Because of the fact that Yuekae inserted into Inoue, Orihime naturally could not be bullied when she was in middle school, and met Ryūtaka Arizawa.

However, when they entered high school, Orihime or Ryugui met each other and soon became good friends.

When Orihime and Ryugui enter the classroom of the third class of the year.

A young girl with a middle head and a red glasses frame suddenly hugged Orihime from behind, and said with a smile like an idiot:

“Wow, Orihime, this amount has recently become plump again!”

Just when Orihime’s face was red and she didn’t know what to do, a sole appeared on the face of the girl with red glasses, and suddenly the girl rolled around the classroom a few times, and her nostrils hit the wall with blood.

“Give me enough time, Chizuru bastard!!”

Suddenly, the entire classroom fell silent.

However, just when everyone thought that the girl who was kicked would be fine, the girl pushed her glasses, sat on the ground and whispered:

“Long Gui, this is what you don’t understand, this is Love !!!”

But the next moment, Yusawa Ryugui raised his foot and began to kick wildly in the face of the girl who said love.

“Well… It’s terrifying! The boy with short coffee hair who was watching this scene on the side trembled and said to his companion who was playing with his mobile phone:

“Aqua, you’re right!”

Hearing this, the island water color of an excellent student said:

“It’s just their daily communication, Keigo!”


Just as Asano Keigo had a half-believing expression, a teenager with short orange hair walked in with a schoolbag in one hand and on his shoulder.

“Ichigo!!” Asano Keigo immediately rushed out excitedly, wanting to give the other party a hug.

However, Kurosaki Ichigo flashed, and Asano Keigo threw himself on the ground, muttering in his mouth

“I knew it would be like this!”

Kurosaki Ichigo glanced at Keigo on the ground and said lightly, “Sorry, Keigo! ”

“Forget it!” Keigo Asano climbed up.

Then he pressed his elbow against Kurosaki’s abdomen, and whispered with a red face:

“To tell you a super big news, I saw a group of super cute big sisters on the street yesterday.

Ah, if I could, I really want to be a Mitsuiji walking bug under those big sisters, like that…!”

“Sorry, Keigo, I don’t want to delay you if you want to be a bug, but it’s about to go to class.”

Kurosaki Ichigo said as he placed his bag on his window seat.

At this time, Yue Zhimei, who was the teacher of the third class teacher of the third class of the year, walked in and said with a smile:

“Okay, everyone back to their seats, now start the roll call!”

The morning class ended quickly, and at noon Inoue Orihime took out her bento from her bag.

Then he and a group of girls gathered their desks together and ate bento.

“Orihime, every time I look at your bento, I feel so rich, what is this black and lacquered thing, and this red sashimi color feels so gorgeous!”

At the dinner table, Michiru Ogawa, a quiet-looking girl in the handicraft department, asked curiously.

Hearing this, Orihime pressed her hand against her chin and pondered for a moment and said:

“Sister Eri seems to have said that these are caviar for white sturgeon, and these are sashimi made of bluefin tuna.”

To be honest, Orihime didn’t show off anything, after all, she had never touched these things before adoption, let alone familiarized them.

Now she just repeated what the maid once said.

However, hearing her words, the eyes of the girls on the side became different.

“Wow, I didn’t expect Orihime to be the eldest miss, so envious oh, eating the caviar of white sturgeon and the sashimi of bluefin tuna, wow, what kind of life is this.”

“Could it be that Orihime is a princess, no wonder it’s called Hime, a descendant of a former daimyo.”

Listening to a group of people talking, Inoue Orihime was full of question marks, put her finger to her lips and said

“I don’t really like these, but I think it’s good to put honey and mustard noodles, and green onion bread with a very sweet filling.”

Hearing this, the girls who were still talking endlessly suddenly went down.

My mind echoes the noodles that Orihime Inoue puts with honey and wasabi and the scallion bread with a very sweet filling.

Yuze Longgui covered his forehead next to him and complained

“What the hell is this cooking, and fortunately she was adopted, otherwise eating that kind of thing, can people live so long?”

Only Chizuru, the infatuated girl, pushed his glasses, and while excitedly rushing towards Orihime, he said:

“Orihime is so cute, I’m going to eat noodles with honey and wasabi!”

However, what awaited her was the panel of a wooden stool.

Looking at Chizuru, whose entire face turned flat, Yuzawa Ryugui’s eyes turned:

“By the way, Orihime, can we go to your house to play?”

“Ugh!” Inoue Orihime exclaimed in surprise, and then stood up: “This…..!!”

“Can’t you?” Yusawa Ryugui said disappointedly.

Looking at the disappointed expressions of a group of girls next to her, Orihime waved her hand again and again and explained in a panic:

“No, it’s just that I need to talk to Brother Feng!”

“Oh, that’s it, then I’ll wait for Orihime’s reply.” Yusawa Ryugui said with a smile.

However, at this time, the honji Chizuru, who was revived with a nosebleed, appeared out of nowhere, and in front of Orihime’s face in confusion, he said with an examining gaze:

“Who is that Brother Feng!”

Looking at Chizuru who was almost attached to her face, Inoue Orihime immediately had sweat on her face and said in a panic: “Brother Kaede is…. It is….! ”

After explaining, everyone knew that Inoue Orihime was not the eldest miss, but just adopted.

Immediately, everyone cast pitying eyes on her.

On the other hand, when Ichigo Kurosaki returned to his home with the Kurosaki Clinic sign after a day of classes, he had just changed into slippers at the entrance.

I saw my lovely sister Youzi standing in the corridor and whispering:

“Brother, there is a handsome big brother at home, he is talking with his father in the living room.”

“Big brother?” Kurosaki Ichigo heard laughter coming from the living room in his ears,

Wondering suspiciously, the uncle of his own family will talk and laugh with a young man like this? Is the sun coming out of the west?

The next moment, Ichigo Kurosaki opened the door to the living room.

I saw a man in a white suit with short silver hair, gold wire glasses, and white suits sitting opposite his father, Kurosaki Isshin.

Even with Kurosaki Ichigo’s senses, he must admit that the other party is really handsome.

It looks like a handmade suit is decent and generous, with a black and red striped tie, plus delicate facial features,

The overall feeling to him was like a famous aristocrat.

“How could that salty uncle in my family know such a character who looks like a comic book!!!” Ichigo Kurosaki thought in disbelief.

However, the next moment, he heard Kurosaki shouting in a heart: “Flawed! ”

Saying that, a foot had landed on Kurosaki Ichigo’s face door, and grunted and kicked him out of the living room to lie down in the hallway,

Then, Kurosaki Ichigo blushed with a face with footprints and got up angrily

“Bastard, old man!!”

“Tap-da!” Father and son punched and kicked together.

After a while, but seeing both father and son sitting at the table with blue noses and swollen eyes, Kurosaki introduced to Kurosaki Ichigo with one heart:

“This is your Uncle Ruyue!”

“Uncle !!!” Kurosaki Ichigo turned his head mechanically, and then pointed at Ruyue Kaede’s face

“With this face that looks about the same size as me, you let me call him uncle!!”

(New book for collection, monthly pass, flowers, evaluation ticket, thank you)

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