire…

“Boom! Duh! Bang! Boom…”

“Quickly use the soil, use the soil!”


Countless detonation charms ignited in the surrounding trees, and a huge explosion roared, instantly covering the area behind Akihara.

Even if it is an elite upper patience, it is difficult to resist when the detonation charm is suddenly triggered around it.

Akihara has such a special trick, but others are not completely able to avoid it.

For a while, a series of roaring sounds were mixed with a lot of screams.

The elite Shangnin in the Black Cloud Guardian did not expect that the detonation charm was so dense, and one of the elite Shangnin, when he couldn’t dodge, was directly hit by 5 detonation charms and directly killed! It was just that there was not a single explosion that exploded around Akihara!

Hit the count! Sakurai Ye was overjoyed, watching the huge explosion behind Akihara, and gestured to several ninjas beside him.


“Swish, swish…”

Countless kunai tied to the detonation charm were thrown out by Sakurai Ye and several ninjas in succession.

Such an explosion has obviously made these kunai lose their target – when arranging tactics before, the only two upper Shinobi had asked such a question.

“If there is no target, we just throw blindly, will these detonators really be useful?”

But Sakurai Ye just shook his head, and then grinned: “Even if you give those elite Shinobi targets, how many times can you blow up people?” ”

“But what’s the point of doing that?”

One of the superiors was puzzled: “Sir, I can understand that you hit all the detonation charms of the wounded. But a whole half of the detonators are associated with a device, but not placed near the trigger device, which is risky enough, and now…”

Sakurai Ye said, “Lord Yoshimura has already handed over the command to me, so do it.” ”

Countless detonation talismans were thrown directly into the sky by Sakurai Ye and the others at an oblique upward angle.

There was no accurate target at all, but countless detonators were overwhelmed, but they were quickly connected immediately after the detonator detonated on the ground had just exploded.

Two explosions, almost seamless – these elite Shinobi didn’t even have a chance to breathe, and were bombarded again by the volley of detonators flying in mid-air.

Of course, these detonators are poorly accurate.

However, the number of detonators makes up for this deficiency very well… This group of rock ninja would not have thought that they were always ninjas they fought on weekdays, and whether it was the way of fighting or the style of fighting, it was the thinking of ninjas.

What Sakurai Ye brought was a tactic brought from another dimension…

May Day reading is happy! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive (Event Period: April 29 to May 3)

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